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03-02-2015, 01:16 AM
I just logged on here for the first time in about 3 years... and there are hardly any new posts or any activity... This site used to be pretty busy... what happened? :huh:huh:huh:huh:huh

03-02-2015, 11:41 AM
Simply put, its dead....the forums are anyways. Between sport quads dying and Facebook groups taking over this site is kept alive only by die hards and random ppl needing a little help

03-05-2015, 04:21 PM
Exactly. A lot of 250R guys got out of the hobby and there aren't many guys getting into them anymore. That and Facebook took over.

03-05-2015, 10:15 PM

03-07-2015, 08:53 PM

03-08-2015, 06:12 AM
Exactly. A lot of 250R guys got out of the hobby and there aren't many guys getting into them anymore. That and Facebook took over.

No true. TRX Owners for Life on Facebook has 9100 members, lots of which are younger guys. A lot of times you see an entire quad parted out on there in an hour or so. This forum is dead, .org is slow but .net still has decent activity. I think their are too many options and most are using Facebook. I use .net, .org and Facebook.

03-10-2015, 07:31 PM
^^^^^^ +1 the facebook is alive, its true though, market has took a hit on the forums i think. Not too many want to build awesome bikes like all those old threads, but i dont mean there arent sick builds now!! Definantely alot of guys i see on facebook on the honda based hybrid page and 250r page with amazing builds.

03-11-2015, 05:37 AM
what all facebook groups are good to join? I've tried to search around for some but I've never found one with much activity. I couldn't find the trx owners for life.

I've searched for ltr, trx, etc groups and most that I have found just don't seem to have much on the page...

03-11-2015, 08:24 AM
It is a closed group I think member can add you in though . They can search for your name and add you that way

Ruf Racing
03-12-2015, 01:13 PM

^^ The only real 250R site, with the best guys and information! All else sucks A$s!!!!!!!!!

03-21-2015, 02:53 AM
It's a shame, really. Unless I'm mistaken, it's nearly impossible to go searching through Facebook posts by keywords, by dates, and by members. Sure, it's good for a quick answer to a question, but all that great, technical information is just going to get lost in the garbage. We've had some great discussions, with answers by top-notch engine builders, all with photos and write-ups, searchable by keywords and dates. And as long as we don't experience a server crash, it will continue to live here forever.

I can pull up some really great, informative threads from five and ten years ago. Try doing that on Facebook.

04-01-2015, 07:42 PM
^^ The only real 250R site, with the best guys and information! All else sucks A$s!!!!!!!!!
Right F-red

I don't know where the other guy gets .org is slow. We have 3X the active members that .net does. Carlos drove that site into the ground. An exhaust hanger for $50. Who are we kidding?

Only the new guys learn something on FB. Its like stupid waiting to happen. You can't find any good info. Even if you ask you get slammed in the face for being an idiot. All they are concerned about is 1 upping the last post. Retarded in my book.

I am banned for life on .net. I come here to find out the good info from past projects. .Org is only 2 years old and there is not as much experience as this site has had.

04-05-2015, 08:08 PM
All the quad forums that I have been using since the early 2000's have died off... which actually sucks.... While the forums are being minimized to almost nothing 90% of the quad talk on the social media sights like FB and twitter are mostly just people showing off pics of their stuff. And all the little tips and tricks to the sport being passed along have died off as well. I keep checking my forums every cpl weeks hoping to see some more activity. But the trx250r guys seems to be the only guys really into the forums anywhere.. I wont stop checking on them but I rarely ever get on here if I need quick help with a question. just because the turn around time anymore is pretty sad. I hope the forums stay alive... and I want to throw a shout out to harlen for such an amazing sight....

04-08-2015, 09:46 AM
I get why the Facebook pages are so popular. It's a one-stop shopping location, people are getting their news, entertainment, and social connection all in location. Because SO many people are on facebook at any one time, anything you post gets instant exposure to a huge audience. It's really great for buying and selling.

Problem is, all that instant exposure comes at a price. Sure, you're question or issue is seen by a larger number of people than here in the forums, and much faster as well. But how many of them are knowledgable, TRULY knowledgable? It's like the stupidity in the Open Forum on this site, times ten. And in the format of Facebook, nobody wants to post (or read) a truly lengthy in-depth analysis or explanation.

Edit: I just ran through the Open Forum, and we're still getting visitors. There was a thread started last night, and it had 41 views in about 12 hours. Granted, that number used to be hundreds, but 4 or 5 views every hour isn't NOBODY, we still have the potential for traffic.

04-14-2015, 01:21 PM
I can't stand Facebook, so I don't use it. But I check this site almost religiously. Its too bad more people don't use it more, like they used too. So much knowledge and good stuff on some of these pages...