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03-19-2003, 02:40 PM
this friday im having a campout..the first one me and my buddies will have had this spring. should be fun! a few may bring their quads, so we're gonna have an awesome time! we've done some real crazy stuff over the summers, and this year should be the best of them all!:D
does anyone else have overnight campouts? lets hear some of the crazy schitt that youve done while out camping:macho

03-19-2003, 03:30 PM
I was a little hammered last time and drove my s-10 into the neversink river. Don't know why though, can't remember.:huh
But seriously, it sucked, every expensive. 2300 for a new tranny and pistons. And i'm still scrapin the rust off it. And it smelled like mildew for months. Water went through the doors and got everything inside soaked.
Another time me adn my friend Bob showed up late adn dressed up like 2 bigfoot. All my bad@$$ friends weren't so crazy and bad right then. In fact they were scared to death and Bruce almost cried. Ahhhh, all the memories.

03-19-2003, 03:32 PM
Funny, this Friday I was also planning on having a campout with some of my friends. Its in my woods which is pretty far away from my house. I have a massive bond fire, were gonna cook hamburgers, hot dogs, (so also vegeburgers and NOT dogs for my vegetarian friends). Probably gonna be some messed up things happening to the first ones to fall asleep, and it will all be on tape:devil .

03-19-2003, 03:43 PM
I have had a couple of campouts with some of my friends the last time we got drunk and somehow all 9 of us piled on 2 400 exs and went up next to a bridge and shot cars with paintballs (it seemed like a good idea at the time)lol. Well after we shot about 15 cars and semis we see a semi start coming from the other way but hes going real slow we were like sweet we are gonna totally paint this one well the trucker stops takes out his spotlight spotlights us and says i caught you *******s and i have called the cops well we all run and jump on the quads and take off 2 of the kids fall off and we just left them(they had to run back). And we head back to camp.Well about 5 cop cars come up to our front gate,and are going up and down the highway and have their sierens on, well my cousin is leaving my dads house about now(we were down camping out next to the river) this is about midnight. He goes up to the gate he doesnt tell on us and the cops said to him if this ever happens again someone is getting arrested! That was about the most thrilling night ever.:D

03-19-2003, 03:51 PM
me and my boys go camping all the time, we get cops out there allthe time, it sucks but it sure is fun. we are right near a creek and about 400 acres of trails, it majkes for the best weekensd ever with the boys

03-19-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda
majkes for the best weekensd ever with the boys

Sure does!!!

03-19-2003, 04:09 PM
I got alot of storys, from stacking up wood and waiting for the fire to get going and set up a jump and see who can make it across and who lands in it... That same night we were throwing an old christmas tree in the road and watching cars hit it, it was quite fun til the sherriff showed up. Also another time me and a bunch of buddies that ride went to a popular ridin spot amoung our small town and it is illegal to ride ther there is 2 small dunes, well we stayed in the first dune, you can say we were a little on the messed up side at around 11 o clock. Lets just say i couldnt walk more then 5 feet without fallin on my face. After it wore off i rode my moped home at 4 in the mornin becuz the mesquitos were so bad.