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View Full Version : BAYOU 300 " engine trouble shooting"

03-23-2003, 06:58 AM
'sup ya'll.
got a kawi bayou 300 that wont run.
i havn't messed with it yet, or heard it run.
they say it will crank over, and start, but it wont run on it's own.
it'll crank up, then go dead. they've pulled off the carb, thought, and thought about it, and still can't get it to run worth a.....
they say that the valves are tapping, and smoke is coming from somewhere, i'm guessing it's coming from the blow by tube, like on my 300. my rings are shot and oil and smoke comes out of my blow-tube. I know it's my rings, but i can crank mine easy, and have it run like a champ. i just have to add oil. this bike hasn't run in a year, he said it was acting up when he parked it, but nothing like this.
he's pretty ruff on stuff so....
i know it needs a top end job, but can you help us narrow down the problem, could it be so bad out of time that it won't hit?. they say they can tow it behind another quad, and it'll crank, and he can gas on it, and move on his own, but not good enugh to consider it "runing". they say it sounds like a 2-stroke...

think about it for a minute, and get back with me.
let me know what you think the problem is, and how we should go about fixing it..
..could a simple "tune-up" fix this?
he's been tryin' to get this thing runnin for the last 3 weeks,

thanx guys......late...

03-23-2003, 02:02 PM
I'd say just send the poor bayou out to pasture. But seriously, clean teh carb, adjust the valves, put a new battery in it and see what happens.

03-23-2003, 04:58 PM
...i hear that man.....
the bike is in pretty good shape, as far as LOOKS go.
he has cleaned the carb, i think he cleaned it three times so far,
today he took it completely apart, and replaced the jets and stuff.
it's a top end prob i know,....
i'm just ganna tell him to have it tuned up, then while he's at the shop THEY will bust the motor, and he'll know for sure.
i was just hopin' someone has had these type problmes, and knew a quick fix.

03-23-2003, 05:14 PM
could be the vavletrain....

03-23-2003, 05:53 PM
yeah with casey jones drivin' it......

how do we go about fixing that....do a top end?