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02-16-2014, 06:09 PM
I have my 400 listed on Craigslist because as much as I hate to admit it I'm moving to a 450 but I have it listed for $3000obo basically setting the zone of offers Id consider ($2600-$3000) but I have had multiple people offer me way less from $1200 to $1800 and mainly what I'm trying to figure out is what is it actually worth here's a link to the ad http://zanesville.craigslist.org/sno/4332597933.html

02-16-2014, 07:16 PM
Its a 400ex, sadly they arent worth all that much. You would be hard pressed to get more than 2k out of it considering in most areas a 450 is selling for 2-3k.

Hope you saved the stock parts, sell off all the aftermarket stuff and then sell it with the stock parts.

02-16-2014, 08:44 PM
With those mods your asking price is good there are people out there who will pay that or would trade a more stock yfz or 450.

02-17-2014, 05:29 AM
Sadly I don't have any of the stock Parts but my only problem around here is that there's a lot of old xc setup bikes but they are all 2010 Or newer and worth $6000 or they are just complete garbage

02-17-2014, 09:24 AM
Yeah, with that setup you could probably trade straight for a 450. A lot of people around here with 450s want 400exs.

02-17-2014, 10:35 AM
Mods dont mean jack in price unless you find the right *** for the seat. Thats few and far inbetween these days. My friend has better luck selling stock 400's, people know its totally unmolested and nothing is off-than I had luck selling my done up EX. Its a 400ex, everyone wants a 450-I dont know anyone who would trade down unless it was for a kid or the persons wife or something. If anything a modded bike is worth less to most people.

02-17-2014, 10:45 AM
Give it time. I just sold a truck for 14000 that booked for 18000. I had it priced cheap to sell fast. I had ppl writing me offering me 10,000, 8000. Ppl writiing me saying well if this was different or if that was different i would give you the asking price. I finally started telling ppl if it was a perfect truck it would be listed for a perfect truck price....There is a buyer for everything, and it only takes one buyer. be patient

02-17-2014, 10:49 AM
i don't mean to be offensive, but anybody who looks at this ad and thinks it's worth less as CJM has claimed, is just a complete moron. houser a arms, elka shocks, a good setup in the motor, very clean machine, new tires, reverse, completely newly rebuilt motor, there's money in this thing and the right buyer won't have a problem seeing that unless they're completely blind. this ain't no 1200 400ex with stock beat up parts.

maybe in some areas guys will prefer a stock 400ex, but this thing is setup and there are people out there who put value in something that's been cared for and upgraded. I myself do.

Just because you go from a 450 to a 400 doesn't mean you're trading down, some poeple don't like the 450's and they don't realize that until they switch, then regret the decision. The 400ex is a trail beast and it's a tank and many love how it rides. If you aren't competitively racing it is easy to see how a 400 would be a better option for people. Statements like "trading down" remind me of my sportbike buddies who think when you go from a liter bike to a 600 that you're downgrading, not even close, there's too much personal preference in these things to make such statements.

just because some people see it one way doesn't mean it's all or none. CJM, you've got valid points but you surely can open up and understand that not everybody sees it like you do. Over the past few years i've bought and sold 8 machines......I can tell you right now just as blacknblue mentioned, there is a buyer for anything.

02-17-2014, 10:55 AM
i don't mean to be offensive, but anybody who looks at this ad and thinks it's worth less as CJM has claimed, is just a complete moron. houser a arms, elka shocks, a good setup in the motor, very clean machine, new tires, reverse, completely newly rebuilt motor, there's money in this thing and the right buyer won't have a problem seeing that unless they're completely blind. this ain't no 1200 400ex with stock beat up parts.

maybe in some areas guys will prefer a stock 400ex, but this thing is setup and there are people out there who put value in something that's been cared for and upgraded. I myself do.

Just because you go from a 450 to a 400 doesn't mean you're trading down, some poeple don't like the 450's and they don't realize that until they switch, then regret the decision. The 400ex is a trail beast and it's a tank and many love how it rides. If you aren't competitively racing it is easy to see how a 400 would be a better option for people. Statements like "trading down" remind me of my sportbike buddies who think when you go from a liter bike to a 600 that you're downgrading, not even close, there's too much personal preference in these things to make such statements.

Im only going to say this once: Your only posting to incite an argument. Please shut your pie hole. I will not argue with a retard like yourself it is pointless.

02-17-2014, 10:58 AM
Im only going to say this once: Your only posting to incite an argument. Please shut your pie hole. I will not argue with a retard like yourself it is pointless.

not quite dude, im posting because i truly don't believe what your'e stating, you obviously don't buy or sell much. And what happened to a little maturity, i'm truly glad you can comprehend where some of us are coming from it really proves your age marc. This is not right or wrong, but you sure are making it out to be like that by trying to make me look like an @$$......not everybody will agree with you marc, and i for one get the shaft for disagreeing, even when it's plain as day that this not a factual scientific argument. there are many factors at hand, so please get off your high horse, enough with name calling and trash talk and just be nice. I know this quad has value to the right buyer, you might not offer more than 2k but i'll tell you it can easily go for more, there's value to the right consumer.

02-17-2014, 11:07 AM
Ive quoted you so you cant change it.

And here we go again..another fine thread ruined and incited by you. good job. Please shut your pie hole in regards to anything I say. Now go ahead and report me...go for it.

not quite dude, im posting because i truly don't believe what your'e stating, you obviously don't buy or sell much. And what happened to a little maturity, i'm truly glad you can comprehend where some of us are coming from it really proves your age marc. This is not right or wrong, but you sure are making it out to be like that by trying to make me look like an @$$......not everybody will agree with you marc, and i for one get the shaft for disagreeing, even when it's plain as day that this not a factual scientific argument. there are many factors at hand, so please get off your high horse, enough with name calling and trash talk and just be nice. I know this quad has value to the right buyer, you might not offer more than 2k but i'll tell you it can easily go for more, there's value to the right consumer.

02-17-2014, 12:01 PM
you can quote me all ya want, not sure what i have to hide? However, i hope instead of quoting me and blaming me for ruining a thread, you take the time to read my post and understand the points i'm explaining. I was very civil in this discussion until you got nasty. My points are right on topic. I'm not the only one saying he's got a good asking price, some of us actually do see value in the machine, whether it's a modified 400ex or not, and whether you and your pals consider it worth anything, fact is you're not always gonna be the big cheese and sometimes opinions will differ from yours. This is life man, and you will at some point have to face it. I know it's easy behind the keyboard to talk people down and throw out insults like you have in this thread, but in real life we discuss things so let's keep the forum similar to the real world in that we stay civil and discuss instead of trying to lay all the blame on me for offering a different viewpoint. Now, my pie hole is always open for discussion....you have no right to tell me to shut my pie hole for offering my opinion, that's not your place whether you think you run this site or not. 10k posts does not make you GOD over here like it does on your other sites. I won't report you, but i truly hope the OP does because this got out of control as soon as you got personal and started name calling. I was open for discussion i was giving my experience and you had to get nasty with me, and I'm tired of it always coming back to me whenever you don't like a different opinion. You better believe people are starting to see the light, my pm box will prove that.

02-17-2014, 12:50 PM
you can quote me all ya want, not sure what i have to hide? However, i hope instead of quoting me and blaming me for ruining a thread, you take the time to read my post and understand the points i'm explaining. I was very civil in this discussion until you got nasty. My points are right on topic. I'm not the only one saying he's got a good asking price, some of us actually do see value in the machine, whether it's a modified 400ex or not, and whether you and your pals consider it worth anything, fact is you're not always gonna be the big cheese and sometimes opinions will differ from yours. This is life man, and you will at some point have to face it. I know it's easy behind the keyboard to talk people down and throw out insults like you have in this thread, but in real life we discuss things so let's keep the forum similar to the real world in that we stay civil and discuss instead of trying to lay all the blame on me for offering a different viewpoint. Now, my pie hole is always open for discussion....you have no right to tell me to shut my pie hole for offering my opinion, that's not your place whether you think you run this site or not. 10k posts does not make you GOD over here like it does on your other sites. I won't report you, but i truly hope the OP does because this got out of control as soon as you got personal and started name calling. I was open for discussion i was giving my experience and you had to get nasty with me, and I'm tired of it always coming back to me whenever you don't like a different opinion. You better believe people are starting to see the light, my pm box will prove that.

who cares? literally who cares?! marc disagrees with you, get over it. stop starting arguments. im reporting you. you ruin threads.

to the OP. id say you'll get $2400, maybe $2600 if your lucky. its a 400 man, it doesnt really matter what you got into them, in built form, those are TOUGH TO SELL. you'd be way better off parting it out and selling it in more of a stock form. i know you wont recoup your money, but i think you could net more overall that way than selling in one piece. you have to consider that bone stock 450's (06+ are now selling for $2400+) and you can get built, race ready (XC from my experience) for like $3800-$5000.

Just for example, and this is no stab at your quad ive seen your posts/threads and it is indeed a very nice 400, but brayden schick's(3rd in sport 15+) 08 400 from last years GNCC season is forsale on QUAD zone, and he cant get a nibble at near $3500 on that thing and it is built to hilt (complete hetrick/ct racing motor, gt thunder everything, precision stab, fat bars, dwt bead locks, barbie balls, completely new trany, new bearings, new top end, PC and gusseted frame, etc).....Good luck with sale though. if you decide to part, id be interested in a few things.

02-17-2014, 12:52 PM
who cares? literally who cares?! marc disagrees with you, get over it. stop starting arguments. im reporting you. you ruin threads.
excuse me? i know you 2 are buds, but if you're gonna sit there and whine about me you best read the thread and see where the drama started. I disagreed with mark, he threw a fit. You are doing exactly what i've just explained you're laying blame because i spoke my mind. Read this thread and don't be biased towards your buddy. Did i tell somebody to shut their pie hole? did i call somebody a retard? nope, but your friend CJM sure did! Yet you ignore that? you can report what you want, this thread speaks for itself, get over it, stop taking sides, period!

built 450's that are well built for pro level racers go for anywhere form 6k-10k. I see it all day long. Halfway built, already run for a season or more, XC quads don't hold that type of value. Also, mx and TT pro level quads tend to be much cleaner and are usually more impressive mods from port work, to crank work, to carb work, to more expensive components all the way around.

I stand by opinion I do believe his asking price is very reasonable, no reason to give the thing away. Also i think we are ignoring the fact that based on where a person lives and is selling the quad, prices do vary.

02-17-2014, 01:09 PM
there, i edited it for ya

built 450's that are well built for pro level racers go for anywhere form 6k-10k. I see it all day long. Halfway built, already run for a season or more, XC quads don't hold that type of value. Also, mx and TT pro level quads tend to be much cleaner and are usually more impressive mods from port work, to crank work, to carb work, to more expensive components all the way around.

I stand by opinion I do believe his asking price is very reasonable, no reason to give the thing away. Also i think we are ignoring the fact that based on where a person lives and is selling the quad, prices do vary.

02-17-2014, 01:14 PM

02-17-2014, 01:58 PM
I paid $1500 for mine a couple years ago, Bone stock un molested like I wanted. They are a dime a dozen and as soon as one is sold, two are up for sale.

Ben hit the number dead on, $2400 is the most if that, You will get. At the end of the day, Its still a 400ex!

With regards to a litre vs a 600, That's called 'down sizing', 'down grading'. I owned many, Going from a R1 to a 600RR is less power, Speed, Value, HP etc. But the only time I watched people sell the litre bikes were when they were scared and had no balls to handle the power. The only exception(s) bikes were the 929 and the 636 IIRC kawi, They had more to them than the average 750 and could keep up with litre bikes.

I can sit and buy and dump thousands into my 400, At the end of the day, I still have a $2k +/- quad and that's if its super clean and have all records to find the 'right buyer' for it. If you wait and the right person don't come along, Buy stock parts and sell the aftermarket to re-coupe some lost $$.

Aftermarket parts don't mean chit and honestly do de-value anything with it. It has been altered and ???? has been done? Who knows! Could have been raced and even though it says 35 hours, Could have 100. The value of the item is only worth the going rate of the same model in a flooded market, Mod's just make it easier to sell and faster.

Good luck on the sale and hope you get close to what ya want, But im building mine up and the value is/will always stay the same or fall.

02-17-2014, 02:21 PM
I paid $1500 for mine a couple years ago, Bone stock un molested like I wanted. They are a dime a dozen and as soon as one is sold, two are up for sale.

Ben hit the number dead on, $2400 is the most if that, You will get. At the end of the day, Its still a 400ex!

depends on your area and who's buying it. i sold a 2007 with some nerfs, 450r front shocks, slip on, and new tires for 2800 about 2 years ago.

With regards to a litre vs a 600, That's called 'down sizing', 'down grading'. I owned many, Going from a R1 to a 600RR is less power, Speed, Value, HP etc. But the only time I watched people sell the litre bikes were when they were scared and had no balls to handle the power. The only exception(s) bikes were the 929 and the 636 IIRC kawi, They had more to them than the average 750 and could keep up with litre bikes. Actually the 600 class is more nimble and when geared right is faster on several tracks than the liter bikes. It's only downgrading if you're talking about all out drag performance and the wide open tracks. certain applications the 600 is not a downgrade at all. I used to do track days and i'll tell you at the track we hit in michigan my 600 was nothing but an f4i but i'd leave 1000r's behind me because they couldn't keep the rubber side down coming out of corners. and entering corners on an f4i or 600rr is like a dream compared to the 1000's. That's my experience.

i'll say it agaiin because i truly believe it. aftermarket parts are worth things to certain people. Now i'm not saying you get what you put into it, but you can get more out of something if it's decked out. Right now on FB there are 2 450r's both asking 8-9k because they have been built to the hilt and are the best of the best. anybody looking into getting into racing could buy one of these and save about 10 grand instead of trying to build one. Not always, but lots of times a well built machine with awesome upgrades does have a buyers market.

02-17-2014, 02:34 PM
I think you have a good price on it, just depends how long you want to wait, and how many have cash around your area. Heres one here in Indiana, some are higher, up to 3000.00 with hardly any mods.....while others are under 2000.00 with some stuff.....but there is alot of them. Some may be scared that you had the motor apart and think something may be wrong with it.....another guy well see all your after market parts and want it......if it doesn't sell, put stock parts on and sell the after market and try it again... heres a typical one here around my area.


02-17-2014, 02:39 PM
A lot of people around my area want to trade 450s for 400s due to reliability reasons. And they don't need a machine as fast I guess, even though them 400s keep on their butt. ;)

02-17-2014, 02:40 PM
cheater i see it all the time and made a trade myself for a yfz. Some people try the 450 and just want a trail machine and they're better off with the hundies.

i was gonna post some out of indy, there's a yellow one the guy is asking 2800 and it's raced out, looks like it's been beat the hell on the track. Then there's some nice minty 07's going for 3000 and more. truly depends on how patient one wants to be and also where you're located.

02-17-2014, 03:17 PM
I've got a guy coming Saturday for $3000 the only thing I'm worried about is it has the typical 400 tick

02-17-2014, 03:19 PM
Actually the 600 class is more nimble and when geared right is faster on several tracks than the liter bikes. It's only downgrading if you're talking about all out drag performance and the wide open tracks. certain applications the 600 is not a downgrade at all. I used to do track days and i'll tell you at the track we hit in michigan my 600 was nothing but an f4i but i'd leave 1000r's behind me because they couldn't keep the rubber side down coming out of corners. and entering corners on an f4i or 600rr is like a dream compared to the 1000's. That's my experience.

That would be throttle control and weight distribution/transition from lack of skill. I used to go to road America and just like a quad, If you're bike is set-up correctly, It will perform flawlessly. Too many jumped to litre bikes with no knowledge of the bike and how they operate and transition. That and good tires makes a world of difference on a track and keeping the rubber down.

Either way, Both models react different and IMO on road riding, No difference really comes down to preference.

02-17-2014, 03:23 PM
I've got a guy coming Saturday for $3000 the only thing I'm worried about is it has the typical 400 tick

Its a common thing with 400's, If he knows what hes looking at and the machine reputation, It shouldn't be a problem. But don't let him use that to lower the price, Unless a couple bucks. It looks good and has good parts, Nothing really to worry about.

02-17-2014, 04:13 PM
Yeah I know that it's normal but not everyone does lol

02-18-2014, 12:20 AM
ive got a 03 yellow almost all stock 400ex with the basics like a pipe, nerf bars, bumper, etc., been trying to sell it for like 6 months I think. lowered my price to $1800 even, and never got a call, except the occasional trade offers which I didn't need. ive since took it off craigslist cause theres no point in giving it away. I have NEVER made any money, or even broke even really, selling bikes and quads. and I would be losing money selling mine for 2500$. I guess im better off keeping it cause its one of the cleanest 400's ive ever rode.

http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp255/ky2stroker/004_zps3e49d7e8.jpg (http://s417.photobucket.com/user/ky2stroker/media/004_zps3e49d7e8.jpg.html)

do you got any more pics beside that one angle?

02-18-2014, 05:08 AM
Its Tax time, keep that in mind too

02-18-2014, 05:13 AM
No but I can go take some but it all dirty and too cold to wash but if it doesn't sell I guess I'll just have to keep it AND buy a 450r but oh well haha

02-18-2014, 06:25 AM
I'm never selling my ole 400ex.

02-18-2014, 06:29 AM
I'd lose my shirt and maybe a sock or two if I sold my 400.. I'd be VERY lucky to get $2500 for it as it sits.. $2K is around what I'd expect.

You can ask whatever you want, there's a buyer for everything you may have to wait 6-7 months before they come along though...

02-18-2014, 06:49 AM
I wish i could get what i put into my machines but we know that never happens. I think my 450 at this point would be around 5-6 grand based on what i got in it and i'd expect to get 3 if i sold it today.

02-18-2014, 07:21 AM
I wish i could get what i put into my machines but we know that never happens. I think my 450 at this point would be around 5-6 grand based on what i got in it and i'd expect to get 3 if i sold it today.

$3000-$4000 is a good price for a well kept, moderately modified 450...at least a honda and yami. its when they got all the bells and whistles that dudes start asking a lot more for them.

02-18-2014, 07:33 AM
Yah I'd have a hard time getting 5k for my 450 that I have more than double into.. and that's buying parts used and refurbing them..

Some local young kid asked me what I could sell it for and I said I'd ask $5500-6000 nd settle at around $5000 if push came to shove (canadian market fyi).. Then he asked me if it had gold rims because there's no way a 2005 is worth that lmao.. :uhoh: (kid rides a warrior 350 with wheel spacers and number plates lol..)

02-18-2014, 04:08 PM
That 400 is worth closer to the asking price of $3K than $2K as some are suggesting. If you are willing to wait for the right buyer for sure...

And going from a 450 to a built 400 is not down grading (unless racing competitively at an A level or higher).

02-18-2014, 10:33 PM
That 400 is worth closer to the asking price of $3K than $2K as some are suggesting. If you are willing to wait for the right buyer for sure...

And going from a 450 to a built 400 is not down grading (unless racing competitively at an A level or higher).

Finally somebody with some sense!

02-18-2014, 11:52 PM
Finally somebody with some sense!

Well, ask yourself this.....would you pay $3000 for his bike if you had that much cash to spend? or try and jew him down?

02-19-2014, 06:37 AM
Around here that is a 2000-2400 $ bike.

02-19-2014, 07:27 AM
Around here that is a 2000-2400 $ bike.

as we've already explained several times in this thread. that depends entirely on the particular buyer. to you it might be a 2000-2400 bike. to somebody who's looking for a well setup 400ex it could be worth more.

400man, i wouldn't pay 3k for it, but then again i'm not in the market, who's to say somebody else isn't looking for something just like this. It would be a good value because if they tried to buy the parts and build one themself it would cost more.

Also when i said somebody with some sense i was mostly referring to blodg comment about it not being a downgrade to go from a 450 to a 400. I think people assume it is just off of performance, but in all reality i know several people who have tried the 450 and went back to a 400 because they preferred the way a 400 rode, this would make the 400 an upgrade to somebody who feels it's a better machine for their application. it's all personal preference.

02-19-2014, 09:15 AM
Look at it this way - anyone who is looking for any kind of performance out of a 400EX would be a fool to pay $2,000 for a bone stock '05 and newer quad rather than pay $2,700 for this one. The problem is that market is small because many people (unlike those of us on this forum) just want a quad to ride and don't care about the mods. And the other factor is most people think they need a 450R even though the average weekend warrior does not have the skill to make use of any additional power over a 400EX. And the additional power becomes a moot point when talking about a built 400ex. I rode several 450's with filter/exhaust this summer and none had more power than my 416EX in 2nd and 3rd gear which is all we use for woods riding and hill climbing anyway. And this EX is for sale in Ohio, there aren't any dunes here where a 450R would be big difference.

The market is small so if a seller is not willing to wait for the right buyer then he may only get less than $2k.

02-19-2014, 09:21 AM
I think he'd be able to get 3k up here.. he may have to wait a few months before it sells though.

Hell if he waited long enough he could probably get more.. but how long do you really want to wait?

02-19-2014, 10:55 AM
If I was looking tomorrow for a 400, Id most likely make a drive to ohio to check it out and most likely bring it home if it fit me and I was comfortable. But im the type of buyer that is picky. I wouldn't buy it with that front bumper, Never could stand them or the shark jaw looking ones. Id rather have oem or nothing and buy my own.

I never pay asking price, Never have, Never will. But im not going to jew too much on something that saves me $$ here and all I have to do is add there. Its pretty much a quad that's ready to go in any environment, Track/trail, So anyone knowing what they are looking at is going to be with in a few hundred.

My offer would be around $2400-$2600, Depending on how it rode out etc and the fact I have to drive to get it. Would he take the cash? Who knows, Just depends on how much he wants to part with it and if there is a better offer coming and when. The only real problem with it, Is everyone anymore wants something for nothing!
I see it saving money in many spots and yeah, He will loose out on all the money in it, But you cant over look the mod's done unless plain stupid and have no clue to begin with.

02-19-2014, 08:05 PM
To the ORIGINAL POSTER... in process of reading the thread... but I want to know... is this OHIO?

If so, I may have the right butt for the seat.

02-19-2014, 11:50 PM
No but I can go take some but it all dirty and too cold to wash but if it doesn't sell I guess I'll just have to keep it AND buy a 450r but oh well haha

This is exactly what I did. I got to the point with building my 400 that I KNEW I wasn't even gunna get half (if not a third) of the money back that I put into it, out of it, so I decided to keep modding it into exactly what I wanted. Then along came my good friend I went to high school with who bought a damn good '06 450 that was very decently modded and ended up having a knarly crash on it 3 months after he bought it and decided to throw in the towel and be done with quads. So he sold it to me for $3000, and it had atleast double that into it, if not triple. He didn't care though because he didn't lose a whole lot and he needed the money for medical bills. As everyone has said, there's a buyer for everything, you can wait it out or lower your price to get more bites, just depends on how long you have to wait. Around here that's a $2500 tops bike, more around $2000 for people who don't know what they are buying.

All that being said I have a friend who works ALOT and has more money than he knows what to do with and he keeps buying complete s#!t for crazy prices and then brings it to me to fix and then hop up. He could of had a bad***** bike for the final price he put into the junk he bought, but he just doesn't realize that because he's "special".

02-20-2014, 05:45 AM
To the ORIGINAL POSTER... in process of reading the thread... but I want to know... is this OHIO?

If so, I may have the right butt for the seat.

Yes it is I live about 5mins from the powerline park the same place that the gncc was held

02-20-2014, 06:19 AM
Yes it is I live about 5mins from the powerline park the same place that the gncc was held

You race that GNCC last year? or the year before?

02-20-2014, 07:09 AM
KKiowa, you say you have never paid asking price and never will. I have a good one for ya - when I bought my 400EX 5 or 6 years ago I voluntarily paid MORE than the guy was asking. I had been looking for a while and many for sale looked beat and I went and looked at Jaron Davis national GNCC built 400EX with the intent on buying it and even it showed a bunch of wear and tear. I finally found an ad for a mint stock 400ex an hour away and called the guy within a day or 2 of his listing. He had a guy coming to look at it the next day and I was afraid to miss out on the opportunity. Since his asking price was less than most anyways I offered to pay him $100 more than his asking price if he waited to sell it until I had a chance to come look at it. He agreed and a few days later I arrived with cash in hand and drove away with a mint 3 year old quad with maybe 30 hours on it. And he rode in a sand pit so it never saw mud which made it even better. 5 years later and I couldn't be happier with the deal.

02-20-2014, 07:41 AM
KKiowa, you say you have never paid asking price and never will. I have a good one for ya - when I bought my 400EX 5 or 6 years ago I voluntarily paid MORE than the guy was asking. I had been looking for a while and many for sale looked beat and I went and looked at Jaron Davis national GNCC built 400EX with the intent on buying it and even it showed a bunch of wear and tear.

haha, thats cause when your as fast as garon is, the bike geats beat to death. Yet, when your in a championship hunt like he usually is, his bikes are always well taken care of....... thats still one of the nicest XC built 400's ive ever seen and i wish i had the money to buy it at the time.

02-20-2014, 08:17 AM
You race that GNCC last year? or the year before?

I raced this past year

02-20-2014, 08:36 AM
KKiowa, you say you have never paid asking price and never will. I have a good one for ya - when I bought my 400EX 5 or 6 years ago I voluntarily paid MORE than the guy was asking. I had been looking for a while and many for sale looked beat and I went and looked at Jaron Davis national GNCC built 400EX with the intent on buying it and even it showed a bunch of wear and tear. I finally found an ad for a mint stock 400ex an hour away and called the guy within a day or 2 of his listing. He had a guy coming to look at it the next day and I was afraid to miss out on the opportunity. Since his asking price was less than most anyways I offered to pay him $100 more than his asking price if he waited to sell it until I had a chance to come look at it. He agreed and a few days later I arrived with cash in hand and drove away with a mint 3 year old quad with maybe 30 hours on it. And he rode in a sand pit so it never saw mud which made it even better. 5 years later and I couldn't be happier with the deal.

LOL I kinda did the same thing when I bought mine. I didn't have a truck or trailer and called and talked to a guy 2 hours away about a stock 00' 400ex he had on CL. He sent a million pic's and I couldn't find a flaw in one so I told him on tues/wed I couldn't make it until Friday when a buddy gets home and has a truck.
He asked, Are you interested? I said yeah, But cant make an offer etc couple hours away not seeing it. He was asking $1700 iirc maybe $1500, What I paid. He said he would hold it until I could make it that Friday. It was dec 29 and Friday was new years eve lol.
It was up in the 'quad citys' so I was iffy, But got all his info. Friday comes and we head up and the GPS heading to his house, I thought we were lost! He lived on a huge pro golf course where they hold the john deere classic. Not filthy rich, But a well off house and vehicles. We pull up and he pops the garage door and IMO it was the same show room quad I looked at in 00' at Honda.
He said he had bought it to ride with his son etc but ended up sitting and only 10 hours put on. It fired right up, Rode better than I thought so I was happy to pay the asking price since he held it for me for a couple days on my 'word'. I got back and he had a new set of gncc rears, Case of Honda oil and a new helmet sitting waiting.
He asked what I thought and I said everything you said and then some. I asked him the total asking price with everything and he said $1500.
I asked why would you take a lower offer when you let it sit and told others it was sold or whatever he told them. He said I honored my word and showed up, Kept in contact and when I told him if it didn't ride out, Id still compensate for him holding it for a couple days. He said he would rather it go to that type of person than a punk kid that will trash it in a month.
He said $1500 cash takes it all! I asked you sure, I wasn't there to jew him down, I wanted a bone stock close to showroom I could and was willing to pay, He said $1500 is good enough!
Loaded it up and got thinking I most likely bought a good looking POS etc. Its still just as good a little over two years now and I have never touched the motor, Not even a plug. Still to this day wonder what the 'catch' was! I have the title, Clean and came with extras but don't know why a person would tell a guy at the door no with money asking, Give me extras and a couple hundred less?
All I can say is im still happy with the purchase and if I would have had to pay asking, I would have, It was that clean.

02-20-2014, 08:44 AM
Haha that story made me think of when I got mine.. and made me remembered that it cost me $5500 + tax back in the day for my '01 :eek2:

02-20-2014, 09:12 AM
I raced this past year

howd ya do?

02-20-2014, 01:02 PM
howd ya do?

Well I think I was doing pretty good for my first time racing I raced sport 15+ I was holding 6th then I couple wires broke and I couldn't finish I think I ended up with 11th?

02-20-2014, 01:42 PM
thats very respectable. thats a TOUGH class. its full of ex pro am, a/b riders. ill be running that this year in the 2-3 gncc's that i do run.

02-20-2014, 01:53 PM
thats very respectable. thats a TOUGH class. its full of ex pro am, a/b riders. ill be running that this year in the 2-3 gncc's that i do run.

Yeah should have done first year racer lol my lap times were from 40:14 being my fastest to 40:48 being The slowest and I looked at the first year racer classes lap times and I think the fastest lap time was around 43:00

02-20-2014, 02:11 PM
thats what i did last year. it was my first full year racing and i did 2 gncc's, the mountaineer run and the gusher and then my local series (PAXC..no defunct). so i ran first year. at the beginning of the season i was slow, took 4th in first year at the mountaineer and the kid that took 3rd finished 5 seconds ahead..and then i got faster as the season went along and at the gusher was leading first year till i got in a tangle with another racer on the last lap with a couple miles left to go, adn then the quad over heated and died coming to the finish line. those two incidnets probalby cost me like 15 minutes on my last lap. ended up taking 8th.

02-20-2014, 02:55 PM
thats what i did last year. it was my first full year racing and i did 2 gncc's, the mountaineer run and the gusher and then my local series (PAXC..no defunct). so i ran first year. at the beginning of the season i was slow, took 4th in first year at the mountaineer and the kid that took 3rd finished 5 seconds ahead..and then i got faster as the season went along and at the gusher was leading first year till i got in a tangle with another racer on the last lap with a couple miles left to go, adn then the quad over heated and died coming to the finish line. those two incidnets probalby cost me like 15 minutes on my last lap. ended up taking 8th.

Not bad I think I'm going to do a full local series this year

02-20-2014, 03:09 PM
Not bad I think I'm going to do a full local series this year

what would you run down in that area? CRA? New NECXC? WEXCR?

02-20-2014, 03:33 PM
what would you run down in that area? CRA? New NECXC? WEXCR?

I think we're going to do the awrcs and maybe hit a few cra races and probably do the gncc

02-21-2014, 03:12 PM
Well guys sold my bike i ended up getting $2800 for it

02-21-2014, 03:17 PM
Killer. Didn't even have to wait long for a fair offer lol. Guess that 400 'tick' wasn't even a problem.

02-21-2014, 04:07 PM
Well guys sold my bike i ended up getting $2800 for it
Awesome! I KNEW it was worth closer to $3,000 than $2,000 as I said earlier.

Keep us posted on the 450 you end up with.

02-21-2014, 08:19 PM
Guy called said I can be there with cash in 10 min test rode it and took it home

02-22-2014, 06:20 AM
Well guys sold my bike i ended up getting $2800 for it

I knew your price was right man regardless of what some said. It's unfortunate i got called a retard and told to shut my pie hole for speaking my mind. Glad you got it sold man somebody got a good quad no doubt.

02-22-2014, 06:37 PM
Well I got a 450 it was the cleanest 04-05 I could find it still has the original front brake pads

02-23-2014, 07:30 AM
Well I got a 450 it was the cleanest 04-05 I could find it still has the original front brake pads

02-23-2014, 08:03 AM
Ever since I switched phones I can't get them to work Idk why because I still have the exact same version of the phone just a different one

02-23-2014, 04:26 PM
Good deal... So what do you think so far?

Positives and negatives...