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View Full Version : 300 oil-cooler/tranny cooler info...need pics.

03-24-2003, 06:20 AM
..i know there's 50 differant post about this, so i'm ganna delete this after i get my answer's

i need some pics of your oil cooler's mounted to your bike.
..not the FST cooler, i'm cheep...(i'll pay for it later i guess)
lookin' for pics of transmition cooler's mounted on 300ex's.

1).what company made your cooler?
2).are you happy with it?
3).do sticks get stuck in there? (busted line's?)
4).what did you use to protect it? (screen)
5).can you take & post pics that i request?
6).where did you mount it?
7)how did you mount it? zipties,bolts,papper clips and duct tape?
8).what size hose did you run from the cooler to the motor?
9).where does it enter the motor?
10). if you used zip-ties, is it secure?
11.)what are the dementions fo you cooler?

if you have a digital camera, and could get a few pics of it for me i'd appreciate it. i'm goin' at this alone, so pics would help. and i'll prolly need more than just a pic of the front of a quad.
when i go to buy the cooler, is there a specific type that i should buy? do i need any special hoses, or fittings?
the kit i looked at today had the cooler, a hose or 2, a few hose tighten downer things, (ring with a screw on it) and some zip-tie lookin' things...was in a yellow and black box.

there are 3 differant sizes.
and i didn't look at the next one...maybe bigger or smaller.
the 12x6 would fit perfect in front of the motor, but the head pipe's in the way. the one Mickey sells looks to be about 6x6 or so

answer all the question i didn't ask. and let me know if you have a digicam and can take pics for me.

(off topic)...anyone wanna trade some "ITP` 10" rear rims, for some after markett 8" rims?
i have the 10's, and their in ok shape. hold air fine, i think they only have one ding on the lip, but doesn't hinder performance..
their not pollished, and theyve seen more than a few trails.
let me know if your interested, and i'll send what pics i have