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View Full Version : I need to disable my 400EX...

08-25-2013, 09:04 PM
My 400EX (2005) stays at my moms big farm because where I live there is nowhere to ride. Recently my "step sister" moved in there with her gives a crap about nothing white trash boyfriend. Said boyfriend has no respect for anything on this planet and an entitlement complex and sadly my EX fell into this mentality and a lack of the key failed to stop him from taking it out and hitting a tree.

I have since dealt with the jerk off but sadly, it could happen again. I need to disable the engine cleanly, easily, and completely hidden. I am thinking of possibly adding a wire to ground the ignition circuit to the frame, with a quick connector in line. The idea being it's hidden away and when "active" it would just look like another wire, connected as it should be. When i come along I will disconnect the quick connect plug, allowing the ignition circuit to function.

Is this a solid plan and does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you.

Big Red Hammer
08-25-2013, 09:40 PM
install a tether kill switch and keep the cord.

08-25-2013, 09:41 PM
problem is that will be easily bypassed just like the key was. I need something only i know exists so if he tries to get it going like a jerk off he won't get anywhere

Big Red Hammer
08-25-2013, 09:53 PM
I have to ask, how did he bypass the key? or did he bypass the tumbler, cut the wires and jumper the wiring

08-25-2013, 10:01 PM
he took five minutes and made a simple second harness. Unhook the key switch, plug in the second harness and the bike thinks the key is on. Had he not hit the tree i may not have notice honestly but i figured it out in about three seconds.

I literally did my best to treat his face like he treated my bumper but you know, family expects you to stop once blood starts spilling and i doubt he will learn. He's just an *** he asked me multiple times to ride it and i made it clear nobody rides my bike but me. Sorry if you want to be a jealous little dead beat but i take care of my stuff and he doesn't.

Big Red Hammer
08-25-2013, 10:14 PM
I see he's a clever little ****. why not install a quick disconnect in power wire going up to the start button so he can't even turn the motor over. If you still have problems take an old spark plug smash the electrode and install it. If he finds that then he's smarter than I gave him credit for.

08-25-2013, 10:30 PM
he would figure out an unplugged wire pretty easy. I suppose i could see about sacraficing my plug it needs a new one anyway. He may solve that riddle but i doubt he will drive 20 minutes to buy another one.

He's clever but stupid. Had he hammered my bumper back and remembered to remove his little harness i doubt i would have noticed as i was getting on her.

Big Red Hammer
08-25-2013, 10:37 PM
If you really want to make a point, take a big chain, a good lock and secure you quad to something sturdy.

08-26-2013, 12:58 AM
Put a fuse in the start power wire circuit. Put a blown fuse in it when you don't want it to start put a good one in it when you want to ride. If he figures that out hes doing some looking.

08-26-2013, 04:16 AM
i like the fuse idea, or just unplug the cdi and keep it hidden

08-26-2013, 05:22 AM
Take a tire with you when u leave. Can't ride with three tires and that will show him ur not messing around nor I could take the cdi with u. Without it it won't start

08-26-2013, 07:06 AM
haha I like the tire idea :D . I was thinking maybe get a old spare coil, and cut the little ground wire off it smooth and clean so it cant be spliced or fixed, and take a second to swap em out when you leave.

or, do you drive a truck, and have a place to store it at your place? might just be easier to take it with you?

08-26-2013, 07:28 AM
if i asked somebody not to ride my bike and they did it anyway, i would call the police the next time around.

08-26-2013, 08:51 AM
if i asked somebody not to ride my bike and they did it anyway, i would call the police the next time around.

I would deffinetly take the front tires off and bring them home with me.

Forget about family stopping you, I would yolk him up in the corner everytime the fam wasnt looking and let him know how bad I dislike him.... I do that now with my cousins bf....lol.

If the step sis allows it to happen I would start doing it to her stuff and rub it in her face that she deserves it for being stupid and that she owes me a quad and a tree.

I like the cops idea, it was hot wired and stolen and joy ridden, then crashed without your consent.

What if he blew up your motor?

08-26-2013, 01:51 PM
Locks and a chain. It was posted before, a disk brake lock. If he cuts it off, it should be pretty obvious next time your in town. Thats sad you have to lock your own stuff, I am pretty sure anything he owned would be smashed, broken and P****D on before I was done.

08-26-2013, 02:51 PM
Get it the **** outta there. Dude seems like the kind to snag parts and sling them. Break everything he owns too

08-26-2013, 02:52 PM
Get it the **** outta there. Dude seems like the kind to snag parts and sling them. Break everything he owns too

08-26-2013, 04:07 PM
Beat his @$$ as close to death as you can get him, then when he gets healthy, do it again. He will get the point sooner or later:)

08-26-2013, 05:55 PM
just remove the battery. if he's got that kinda money, he can afford to pay for damage

08-26-2013, 09:30 PM
Put a fuse in the start power wire circuit. Put a blown fuse in it when you don't want it to start put a good one in it when you want to ride. If he figures that out hes doing some looking.
This, or turn the idle screw way down so he wont be able to keep it running.

You could always clean his clock too. I know if someone rode my quad without permission and wrecked it I'd be out to bash their teeth in.

08-27-2013, 07:46 AM
Thanks guys, went with a combination. Taking wheels off and stuff is great until my mom needs to roll it out of her way and then not so great. I put a disc brake lock on it but since i have to leave the key with my mom I went ahead and used the fuse idea also in case he finds the key, though i doubt he will since it's in the gun safe. I also took a few minutes and pulled out my step dads bobcat, put the EX in the corner behind it, and backed the bobcat back into it's spot almost against the EX. Jackass doesn't know how to start or drive the bobcat and it actually takes a key (in the gun safe also) and a 6 digit pin code to start it up. He doesn't let anyone but me touch it, so no chance he is getting around that.

She's not going to move an inch and you can't even get to it for so much as a pat on the seat.

08-27-2013, 06:10 PM
Thanks guys, went with a combination. Taking wheels off and stuff is great until my mom needs to roll it out of her way and then not so great. I put a disc brake lock on it but since i have to leave the key with my mom I went ahead and used the fuse idea also in case he finds the key, though i doubt he will since it's in the gun safe. I also took a few minutes and pulled out my step dads bobcat, put the EX in the corner behind it, and backed the bobcat back into it's spot almost against the EX. Jackass doesn't know how to start or drive the bobcat and it actually takes a key (in the gun safe also) and a 6 digit pin code to start it up. He doesn't let anyone but me touch it, so no chance he is getting around that.

She's not going to move an inch and you can't even get to it for so much as a pat on the seat.
That would be a cool pic, you should post it lol.

08-28-2013, 11:57 AM
I'll be up there next weekend and I'll take a pic and upload it. I forgot one of my wireless camera setups i meant to have it on dvr when hes standing there trying to figure out how he's going to tetris it out

08-28-2013, 12:48 PM
this guy must be like die hard to get that thing out for a ride. Seriously, I have to ask what is so hard about telling him to his face not to touch it and offering threats if he does. That is the stand i would take. tell the guy it's your four wheeler if he touches it without your permission or at all for that matter, he will suffer legal consequences. You really should not have to use a rotor lock, chains, broken fuse, battery removal, tire removal.....it should be as easy as popping the key out and telling him if he does it there will be real issues. Is the atv on his property? If not it's a done deal. You can make notes and even notify local law enforcement about it. I know if you tell the individual he will suffer consequences, unless he's a total moron he will take the hint. Better yet, store it at a buddies place that you trust.

I'd run a 120v power wire right to the frame of that puppy and just wait until he tries to touch it.

08-28-2013, 04:43 PM
Just get one of those big U locks that are for bikes and stick it through the rear sprocket and brake rotor. Thats what I use