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View Full Version : 450r rear sprocket guard on 400

08-14-2013, 10:27 AM
Would a sprocket guard from a honda 450 fit a 400ex?

08-14-2013, 12:06 PM
Would a sprocket guard from a honda 450 fit a 400ex?

likea GTT? Jet? or bling star? yes it will....

however, if you have your rear shock done conrrectly with a gtt link or similar link, you will have to bend your subframe OUT, otherwise the sprocket guard will not clear the subframe.....trust me on this

its almost cheaper and more effecient to go and buy the GT thunder 400ex swing arm ski...it incorporates a sprocket and a rotor guard into one. ive used it 5 races this season and it holds up fine.

08-23-2013, 11:12 AM
Hows the ground clearance compared to other skids? Cause my pro armor gets hung up on not so deep ruts.

08-25-2013, 11:57 AM
I used to have one of those Pro-Armors and it was a good skid plate, took a lot of abuse. But I had to switch to the GT Thunder because of the link and you gain some clearance, maybe 1 inch or 2 over a Pro-Armor that hangs down a little because of the way it's made. It's also steel instead of that soft aluminum that bends into your rotor if you hit a rock somewhat hard at speed. I'd deff. recommend it to anyone if they need it to clear the link, otherwise I stick with a full skid that protects everything.