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View Full Version : Tired of flat tires ----Check it out -- TireBlocks

06-26-2015, 08:17 PM
Tired of getting flats on the trail or riding around the house? Think about it no longer. TireBlocks has your answer for no worries of air pressure any longer . Holes, punctured nails , rocks are a thing of the past !

Race Proven and Trail Tested !!!

Nothing like any other product on the market or that has been . They don't compress like couch foam or break down like past competitors with styrofoam like products.

XC1 East Coast Pro Adam McGill runs them as well as West Coast Pros Like David Haagsma and Beau Baron

Not only is it a flat proof system but its also a product for performance . To help with cornering a reduced tire roll and making grip that much better

The product caters to weekend warriors , to ranch hands to full blown racers.

Im the east cost dealer and can also get you in touch with midwest and west coast dealers if thats your location

Check out the link below:


If you need anything shoot me a text or give me call
706-490-5429 Thanks