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View Full Version : Piggyback to remote Rezzies.

03-30-2003, 07:33 AM
I just purchased a 400ex. I am stripping the parts off it and putting the Elkas on my quad. I am new to the suspension area on my 400ex. Does anyone know how much it costs to get Elka to convert the Piggybacks to Remote Rezzies ?

I dont know it the terms I used are right, so correct me please.


03-30-2003, 07:35 AM
Heres a pic of my Elka's

Tommy 17
03-30-2003, 07:54 AM
you'd have to replace the whole top of hte shock... it would probably be way cheaper to sale the piggy backs and buy a new set of remote rezzy...

03-30-2003, 08:04 AM
why would you want to change?

03-30-2003, 08:22 AM
if i read this right.....it would be an upgrade from non-rezzy elkas to a can style rezzy. im not sure on a price from elka...but i believe its like a $175 upgrade on the works shocks so id expect it to be in that ballpark.

Tommy 17
03-30-2003, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
if i read this right.....it would be an upgrade from non-rezzy elkas to a can style rezzy. im not sure on a price from elka...but i believe its like a $175 upgrade on the works shocks so id expect it to be in that ballpark.

nope pappy... he wants to put remote rezzies on a piggy back shock... to do that u'd have to replace atleast the whole top part of the shock...

03-30-2003, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
nope pappy... he wants to put remote rezzies on a piggy back shock... to do that u'd have to replace atleast the whole top part of the shock...

then id agree...WHY:confused:

03-30-2003, 09:05 AM
That would be expensive, Tommy is right. I think you would be better off to sell those and buy ones with remotes on it. Why do you want to switch?

03-30-2003, 09:15 AM
sell them to me and buy remotes.

03-30-2003, 09:19 AM
#1) Why Would Ya Want To? Piggys Look Better(In My Opinion)

#2) It cost Way to Much

#3) If Ya Want Them That Bad Then Sell Yours And Buy New Elkas That Have Remote Rezzies

#4)Why Didn't Ya Just Get Remotes In The First Place????

03-30-2003, 09:26 AM
I was just wondering, my friend said Remote rezzies were better. I think I will just leave them. Thanks for your help though

I am going to have to get them revalved though. They are for 210 and I only weight 170. Do you think I should get them re-valved or just leave them? I havent really had a chance to get on the track, because we still got snow here.

03-30-2003, 09:29 AM
Remotes are not better. I have them and I really wish I would of got the Piggybacks. With my Stabilizer and Brake Lines I now have no room up front at all. I would get Piggybacks if I had to do it again...

03-30-2003, 09:35 AM
Alright, because I was thinking it would get crowed with my PEP stabilizer and then if I got air scoops, I think it wouldnt fit.

Thanks for your help guys!

03-30-2003, 09:40 AM
Actually the PEP mounts different then most other Stabilizers. If you haven't already got the PEP I suggest a Denton or one like the Denton, if not make sure the PEP is Rebuildable...

03-30-2003, 10:41 AM
how does the pep mount?

03-30-2003, 10:54 AM
The Pep stabilizer uses an engine mount instead of a frame rail to bolt to and of course the other end goes on your steering stem.:D

03-30-2003, 02:43 PM
yep, it would've gotten pretty bunched up there. If I get remote rez. So I am glad I lucked out with these.

03-30-2003, 03:51 PM
nacs400ex.. Are you racing the cmrc this year?? if you need any info PM me. Also you should come down to tilsonburg for the cmrc practice next weekend. There are some nice quads around. Last year(maybe this year too) this kid had this duncan roll 250 Tavis Cain replica! I can just imagine what some of the guys built this year. And You can see my New 426ex.. just finished her this weekend. To coment on your post..I just baought some bran new elka elites...and they are piggy backs. Your friend misled you.

03-30-2003, 11:31 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by forum
[B] There are some nice quads around. Last year(maybe this year too) this kid had this duncan roll 250 Tavis Cain replica!

your kidding right??

man this year everyone will be crowed around your trailer...
are you going on sunday right?? i will be leaving my house at 10 ish and be at gopher dunes around 11 30 12ish...

we are coming with a black suv and a grey trailer... my bike will be on there as well as my dads, a new z-400...

you got any pics of your bike back together..

Craig, so when are you coming down to gopher?? either come this weekend or the 27th of april to the poker run...

03-31-2003, 05:28 AM
no man not kidding a complete duncan ROLL DESIGN machine bran new! I almost shiznit myself. im going on sunday forsure. I may even go sat if they will let me

03-31-2003, 09:33 AM
right on...

what was the kids name that had the roll/duncan set up?? does he still race what happened to him....
ya we are picking up the z-400 this thrusday along with my equpiment, pants and chest protecter,,, i will probably be riding the z for most of day tho becuase it still has to be broken in and i would like some track time on it... that is if my dad will let me.. if not i will be on my ex...


03-31-2003, 09:43 AM
That awesome a Duncan/Roll Tavis Cain replica. But I dont think I am going to be going to Gopher any time in April. I can go this weekend but I cant take my quad:(. The reason for this is because my dad cant take me and there is no room in my friends trailer. But I will be down sometime. I dont think I am going to be racing this year. I want to, but I gotta do a lot of convicing towards my mom. Also I need to pay off my quad before I can race it. Its just an excuse my parents used. I should have it payed off by the end of August. The only good news is that I can go on practices at any tracks. Dammit whenever I think about racing it just makes me all mad. I wish my parents would let me.