View Full Version : Roll Design Steering Stem (or any anti-vibe stem for that matter)

03-26-2003, 04:00 AM
I just bought and am getting ready to install a new Roll Design extended length steering stem and clamp kit for my 250R. How tight should the bolts that mount the clamps to the stem be? The bolts I am referring to are held into them stem by 4 plastic-like bushings to reduce vibration. Should they be just tight enough to hold the clamps stationary or should I crank them down? Thanks for the help!


Ex'r Marlin
03-26-2003, 06:42 AM
I too have a Roll Design and asked myself the same question. I figured this is something that I will have to try different adjustments and try them out. I highly recommend NOT cranking down on it. This will obviously work as if it did not have the dampening feature.

Note: I tried to find a happy medium, and to date feels pretty good. I do not know what my "torque" setting is, but I do know that they are "snug".

Good luck!:)

03-26-2003, 06:47 AM
Will the Roll anti-vibe clamp mount to a stock stem? I know they sell the clamp and stem seperately...

Ex'r Marlin
03-26-2003, 06:55 AM
The stock stem does not have the two tubes (cylinders) that are mounted on the stem that the anti-vibe mount goes in.

I am not saying that it can not be done, but I would think there would have to be a modification to the stock stem.

03-27-2003, 01:50 AM
I'm going to try to put in a call to Roll Design, to get an idea where to start at. I agree, you would think that over-tightening would cause the vibration to transfer right through to the bars. I'm not totally convinced yet that the bushings will reduce a lot of vibration anyway; they seem to be very hard.

Ex'r Marlin
03-27-2003, 03:48 AM
Originally posted by nuttynewt
I'm not totally convinced yet that the bushings will reduce a lot of vibration anyway; they seem to be very hard. If you loosen the connection, you should notice that the "anti-vibe" mount moves some without the bars flexing, which should reduce some vibration. You should see that as you tighten the connection, the movement reduces.

I too noticed that the "bushings" are hard to the touch, but they seem to have some give to them. Definetly not a spongy feel!:)

So you are going to call Roll Design, cool!:cool: Let us know what you find out!:)

03-27-2003, 06:03 AM
I called and talked to that Doug feller. He said that there is no specific torque value or anything. He said to tighten them "pretty snug" and make sure the nylock part of the nut is threaded onto the bolt (no kiddin'...). Also, make sure to not overtighten as to where the urethane is deforming. He claims "you will know when they're tight". If they are too tight or not quite tight enough will not make that much of a difference. He did tell me that over time, I will have to go back and snug them up because the urethane will give some. That's all I got, hope it helps...

Ex'r Marlin
03-27-2003, 07:48 AM
Thanks for the update!:cool:

I hope you enjoy your Roll Design as much as I enjoy mine!:)