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03-22-2003, 03:05 PM
does anyone have a way to reduce arm pump somehow?....i hate when your racing around and your arms go dead and feel like jello and they cramp up and stuff...so if you have any suggestions PLEASE tell me.. it would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

03-22-2003, 03:11 PM
antivibe steering stem but if thats 2 much for u like most of us keep ur grip loose drink alot of water and no soda and practice riding hard for along amount of time so ur arms will get used 2 it

03-22-2003, 05:47 PM
my arms are already used to it, ive done 4 races and the first 3 were horrible.:grr

03-22-2003, 05:55 PM
one answer........RIDE, RIDE, RIDE! just like getting in shape, there are some things that help reduce arm pump but riding is the best thing...

03-22-2003, 06:42 PM
lift some weights boy....seriously if u sitting on your *** watching tv or wateva hold a weight in your hand when your bored and kinda work out a bit it gets your arms in shape even if its a small amount of weight and u work up its a good habbot and it helped me when i was younger....and yes riding more often and longer helps too....get out and practice and put around its good it build strength...lata~TLP

03-22-2003, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by bansheerider_13
antivibe steering stem but if thats 2 much for u like most of us keep ur grip loose drink alot of water and no soda and practice riding hard for along amount of time so ur arms will get used 2 it

Ya dont get to many sweets or sugars that kills ur arms,i know beelive me

03-22-2003, 08:12 PM
Actually, big arms is what you DON'T want.
But you DO want to have awesome muscle tone and be very agile.
To reduce arm-pump, keep a looser more relaxed grip on the bars.
What your probably doing is holding on for dear life (bad). Make sure you are very comfortable on your quad (everything is adjusted just for you i.e. throttle, clutch, brake position, brake pedal, shifter, bars, ect ect). Being more relaxed, aware, and in control will make you a smoother and much better rider also!
And just relax, take a break once in a while, and ride!

03-23-2003, 02:59 AM
just curious. What's wrong with big arms? As long as they aren't big and fat.

03-23-2003, 03:21 AM
im not sure but ive heard the same thing about getting ur forearms really big that u dont want it for racing from what ive heard if u have really big forearms its going to take more oxygen and blood to keep them from cramping up and giving u arm pump u just want the musle u have to be toned and in shape this is what ive heard but i dunno

03-23-2003, 03:28 AM
bigger arms for a quad or bike rider is bad in more than one ways. When your arms get much more muscular, and you strain them, they become much larger and can cut circulation off within your arm and also kinda like sheerider said, it takes more circulation for bigger muscles . Bigger muscles also have a slower reaction time that smaller/medium sized more toned in muscles.
And also, less importantly, they're heavier

03-23-2003, 03:29 AM
That sounds like a possibility. I was just keeping an eye out for the "muscle bound" myth that you still see floating around once in a while.

It would take more blood to oxygenate a bigger forearm but at the same time it would require less effort for a bigger forearm to hold on. It would be cool to see some real medical/scientific information on this. I've worked out for over 10 years and I've had some lame personal trainers, some good trainers and one awesome trainer that had a strength and conditioning certification from FSU. His name was Kenny and he was more interested in how pro/collegiate athletes get strong, explosive and build stamina in a total package. I worked out with him for a couple years and still use a majority(85-90%) of what he taught me. I'm 5' 9.5" tall weigh 188 pounds and have a single bench of 325 pounds. I'm not big like a body builder or anything but for my size I'm pretty strong. I let the fat get out of control and went up to almost 218 for a while but I'm back to 188 and 180 is my target.

I've heard guys say they've got arm pump on bikes but never on quads. I've never really got it before but I won't say that I don't think I ever will especially the more I push it to be faster.

03-23-2003, 03:35 AM
trust me u dont wanna get it the first time u get it is usally the worst ur arms feel like there going to fall off and ur so weak its not funny it takes all ur power just to hang on

03-23-2003, 04:08 AM
I can see that bigger muscles are heavier but reaction time isn't as related to muscle size/weight as it is related to an individuals ratio of slow twitch vs fast twitch muscle fibers. Whether your big or not if you have a higher ratio of fast twitch fibers you'll react faster and be more explosive regardless of how big you are. Even though fast twitch fibers aren't as large as slow twitch fibers we all cary both and there are a decent amount of people like running backs (on any level) or guards/forwards (basketball) and boxers who can be big and fast. Although a good amount of fast people are on the smaller side and can't get huge anyways (naturally at least).

In my opinion and this goes for any sport/activity if you train naturally and intelligently you cant get too big, too flexible, too strong or have to much endurance especially if your work out caters to all aspects of fitness. I also feel that being able to perform your sport/activity in a relaxed matter is a huge benefit. Being tense and tightening up dramatically reduces stamina, strength and explosiveness very quickly. You can't be relaxed if you ride with the "death grip". Practice laps at a medium relaxed pace and gradually increase speed and monitor how tense you are getting. When the tension picks up work at that pace for a while until you can be relaxed at it and then increase the pace again.

03-23-2003, 04:10 AM
thanks for the information......i will try losening up and stuff.

03-23-2003, 05:59 AM
Steering stablizer helps too.

03-23-2003, 12:45 PM
Play with yourself.

03-24-2003, 01:16 AM
Play with yourself.

You wont gain much strength or riding endurance from that but you will greatly enjoy your workouts.

03-24-2003, 12:36 PM
Play with yourself.


03-24-2003, 01:43 PM
i usually take three advil before i ride it thins out the blood and i dont get arm pump, but the best way has already been set in concrete and that is to RIIIIDE!!!

Dune Surfer
03-24-2003, 01:56 PM
I also heard a steering stabilizer helps alot. Ask Rico I think he uses one.

03-24-2003, 02:10 PM
Just lift weights..not a lot tho.....

Ride the whoops a lot during practice, builds your streingth,

NEVER have a tight grip...always keep it lose and have fun....trying too hard usually gets your heart beating, you get all sweaty, your un-comfortable, and all you do is want to win, then you usually fall way back!!

03-25-2003, 10:34 AM
eat bananas

03-25-2003, 10:44 AM
isn't there supposed to be a lot of potassium in bananas and it is supposed to help with cramping or something?

03-25-2003, 10:47 AM
drink lots and lots of water!!! believe me it really helps. i also have one of those squeeze springs too.

03-25-2003, 05:25 PM
There is allot of reference for arm pump on http:www.motocrosstrainer.com

Dont feel bad, I suffer from it also to the point I can't even squeeze my thumb throttle.

03-26-2003, 01:52 PM
ARM PUMP SUCKS i used to get it so bad my hands would turn into a claw and i couldnt even open them up i could ride all day and not feel a thing but as soon as ai did a few laps in a race it hit i think most of it is stressing out and hangin on to much but yeah all the other stuff metioned helps a lot i take a hole buch of advil dont use tylenol you have to use a anti inflamitory

03-27-2003, 10:19 AM
im not sure but ive heard the same thing about getting ur forearms really big that u dont want it for racing from what ive heard if u have really big forearms its going to take more oxygen and blood to keep them from cramping up and giving u arm pump u just want the musle u have to be toned and in shape this is what ive heard but i dunno

bigger arms for a quad or bike rider is bad in more than one ways. When your arms get much more muscular, and you strain them, they become much larger and can cut circulation off within your arm and also kinda like sheerider said, it takes more circulation for bigger muscles . Bigger muscles also have a slower reaction time that smaller/medium sized more toned in muscles.

You guys really need to do some more research before posting bad info. Having big or skinny arms has nothing to do w/arm pump. The arm pump if anything is being caused by bad circulation throughout your arms. You need to workout and train harder to increase the size of your capillaries. The more muscular and toned your arms are the bigger the capillaries... You have to get the blood flowing and moving! Get in the gym and train heavy is my best advice. I've been bodybuilding for the last 8 years and have never experienced arm pump. I have Popeye forearms and this is the reason why I don't have this problem. If you want to race you got to be in shape!

03-28-2003, 09:10 AM
take magnesium supplements or eat alot of bannanas which have magnesium in them

03-28-2003, 03:49 PM
When I was a swimmer I had to eat lots of bananas to cut my cramps in my hamstrings. I'm not sure if it was vitamin K or potassium that helps with cramps or not?

I think the best thing you can do for yourself is ride. I'm trying to get into a set schedule of practicing 2-3 times a week for 3-4 hours. I lift weights and I think it does help.

I own both a bike and a quad, and I get the arm pump from the quad more than the bike! Definately! I have ran many motos on the quad, then skip one race and hop on the bike, with like 5 minutes break, and I can do it. But I can never do it the other way around, the quad just takes so much more physical ability to race...

Remember that rest is just as important has workingout. Your muscles must have the time to repair themselves. Lifting everyday can cause muscle damage, and actually make you weaker. When you lift the muscle fibers actually tear down, they need the time to repair and add onto themselves... I have a 2 day rest period inbetween upper or lower body workouts.