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View Full Version : PART 2 - Who's Smarter? Bush Administration or the protesting Hollywood actors

03-26-2003, 03:31 AM
Sorry, it is so long I needed to split it up.

Barbra Streisand
Completed high school
Career: Singing and acting

Dropped out of school in 9th grade.
Career: Singing and acting

Martin Sheen
Flunked exam to enter University of Dayton.
Career: Acting

Jessica Lange
Dropped out college mid-freshman year.
Career: Acting

Alec Baldwin
Dropped out of George Washington U. after scandal
Career: Acting

Julia Roberts
Completed high school
Career: Acting

Sean Penn
Completed High school
Career: Acting

Susan Sarandon
Degree in Drama from Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.
Career: Acting

Ed Asner
Completed High school
Career: Acting

George Clooney
Dropped out of University of Kentucky
Career: Acting

Michael Moore
Dropped out first year University of Michigan.
Career: Movie Director

Sarah Jessica Parker
Completed High School
Career: Acting

Jennifer Anniston
Completed High School
Career: Acting

Mike Farrell
Completed High school
Career: Acting

Janeane Garofelo
Dropped out of College.
Career: Stand up comedienne

Larry Hagman
Attended Bard College for one year.
Career: Acting

While comparing the education and experience of these two groups, we should
also remember that President Bush and his cabinet are briefed daily, even
hourly, on the War on Terror and threats to our security. They are privy to
information gathered around the world concerning the Middle East, the
threats to America, the intentions of terrorists and terrorist-supporting
governments. They are in constant communication with the CIA, the FBI,
Interpol, NATO, The United Nations, our own military, and that of our
around the world. We cannot simply believe that we have full knowledge of
the threats because we watch CNN!! We cannot believe that we are in any way
as informed as our leaders.

These celebrities have no intelligence-gathering agents, no fact-finding
groups, no insight into the minds of those who would destroy our country.
They only have a deep-seated hatred for all things Republican. By nature,
and no one knows quite why, the Hollywood elitists detest Conservative
and anything that supports or uplifts the United States of America. The
silence was deafening from the Left when Bill Clinton bombed a
pharmaceutical factory outside of Khartoum, or when he attacked the Bosnian
Serbs in 1995 and 1999. He bombed Serbia itself to get Slobodan Milosevic
out of Kosovo, and not a single peace rally was held. When our Rangers were
ambushed in Somalia and 18 young American lives were lost,not a peep was
heard from Hollywood. Yet now, after our nation has been attacked on its
soil, after 3,000 Americans were killed by freedom-hating terrorists while
going about their routine lives, they want to hold rallies against the war.
Why the change? Because an honest, God-fearing Republican sits in the White

Another irony is that in 1987, when Ronald Reagan was in office, the
Hollywood group aligned themselves with disarmament groups like SANE,
and PEACE ACTION, urging our own government to disarm and freeze the
manufacturing of any further nuclear weapons, in order to promote world
peace. It is curious that now, even after we have heard all the evidence
that Saddam Hussein has chemical, biological and is very close to obtaining
nuclear weapons, their is no cry from this group for HIM to disarm. They
believe we should leave him alone in his quest for these weapons of mass
destruction, even though it is certain that these deadly weapons will
eventually be used against us in our own cities.

So why the hype out of Hollywood? Could these celebrities believe that
since they draw such astronomical salaries, they are entitled to also
determine the course of our Nation? That they can make viable decisions
concerning war and peace? Did Michael Moore have the backing of the Nation
when he recently thanked France, on our behalf, for being a "good enough
friend to tell us we were wrong"? I know for certain he was not speaking
me. Does Sean Penn fancy himself a diplomat, in going to Iraq when we are
just weeks away from war? Does he believe that his high school diploma
him the knowledge (and the right) to go to a country that is controlled by
maniacal dictator, and speak on behalf of the American people? Or is it the
fact that he pulls in more money per year than the average American worker
will see in a lifetime? Does his bank account give him clout?

The ultimate irony is that many of these celebrities have made a shambles
of their own lives, with drug abuse, alcoholism, numerous marriages and
divorces, scrapes with the law, publicized temper tantrums, etc. How dare
they pretend to know what is best for an entire nation! What is even more
bizarre is how many people in this country will listen and accept their
views, simply because they liked them in a certain movie, or have fond
memories of an old television sitcom!

It is time for us, as citizens of the United States, to educate ourselves
about the world around us. If future generations are going to enjoy the
freedoms that our forefathers bequeathed us, if they are ever to know peace
in their own country and their world, to live without fear of terrorism
striking in their own cities, we must assure that this nation remains
strong. We must make certain that those who would destroy us are made aware
of the severe consequences that will befall them.

Yes, it is a wonderful dream to sit down with dictators and terrorists and
join hands, singing Cumbaya and talking of world peace. But it is not real.
We did not stop Adolf Hitler from taking over the entire continent of
by simply talking to him. We sent our best and brightest, with the strength
and determination that this Country is known for, and defeated the Nazi
regime. President John F. Kennedy did not stop the Soviet ships from
unloading their nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1962 with mere words. He
them with action, and threat of immediate war if the ships did not turn
around. We did not end the Cold War with conferences. It ended with the
strong belief of President Ronald Reagan... PEACE through STRENGTH.

03-26-2003, 03:42 AM
ummmm the guy without the quad starting threads about the intelect of individuals based on there education and careers on an internet site designed to discuss quads and the operation, maintenence, tips and general Q&A about the sport is most deff the smarter of them all :rolleyes: :blah :eek:

03-26-2003, 04:45 AM
dude quadless or not, that article hits the nail on the head. Now, how do we convince them to load up and head over to Iraq to do some real good..... stand in as human shields for OUR troops.... so we lose a few overpaid, pantywaste, crybaby actors.... seems like a win-win situation to me. Do they think Sadam will like them if they protest????

03-26-2003, 06:37 AM
First to NDrider, well stated.
Now to 440EX4me, there's a reason this is the open forum under the general section. To express views and discuss topics that are not quad related.:rolleyes:

03-26-2003, 06:53 AM
I heard the same thing the day before yesterday on the radio. While I do not have an ivy league background, I do have respect for those who do and believe they (advisors and senior administration for our country) were placed in position due to the intelligence they encompass. Actors are like books. The cover can look interesting as heck, but when you open some of them up, there is simply nothing on the inside. Most actors are probably so self absorbed and conceded that they do not have a clue as to the what the rest of the world is about. They simply see this as "the cause".

440ex4me, this is an OPEN FORUM. For some reason, I highly doubt that the total 2,123 threads (as of 12:53 pm cst) were completely about quads. Of course, I could be wrong......;)

03-26-2003, 09:32 AM
i thought this was the open forum, oops my bad.

03-26-2003, 09:34 AM
we stilll talkin fowheelas:confused:

03-26-2003, 09:39 AM
Wuts that guys name from bowling for columbine.
Hes a very smart guy , I mean watch the movie, he makes alot of good points.

03-26-2003, 10:37 AM
Actors are professional pretenders, how smart could they be?

03-26-2003, 10:56 AM
Freestyle, his name is Michael Moore. I actually liked the movie he made "Roger and Me". It was about GM and Detroit, Michigan. However, I'm not sure if I'll watch his newest movie. I think he made a real.... uh, butt :) of himself the other night. I didn't see the show, but I caught his portion on the news.

03-26-2003, 11:58 AM
the actors should shut their stupid face.....
Look im an actor woopty f----in doo:grr

03-26-2003, 03:45 PM
protesting overpaid morons are what makes democracy beautiful, idiots that can sing get millions, geniusus make millions too, but any work field that helps in anyway, the people that really work there asses off struggle in life, but id take it over anything just so i can sit on my arse online, then when i get board go ride my quad in the mud;) :D

there bonie bodies wouldent make good shields anyway, there all anerexic and discustingly under weight, to me it really isnt hot to have ur ribs sticking out and arms the thickness of a quarter

03-26-2003, 04:05 PM
dude quadless or not, that article hits the nail on the head.
Now to 440EX4me, there's a reason this is the open forum under the general section. To express views and discuss topics that are not quad related.
440ex4me, this is an OPEN FORUM. For some reason, I highly doubt that the total 2,123 threads (as of 12:53 pm cst) were completely about quads. Of course, I could be wrong......

OK OK sorry for flaming your thread (I was gonna say something like bite me but since everyones so sensitive lately) but I guess I come to this site to like get away from or forget about more serious things and stuff and it was just getting to be like every thread was about the war etc. and no harm intended.

BTW jeez you guys are a little touchy :)

While I do not have an ivy league background, I do have respect for those who do and believe they (advisors and senior administration for our country) were placed in position due to the intelligence they encompass. Actors are like books. The cover can look interesting as heck, but when you open some of them up, there is simply nothing on the inside. Most actors are probably so self absorbed and conceded that they do not have a clue as to the what the rest of the world is about. They simply see this as "the cause".
Well I guess I have to offer another side to that idea, and for the record I have known plenty of very well educated idiots. Plus it would appear that both sides of that comparison have there share of knuckleheads also.

I have seen both politicians and actors that were brain washed and trained from small children for their field, and often compare it to how many parents push there children into a sport they had failed at previously.

Oh well just another opinion :D

03-26-2003, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by 440EX4me
.....but I guess I come to this site to like get away from or forget about more serious things and stuff and it was just getting to be like every thread was about the war etc. and no harm intended.

:macho :macho :macho :)


03-26-2003, 11:54 PM
Sean Penn's a heck of a nice guy..

He's 100% for peace..

It doesn't apply to him though, he's allowed to slap all the women and photographers he wants..

The headlines should read

"Wanna be tough guy/wife beater converts to peace!"

Is he even considered an actor? His best movies sucked.


03-27-2003, 01:42 AM
440ex4me, I guess we are all a little sensitive right now. And you are right about idiots being on both sides. I just hope for the best in our countries case.

03-27-2003, 01:53 AM
you can be smart with no common sense, what is more important?