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03-22-2003, 12:40 PM
hey. i just took the discs of of my e-series slip on and am just runnin the end cap peice. will that create a problem now or in the future??? oh ya i also went up a jet size.

Steve-o 400EX
03-22-2003, 01:22 PM
You can do it, but I think its a better idea to add some discs. My friend runs his 400 like that and the valves are all F-ed up. It doesnt start right and lets just say it aint pretty. I just think its too little back pressure for the valves to stand.;)

03-22-2003, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by rider250ex
hey. i just took the discs of of my e-series slip on and am just runnin the end cap peice. will that create a problem now or in the future??? oh ya i also went up a jet size.
Why did you do that:confused:
You are restricting the exhaust flow, and going up in the jet is adding more fuel to the system. It will most likely run poopy and you'll foul the plug.
What are you trying to accomplish?


03-22-2003, 05:05 PM
The brochure you got with your E Series should have told you that more discs = more back pressure. I would put them all back in. I leave mien in. I tried them with some out but with all of them in it runs the best and is most effective. The only good thing abou tthem all off if is you like REALLY ennoying exhaust.:eek2:

Steve-o 400EX
03-23-2003, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by J-06
The brochure you got with your E Series should have told you that more discs = more back pressure. I would put them all back in. I leave mien in. I tried them with some out but with all of them in it runs the best and is most effective. The only good thing abou tthem all off if is you like REALLY ennoying exhaust.:eek2:

No, more discs = less back pressure. Read it again. Less discs = more back presure because there are not as many dics for the exhaust to run through. Look at the brochure again and study ur e-series, it will make sense. If anything go back to what you were in jet size and add a couple discs.

03-23-2003, 01:38 AM
yeah what stev-0 said more = less and less = more

03-23-2003, 02:04 AM
hey. i think you guys are gettin me all wrong. i am not runnin any discs. it is just straight out the back. i just added that last thing that is there for looks. there is like no back pressure but i am goin for a little more top end. i am jsut wondering if it is goin to mess anything up. it shouldent because ppl run the turndown all the time wit no discs

03-23-2003, 02:32 AM
I understand, but you need SOME backpreasure to keep from burning up your valves and valve train..regardless of how you jet it will eventully happen.:(

Steve-o 400EX
03-23-2003, 07:04 AM
Originally posted by hotrodhonda400
I understand, but you need SOME backpreasure to keep from burning up your valves and valve train..regardless of how you jet it will eventully happen.:(

Yea I agree. It WILL burn you valves out in a short amount of time. Get a disc kit and add like 4 or 5, that will be enough.