View Full Version : your thoughts...

03-19-2003, 09:06 PM
on the war. seriously, none of this immature comments that previously have been posted.

i think there were better ways he could have delt with it. not only is he endangering us, but lots of innocient lives will be lost over this.. not only our soldiers, but people over there.

also, our economy.. its going to *****. the american dollar will be so worthless when all this is done. they said something about its costing 50 billion... yes billion, just for the training and the beginings of war. our dollar is growing worthless every minute. he needs to think how it will affect here at home.

and then not to mention the billions he'll use to rebuilt what he will distroyed.

and then all these americans calling us people who dont agree with the war anti american? fu*k them. they just as guilty as us calling us that. isnt freedom of speach one of the things our country was built on. we not anti-american.. were pro people. anti-war. theres a difference. there are just more mature ways to deal with this. they dont stop to think about how it is for th people there. imagine china and korea coming here and setting up shop in our back yards.. waiting and planning to bomb us. its exactly whats going on with the terriost. they dont like our leader, so they attacking us. bush is just as guilty. he doesnt like their leader so they are getting attacked.

i know saddam is evil, and he needs to be taken out. but their are other ways. they can think of building the stealth plane, unseen to the radar eye and all. but cant think of solutions.

there are just better ways to go about this all. :rolleyes:

and i know ill probley get ***** for this. but i make alot of good points.. so dont be labeling me anti-american. if anything i am pro. i dont want our people dying, or anyone else for that matter. we love this country and support it, but dont label someone anti american when they are anti war.

sorry for the long post. but i needed to vent on the whole people getting pissed off because some people dont like this. they will be scared out there mind when people are dying from attacks here.

03-19-2003, 09:57 PM
im still up, its 4am.. havent gone to sleep. still watching cnn.. thats some crazy stuff going on there.

god bless our troops though, the war is on, have no choice now. crazy stuff.

just keep the families in your hearts that will get the bad news of their child, or children for that matter.
this world is getting worse everyday.

03-19-2003, 11:21 PM
i heard 50 billion for everything but i could be wrong. BUt I think he handeled it very well. I mean they set a deadline then they didnt meet it so they gave them an extra 10 days they failed to do anything to really meet it. IM glad to see that the president is a man of his word. I dont think that war is gonna make our dollar go down. I mean my geometry teacher said that the market went up at the begining of the week. So i think that oit wont go down in dollar value but i think we will go inot dept. All i know is that if I could sign up to go over and fight i would I think that this is the right thing to do i mean i think its time he gets what he derves.

twisted threads
03-20-2003, 12:10 AM
Well I don't like to see war AT ALL but I do belive its time for Saddam to get what he has coming to him. For many years now he has killed hundreds maybe thousands of his owen Iraqi people. He also has been beating around the bush with the weapon inspectors for 12 years now, he had a chance to back down but he didn't so now its time for the United States to help him out of Iraq. This war was up to Saddam and he decided to stay and take the beating. I don't know about all of you but im still really Mad :mad: about 9/11 and I have no dought that Saddam probley funded Bin Laden for some of his camps that trains terriost. Also it didn't matter who was president at the time 9/11 would have still happened. The men that ran thoughs plains into the WTS buildings were training for years.
Im not scared at all about this war, if I had to go I would who knows we might have WWIII :eek: No we won't. Most of all the stuff thats going on in the world these days is in the Bible. Just read it your selfs and see. Im not going to preech at you just telling you the truth. I REALLY hope all this war stuff gets over with and there will be Peace but I know that there will be NO world peace but hopefull peace soon back in America.
My prayers go out to all the US troops and all you guys living with fear in you because you dont need to fear. ;) By the way Im very serious about what say and Im sure that there are lots of people on this site that disagree with me, thats Ok your intitaled to your opinion and if you want to talk about it PM me. :cool: :)

03-20-2003, 12:12 AM
Every man of peace needs a man of action to keep him safe.



twisted threads
03-20-2003, 12:15 AM
Very nice LEO!! I like that and well said.:D :cool:

03-20-2003, 01:07 AM
Before I begin I would like to say that this is my personal opinion on the matter, don't take any of it to heart. I am certainly not an expert about the subject by any means.

I read all the other threads about war but refrained from posting until now because most people on here will not agree with my point of view. Although I don't agree with what some people have been saying on here I certainly respect their beliefs.

I think that boonovies has a good point here. Everyone agrees that Saddam is a truly evil and bothered man. There is no doubt that his regime has to be taken out of power but not this way. What the Bush administration did in not only legally wrong, but morally wrong as well.

By doing what he did to the UN, he is telling the world that their opinion doesn't matter. What would happen if all the countries decided to do what they believed was right without the UN or Security Council's approval? This has seriously hurt the UN and has taken lots of power away from it. Things are going to be different from now on as other countries will try to do the same thing. I think this will come back to haunt the US.

Sure the US is the only super power left in the world, but that doesn't give them the right to do what they feel is right. Especially when the majority of the world is against it. Doesn't it tell you something when nearly half the American population was against war? Blair had about 75% of his population that disapproved the use of force and he went anyway. That is just plain sad.

Now that the war is started I hope that it will be over soon without many lives being taken.

Bash away :)

"You cannot fight violance with violance"

03-20-2003, 01:37 AM
America is a great country, no, it is the greatest country in the world! Also, I like that Leo!

While I believe folks should have the freedom of speech and have the right to demonstrate, I found myself rather infuriated the other day. I parked next to a vehicle that had an anti-bush and anti-war poster in the back seat. Apparently, they had been to a demonstration. I wanted to place a note on that vehicle stating: If they were in Iraq and they held up a sign like that denouncing the government, they would be dead right now. Of course, I didn't. All of these demonstrators are enjoying, just one of the many freedoms that the people of Iraq do not have.

While I wish we had UN support, it is clear that the French have other motives. I hope when we roll into Baghdad, we find proof that they (the french) were violating the trade embargo.

Listen to this excerpt from a phone call on KVIM radio. It should work, but I can't check it, since it is blocked at work. http://www.rock103.com/crew/showprep/xdirect.php?id=1862
Basically, it is a former Iraqi "jousting" with a peace demonstrator. She cannot rebuke what he says.

God Bless our troops and America.

Glow Plug
03-20-2003, 01:49 AM
I agreee with everyone on this site year saddam is eveil and yeah he should not be a leader, i think he is currupt and he has not paid attention to any of the warnings and i think this is the only way to stop him. i don't know why they didn't do it 13 years ago, So am i in suppot of this yeah, and everyone who want's "world peace" there's no such thing as world peace these's always going to be somebody whodoesn't agree with some elses oppion.

I was very happy with mr bush going on air at the "start" of the war and i was glad he wasn't lieing he openly addimtied that the were going to be people killed and injued many of they inisent people.

I just hope that this war is over as quickly as possable because i really don't want gas over $1 a litre and i don't really want inocent people killed

03-20-2003, 04:36 AM
one thing i didnt like seeing this morning, was that children got hurt there going to school from a bombing.

stuff like that will piss me off more than anything and make me sick to my stomach.

03-20-2003, 04:47 AM
I think we all agree that war is not good, but i believe we all should support out troops and our presidents. I think its a good idea to get rid of saddam. He has played hide and seek with his stuff long enough. There were war heads that were found that he wasn't suppose to have, that right there should have been reason enough, but the US still gave him time to come clean. Who knows what he had waiting to put into those missiles.

I agree with leo we need men of action to protect the people of peace. I would be signed up now if i could but i can't join because of asthma. My dad was in the army and my grandpa, who is now dead from diseases contracted during war, fought in pacific theatre.

Last weekend while cruzing around in the city, i saw a ford lighting that had a huge sign in the back window that said, "bomb Iraq" The support is there. We only hear the people that ***** and moan about going to war, not the people that support it. More people support it than are against it.

03-20-2003, 05:49 AM
Originally posted by boonovies
one thing i didnt like seeing this morning, was that children got hurt there going to school from a bombing.

stuff like that will piss me off more than anything and make me sick to my stomach.


its a war.............what did you think was going to happen? did the arabs consider our school children when they leveled the world trade center? I doubt it.
get real.................

this thread sickens me and YOU sicken me. why dont you stand by and wait for the next terrorist attack while we make sure there isn't going to be one.

just wanted to add one thing................the title of this thread is "your thoughts"
well..................you just got my thoughts.

03-20-2003, 06:11 AM
I would say this even if we were not at war right now.

The United States is the greatest country on earth. Not only are we the strongest, but because of our election process, the country is truly ruled BY THE PEOPLE. For this reason, I also say we are the wisest, and most compassionate country. We have what everybody else wants, wealth and freedom.

As the strongest, we have an obligation to police and protect the rest of the world. The arguement of "it's not our problem" doesn't hold water. If your child was attacked, what would you think of the police officer that said "It's not my child, it's not my problem" and went back to eating his doughnut instead of helping, instead of protecting your child, or your mother, or your wife?

We are the only country that CAN do something about Saddam Hussein. As such, we have an obligation to the people of Iraq, and the rest of the world.

03-20-2003, 06:38 AM
this thread sickens me and YOU sicken me. why dont you stand by and wait for the next terrorist attack while we make sure there isn't going to be one.

I agree 100%

better to be proactive it will save lives in the longrun.

People that say what goes on in iraq doesnt directly affect us here in the USA, I say to them if the next door neighbor is getting raped it doesnt directly affect me but i am not going to let it go on.

People in Iraq die by the thousands at the hands of saddam and we know this, is that ok?

Do you want to leave this for your kids to deal with?

Should we let countries threaten are freedoms with no repercutions?

Should we get approval from a country's that profits from iraq

France, germany, Russia dont care about the people of Iraq all they care about is the almighty $.

People that are against this war i respect your right to have an opinion but you need to back our troops they are thier fighting for us and to insure that we have our freedoms.

I stand behind my President. Funny how average joes think they know more about what is going on in this world than our Government.

God Bless our Troops

03-20-2003, 06:43 AM
If you do not support the war it is simply because you dont know the truth. If you know the truth and still say "dont fight" then I say please, make yourself a human shield.

Tip of the truth>>>>>http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=50128

If you think I am smoking crack, research it for yourself.

03-20-2003, 06:54 AM
No matter your thoughts on the war, I would ask that you all keep all of my friends and their families in your hearts until they can return home.


As far as my thoughts, we waited 12 years and now it is time to pay so my boys are going to build the bombs that level that country:devil


03-20-2003, 06:56 AM
Originally posted by Blysster
By doing what he did to the UN, he is telling the world that their opinion doesn't matter. What would happen if all the countries decided to do what they believed was right without the UN or Security Council's approval? This has seriously hurt the UN and has taken lots of power away from it. Things are going to be different from now on as other countries will try to do the same thing. I think this will come back to haunt the US. :confused:

The UN is a joke and Saddam Hussein has been proving that for the last 12 years. How many more resolutions do you think the UN should pass telling Saddam to disarm before he will get the idea that they are serious? Why pass resolutions if you have no intentions of enforcing them? Figure this one out - Iraq has a member on the UN Comission for Human Rights but the US doesn't.

I see it this way... sooner or later we will deal with Saddam. We can choose the time and day or we can sit back and wait for him to choose. If we have to deal with him after he has created nuclear weapons, the cost (both financial & in American lives) will be devastating.

Be thankful that you live in a country where you can voice opposition to your government (even if it is un-informed). If you lived in Iraq, you would be publicly executed for doing so.

03-20-2003, 07:15 AM

it gonna hit the west port ever? :confused:


03-20-2003, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by boonovies
one thing i didnt like seeing this morning, was that children got hurt there going to school from a bombing.

What time do their children go to school? I'm pretty sure the bombing of the leaders bunker took place very early in the morning (4 am - 5:30 am).

Do NOT believe 99% of what you see coming from Iraqi television. Saddam Hussein and his people control the television and 99% of the images you see will be propaganda attempting to rally the muslims and other Arab countries against America (the great Satan).

03-20-2003, 07:21 AM
Originally posted by SlapNutz

it gonna hit the west port ever? :confused:


it can if kora and saddddam become friends and they shot it for saddddam..:(

03-20-2003, 07:21 AM
That was actually a Red Cross report and is probably pretty accurate.

It's unfortunate to be sure

03-20-2003, 07:23 AM
Originally posted by monkeyboy
it can if kora and saddddam become friends and they shot it for saddddam..:(

:eek: yahh i hurd bouts that donkykongkim in korae, i cood get him if he goes out huntin birdz wit us. it cood me slooppy wit the birdshot, but we can kleen in the creeks

03-20-2003, 07:25 AM
Isn't it interesting that they are reporting that one of the 3 missiles fired at our troops in Iraq was a scud missle? Isn't that a missle that Saddam has been telling the world that he no longer has? Maybe we should give Saddam one more chance. He'll do the right thing this time.

03-20-2003, 08:25 AM
Do you want to leave this for your kids to deal with?

if we would have went to war or not... my kids will have to deal with even worse, with the direction this world is going to.

not only we have to finish dealing with saddam.. we have korea to worrie about now. not to mention how easy they can drag china into it, which they totally hate us.

and people that said i make them sick, didnt get what i was saying. i dont agree with war. i just think there are better ways to go about it. im not saying to do nothing at all. read.

03-20-2003, 10:34 AM
Forgetful Frenchies

03-20-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by boonovies
if we would have went to war or not... my kids will have to deal with even worse, with the direction this world is going to.

not only we have to finish dealing with saddam.. we have korea to worrie about now. not to mention how easy they can drag china into it, which they totally hate us.

and people that said i make them sick, didnt get what i was saying. i dont agree with war. i just think there are better ways to go about it. im not saying to do nothing at all. read.

I did read...............you wrote "one thing i didnt like seeing this morning, was that children got hurt there going to school from a bombing.

stuff like that will piss me off more than anything and make me sick to my stomach. "

and I simply replied that YOU make me sick to my stomach. so we both have things that make us sick. no big deal..........right?

watching people jumping from the world trade center on 9-11 made me sick to my stomach also.

watching bahgdad burn warms my heart.

03-20-2003, 11:08 AM
seeing kids hurt makes me sick...

youd feel different if it were your own kids.

03-20-2003, 11:09 AM
There is always room for you guys to become human shields for the cause.....I cannot believe the anti war opinions in this thread, are you guys not living in the same reality? I finally found someone more annoying than a clueless teenager......:o

mopar 400
03-20-2003, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Leo
Every man of peace needs a man of action to keep him safe.


Leo RIGHT ON LEO.......

03-20-2003, 11:11 AM
haha! im your worst enemy a clueless teen that thinks war is stupid, i could care less as long as they dont bother me

03-20-2003, 11:13 AM
you are more than just clueless...I saw your pic......:D

03-20-2003, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by freeride132
haha! im your worst enemy a clueless teen that thinks war is stupid, i could care less as long as they dont bother me


03-20-2003, 11:16 AM

03-20-2003, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by boonovies
if we would have went to war or not... my kids will have to deal with even worse, with the direction this world is going to.

Unfortunately war is a necessary evil unless you want the likes of the Saddam Husseins/Osama Bin Ladens determining the direction the world is going to take. I love America and will take my chances with our leaders determining the path our country takes. You might as well get used to it because this may not be the last time we have to take out some nutcase that hates America and what it stands for. History will show that we did what we had to do.

03-20-2003, 11:40 AM
But just from reading this thread:

People that can SPELL correctly are "Pro-War"

People that can make COMPLETE sentences are "Pro-War"

People that make proper USE of the ENGLISH language are "Pro-War"

Replies that I only had to read through ONCE to understand it are "Pro-War"

Now if I was some fool off the street, I think I would believe the educated people over the "not so educated" people.

Don't use the excuse that "I'm just to lazy to use spell check or re-read my post for corrections" because that just proves my point all the more.

03-20-2003, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by AlaskaSpeed
I cannot believe the anti war opinions in this thread, are you guys not living in the same reality?


03-20-2003, 11:44 AM

your so misreading what i said. i have no choice but to support the war now that its going on. i agree we need to take the bad guys out and im supporting the troops now that they are out there and that some will lose their life over this. but theres always another way besides violence.

03-20-2003, 11:52 AM
Personally... I know this is a lil radical but I say Nuc Them.... I know that is pushing it but I have my reason:

If we Nuc them now we won't have to worry about it later. And Nuc North Korea as well.

Our government worrys to much about public opinion(WHich is understandable) I mena we area democracy but..... When it comes to people that don't give 2 *****s about you or your family and we go and treat them great. I say screw that. It sickens me to see these people say Sadam has done nothing and that we are being to agressive.

Who were the ones that ran our own planes into our buildings and tried to kill 100,000 people.

They are the agressors and Sadam is funding it... I say take him out and all other threats to our nation....

03-20-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by boonovies
but theres always another way besides violence.

You think they just said....aaaa ur p*ssing us off, we are gonna bomb you. BULL SHIZ!!! They tried. They didnt listen.

03-20-2003, 11:58 AM
oh well... no matter what i say ill get jumped on.. so much for one of the rules this country was founded on... free speach.

03-20-2003, 12:02 PM
your thread....your name( your thoughts) thats exactly what my thoughts are.

03-20-2003, 12:05 PM
people are always ready to jump down someones throat. people have their own opinions, accept it. but dont attack the person for how they feel.

03-20-2003, 12:15 PM
Alright...take it easy. You can tell this is a touchy subject.

1. boonovies, I respect you, you are the first anti-war person that actually has some solid information. I dissagree with you, but you are rational. My thoughts are, if we keep trying to be diplomatic, that is when the real destruction of the UN will come in. Look at the leauge of nations. Japan invades indochina...we tell them to stop. Japan invades china...korea...we tell them to stop. They quickly learned that the league of nations was nothing, they could do what they wanted. I personally feel that Bush is the first president with the balls to back up what the UN is saying. Saddam has been pushing this for 13 years now. He had to know his time would come.

2. I feel that by protesting the war, you are really forgeting the men and women that are over there now risking their lives for us.

3. France is a disgrace in my opinion. We sent our boys over to get Germany out...Germany wasnt a pressing issue for us at the time. We saw that by helping France, it would be for the good of the world. Now, look at the parallel. Saddam has weapons, and is obviously not affraid to use them. It is, in my opinion, in the best interest of world security that we remove his regime from power. I see France being right there after we remove the regime to help pick up the pieces and gain on the economics of it. I'm done for now...I have more thougts on the WWII vs. now thing, maybe I'll throw them in later.

03-20-2003, 12:24 PM
im NOT anti war.. geez.. all i said is that it sucks and i wish other ways would have been sought after.

most of the usa thinks this sucks.

03-20-2003, 12:24 PM
boonovies, I don't think folks are jumping down your throat, it's just that people have strong feelings and each feels he is right. While, I have a tendancy to see things from both sides, I feel there was really no other choice than to do what we are doing right this moment in Iraq. I am saddened that innocent people will be hurt and killed. However, I believe Saddam has murdered many more of his own people over the years than will be killed or ever hurt in this campaign. Probably including military personnel.

I have tried to read all of your posts, and you continually mention, that there should be or is another way. What is it? He has had 12 freaking years of diplomacy. The girl speaking in the link I posted earlier had no answer to the question: "What good would it do to leave Saddam in power?" Do you have an answer for what we should be doing instead of the actions we are taking now?

lex luger
03-20-2003, 12:44 PM
i was watchin the news about the rivals in the streets, and i think its funny what some people are doing, biological warfare is the only way to do, who wants to risk loosing our prescious petrolium(not i) why nuke them, in the long run, we're going to be the ones suffering, but whats the point in voicing our opinion? it's not going to make it to the white house, america soo wants eveything to be one form of government, i don't think sadam really post's as a threat to us, its just a personal thing between him and bush(bush sr. and sadam) but yeah, north korea is too risky to f^ck around with its nuclear allies, we bomb iraq or iran, north korea is gonna blow up half of the USA, UNLESS WE TAKE OUT THE RICE PICKERS FIRST!

03-20-2003, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by lex luger
i was watchin the news about the rivals in the streets, and i think its funny what some people are doing, biological warfare is the only way to do, who wants to risk loosing our prescious petrolium(not i) why nuke them, in the long run, we're going to be the ones suffering, but whats the point in voicing our opinion? it's not going to make it to the white house, america soo wants eveything to be one form of government, i don't think sadam really post's as a threat to us, its just a personal thing between him and bush(bush sr. and sadam) but yeah, north korea is too risky to f^ck around with its nuclear allies, we bomb iraq or iran, north korea is gonna blow up half of the USA, UNLESS WE TAKE OUT THE RICE PICKERS FIRST!

you dont think the arabs pose a threat to us? are you friggen joking or were you born sept 12th 2001?:rolleyes:

03-20-2003, 12:55 PM
my friends dad used to be high up in the army. he was talking about korea and china. he was saying our army is stronger than we will every know. but he is scared of china. he knows what they have. and to hear him say he is worried about china, means they must have some serious *****.

like he said, saddam could easiley get korea in this mess if he chooses. and korea can easily get china in it also, and you dont want china in it. they seriously hate us. and thats the country to be worried about.

03-20-2003, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by boonovies
my friends dad used to be high up in the army. he was talking about korea and china. he was saying our army is stronger than we will every know. but he is scared of china. he knows what they have. and to hear him say he is worried about china, means they must have some serious *****.

like he said, saddam could easiley get korea in this mess if he chooses. and korea can easily get china in it also, and you dont want china in it. they seriously hate us. and thats the country to be worried about.

china is the factory of the world. we allow them to import SO much into the US, I doubt they are ready to lose that economic porkchop. flip over anything on your desk and see where it was made.

03-20-2003, 01:03 PM
I followed my own instructions...........
tape dispenser= made in USA
stapler= made in taiwan
calculator= made in japan
baby toy= made in china
35mm film= made in italy
maglight flashlight= made in USA
telephone= made in china

03-20-2003, 01:04 PM
:o i just picked up the toy raptor in front of me it says made in china

03-20-2003, 01:10 PM
ask the iraqi's that are over here in exile what they think of saddam! who do you think will kill more of iraq's people the u.s. or saddam ? hell, saddam has about 100,000 lead on us already. oh...and china we shouldn't worry about those toads unless they can get over here riding their bicycles. plus who would buy all of their rubber dog sh(t! and worthless junk if we didn't.

03-20-2003, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by 4punksdad

its a war.............what did you think was going to happen? did the arabs consider our school children when they leveled the world trade center? I doubt it.
get real.................

this thread sickens me and YOU sicken me. why dont you stand by and wait for the next terrorist attack while we make sure there isn't going to be one.

just wanted to add one thing................the title of this thread is "your thoughts"
well..................you just got my thoughts.

4punks ..... that was a few sick twisted terrorists from the middle east , thats pretty much steriotyping all middle east people as terrorists or Anti americans. when I'm sure most of them don't agree with saddam but have no choice but to do what he says because they are stuck in that **** hole .
Saddam doesn't give a rat's *** about the people in his country , thats why he lets things like this happen. He causes **** then sits back and watches while innocent people in their country are killed because of his actions.
I'm sure many of them would love to see Saddam be taken out as much as everyone else in the world.
I do feel bad for the people in Iraq who are stuck under Saddam's leadership and have no choice but to vote for him.
I do believe that Saddam should be taken out

03-20-2003, 02:06 PM
I personally dont think very many people from the Middle East are very smart. Saddam was saying that if we attack we will be sorry? GET REAL! He couldn't even hit us in Kuwait with the SCUD missiles he wasnt supposed to have! Hussein is done, he might even be dead as I type this, I dont even really know. I hope we killed all three of the *******s.

I totally and completely support the war. If I had it my way, Iraq would no longer be there, or if it was it would be owned by us for the last 13 years. I personally know 3-4 people in the war who are DIRECTLY in the line of fire. One of my cousins is trained as both a sniper, and the first guy in line for Urban combat. He is the guy who kicks the door of the house open, and is usually the first guy to die. Do you think that makes me not want this war to go on? Nope, not at all. I could just see Ben bust in with an M-4 and kill some Iraqi moron. He is a cocky, arrogant short guy, and just couldnt wait to go to war. Sure, I wouldn't want to be over there right now, but if I had to I would. We've only dropped about 80 bombs on them, we have 3000 missiles left, and they are all GPS guided. We might even have a MOAB over there, I really dont know.

I personally cant stand anti-war protests, or environmentalists. They fall in the same category with me.

03-20-2003, 02:08 PM
I agree with freestylexrider that u cant stereotype all of them but i also agree with freeride and 4punks that war is inevitable.

03-20-2003, 02:19 PM
Today, Saddam proved to the world that "the cause is just" with the missle attacks in Kuwait. Shooting missles that the Hollywood commies and the french cowards said he didnt have. People who are protesting the war are not anti war, they are "pro-Hussain" in my book and therfore, should be sent over there to live. And take the Dixie Chicks with 'em.

03-20-2003, 02:32 PM
I know in the news coverage over in Iraq after the 9/11 attacks. They did make the Iraq and other middle eastern people look bad by showing some of the followers of Saddam (Alky , those are the stupid middle easterns) But there is no doubt that majority of these people are against Saddam and his choices.
I mean , because of him many of them have been forced to leave their homes, businesses and communitys that they have worked their whole life for. And without a doubt will never be seen again

03-20-2003, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by FreeStylexrider
. They did make the Iraq and other middle eastern people look bad by showing some of the followers of Saddam (Alky , those are the stupid middle easterns)

No, I just meant it was in their genes to not be too bright...lol, kinda like alot of americans I know :eek:

03-20-2003, 02:45 PM
this war just pisses me off, yippy maybe we can pay another 15 more cents than what it was at in another week or so!

03-20-2003, 04:01 PM
I was watching the local news earlyer and they were showing all kinds of schools on the twin cities where kids were just skipping out of school to protest the war.. that really kinda pi$$ed me off cuz most of them dont give a dam about whats going on and just want out of class time... and the also intervied some people that used to live in Iraq and they said that everyone there hates suddam and most off the people there are glad in a way that the US is going in there and liberating Iraq

03-20-2003, 05:03 PM
Protestors need to educate themselves on the bio-agents he DOES IN FACT HAVE, and what they can do.


03-20-2003, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by boonovies
most of the usa thinks this sucks.

What polls are you getting your information from? This was found on USA Today's web site for Mar 16, 2003.

1. Would you favor invading Iraq with U.S. ground troops in the next week or two to remove Saddam Hussein from power?
* Favor: 58%
* Oppose: 40%

2. Do you think the United Nations is doing a good job in handling the situation with Iraq?
* Good job: 43%
* Poor job: 53%

3. Do you approve of the way President Bush is handling the situation with Iraq?
* Approve: 56%
* Disapprove: 41%

Source: USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup poll of 1,007 adults Friday-Saturday. Margin of error +/-3 percentage points.

03-20-2003, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Leo
Every man of peace needs a man of action to keep him safe.


are u retarded ok let me refraise that ooh yeah and screw all you lil 15 year olds who are going for the war u wont ever touch that ground or know what ur talkling about so dont say nuthing i am 15 but at least i have a sense of how and how many ppl will die. but back to the quote let me say this "Everyman of peace has his side of action and will take it when nesscisary". if u never been to war nore are goin dont say ur all for war cuz u have no reality of the actual problem and the thoughts of being there. once you've been to war and know whats its all about then u can say until then dont root for our men and women to go down there and fight for there lives when some of them will not come back

03-20-2003, 05:34 PM
I think you will find that many of the current anti-war people are also anti-Bush. It makes me want to puke :mad: when I listen to the politicians & so-called celebrities flapping their gums about this being an unjust war that President Bush is "forcing us into". Do a little research and you will find that these same idiots fully supported Clinton back in 1998 when he bombed the crap out of Iraq for Saddams non-compliance with the UN resolutions.

03-20-2003, 05:45 PM
hey all im sayin is that im sick of ppl going for something they know nuthing about. sure i aint all for war and what u got a problem hehe thats cool kiss my a** and lick my b***'s its my opinion the topic asked for it i simply said it.

03-20-2003, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Surjical
are u retarded ok let me refraise that ooh yeah and screw all you lil 15 year olds who are going for the war u wont ever touch that ground or know what ur talkling about so dont say nuthing i am 15 but at least i have a sense of how and how many ppl will die. but back to the quote let me say this "Everyman of peace has his side of action and will take it when nesscisary". if u never been to war nore are goin dont say ur all for war cuz u have no reality of the actual problem and the thoughts of being there. once you've been to war and know whats its all about then u can say until then dont root for our men and women to go down there and fight for there lives when some of them will not come back

Do we need any more reasons why you must be 18 years old to vote?

If a madman (who hates America) bent on creating nuclear weapons isn't enough to spur you to action, what would? Must he take away your video games? Maybe your quad... would that spur you to action?

03-20-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Surjical
hey all im sayin is that im sick of ppl going for something they know nuthing about. sure i aint all for war and what u got a problem hehe thats cool kiss my a** and lick my b***'s its my opinion the topic asked for it i simply said it.

Your only 15? With your mastery of the English language I would have guessed you to be at least 16. By the way, I had already spent three of my ten years in the Air Force when you were born. I was probably in Germany guarding our ground launched cruise missles the day you were born.

03-20-2003, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by boonovies
seeing kids hurt makes me sick...

youd feel different if it were your own kids.

You know what? Your kind of right, the kid's whos parents died in 9/11 probably also felt sick, wouldn't ya think moron?
No 4punks is not saying all of the middle-eastern people should be blown sky high, he pretty much specifically specified the suddam regieme should be destroyed, and spoke of nothing else.
I'm in total support of what Leo, 4punks, Bubs, Chef and Alaska are saying.
I believe myself to be "pro-bush"..... just think where we would be If Al Gore was president now? Probably praying everynight for our own safety. BUSH HAS BALLS, and that's what this country seems to really need! He's worried for your life and our country, rather than the next re-election :rolleyes:
I don't like to see human lives taken at all, just like any other person, but something NEEDS to be done about this ******* and what he has been doing!
This whole war epidemic goes to show the true pussification of America!
I seriously do not see a reason why any educated person would object to what our president is doing.

Surjical, seriously what room do you have to talk about people going for somethin they know nothing of? In you and boonovies I see VERY few facts :huh
But you are right about many not knowing the sense of war, but I, like many here, if needed, would put my life at stake to protect what and who I love, no lie, like our soljas are doing this moment.
It's seriously pittyful that they're putting their lives on the line for you and even let you sit at your computer and basically put down on them.

03-21-2003, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by stocktires
You know what? Your kind of right, the kid's whos parents died in 9/11 probably also felt sick, wouldn't ya think moron?
No 4punks is not saying all of the middle-eastern people should be blown sky high, he pretty much specifically specified the suddam regieme should be destroyed, and spoke of nothing else.
I'm in total support of what Leo, 4punks, Bubs, Chef and Alaska are saying.
I believe myself to be "pro-bush"..... just think where we would be If Al Gore was president now? Probably praying everynight for our own safety. BUSH HAS BALLS, and that's what this country seems to really need! He's worried for your life and our country, rather than the next re-election :rolleyes:
I don't like to see human lives taken at all, just like any other person, but something NEEDS to be done about this ******* and what he has been doing!
This whole war epidemic goes to show the true pussification of America!
I seriously do not see a reason why any educated person would object to what our president is doing.

Surjical, seriously what room do you have to talk about people going for somethin they know nothing of? In you and boonovies I see VERY few facts :huh
But you are right about many not knowing the sense of war, but I, like many here, if needed, would put my life at stake to protect what and who I love, no lie, like our soljas are doing this moment.
It's seriously pittyful that they're putting their lives on the line for you and even let you sit at your computer and basically put down on them.

Think ....
So ur saying even the Iraqi people who don't support Saddam... should be killed?:huh Juist because they are Iraqi .... in other words like i said thats steriotypng ...
Just say that some american terrorists highjacked a plane and crashed it into a major monument in Britian ... Does that mean all Americans are terrorists and that they all supported it?
You would feel bad wouldn't you?
Well I'm sure there were many Iraqi people who felt bad for the people killed in the 9/11 bombings.....

03-21-2003, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by YelloDog1
What polls are you getting your information from? This was found on USA Today's web site for Mar 16, 2003.

1. Would you favor invading Iraq with U.S. ground troops in the next week or two to remove Saddam Hussein from power?
* Favor: 58%
* Oppose: 40%

2. Do you think the United Nations is doing a good job in handling the situation with Iraq?
* Good job: 43%
* Poor job: 53%

3. Do you approve of the way President Bush is handling the situation with Iraq?
* Approve: 56%
* Disapprove: 41%

Those are very tight margins man.....
Not saying Saddam shouldn't be taken out, hes a sick man.

Source: USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup poll of 1,007 adults Friday-Saturday. Margin of error +/-3 percentage points.

Those are tight margins man.....
But Saddam should be taken out.... hes a sick man.

03-21-2003, 12:40 AM
surgical is the correct spelling of your name..............

anyway..........yes, leo is retarded. thats why HE founded and built this bulletin board for punks like you to come on here and insult him. go away............

03-21-2003, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by 4punksdad
surgical is the correct spelling of your name..............

anyway..........yes, leo is retarded. thats why HE founded and built this bulletin board for punks like you to come on here and insult him. go away............

I agree 100%...startin a fight with Leo will get you 1 foot from every mod on here broke off in your ***...:grr

03-21-2003, 01:14 AM
anyway..........yes, leo is retarded. thats why HE founded and built this bulletin board for punks like you to come on here and insult him. go away............

I agree 100%...startin a fight with Leo will get you 1 foot from every mod on here broke off in your ***...

Wrong guy to mess with surgical. You might get an boot to arse introduction:devil

lex luger
03-21-2003, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by 4punksdad
you dont think the arabs pose a threat to us? are you friggen joking or were you born sept 12th 2001?:rolleyes:

actually no i really don't, wow they can high jack a plan and fly one or two into the WTC...they actually arn't too threatining, the reason we don't do nothing is because of their allies....

03-21-2003, 02:27 AM
surgical.....i think you need to figure out what yer peter is for before you start making world policy. its a hard world and the brave people that defend our country for minimum wage provide you with the security to live a peaceful and prosperous life. i tried to remeber when i was 15 and i cant imagine myself being intellectually prepared to even state an opinion on world events. i reckon you will learn soon enough...maybe when some terrorist sets of a bomb in your home town....possibly killing friends and family.

and as far as callin leo a retard:confused: i reckon you just dug a hole big enough to bury iraq ;)

03-21-2003, 02:38 AM
Surjical, havn't we all had enough problems with you in the pass few days :rolleyes: ?

I think Surjical should be banned. Every thread he posts in there ends up being a fight.

03-21-2003, 02:38 AM
as far as the arabs being a group that needs to be scrutinized and watched...you bet yer *** they need to be hammered:macho

i havent met many that had a good thing to say about americans or the USofA. i normally ask them..."then why the hell are you here?" they come to our country to make a better life for themselves and thier family...yet bring thier hatred with them:confused:

the phrase "bring me your tired..weak..hungry and poor" needs to be amended. it should read...."check your bad attitude at the door":macho

as far as them not being a threat...are you friggon nutz:confused: the wtc was destroyed...a chit pot of americans were killed and if thats not enough...IT WAS ON AMERICAN SOIL:mad: SOIL THAT HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS HAVE DIED FOR SINCE THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. if you honestly think that its not important or not worth us to combat these threats...then i suggest you get used to walking bent over cuz you have your head up your *** so far it will never come out.

03-21-2003, 02:52 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
as far as the arabs being a group that needs to be scrutinized and watched...you bet yer *** they need to be hammered:macho

i havent met many that had a good thing to say about americans or the USofA. i normally ask them..."then why the hell are you here?" they come to our country to make a better life for themselves and thier family...yet bring thier hatred with them:confused:

the phrase "bring me your tired..weak..hungry and poor" needs to be amended. it should read...."check your bad attitude at the door":macho

as far as them not being a threat...are you friggon nutz:confused: the wtc was destroyed...a chit pot of americans were killed and if thats not enough...IT WAS ON AMERICAN SOIL:mad: SOIL THAT HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS HAVE DIED FOR SINCE THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. if you honestly think that its not important or not worth us to combat these threats...then i suggest you get used to walking bent over cuz you have your head up your *** so far it will never come out.


Anyways, these arab (Terriost) people are a strong threat to the USA.

I've been watching all the anti-war crap on tv and I just have to say one thing......... Are these people retarded? Did they forget that 2 huge building fell down on 9/11/01? Did they forget how many Americans they have killed? Did they also forget that Saddam could be building these explosives to use on the U.S in the near future?
We have to keep our country as safe as possible. We must go to war and solve this once and for all.


03-21-2003, 02:58 AM
Thank GOD that the ultra left wingers in this country are in the minority. If they had control of our government we would eventually crumble and be destroyed.

03-21-2003, 03:40 AM
Bullseye MSL!

03-21-2003, 04:47 AM
Originally posted by lex luger
actually no i really don't, wow they can high jack a plan and fly one or two into the WTC...they actually arn't too threatining, the reason we don't do nothing is because of their allies....

some people just dont get it...................I guess we dont give 2 chits about their allies since we ARE doing something. I sure am thankful that george w. bush isn't as passive as you are.

son, you just aren't making any sense.

03-21-2003, 05:27 AM
"No 4punks is not saying all of the middle-eastern people should be blown sky high"

Ill gladly say it though.:D

There was some stupid bi**** on tv protesting that was getting arrested at some COLLEGE, imagine that. She was yelling "we just want peace".....If I told you what I wanted to say to this moron, I would get banned off here.

"we just want peace"....what an idiot, dont these people realize that peace has a price? The price of SAFE FREE DEMOCRACY NEVER COMES FREE!

Maybe this retarded college sheep hasnt seen pics of what smallpox can do, which by the way, Saddam still has.

If you are against the war, I still say, please, become a human shield.


03-21-2003, 06:40 AM
In early March, the Shelby County Alabama Legislative Delegation hosted a "Stand Up for America" rally. More than 1,200 people attended including featured speakers Chief Justice Roy Moore, Adjutant General Mark Bowen and Alabama State Auditor Beth Chapman. Attached is a copy of Mrs. Chapman's speech, that resulted in five standing ovations, tremendous applause and an encore.

Stand Up for America Rally Speech
By: Beth Chapman

I'm here tonight because men and women of the United States military have given their lives for my freedom. I am not here tonight because Sheryl Crowe, Rosie O'Donnell, Martin Sheen, George Clooney, Jane Fonda or Phil Donahue, sacrificed their lives for me.

If my memory serves me correctly, it was not movie stars or musicians, but the United States Military who fought on the shores of Iwo Jima, the jungles of Vietnam, and the beaches of Normandy. Tonight, I say we should support the President of the United States and the U.S. Military and tell the liberal, tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, hippy, tie-dyed liberals to go make their movies and music and whine somewhere else.

After all, if they lived in Iraq, they wouldn't be allowed the freedom of speech they're being given here today. Ironically, they would be put to death at the hands of Sadam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden. I want to know how the very people who are against war because of the loss of life, can possibly be the same people who are for abortion?

They are the same people who are for animal rights but against the rights of the unborn. The movie stars say they want to go to Iraq and serve as "human shields" for the Iraqis. I say let them buy a one-way ticket and go.

No one likes war. I hate war! But the one thing I hate more is the fact that this country has been forced into war -- innocent people have lost their lives - - and there but for the grace of God, it could have been my brother, my husband, or even worse, my own son.

On December 7, 1941, there are no records of movie stars treading the blazing waters of Pearl Harbor.

On September 11, 2001; there are no photos of movie stars standing as "human shields" against the debris and falling bodies ascending from the World Trade Center. There were only policemen and firemen -- underpaid civil servants -- who gave their all with nothing expected in return.

When the USS Cole was bombed, there were no movie stars guarding the ship - - where were the human shields then?

If America's movie stars want to be human shields, let them shield the gang-ridden streets of Los Angeles, or New York City, let them shield the lives of the children of North Birmingham whose mothers lay them down to sleep on the floor each night to shelter them from stray bullets.

If they want to be human shields, I say let them shield the men and women of honesty and integrity that epitomizes courage and embody the spirit of freedom by wearing the proud uniforms of the United States Military. Those are the people who have earned and deserve shielding!

Throughout the course of history, this country has remained free, not because of movie stars and liberal activists, but because of brave men and women who hated war too. However, they lay down their lives so that we
all may live in freedom. After all -- "What greater love hath no man, that he lay down his life for his friend," or in this case a country.

We should give our military honor and acknowledgment and not let their lives be in vain. If you want to see true human shields, walk through Arlington Cemetery. There lie human shields, heroes, and the BRAVE
Americans who didn't get on television and talk about being a human shield -- they were human shields.

I thank God tonight for freedom -- those who bought and paid for it with their lives in the past -- those who will protect it in the present and defend it in the future.

America has remained silent too long! God-fearing people have remained silent too long!

We must lift our voices united in a humble prayer to God for guidance and the strength and courage to sustain us throughout whatever the future may hold.

After the tragic events of Sept. 11th, my then eleven-year-old son said terrorism is a war against them and us and if you're not one of us, then you're one of them.

So in closing tonight, let us be of one accord, let us stand proud, and let us be the human shields of prayer, encouragement and support for the President, our troops and their families and our country.

May God bless America, the land of the free, the home of the brave and the greatest country on the face of this earth!

twisted threads
03-21-2003, 07:59 AM
Pappy that is one of the best speeches I have ever heard. I was watching on T.V last night seeing all of the Protesters (hippys) marching down the streets it made me sad that they are so week and gut less that they can't stand up for what is right.:grr The new did some interveiws with some of the protesters and they didn't even know why they were protesting, if you ask Me they are make compleate idiots of them selves. ALL I CAN SAY is im all for peace and thats why we must kick some....:cool:
GO!!!! USA!! :macho :D :)

03-21-2003, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by 4punksdad

its a war.............what did you think was going to happen? did the arabs consider our school children when they leveled the world trade center? I doubt it.
get real.................

this thread sickens me and YOU sicken me. why dont you stand by and wait for the next terrorist attack while we make sure there isn't going to be one.

just wanted to add one thing................the title of this thread is "your thoughts"
well..................you just got my thoughts.

I agree with you 110%!!! If you dont mind, I'd like to ditto these remarks as mine as well.

I just wonder what its gonna take for these people to WAKE UP to the real world.

03-21-2003, 08:24 AM
how many iraqis per gallon

03-21-2003, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by boonovies
how many iraqis per gallon

..another oil comment about this war. You are truely a moron & idiot.

You also made a comment about how "your kids will have to deal with this crap no matter what".... this shows me that you are the type that will just roll over and accept this $hit.

I support our President, our troops, AND this war 100%. I wonder what these anti-war people would be saying if we did nothing and had another attack on our country...I'd bet my last dollar they would be crying "our gov't hasnt done anything to prevent this"

anways, if you protest the war now, dont even come near me.

I'm done with this thread, I could go on and post facts apon facts, but after reading some of these posts my stomach is bugging me. Some of you people need to wake up and get out of your "make believe world" :mad:

http://www.gm-trucks.com/ib3/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/patriot.gif http://www.gm-trucks.com/ib3/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/patriot.gif

03-21-2003, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by Surjical
hey all im sayin is that im sick of ppl going for something they know nuthing about. sure i aint all for war and what u got a problem hehe thats cool kiss my a** and lick my b***'s its my opinion the topic asked for it i simply said it.

yea ok:rolleyes: ........our president knows nothing(give me a friggen brake) I highly doubt he just rolled over one day and said, "Lets go to war"

03-21-2003, 10:02 AM
they could be smart and take out saddam alone, and be done with that.. not bomb a whole city. there are people called snipers, try using those. it would surely cost us less in taxes by not having to rebuild a damn country.

03-21-2003, 10:05 AM
you would feel a bit different if you had kids out there and they contact you saying they dead. like the 13 that lost their lives.

even the families of 9'11 wants the war to stop, they dont want other familes going through what they went through.

03-21-2003, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by boonovies
they could be smart and take out saddam alone, and be done with that.. not bomb a whole city. there are people called snipers, try using those. it would surely cost us less in taxes by not having to rebuild a damn country.

now that comment I might agree with. but the trick is..............not to show up to a gun fight with a knife. ;)

03-21-2003, 10:41 AM
I've been missing all the families of 911 cheering for the war to stop! Where have I been? We are doing the right thing. Look at how the people are welcoming our troops. They are ripping the Saddam posters down themselves. This is a liberation. As far as snipers go, I have to agree with you there, however, that's a one way ticket. Not to say that couldn't happen, or someone wouldn't want to, but that would have still left his sons or even another tyrant to deal with later. Not to mention the difficulty it would have been for an American g.i. to walk down the streets of Baghdad, saying "Hey would you happen to know where the real Saddam is?" :rolleyes:

You still haven't answered my question just like the peace niks. They do not have an answer to the question: "If not war and oust Saddam, what should be done?" No answer. He's just a modern day Hitler. We're just getting the job done before he has time to really hurt tens of millions of people like Hitler did.

One more thing. If you called the 13 families that lost a son in the war, they would be sad, but da*n proud that the fight was worth it.

03-21-2003, 10:50 AM
Actually part of the reason that saddam was left in control after the last war is because they were afraid his son Udah, i think that is his name, would gain control. If anyone read this last weeks sports illustrated udah is a sick man. He would kill the athletes if they lost. Wouldn't you like to live there and have a prison for athletes that lost undernieth the training complex? :grr

I would like to see the people in Iraq complain about there leader going to war with another country, they would all be dead. The reason the people can even protest is because of what we (the united states) are doing right now.

03-22-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by FreeStylexrider
Think ....
So ur saying even the Iraqi people who don't support Saddam... should be killed?:huh Juist because they are Iraqi .... in other words like i said thats steriotypng ...
Just say that some american terrorists highjacked a plane and crashed it into a major monument in Britian ... Does that mean all Americans are terrorists and that they all supported it?
You would feel bad wouldn't you?
Well I'm sure there were many Iraqi people who felt bad for the people killed in the 9/11 bombings.....

dude, wtf are you talking about? I don't see one single steriotypical comment in that post :confused: :huh :rolleyes:

What you said was true, and I don't disagree with it at all (I'm not an idiot), but you have no freakin right to say that to me... :rolleyes: :grr
I DO believe very many iraqi people are good people (not very well informed though) overall, and do need to be liberated. But killing just Saddam will probably NOT cure this problem. We "half-assed" the problem years ago (not killing him), and it happened again. Bush doesn't take ***** from people (I like that) and Is taking care of buisness hopefully for good and to end it.
Saddam would NOT be as easy as you would ever think.