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View Full Version : Is no lid with an Outerwears the best possible way to go?

03-18-2003, 02:03 AM
I was wondering if this is the best possible way to go? I think that I have officially read every "Airbox Mod" post in this forum, and this is the way that I am leaning towards...
Running a KandN, with an Outerwears, and the lid off.

03-18-2003, 02:05 AM
get the EHS ones, a little pricey but a good product

03-18-2003, 02:52 AM
That is the way I am running mine K&N outerware and no lid...
I might have to try the EHS set up ;)

03-18-2003, 03:00 AM
One guy suggested running that setup - basically leaving your airbox lid stock so that if you knew you were going to be in the mud you could always put it back on. I have mine setup with k&N/outerwear with the drilled holes towards the back - and I rode in mud a couple of weeks ago and there wasn't anything I could do but hope the outwear did it's job - which it did. If you run a setup like mine also make sure to take the drain plug out, if I would have had my plug in my filter would have been swimming.