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View Full Version : the qaud filped onto my friend

03-29-2003, 10:37 AM
my bud mitchel my sister my friend matt and his bro ryan and me where riding at one of our neghbors tracks it has a big table top 20 ft tall 10 feet long we where working on the lip on it my friend matt had rode the new lip and said he likes it so mitchel goes to try it and endoes BAD the quad flipped end over end he was under it when it flipped it busted his helmet like smatched it ok so the quad rolls over him he is standing up after this i tell him to lay down and we pull his helmet and the back of his head it gushing blood my hand brushed it and both my hands where covered in blood so we get some paper towel to stop the bleeding on his head the gash is about 6 inches across the back of his head and gushing blood so we stop the bleading of yeah did i tell you his nose is broken so we have already have called his mom (she workes in the ER his dad is a firefighter to) so his mom comes to get him and my friend matt goes with mitchel to the hospital the good news is that he will be fine (he got a cat scan thought) besides the giant gash in the head and the broken nose and the eyes that are swollen shut from his nose that may need reconstruction sugery and the lower lip that he bit and is sweeling to about the size of a small cell phone i am writing this not even 24 hours about after this hapened it happend about 2:30 pm on saturday, march 29th 2003
just wanted you guys to know this can happen
just thought you guys should know because this one was brutal

03-29-2003, 11:10 AM
OMG im sorry....I hope He is ok and gets well really soon....Good luck..


03-29-2003, 11:21 AM
ouch! damn that must of hurt.
helmet is a most important thing, but flipping is part of quading, it makes you a better one or somtimes

03-29-2003, 11:22 AM
That sucks dude i hope he getts better. Actually something like that happened to me just not as bad. I was hitting my 45ft double and i overjumped by about 6ft and i smacked my face into the handlebars and now my nose is all swelled up. And my wrist started hurting again:( (i have torn ligaments in it before).

03-29-2003, 11:25 AM
wow thats crazy what kind of helmet did he have was it just DOT certified or DOT and SNELL certified ??? cause his helmet shoiuldn't have crushed :eek:

03-29-2003, 11:28 AM
That really sucks, I hope he gets better. What kind of helmet was it and what kind of quad was he riding? I know I will never ride without a helmet.

03-29-2003, 11:29 AM
I never wear a helmet, but from now on i will start...i have had a few bad wrecks before.....i flipped back before and the throttle broke off and stuck in my chest..i dont know how but it freakin happend and it hurt like hadees

03-29-2003, 11:44 AM
Yea i am matt. I went to the ER with him. He was wearing a HJC helmet snell2000 and dot ceritfied. He was riding a blaster.
Ok I went to the ER and the first thing we did was go get him cat scanned for fractures and enternal bleeding. Than x-rayed. So his head is perfectly fine fracture and enternal bleeding wise. His nose is broken really badly tho. His whole face is swollen up. He can hardly out of his left eye and he is going to have reconstructive surgery on his nose next week. His gogles are cracked and his helmet has a dent the size of a quarter in it. The gash on his head was the worst i have seen in real life. It had 2 sets of 50 some od stiches.I was there when the doctor had to clean it out and i actaully saw the white bone of the skull. It was a clear cut- pretty nasty. Ill try and get a pic tomarro of him. Well i am going to get pics of him tomarro. Right now he is at home lying in bed......he was going to be at the silverdome for the supercross races. Too bad for him, now he is in bed with a bandaged head and one f***ed up face. Well ill keep u guys posted.

Glow Plug
03-29-2003, 11:49 AM
ouch that's got'a suck but i guess he will learn :rolleyes:

03-29-2003, 11:55 AM
OUTCH hope he gets better soon. This is why everyone should ALWAYS were a helmet.

03-29-2003, 11:59 AM
Thatreallysucksforyourfriend hopehegetsbettersoon iwilltrytousesomepunctuationnexttime

03-29-2003, 12:01 PM
Even if your going down the driveway to get your mail, wear the helmet..

this is not me :eek2: :huh

03-29-2003, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by WOT400ex
Even if your going down the driveway to get your mail, wear the helmet..

this is not me :eek2: :huh

Ouch :huh what happend to him??

03-29-2003, 12:59 PM
Wow that really sucks, hope he is okay after it all!

03-29-2003, 01:10 PM
Even if your going down the driveway to get your mail, wear the helmet..

lets just say that bmx is a dangerous sport :huh

without a helmet, of course!

03-29-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by Brit220
ouch that's got'a suck but i guess he will learn :rolleyes:
learn what?? he was wearing his helmet, but had a bad shake of luck theres nothing to do about it. when you ride dirtbikes or atvs your gonna get hurt after a while sometimes it makes you stronger sometimes it slows you down but it always happens. it wasnt his fault the jump probably just threw him wrong.

03-29-2003, 01:44 PM
well i'm glad to hear that he's living

believe it or not but the helmet is made to crack after a certain amount of abuse, this way it absobes the shock of the impact rather then sending it straight to your skull and brain

03-29-2003, 01:49 PM
I hope the bike was okay... J/K

Another reason to always wear your helmet!!

03-29-2003, 03:27 PM
Hey brit220 i really don't appreciate you saying "next time he will learn". He was wearing a helmate it was his first time hitting that jump with a real lip on it. We kinda figured out where the gash came from. We think that when his gogles hit the handelbar pad that the mouth of the helmet went down towards his chest area which in turn lifted the back of the helmet up to the mid section of the back of his head. When the quad fliped the grab bar hit the the back of the helmet where it had lifted and the impact dug the helmet into his skull and gashed it wide freeking open. I am telling you that if the grab bar had hit him an inch lower he would be dead or in a wheelchair with an IV in him for the rest of his life. Look, if you people dont care about him than I am fine with that. But I care about the safty of all atv riders so learn from his misfortunes and WEAR UR HELMET. Ill get you some pictures tomarro.

Btw sorry for punctuation and spelling

03-29-2003, 04:46 PM
Sorry to hear that about your friend:( My cousin was just cruising his quad around his yard to get it warmed up so his friends could ride it. He hits a 10" high little jump and he got bucked over the bars and the quad flipped onto him. He wasn't wearing his helmet this one time. It bruised his chest and knocked him goofy. He went to the emergency room and to this day can't recollect all of that day. He remembers riding it down around the house and then coming home from the hospital. ALWAYS WEAR YOUR HELMETS!!

03-29-2003, 05:28 PM
I could be wrong but what I am getting from the "ouch thats gotta suk he will learn" etc is how we make changes to avoid things that hurt or we dont like.

Got to think about doing the same thing twice if you get all frigged up the first time etc. and I more than most think about "rubber side down" more than once during a good hard ride. Then again I dont like crashing and getting banged up much either.

Hope your friend recovers quick, and realizes how much that hjc did for him.

BTW off topic.

" I ban dumb people"

Guy I cant read or look at your avatar without cracking up and thinking how many members would be left :D

03-29-2003, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by 440EX4me
BTW off topic.

" I ban dumb people"

Guy I cant read or look at your avatar without cracking up and thinking how many members would be left :D LMAO:D I know some people probably see that and think I'm a total d!ckhead but it's all in good humor. We've got a bigger picture of my avatar at work except it's "I see dumb people..." As soon as I saw it I thought of my avatar :p

03-30-2003, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by quadmx33
Hey brit220 i really don't appreciate you saying "next time he will learn". He was wearing a helmate it was his first time hitting that jump with a real lip on it. We kinda figured out where the gash came from. We think that when his gogles hit the handelbar pad that the mouth of the helmet went down towards his chest area which in turn lifted the back of the helmet up to the mid section of the back of his head. When the quad fliped the grab bar hit the the back of the helmet where it had lifted and the impact dug the helmet into his skull and gashed it wide freeking open. I am telling you that if the grab bar had hit him an inch lower he would be dead or in a wheelchair with an IV in him for the rest of his life. Look, if you people dont care about him than I am fine with that. But I care about the safty of all atv riders so learn from his misfortunes and WEAR UR HELMET. Ill get you some pictures tomarro.

Btw sorry for punctuation and spelling

either way i agree with brit. its called tough love i get it all the time from my dad. after i fracture my hip and all kinds of other stuff all he said was WHAT THE F*CK WERE U THINKING?! and continued yelling at me i couldn't walk cuz my hip and i couldn;'t see cuz my eye's we're pretty much swollen shut. wow u got kinda butt hurt. ppl learn from there mistakes and sometimes ppl piont it out that next time he should be a little more careful yes he was wearing a helmet but if he would have maybe waited another day maybe ran over its a couple more times and thought about exactly what to do before during and when landing on the jump that might and most likely wouldn't have happened. im sure before he tried that ramp he had a feeling that told him "no not yet" i have before and still went for it but oh well Sh*t happens not stopping it after its happened or changing it

03-30-2003, 05:02 AM
what muff said is true...a helmet is supposed to absorb the impact and spread it out as much as possible...when it reaches the max, it will crack/shatter/break...thats why they tell you to have your helmet checked after every time you wipeout...to make sure everythings ok......i never ride w/o a helmet, only time i didnt have a helmet on i hit a tree(slowly, just hit my shin)......hope ur friends doing ok......

03-30-2003, 06:45 AM
helmets rule,. u c what 150 dollars can get u these days

03-30-2003, 07:09 AM
he is fine but he is lucky he is still alive but what is even better is he had to wait for like 5 mins in the ER while they took care of some other people but the hospital he was brought to his mom works there and we dident know if he had a closed head injury or internal bleeding and the people they took ahead of him werent all that sick they where just throwing up all they did for him was throw him in a wheel chair no neck barace or nuthin while he waited i will get pics of the helmet and his injurys soon as i can so you can see what happended to his helmet and his head is pretty banged up he got 100 stiches and he had a CAT scan and other stuff like that and his nose dident break it compressed the bone when the quad fliped over onto him he was like in the lazyboy trick position and his nose was smashed into the ground it was so freaking scary
just remeber quading is dangerious it is less dangerious if you were the proper safety gear
thanks for the posts guys,

04-01-2003, 08:31 AM
here are the pics of the damage
here they are

04-01-2003, 08:37 AM
That pic isnt working for me....


04-01-2003, 08:39 AM
sorry still learning
the first one
the 100 stiches
the close up
a quad standing on the grab bar on the back of your head can do alot of damage his helmet got pushed up his head

04-01-2003, 08:41 AM
ths next one
the hit

04-01-2003, 08:41 AM
the last one
the last one

04-01-2003, 09:24 AM
he doesnt look very old:huh

04-01-2003, 09:29 AM
he rides with my sister the kid is nuts he does no foters and side sadle landers on a tiny jump in his backyard

04-01-2003, 10:05 AM
glad to hear your friend is doing OK.

Helmets are life savers

04-01-2003, 02:26 PM
he rides with my sister the kid is nuts he does no foters and side sadle landers on a tiny jump in his backyard

yeah look what happened to him now

04-01-2003, 03:33 PM
you say this happend on a 10 foot table top??? How fast was he going. Man he looks like he's in some pain. I'm glad hes doing a little better. Things could always be worse. Good luck to him