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View Full Version : it's a dang shame!

10-21-2014, 08:11 AM
as we all know traffic on this site has dropped off considerably over the last year or so. the absolute worse thing to come with the drop off is the moderators don't seem to patrol and eliminate the nuisance posters, especially over in the classified section.
it appears as if some flea market/yard sale style parts dealers/distributors have overtaken the classifieds. seems very odd to me that no matter what any of us legitimate race dads post this flea market dealer will pm us posing as a race dad to ask what our "bottom dollar is" then within hours post a similar product for less money. and if that's not bad enough, if we are lucky enough to get a nibble on what were selling, this same guy will p.m. your possible buyer and undercut you to keep his inventory moving. how many times can one guy part out the same quad??? we all have spare parts but seems as if this particular dude has a quad that re-grows parts, kinda like a tree, break off a branch and a new branch starts to grow. Seriously, I could post a toe-nail clipping off a drr for $1 and by the end of the day this guy will post a similar toe nail for $.75
oh well, if your a buyer, do your research, check out the race results of the bike your looking at, ask questions about the seller to see if they are honest and trust worthy. a few extra dollars today to buy off of a legit racer will/could save you a ton of cash versus buying from the flea market/yard sale dealer posing as a racing dad!!

10-21-2014, 08:15 AM
I am in absolutely no way referring to the ligit dealers in the mini quad circle, hetrick, max-rpm, fierce, hot quads, g-force, eleven18. you guys are NOT the intended target here.

10-22-2014, 05:39 AM
Bastid hasn't called me on a LT80 I have for sale...:p

10-26-2014, 05:36 AM
gezzzz......not only did this guys quad re-grow some parts over the weekend but....... it gave birth to 2 more mini quads to part out!!!!!

I guess congrats is at hand! NOT!!:macho

10-26-2014, 07:50 AM
i guess ill be the one to tell you. STOP HATEN!!!! a seller is a seller. if the man is undercutin you its because he can. you been in this game long enough to know not everyone has 6500 to spend on a 90,im sure that its more than worth it but its not gunna happen. FOR real you should be mad at those "LEGIT" dealers for robing us with those crazy a s prices... so for real good lookin out to this seller:blah: hater

10-26-2014, 05:48 PM
I can't believe ur b*****n about me parting out my bikes and selling all my spare parts u are a true hater towards me I've been racing cvts for 10 years so I accumulated more than one part. Quit crying because u got ripped off by over paying.

10-27-2014, 06:00 AM
if your a buyer, do your research, check out the race results of the bike your looking at, ask questions about the seller to see if they are honest and trust worthy. a few extra dollars today to buy off of a legit racer will/could save you a ton of cash versus buying from the flea market/yard sale dealer posing as a racing dad!!

enough said.

10-27-2014, 09:00 AM
Ur right look at results we ran 50 this year in points local we won nationals we pulled every holeshot at unidilla and high point enough said

10-27-2014, 09:15 PM
/me grabs the popcorn

10-27-2014, 10:17 PM
Your 50 runs good and did pull a holeshot at Unadilla, but I think your stretching a little about pulling all holeshots, 1st moto of cvt at Unadilla you crossed the finish line 9th on the 1st lap, and 1st moto of cvt at high point you were 22 sec behind 1st on the 1st lap, so something does not add up.

10-28-2014, 04:54 AM
U have no idea who I am I ran 50 open 50 6-8 we finish 2 and 3 rd over all at unidilla high point ur right we didn't have a good day 5 and 6 th overall I think that was do to the terrible track we got all holeshot at unidilla except the first 50 6-8 do to last gate pick

10-28-2014, 12:54 PM
U have no idea who I am I ran 50 open 50 6-8 we finish 2 and 3 rd over all at unidilla high point ur right we didn't have a good day 5 and 6 th overall I think that was do to the terrible track we got all holeshot at unidilla except the first 50 6-8 do to last gate pick

Yeah those rough tracks will get ya you know cause we all race the same one too.Not really sure why you all are so bent out of shape. Here's my problem..... I place something on the forum and then someone stacks same set up right on top of ya for cheaper and I bet you never even ran it and yet you can say it runs and shifts good. No reputable dealer would do that to people and honestly it's misleading and dishonest. Seems a little odd to me why people do that? Visnic has a National Championship quad and that's a fact. Here is another......you get what you pay for. You want to sale it for cheaper because it is cheaper that's cool but don't make it sound comparable cause you supposedly pulled a holeshot. Heck most can pull a holeshot if that's all they set up to do. As far as other dealers charging to much maybe they do but again you get what you pay for. So bb49 I'm going to ask the question that everyone has been wanting to know......are you a dealer and are you the owner of precession racing?

10-28-2014, 01:41 PM
"we won nationals we pulled every holeshot at unidilla and high point enough said "

You proved my point exactly, As I said before your bike runs good and your son did good at both nationals. What bothers me is when a buddy calls you about your 50 and hears its the fastest production 50 and pulled every holeshot at high point and Unadilla. We were at both and knew it was not true. My point to all this is to be honest, your above statement on how your son did is great, If you would have told my buddy that and when he looked up the results and saw it was true your 50 probably would be sold right now.

10-29-2014, 06:17 AM
All I want to know is does someone want to buy a set of used yellow cobra plastics in great shape.Make you a smoking deal on them.Just pm me and I am not a dealer.That is all.Thanks

10-29-2014, 08:09 AM
I still have my LT80 for sale...
No national holeshots but I had a motor (and a great rider) go undefeated in drag races this year. :D

10-29-2014, 08:18 AM
I still have my LT80 for sale...
No national holeshots but I had a motor (and a great rider) go undefeated in drag races this year. :D

what's your bottom dollar????

10-29-2014, 01:44 PM
[ So bb49 I'm going to ask the question that everyone has been wanting to know......are you a dealer and are you the owner of precession racing?[/QUOTE]

Hmmmmm.....I did not know it was that difficult of a question.

11-03-2014, 04:27 PM
He's not answered...I hope he's ok.

cause i can
11-05-2014, 08:36 AM
he ok, he on facepage yesterday says going dirt bike no drama but on here say building new for next season guy sems confusd.

11-05-2014, 09:44 PM
I hate it when ppl sems confusd! <EG>
But I'm glad he's OK. I haven't worried this much since I watched Rocky do the whoop-de-do at Unadilla.

11-06-2014, 03:41 AM
I hate it when ppl sems confusd! <EG>
But I'm glad he's OK. I haven't worried this much since I watched Rocky do the whoop-de-do at Unadilla.

were you really worried??? if so you are getting soft in your old age!!!

11-06-2014, 07:46 AM
Well I was really worried about Rocky............
but hey, you guys can all get together at the banquet this weekend and buy/sell/trade parts with ol bb the nameless parts guy.