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03-28-2003, 07:25 AM
On page 16 of atv sport may 2003

"im 10 years old and my ride is a 2003 yamaha raptor 660r. i have 2 sets of troy lee desines, alba flame grafics with matching seat cover. i also got awsome air i smashed my rist, me and my friends go riding 247. me and carson can get more air then our dads and thier friends. i also got ran over by my raptor. sorry if i spelled wrong im only 10 plus im right handed and thats the one i broke. and ive broke my arm last year on my honda 250 witch is toltaled. and lacerated my spline. so i cant ride for 3-4 weeks cause my rist was broke yesterday. luckly i have carson my bestest friend, he visits me when im hurt. and he drags me to my house when im hurt. write back"

And now for the ditorsa comment
"I dont know if this is someones idead of a prank, or a serious case of stupidity. I like kids- I have a 10-month old son- but I dont like to hear that kids are getting hurt on machines they shouldnt be riding. Hey kid, you should be riding a LT80, at most not a 660cc four-stroke powered ATV with a manual transmission. Your accidents should make you realize this. Instead, you glamorize the accidents and overlook the fact that you could be more seriously injured or worse. Wait until you are a more experienced rider"

HAHA..how stupid can you get :p :p :uhoh:

03-28-2003, 08:05 AM

03-28-2003, 08:10 AM
the email address was

jack daniels tennessee wiskey

it had to be a joke

03-28-2003, 08:15 AM
Hi i am an 8 year old and i ride my CR 500 like its going out of style its to slow for me is there anything you can tell me to make it faster :D

Seriously though how dumb can one be ??!!

03-28-2003, 09:06 AM
what in the world is a "rist" :huh
How many times did he say he broke it?

03-28-2003, 10:09 AM
either its a prank or someone is very very dumb...i am gonna be 14 in like 2 months i ride a 400ex but i some years under the belt, KEYWORD SOME, but you just got to learn to be careful!

03-28-2003, 11:05 AM
I like it when they ask dumb questions or "imply" something. One guy was asking what else to do to his warrior to beat a 250R, and was told, there is no way your beating a 250R on a warrior, sorry. (basicly) its just funny what some people think.

03-28-2003, 12:21 PM
whoever said that is retarded, and if it is a joke, its not funny,:huh :eek2: :cool:

03-28-2003, 12:48 PM
did anybody notice that in the letters section of this months dirtwheels there was a pic that a mom sent in of her 7yr old son riding a raptor through a flooded field, im pretty sure it wasnt a raptor 80 either:confused:

03-28-2003, 01:08 PM
when i was 11 we had the 400ex and i rode it all the time, i could hadenl it with ease, but i was not exatcly small, and skinny:confused2, then when i was in sixth grade we got the banshee,,
but 10 on a raptor:rolleyes:

03-28-2003, 02:19 PM
i knew that was a prank when i first saw it:rolleyes:

i cant believe ATV Sport even might have beliefed it:rolleyes:

03-28-2003, 02:25 PM
not april fools.. so either the kid is a liar or just stupid

03-29-2003, 12:23 AM
Sad, just Sad..........

03-29-2003, 12:55 AM
When I was 11 we got our first LT230S Quadsport. At the time that was an adult-sized sport quad. We rode that for a little less than a year when we got our first LT250R. When I was 12 and my younger brother was 10 my father turned us loose on the Quadracer. The difference was this, if my father caught us riding like idiots he'd first beat us and then take the quads away from us. None of this sissy, liberal "I'm going to count to 3 and you better stop it" crap. My father told us the day he let us ride it, "If I catch you out riding like you've got no sense you won't ride it at all." Let me tell you, my father was not at all afraid to use a belt or paddle on my rule-breaking *****. However, the thought of being deprived of the quads was enough for me to ride like I had a head on my shoulders. We were far too young to be riding these quads per the manufacturers recommendations but we showed the proper maturity level and none of us were ever hurt. Here's a pic of my younger brother on the Racer at 11-12 and my oldest cousin at about 9 on the Quadrunner. BTW, that's Fourstrokefan on the 'Runner (chicks dig the metallic red open face helmet...lmfao:D)

03-29-2003, 01:18 AM
I have a 660cc Raptor. I am 15 years old and have more than enough brains(#5 in class rank :D ) to ride it in control and responsibly. I don't have a clue what is going on in that letter, but who would ever let a 10 yr old ride a Rappy? How is a 10 yr old going to pay $6000 for a quad? I am just barely scraping by, my parents won't pay a dime, not even for gas. Now I have something to be proud of:D :blah

03-29-2003, 01:39 AM
I had a 300 4x4 when I was 11.
I was never a big kid so this quad was WAY too big and heavy for me.
I was too scared of it to do anything really stupid with it.

03-29-2003, 04:39 AM
Originally posted by 300exryder
I have a 660cc Raptor. I am 15 years old and have more than enough brains(#5 in class rank :D )

What 5th outta 12 students? :D :D


03-29-2003, 11:36 AM
well, im student # 172 out of 180, and i can ride my 250r without hurting myself to much

03-29-2003, 11:53 AM
iv had my kx80 since i was 10. I couldnt handle the power until i knew what it would do when i floored it, popped the clutch ect.. i would say im an advanced to expert rider

03-29-2003, 12:12 PM
I hate when I see those posts that say " what is a good beginner quad". In my opinion, it's not what you start on, its how you start riding. My 11 and 12 year old started on 400ex's 2 years ago. My younger one is a very aggressive rider, but in total control. Iv'e seen much older kids ride like total idiots. My kids would of outgrew a 90 in about a week. My younger one also had a xr100 that I had to sell a month later because he bottomed it out over everything and didn't like it because it wasn't a CR. Just start out riding slow and go faster as you get better.