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03-26-2003, 01:09 PM
if i go up one tooth in the front , 14t and leave the stock rear at 38 tooth , how do i go about knowing what lenght of chain to get ???? do i just order one for the same amount of links that you would for 14/38??? help

03-26-2003, 01:42 PM
When I went to a 14, I justed tightend up the free play. I don't know if that is a links worth of slack though. I would just order the stock length. I don't know if thats right, but that is what I would do. After the chain stretches, I might be at the end of the adjustment.

03-26-2003, 04:38 PM
yeaup just buy the stock length and adjust it properly, 1 tooth doesnt make much diff, if u go too short or too long it can cause problems like bent sprocket shaft/ cracked case around coutnershaft sprocket, too long the chain could actually slip under hard acceleration or come off and jam up

03-26-2003, 06:06 PM
See what happens when you start a "Chain" letter!!!!!