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View Full Version : Help me choose (bumper)

08-22-2013, 06:08 PM
My current bumper is bent up pretty good and I'm looking to get something new. I have a few bumpers in mind but having trouble deciding which to go with. If you have any suggestions let me know, Thanks.

Here's my quad:
<a href="http://s171.beta.photobucket.com/user/ltrain30/media/400ex%20build/100_2539_zpsa83fad30.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u320/ltrain30/400ex%20build/100_2553_zpsfecc9dc5.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 100_2539_zpsa83fad30.jpg"/></a>

A few I like are the AC, PRM dessert, PRM summit, and the Tag.
<a href="http://s171.beta.photobucket.com/user/ltrain30/media/400ex%20build/100_2539_zpsa83fad30.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u320/ltrain30/bumpers_zpsf1700f43.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 100_2539_zpsa83fad30.jpg"/></a>

08-22-2013, 06:39 PM
LOL i was gonna suggest the tusk one you already have.

I had that same bumper, some say it bends to easy but its supposed to be that way.

If you put one of those giant bumpers on your quad and hit a tree its liable to bend the frame.

If you have one like the tusk, it will absorb impact and save the frame.

If your gonna race you dont want a giant bumper anyway, when racing you wanna remove weight anywhere possible and a giant bumper just isnt the answer.

I like them all though, if your not a hardcore racer or if you dont care about impact absorbing then get the nice big one.

08-22-2013, 07:21 PM
If that's bent and dinged up, Mine will be considered FUBAR lol. I like the one in the lower left, If I was buying one, That would most likely be it. To each their own though, Good luck

08-22-2013, 07:56 PM
Haha, the carnage happened after this picture was taken. I like the Tusk bumper and it did it's job, just kind of want something different this time.

08-22-2013, 08:32 PM
I have the PRM Desert II bumper. Built strong & looks good...1718104684

08-22-2013, 10:26 PM
I would recommend the pro armor xc front bumper its very nice and really durable

08-23-2013, 12:13 AM
I would go with one that's got the skid plate on it, like on the prm bumpers. it helps when you get in deep ruts and the front end starts getting into the ground, helps skim over obstacles like rocks and tree stumps and such when blazing fresh trail :muscle:

08-23-2013, 12:24 AM
Can't go wrong with a blingstar ironcross. Mine

08-23-2013, 02:53 AM
I like ac. all their products are great imo.

08-23-2013, 04:09 AM
Mine with a Blingstar Victory bumper is what I think it's called. I think it matches the front fenders good and looks clean.

http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/vv192/Stickman400/Quad%20Pics/20130530_130013_zps003dd564.jpg (http://s683.photobucket.com/user/Stickman400/media/Quad%20Pics/20130530_130013_zps003dd564.jpg.html)

08-23-2013, 05:19 AM
LOL i was gonna suggest the tusk one you already have.

I had that same bumper, some say it bends to easy but its supposed to be that way.

If you put one of those giant bumpers on your quad and hit a tree its liable to bend the frame.

If you have one like the tusk, it will absorb impact and save the frame.

If your gonna race you dont want a giant bumper anyway, when racing you wanna remove weight anywhere possible and a giant bumper just isnt the answer.

I like them all though, if your not a hardcore racer or if you dont care about impact absorbing then get the nice big one.

the big bumper is the prm summit bumper and its actually a fantastic bumper. thats why when you go to GNCC races, you see A LOT of guys running it. it is built super tough, is actually really light weight (its aluminum) and if you hit anythign super hard with it, or get in a bad accident, it will actually break like its supposed to. my buddy had one on his ltr. before he got the ltr (fully built when he bought it) he bout it off an XC2 pro am racer, and between that kid, and him, it had 4 solid seasons on it. he finally replaced it this year before our race season began because it got all mangled up in a nasty crash last september. you cant go wrong with the PRM summit bumper.

if i had to buy one right now, thats what i would buy. i am currently running the blingstar iron cross. its abeen tough so far. its slightly bent from hitting some small trees and running into the *** end of a razr 900xp
http://imageshack.com/a/img713/5116/racekh.jpg (http://imageshack.com/i/jtracekhj)

08-23-2013, 07:32 AM
Have had the AC and DG aluminum ones, a few wacks with trees and they break or bend pretty easy...Then I liked the looks of the Duncan Racing one, was alot more but just looked the best, and its chromed.....little did I know that STEEL chrome plated bumper help save my life when a dirtbike hit me hed on at about 40 mph I would guess. It deflected it to the side, breaking the ball joints on the a arm, spinning me around 180 with the bike against me, the guy flew threw the air about 60 feet. The Duncan bumper only had a slight bend in it that I was able to fix and broke the bumper bolts off that went into the frame....if it had been aluminum it would of just buckled and not deflected it....It took about a yr. for me to recover 100% but I credit the bumper for only a broke wrist and torn out lingaments in my shoulder...Called Duncan Racing and thanked them for their great and best bumper out there.

08-23-2013, 11:40 AM
I really like the blingstar ironcross. Looks good, does what i need it to do.

08-23-2013, 03:03 PM
I "had" a bling star ironcross bumper it did what it was made for I hit a tree at a race down hill in 3rd gear just cruising it soaked up that tree very well it was junk afterwards even tried bending it back and tig welding it but it was so twisted and my vote goes for the summit bumper there strong and wide for protection and they look nice

08-24-2013, 09:17 AM
I got my pro armor bullhorn bumper off a guy for 40 bucks. It is poorly painted but I use it to push over whatever I want to. :D