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03-17-2003, 02:25 PM
Who Supports this war? Iam againist it but would fight for the US. It will escalate I guarantee you.

03-17-2003, 02:30 PM
blow them all up!!!!!!!:devil suddam has been messing around for way to long

03-17-2003, 02:30 PM
I vote completetly, they had a deadline and had a chance to get off easy since the gulf war. I would like to wait but I think its in our countries financial interest.

03-17-2003, 02:31 PM
all for the war

03-17-2003, 02:34 PM
i say we should give em a lil more time , i have no clue why all of a sudden were goin to war, i dont think id be of any use to fight a war anyway

03-17-2003, 02:35 PM
i say get it goin on

Theres no need that after we are dead and gone...our children have to face that regimes children...

If Saddam gets his hands on a weapon of mass destruction that would take out The USA hell use it

we need to take him out

03-17-2003, 02:38 PM
our gas prices will sky rocket if we go to war.. there alreayd high enough and thats just gas!!!

03-17-2003, 02:39 PM
notice how the stupid young ppl are the ones that are all for war. i wish it was you out there on the front lines instead of the ppl who are 18 and are pressed to go. i dont agree with the war but i know its a last resort and well no more options i do not agree with war i have some issues but that does not mean i would not fight for my future family and friends. go outside and look at a baby and ask yourself would u really take a bullet most of you would lie to yourself and say yes hehe when in reality your only hiding the sad truth i am baby sitting right now. its one of ym moms friends baby and i see her and i know for damn sure i would die right now to make sure she lives to grow up all of you who aren't 18 saying "all for war" or "just blow the F*** out of them" dont even start cuz u know nuthing ur talking about im sick of ppl doing this y dont u lie about ur age and go fight the day u go and do that and have proof you did it with ease then ok u can say that and yeah im only 15 too but at least i know what im talking about:grr

03-17-2003, 02:43 PM
i dont pay much attention to news so i dont know what prompted us to go to war, it seems like bush has started it all up if he had some plan to kill uis then we gotta stop him but if he wasnt doing anything i say dont bug him cuz he could do some damage

03-17-2003, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
i say we should give em a lil more time , i have no clue why all of a sudden were goin to war, i dont think id be of any use to fight a war anyway

more time= millions if not billions wasted having our soldiers stationed in iraq. They had a deadline, they didn't make it and they have had years to dissarm. Some times war is the only answer and if we ignore it and choose not to fight one now chances are years from now it will cause a much greater loss of life. Think of it as a small fire, your gonna wanna put out that small fire as quick as you can and snuff it out before it can do any real damage and becomes more than you can handle. I hope that makes sence.

03-17-2003, 02:49 PM
id have no problem going over there and dying for my country, call me sick but i cant wait to see iraqi blood splattered all over the place. they deserve to die, along with the rest of osama and his gang of towelheads.

03-17-2003, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Surjical
notice how the stupid young ppl are the ones that are all for war. i wish it was you out there on the front lines instead of the ppl who are 18 and are pressed to go. i dont agree with the war but i know its a last resort and well no more options i do not agree with war i have some issues but that does not mean i would not fight for my future family and friends. go outside and look at a baby and ask yourself would u really take a bullet most of you would lie to yourself and say yes hehe when in reality your only hiding the sad truth i am baby sitting right now. its one of ym moms friends baby and i see her and i know for damn sure i would die right now to make sure she lives to grow up all of you who aren't 18 saying "all for war" or "just blow the F*** out of them" dont even start cuz u know nuthing ur talking about im sick of ppl doing this y dont u lie about ur age and go fight the day u go and do that and have proof you did it with ease then ok u can say that and yeah im only 15 too but at least i know what im talking about:grr

if you are reffering to my post..

then arent you contradicting yourself?

everyone is at risk everyday...all the time...

but this is a risk we can take care of...and prevent...

suppose we dont do anything and in a month 250,000 americans die from a biological attack?

or worse....nuclear?

03-17-2003, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Lathers
our gas prices will sky rocket if we go to war.. there alreayd high enough and thats just gas!!!

that may be true but like I said in another post we only get 7% of our oil from iraq:eek: Also what we have now is nothing compared to other contries. I know in Argentina they pay about $20+ in gas. Also it wouldn't be a big problem if people took advantage of some of the technology thats out there with cars that can go on 80mpg instead of getting gas guzzling excursions, suburbans ect. jmo.

03-17-2003, 02:51 PM
yeah i g uess your right, its too late now becuase sadam prob has everything ready to go

i would never wanna fight a war, im not angry at those people, theyve never done nothing to me or my family..... im glad people are crazy enought to go ovetr there

03-17-2003, 02:52 PM
Bottom line -- They have had time to disarm them. And if they didnt have a plan in the future for them, then they wouldnt keep stalling. can anyone honestly say they feel good knowing that man has missles of mass destruction? Cmon this guy is not right in the head. I just saw on the news, school kids singing a song about him, saying he has a nice face. I think we should go to war and if they start drafting i would be more than welcome to go to war. Al though i am under age, i do want to go, and when i am old enough i will be proud to go to war for this county

03-17-2003, 02:56 PM
bottom line - we are going anyways.. no if ands or buts, and i think rpesident bush needs to pull his head outa his *** if not get it examined :eek2:

03-17-2003, 02:57 PM
I'm for it......Oh and I'm in the army soon to be there....

I know why we are going....watch CNN and you'll have a fair idea too.
Some people on this site are pretty ignorant, I feel for you.

I have nothing further to say........................................

03-17-2003, 03:01 PM
im not ignorant i just dont watch that kinda stuff, only what i hear ....i didnt hear nothing until :eek:

03-17-2003, 03:02 PM
I feel that the reason that bush wants to go over there now is becaus in the next few weeks the sandstorms over there are going to start up. It's hard to fight a war when sand gets in your guns. Bush wants the war over before the storms start. Another thing is OIL. Oil oil oil. He wants a regeime change in Iraq and to set up a new government and get oil from them. Personally I feel Saddam is a threat and must be dealt with. I don't know what france is waiting around for but we have the proof that he's lying and hiding weapons. War is a scary thing. I'm not for it by any means, I think the loss of a human life due to violence is a terrible thing. But if the war got bad enough I think I'd join up before a draft started. That way I'd have some say in where they put me. It doesn't take much brains to be on the front lines and shoot a gun. I'd rather be somewhere else, like back in the garage fixing hummers and tanks. Stuff like that.

03-17-2003, 03:02 PM
I dont like that. Seriously Bush has been under a lot i think its only fair to give him some credit. I think hes handling this better than al gore ever could have

03-17-2003, 03:03 PM
uglypeople.com ... front page same picture but says got war? lmao

03-17-2003, 03:03 PM
let the blood spill

03-17-2003, 03:04 PM
didnt sadam try to kill his daddy?

03-17-2003, 03:06 PM
all that *** ***k repubilcan wants is oil :rolleyes:

03-17-2003, 03:08 PM
well look what he hjas done to the economy.... also check out the banks intrest rates.. what are they .1 percent lmao... its pethetic what he has done.. and he wants to raise taxes on us and not ont he wealthy.. we pay more taxes the not so wealthy and the wealthy people barely pay anything! he is gay as heck...

03-17-2003, 03:11 PM
If we wanted their oil, we could of taken it during desert storm I and just because its a differant president doesn't mean that everything that goes wrong is because of him and what we are seeing now could be a result of past presidents anyways.

03-17-2003, 03:26 PM
Yes Saddam did try to assasinate his daddy. A little incentive to want to blow him off the face of the earth. :grr

Team Outlaw #34
03-17-2003, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
im not ignorant i just dont watch that kinda stuff, only what i hear ....i didnt hear nothing until :eek:

yo buddy have a little respect jeez....

03-17-2003, 03:41 PM
We are doing this after 12 years of trying to get Saddam to give up his weapons of mass destruction. Weapons that he has used on his own people and neiboring countries. Something Saddam agreed to at his surrender after the first gulf war. As for oil we get ours from Canada, Mexico, Venezula and of course our own reserves. Why would we take his oil fields now when we didn't in the first war. The French have been supplying Iraq with parts and weapons technolgy despite the embargo. They also have 80 billion $ in oil develpment contracts with Saddam. Iraq also provides training and money to terrorists, $25,000.00 to every suicide bombers family for example. As for Pres. Bush being stupid a Yale graduate with an MBA from Harvard....yeah thats pretty lame I bet all of you who say he is lacking in education have better credentials of your own. The fact is we and the brits leadership are the only ones with sack to call Saddam on his unwillingness to comply with the terms of surrender and U.N. resolutions.

03-17-2003, 03:45 PM
im for the war 100%........i would go and fight for my country:macho they had a deadline, and they have been stalling for years.......

03-17-2003, 03:47 PM
don't recal a terrorist attack that killed a couple thousand americans when Clinton was in office....


its odd all this iraq crap and terrorism comes when bush is elected....

03-17-2003, 03:52 PM
well it was going to happen sooner or later

03-17-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by freeride132

its odd all this iraq crap and terrorism comes when bush is elected....

yeah terrorism and the first gulf war woundn't of happened if it wasn't for President Bush.

Team Outlaw #34
03-17-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by freeride132

its odd all this iraq crap and terrorism comes when bush is elected....

so the terrorists were just waiting for busch to be elected?? i don't think so....

03-18-2003, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by freeride132

its odd all this iraq crap and terrorism comes when bush is elected....

Can I officially call you and the rest of the people who believe this not the brightess of mankind? ( I have other 'choice' words, but won't call you them infront of others)

Lets see while Clinton was running the gauntlet:

- World trade Center attack #1...remember the truck in the basement?

- 2 seperate embassy bombing's one in Kenya, and one in Tanzania

- The Khobar towers in Saudi Arabia, big truck bomb drove through the gates, and killed over 200 Marines?

-Oklahoma City. Yes it was one of our own, but it was still an act of Terrorism.

- USS Cole......little boat in the water that blew a giant hole in the side of our battleship?

Did you know that under international law, that all(minus the OKC) are grounds for us to delcare war? It's true, except we didn't. We should of started the "War on terrorism" back in 93' after the first trade center bombing.

P.S...... In the mid 90's The Pakistani government actually cought Usama Bin Laden, and wanted to give him to the US. Clinton said no, it was not a good politcal move at the time, so Pakistan let him go.

PLEASE THINK BEFORE YOU TALK. I'm for one glad President Bush is standing up and solving some problems.

03-18-2003, 03:58 AM
all i can say is that the uninformed crybabys who think this is about oil.....right;) if we wanted the oil we would just take it:macho

try reading a few books on sadam's regime....try enlisting for a hitch and go see what we fight for. try explaining to those people that rape and torture arent normal acts of a humane society. i would gladly ruck up and ship out today if i could.

and iraq is first on the list. so for the ones saying let blood spill etc...or go war....dont be surprised if this stuff is still goin on when you reach 18.

lock and load boys.....there are plenty of things that can happen...and maybe you should support our counttry and troops....cuz if they dont get the job done...maybe you will be over there sooner then you think;)

03-18-2003, 04:08 AM
well this in my opinion so take it like you want to:

For all of you that say that he needs more time or that you do not understand why we need to go to war you really need to sit down and do alot more reading. Do you not realize that we have been constantly on a campaign in the middle east trying to keep Sadam under control? My 6 month deployment in 2000 we spent 80% of our time in the Gulf bombing Iraq and specific targets and yet with all that was going on in afganastan durring my last year's deployment we still took a pause to go over to Iraq and bomb specific sites. Where is the irony there. We go from the war on terrorism where we are flying 6+ hour combat missions to go back to the gulf to bomb.... I guess he is innocent though. And please do not preach front lines.

Try having the USS Cole in your battle group when it was bombed....Try working 12 hours a day minimum for 2 years inlight of 9/11 with a extra 8 hours duty every three days...That's what the troops that are in the states are doing....Makes it kinda hard to enjoy family and the good things in life...Or think about the guys that every other year only see there family for 6 weeks because they are all over the world baby sitting those that you say need more time.

Sometimes before you go feeling so strong about something you should read into it more and put yourself in someone else's shoes a little......Take for instance all the kids walking out of school protesting this war....Did any one watch the CNN interviews with some of these retards...None of them knew where Iraq was on the map, and none of them had any knowledge of what is going on with the world today....

once again this is my opinion and no one has to agree. Just some food for thought....And this was not aimed at any one or any age group...Enjoy

03-18-2003, 04:10 AM
some of you guys have made good points... but most of you are just talking crap, you have no idea what is going on right now, there is more than just Iraq and Suddam...

this is very bad, it will esculate into something more, i think one of the biggest things right now is Korea... they are are biggest threat.

03-18-2003, 04:11 AM
I support our troops 110% !

03-18-2003, 04:13 AM

03-18-2003, 04:13 AM
Originally posted by anywhereEx

Sometimes before you go feeling so strong about something you should read into it more and put yourself in someone else's shoes a little......Take for instance all the kids walking out of school protesting this war....Did any one watch the CNN interviews with some of these retards...None of them knew where Iraq was on the map, and none of them had any knowledge of what is going on with the world today....

i totally agree;)

03-18-2003, 04:14 AM
this is very bad, it will esculate into something more, i think one of the biggest things right now is Korea... they are are biggest threat.

Your right.. Korea is a big threat. Probably more than we know. But do not underestimate Iraq in any way. They have the money to fuel what ever they want and with people like sadam running the country what do you think his intentions are?

03-18-2003, 04:28 AM
IMO korea is spouting off cuz the USA wont sit down and give them the aide and support they want. kinda like a kid havin a temper tantrum. i say boot thier rear also. ofcourse they are a lil kid with a nuclear warhead:(

03-18-2003, 04:33 AM
didnt the dixie chicks bad mouth bush in some other country?

03-18-2003, 04:36 AM
the dixie chicks spoke thier minds like any american has the right to. i dont agree with the public trashing they took....but thats freedom of speech to an extent also.

03-18-2003, 04:39 AM
thats kinda dumb tho, it is one thing for some kid (me) to say he looks like a chimp but thier in the public eye, now people are destroying there cds and not selling them in certain stores

03-18-2003, 04:50 AM
The dixie chicks rock i think...:D Good tunes and nice lookin women...woo hooo

I don't think they need to be bashed the way they are...they dont' agree with war and I don't either but hey we all have our opinions..:ermm:

03-18-2003, 04:59 AM
yeah i like the lil chubby blonde:devil

pappy take me away....i love that song:p she wants me:D

03-18-2003, 05:12 AM

03-18-2003, 05:56 AM
I do not support the war unilaterally, but make no mistake I hold our troops in the highest regard for the sacrifices they are willng to make.

03-18-2003, 07:32 AM
This is from one of my other posts and it is 100% on the money

remember; never

Bush is doing what he needs to do!

Message from England
No matter what your views on President Bush's statement of upcoming war,
this, from an English journalist, is very interesting. Just a word of
background, for those of you who aren't familiar with the UK's Daily Mirror. This is a
notoriously left-wing daily that is normally not supportive of the
"Colonials" across the Atlantic. **************************************************
Tony Parsons Daily Mirror September 11, 2002

One year ago, the world witnessed a unique kind of broadcasting-
the mass murder of thousands, live on television. As a lesson in the
pitiless cruelty of the human race, September 11 was up there with Pol
Pot's Mountain of Skulls in Cambodia, or the skeletal bodies stacked like
garbage in the Nazi concentration camps.

An unspeakable act so cruel, so calculated and so utterly merciless
that surely the world could agree on one thing - nobody deserves this

Surely there could be consensus: The victims were truly innocent, the
perpetrators truly evil.

But to the world's eternal shame, 9/11 is increasingly seen as
America's comeuppance. Incredibly, anti-Americanism has increased over
the last year. There has always been a simmering resentment to the USA in
this country; too loud, too rich, too full of themselves, and so much happier
than Europeans - but it has become an epidemic. That resentment seems
incredible to me. More than that, it turns my stomach.

America is this country's greatest friend and our staunchest ally.
We are bonded to the US by culture, language and blood. A little over
half a century ago, around half a million Americans died for our
freedoms, as well as their own. Have we forgotten so soon? And exactly a year ago,
thousands of ordinary men, women and children - not just Americans, but from
dozens of countries, were butchered by a small group of religious fanatics.
Are we so quick to betray them?

What touched the heart about those who died in the Twin Towers and
on the planes, was that we recognized them. Young fathers and mothers,
somebody's son and somebody's daughter, husbands, wives, and children,
some yet unborn. And these people brought it on themselves? Their
nation is to blame for their meticulously planned slaughter?

These days you don't have to be some dust-encrusted nut job in Kabul
or Karachi or Finsbury Park to see America as the Great Satan. The
anti-American alliance is made up of self-loathing liberals who blame
the Americans for every ill in the Third World, and conservatives suffering
from power-envy, bitter that the world's only superpower can do what it likes
without having to ask permission.

The truth is that America has behaved with enormous restraint since
September 11.

Remember, remember -

Remember the gut-wrenching tapes of weeping men phoning their wives
to say, "I love you," before they were burned alive.

Remember those people leaping to their deaths from the top of
burning skyscrapers.

Remember the hundreds of firemen buried alive.

Remember the smiling face of that beautiful little girl who was on
one of the planes with her mum.

Remember, remember -
And realize that America has never retaliated for 9/11 in anything
like the way it could have.

So a few al-Qaeda tourists got locked without a trial in Camp X-ray?
Pass the Kleenex...

So some Afghan wedding receptions were shot up after they merrily
fired their semi-automatics in a sky full of American planes? A shame,
but maybe next time they should stick to confetti.

AMERICA could have turned a large chunk of the world into a parking
lot. That it didn't is a sign of strength. American voices are already
being raised against attacking Iraq - that's what a democracy is for.
How many in the Islamic world will have a minute's silence for the
slaughtered innocents of 9/11? How many Islamic leaders will have the guts to say
that the mass murder of 9/11 was an abomination?

When the news of 9/11 broke on the West Bank, those freedom-loving
Palestinians were dancing in the street. America watched all of that -
and didn't push the button. We should thank the stars that America is the
most powerful nation in the world. I still find it incredible that 9/11 did
not provoke all-out war. Not a "war on terrorism." A real war.

The fundamentalist dudes are talking about "opening the gates of
hell," if America attacks Iraq. Well, America could have opened the
gates of hell like you wouldn't believe!

The US is the most militarily powerful nation that ever strode the
face of the earth. The campaign in Afghanistan may have been less than
perfect and the planned war on Iraq may be misconceived.

But don't blame America for not bringing peace and light to these
wretched countries. How many democracies are there in the Middle East,
or in the Muslim world? You can count them on the fingers of one hand -
assuming you haven't had any chopped off for minor shoplifting.

I love America, yet America is hated. I guess that makes me Bush's
poodle. But I would rather be a dog in New York City than a Prince in
Riyadh. Above all, America is hated because it is what every country
wants to be - rich, free, strong, open, optimistic. Not ground down by the
past, or religion, or some caste system. America is the best friend this
country ever had and we should start remembering that.

Or do you really think the USA is the root of all evil? Tell it to
the loved ones of the men and women who leaped to their death from the
burning towers.

Tell it to the nursing mothers whose husbands died on one of the
hijacked planes, or were ripped apart in a collapsing skyscraper. And
tell it to the hundreds of young widows whose husbands worked for the New
York Fire Department.

To our shame, George Bush gets a worse press than Saddam Hussein.
Once we were told that Saddam gassed the Kurds, tortured his own people
and set up rape-camps in Kuwait. Now we are told he likes Quality Street.
Save me the orange center, Oh Mighty One!

Remember, remember, September 11 -One of the greatest atrocities in
human history was committed against America. No. Do more than remember; never

03-18-2003, 08:33 AM
:devil Die Iraqis, u have lived long enough:devil

03-18-2003, 08:34 AM
an for anyone who says bush is dumb? do u honestly think you would be doing better right now?

Team Outlaw #34
03-18-2003, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by Chanman420q
an for anyone who says bush is dumb? do u honestly think you would be doing better right now?


03-18-2003, 09:47 AM
im not in this war so i dont care. as long as nobody innocent doesnt get hurt or killed. bush stepped it up, by pushing people to not make nuclear weapons that may destroy us all.

03-18-2003, 09:58 AM
you guys dont seem to be considering the protection OF THE HUGE ROCK WE F*CKING LIVE ON.


Carl Nevins
03-18-2003, 10:15 AM
deploy and destroy!

03-18-2003, 10:33 AM
hwo we know he is gonan use em, beasty boys said it bexyt

03-18-2003, 10:41 AM
i think saddam will give up or his people will over throw him before we start fight, but then again they do love him ALOT so i dont know :confused:

03-18-2003, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Lathers
well look what he hjas done to the economy.... also check out the banks intrest rates.. what are they .1 percent lmao... its pethetic what he has done.. and he wants to raise taxes on us and not ont he wealthy.. we pay more taxes the not so wealthy and the wealthy people barely pay anything! he is gay as heck...

<flame on>


yup, he caused the internet bubble to burst and crash the stock market..

yup, he caused 9-11.. he should have prevented it, even though CLINTON and GORE had 8 years to deal with Bin Laden AND FAILED MISERABLY.



We're living in Clintons legacy my boy..

You better be thankfull every morning when you wake up that GORE isn't sitting in BUSH's place right now..

The best part is when CLINTON goes out and publicly trashes BUSH who is 500 times the MAN that BILL RODDAM will ever be.

It's about time we got a president that is a MAN OF ACTION not a lying piece of crap.

<flame off>



03-18-2003, 10:47 AM
CLINTON goes out and publicly trashes BUSH who is 500 times the MAN that BILL RODDAM will ever be.

clinton is much cooler

03-18-2003, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by freeride132
clinton is much cooler

In what? A sleazy, draft dodging, pot smoking, cheating on my wife kind of way?

03-18-2003, 10:54 AM
crack smokin chimp lookin war lovin freak, bill was a peaceful man all politicians are sleezy, id dodge the draft too whats the diff tho i could care less abotue ither of them george had his own tv show tho...

03-18-2003, 11:14 AM
well said leo!!! i agree with us going to war with iraq. hell, if they want me bad enough, im there. you youngfolk are really shaded in your little "everything is perfect" schools, and what you are sheltered by from your parents. if this country would stop trying to make sure all the "innocent kids" dont hear a curse word, maybe you would truly understand what WILL happen to us if we dont stop these maniacs NOW!!!!!! these are very dangerous people (bin laden, saddam) and they will kill us if we dont kill them first. hell, i think we should be at war with the stinkin french too, because they have pumped so much money into saddams p.o.s. regime, they may as well be part of them. this chit has been brewing for a LONG time, longer than most of you have been alive. watch the news, watch cnn, watch msnbc. decipher out the opinions of the reporters, and get the facts. if you do, i promise you wont be hanging any "prey for peace" signs in your front yard like the jackasses around here!!!!

and freeride, if they draft, and you dodge it, i hope i never find you-traitor:mad:

03-18-2003, 11:26 AM
Freeride.....pull your head out of your 4th point of contact.

03-18-2003, 11:48 AM
First off, if you guys want to know whats going on in the world don't watch CNN. CNN is liberal media. Fox news channel is the only news i watch.

The people protesting this war are stupid. I really feel they need to find a hobby or something else to spend there time doing. Do they really think anyone cares what they have to say? Bush would not be sending troops into IRAQ unless he had just cause. Hes the president. And if he says he has just cause to go in, i belive him and support him and the troops 110%. Hes the President and oviously knows 10x more about the situation than any of us do.

It aint bush's fault the ecodomy is bad. And the rich pay more in taxes than anyone else. I am not sure but i belive the highest tax bracket is like 33% or something in that area. THat is ridicoulous. Everyone should pay the same % in taxes. Just because i may be more successful that you and have a fat wallet why should i have to give a bigger percentage of my money to uncle sam? Oh yea so they people who don't work can collect their welfare checks!


03-18-2003, 11:58 AM

03-18-2003, 12:35 PM
I think everybody needs to take the time and realize how much $hit Bush has gone through since he got elected. Theres the 9/11 attacks, saddam, and now korea might be a possible threat. Our president has been working his arse off for Our country and still a good percent of us make fun of him. if youre part of that percent then maybe you should move to another country and come back after you realize just how much Bush is doing for us. And you know what, it pi$$e$ off how some of you think all teens are ignorant and they dont know what theyr'e talking about. They just sent my dad back home from the middle east, he didn't leave telling me he's goin there to capture the tooth fairy. Ive got a good understanding of the why we ARE going to war. And yes, if it means sacrificing some of our men to protect millions no matter what the cause, then im in favor.

03-18-2003, 12:37 PM
just got this via email...


March 4, 2003 It was reported today that severe earthquakes have occurred in 10 different locations in France. The severity was measured in excess of 9 on the Richter Scale. The cause was the 56,681 dead American soldiers buried in French soil rolling over in their graves.

According to the American Battle Monuments Commission there are 26,255 American
dead from World War I buried in 4 cemeteries in France. There are 30,426 American dead from World War II buried in 6 cemeteries in France.

These 56,681 brave American heroes died in their youth to liberate a country which is guilty of shameful unspeakable behavior in the 21st century. May the United States of America never forget their sacrifice as we find ways to forcefully deal with the Godforsaken, unappreciative, forgetful country of France!

PASS THIS AROUND! Maybe it will get to someone in France!

03-18-2003, 01:05 PM
i think we should worry about N. Korea more..

03-18-2003, 01:09 PM
ok my opinion we should go over there and not spare anyone, i know it sounds cold, but they all hate us, we are to nice, did u know the us army carries the smallest caliber rifle so we dont kill anyone, we just wound them??:mad: , and i say we catch osoma, and sadam, ,and torcher them everyday for the rest of there lives

03-18-2003, 01:18 PM
wtfs wrong with some of u? i didnt read the whole thread but seriously have you guys forgotten? 9-11 o wait i remember that day dont u? remember how we vowed to get the people behind it? was anyone against it? no thats amazing but now they are. so yea lets give him more time to build more **** so he can kill 50,000 of us and maybe one of your loved ones then i bet you would like war eh? he had 12 years. its not that were in it for the money its for protection of our country. if you dont see and understand that i dont know whats wrong with you. o and if u can do that stuff to your own people.....but oops im sorry hes a good guy now hes "disarming" from the weapons he didnt have? and hes buying parts off france for the weapons that he dont have. oops im sorry again must be a mistake because hes good now....in a few years i will probably be in the army.....

03-18-2003, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
wtfs wrong with some of u? i didnt read the whole thread but seriously have you guys forgotten? 9-11 o wait i remember that day dont u? remember how we vowed to get the people behind it? was anyone against it? no thats amazing but now they are. so yea lets give him more time to build more **** so he can kill 50,000 of us and maybe one of your loved ones then i bet you would like war eh? he had 12 years. its not that were in it for the money its for protection of our country. if you dont see and understand that i dont know whats wrong with you. o and if u can do that stuff to your own people.....but oops im sorry hes a good guy now hes "disarming" from the weapons he didnt have? and hes buying parts off france for the weapons that he dont have. oops im sorry again must be a mistake because hes good now....in a few years i will probably be in the army.....

exactly the way i see it almost 2 years ago we should have struck when the iron was hot and everyone wanted to, now we got all the hippie #$%#@# we should send all them to go fight on there side if they feel so sorry for them:mad: , im out before i really get started:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

03-18-2003, 02:06 PM
It is about time we have a President who is acctually taking charge and doing something. Why should we care if all the other counties are agianst what we are about to do? They all hates us anyway. I think that hate is mostly jealous for what we have. We are the greated F'n country in the world. No disputing that. We got to take charge of the world, to keep all of us safe. We can not wait for Saddam to make the first move. You can never give in to an aggressor.

I agree with the military action that has happened since 9/11. The one thing i do not agree with is all the increased laws that take about rights and/or privacy. Ben franklin, who was light years ahead of any of us once said "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." I belive he was right. These liberals in congress are discracing our consitution by passing these so called 'patroit acts/bills. Heck, the liberals are even using 9/11 as another excuse to ban guns. Yea, we currently live in the best nation in the world because of all the freedoms we have, however when we loose are freedoms, we will not be better than any other country. Something needs to be done with these liberals before our country has no consitution and everyone is under 24hr survilance.


03-18-2003, 02:16 PM
i dont know about you guys but i remember the exact moment i heard about 9-11...

03-18-2003, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by mrusk

I agree with the military action that has happened since 9/11. The one thing i do not agree with is all the increased laws that take about rights and/or privacy. Ben franklin, who was light years ahead of any of us once said "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." I belive he was right. These liberals in congress are discracing our consitution by passing these so called 'patroit acts/bills. Heck, the liberals are even using 9/11 as another excuse to ban guns. Yea, we currently live in the best nation in the world because of all the freedoms we have, however when we loose are freedoms, we will not be better than any other country. Something needs to be done with these liberals before our country has no consitution and everyone is under 24hr survilance.


That's the most intelligent post I've read in this whole thread.. Some of the new laws discrace the constitution and the founding fathers..

My favorite is when they show cop's in NYC on TV patrolling with sub-machine guns.. The ONLY reason for that is to terrify the folks living there.. There is no threat they could stop with a light machine gun that they couldn't stop just as effectively with there issue sidearm.. It's just a big media fiasco IMHO.

If they continue to pass laws that take away peoples liberty, then the terroists have in effect won.

It's nice to see someone's looking beyond what Dan Rathers shoves down their throat. Kudos!


03-18-2003, 02:19 PM
well if i couldnt dodge it id just sit around and not do nothin...theyd fire me or something, or id break my leg on purpose, im not a traitor....if we can have bombs why cant they...we boss everyone around there all gonna get pissed and kick are asses...i dont understand how u guys are so into it we say sadam might do something but do we arrest people cuz they might commit a crime? heck if i lived and one of those countries id be burnin are flags too, there taught differently about things....unless they had hardcore proff he was gonan use those weapons against us then i say if its not broke why fix it.....if he wants to kill his people then oh well its not our business....he might be linked to that one osama guy....were linked to sadam for giving him weapons:rolleyes: none of it makes any sense

03-18-2003, 02:33 PM
Why can we have bombs and not them? Thats not how it is. Do you honestly want wmd given to almost every country no matter the stability of their government or how dangerous the leaders are. Its no differant than letting convicted murders own weapons imo.

Also I don't think we run smaller rounds to just wound the enemy in a political sence but we run big enough rounds as to incopacitate(spel?) the enemy, increase the ammo loadout, also when you really tear up the enemy and leave him for a slow death he either really hurts the moral or distracts the other enemy soldiers into helping the wounded instead of focusing solely(spel?) on the enemy.

03-18-2003, 02:33 PM
Thanks leo.

People say there are no need for people to own guns since there is a police force to protect us. Police can not prevent a crime from happening. If someone is going to commit a crime, i think it is safe to say that a cop is not present. Police mostly just arrest people after they commit crimes. Thats why law abiding people own guns, to protect themselves.

What good is homeland security if you can not be safe in your home?


03-18-2003, 02:36 PM
the reason we can have bombs and they cant, is becuase a lil thing called terrorist, and sadam gives bombs to the terrorist so they can use them on us:eek2:

03-18-2003, 02:50 PM
um.. cant we just bomb korea into the next 100 years lol if they screw with us?

03-18-2003, 02:55 PM
It would be fun watching 10 year old iraqis and koreans try to take us great americans, i would want war. I mean we could like hide in buildings and stuff and when those evil iraqis come with there ak 47s we can give them some southern hospitality by sending them to the hospital and showing what a shotgun does. Have u seen them burn our flag. We dont do that? Its over, bye bye.:devil :devil :devil

03-19-2003, 01:23 AM
Matt, good point. heres an interesting fact for you, did you know that throughout history democrocy lasts on average 200 years? Leo, doesn't the cop episodes with those guns remind you of foreign countries? In any case, most of you kids are in school so haven't you learned about Hitler? Europe did nothing when he was building his military. They peacefully asked him to stop and took his word that he would. Then the Holocaust happened. This is why we are going to disarm Iraq. To prevent this kind of loonatic from becoming a real threat. Well, actaully Hitler was a genius, but still a loonatic! The reason they teach history in school is to educate the younger generation so they may not make the same mistakes in our future. Again, this is why we are going to war. I did not vote for bush but I stand behind my president regardless.

03-19-2003, 01:40 AM
yes i agree with wwar. and i think bush is right that it would be a bigger risk to let sadom go. I think he is like hitler killing inacent(sp) jews, just like hussian kill those curds, and we dont know if he is going to do some thing worse then that.
If you were a live in the 1930s would you try to take out hitler. know i would

just my 2 cents

03-19-2003, 03:08 AM
Originally posted by 400exrider15
It would be fun watching 10 year old iraqis and koreans try to take us great americans, i would want war. I mean we could like hide in buildings and stuff and when those evil iraqis come with there ak 47s we can give them some southern hospitality by sending them to the hospital and showing what a shotgun does. Have u seen them burn our flag. We dont do that? Its over, bye bye.:devil :devil :devil

:eek2: Im with ya, i think :scary:

03-19-2003, 03:33 AM
I heard something last night that the Brits were in the northern end of Kuwait doing some live fire testing and suddenly they had to stop cause there were Iraqi soliders walking towards them with there hands up.:D

Talk about loyalty

03-19-2003, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by RAGE
I heard something last night that the Brits were in the northern end of Kuwait doing some live fire testing and suddenly they had to stop cause there were Iraqi soliders walking towards them with there hands up.:D

Talk about loyalty

yeah that happened at least a week ago. they must have went to the French military school.

03-19-2003, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by Lathers
um.. cant we just bomb korea into the next 100 years lol if they screw with us?

i guess you dont know that china is there allie do you...

03-19-2003, 04:20 AM
Originally posted by RAGE
I heard something last night that the Brits were in the northern end of Kuwait doing some live fire testing and suddenly they had to stop cause there were Iraqi soliders walking towards them with there hands up.:D

Talk about loyalty

yea, the iraqi soldiers will serrender at the first sign that saddam will be taken out of power or killed...LEO and Merriman
make excellent points..people need to wake up :macho

03-19-2003, 04:55 AM
tell you what i'd rather pay more for gas and stay alive , sadam is insane look at his past he kills people if they don't vote for him , he has killed thousands of his own people , if we don't disarm him we will have another sept 11th , i will pay the hefty gas and oil prices insted of that agian , i think we are doing the right thing he has to be stopped , the reason we live the way we do here is cause we control people like sadam by threat of out military , we already had this problem with him remember ? now it is time to end it , i was watching the news last night in some state some school , the teachers were teaching students how to protest the war , now this is wrong , what are they thinking , if they object the should not preach this to our kids , do it on there own time with there own kind , i myself have 9 years in service and currently active duty army , if you do not like the way are united states is run by the president that you voted into office , you do have the freedom of speech and you can also move to another country if you do support mine !!!

03-19-2003, 08:17 AM
i didn't read this whole post except for the first 2 pages so i don't know if anyone else has put this but.... you guys do know that the reason the gas prices are going up is because of some country down in South America is going in debt and dying?:rolleyes: and bush already said that after we take over iraq the UN can take all the oil fields and do whatever they want with them

03-19-2003, 08:43 AM
Yeah, I did here that too. Like someone else posted (sorry for not remembering) we only get 7% of our oild from there. Mabyde in the end we might get some oil cost breaks...who knows? I certainly can't tell the future. These protesters that are basing their protest on "blood for oil" really need to get out more and get educated. Maybe all thier veggie burgers and green peace crusades have gone to their head, there is so much more to us going to war than oil. Maybe if they got poisoned or car bomed by an iraqi funded muslim they would wake up. Let's send all of them over to Iraq to live for a year and then ask them if this war was about oil? And don't even get me started on france and russia...LOL. We liberate France twice in 100 years, the last being a little over 50 and they have the nerve to say no to us? We re-built their country twice. You would think they would have learned something from WW1 and WW2 about people like Suddam. Russia and all the aid we sent them to keep from starving? You just can't please some people :rolleyes: Like I've said, I didn't vote for Bush but I damn well stand behind my president war or no war:grr

03-19-2003, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by quadman21
Maybe if they got poisoned or car bomed by an iraqi funded muslim they would wake up. Let's send all of them over to Iraq to live for a year and then ask them if this war was about oil?

Actually if I remember right a whole group of the econazis went over to Iraq about a month ago. The were going to protect the churches, and the schools from our big vicious bombs, but when they reported in they were immediately taken to power plants, and they're factories for part of the "human shield." Saddam kept them under armed guards so they couldn't escape. Fortunately(or unfortunately depending on how you look at it) they bribed some of the guards and they fled to Jordan.

03-19-2003, 10:33 AM
if they told us it wads about oil then we wouldnt be so patriotic like u guys sayin lets all kill them...thats dumb...were all gonna end up gettin killed:rolleyes: if they want war it should be hand to hand combat

03-19-2003, 10:35 AM
We are the strongest, most-powerful nation on the earth. Because of that simple fact, like it or not, we have an obligation to police and protect the world. The arguement of "it's not our problem" doesn't hold water.

If your child was being attacked by a stranger, would you want a police officer to say "It's not my family, it's not my problem"? True, we pay taxes that pay these police, and we are not paid by the Iraqi people, but the obligation still exists. The strong to protect the weak.

If a man attacks and kill someone with a knife, we as a society don't allow that man own a gun, because he can't be trusted to use it wisely. Same with Saddam, we CAN'T let him have a nuclear weapon.

We made the mistake with Korea, they signed a treaty stating that they would not build nuclear weapons, and they did anyway. Now they are a threat to us. Unfortunatly, we can't just go in and "take" the nuclear weapon away from them. However, we CAN go in and stop Saddam from building nuclear weapons, so we don't repeat the same mistake we did with Korea. THAT is why we are focusing on Iraq instead of Korea.

03-19-2003, 02:19 PM
All these dictators that start wars like this are NOT stupid, they are unbelievably intelligent, Hitler, Hussien, bin Laden, etc are very very smart, and they know what they are doing, do you guys think Saddam willl just give up? H*LL no, he is going to fight, and he will kill himself before we can kill him, and this war isnt going to be a 2 week war, "experts" said the Civil War, and WW1 would be over in 6 weeks, and look what happened...

03-19-2003, 02:26 PM
lol, i was watchin some news show and they had this big thing of bush and there chuckin rocks at it and burnin flags, thier gonan **** there pants when we start kickin there *** :macho

03-19-2003, 04:40 PM
I don't know why I'm even surprised anymore by how out of touch with reality some people are that post in here.

To the people that tried to explain and reason with the "current event impaired" people in here, Bravo Zulu.

For those of you that just like to spout off without having a clue what you're talking about, you need to pay your respects to the hundreds of thousands in Arlington National Cemetary, and the 10,937 that are still in France in the cemetary at Normandy, and every other White Cross or white Star of David, because it is only because of those people that you have the luxury of setting on you rear end and spouting off about anything you want with out having to worry about someone giving you a double tap to the brain pan.

Feel free to attempt to show me the error of my ways.

03-19-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Surjical
notice how the stupid young ppl are the ones that are all for war. i wish it was you out there on the front lines instead of the ppl who are 18 and are pressed to go. i dont agree with the war but i know its a last resort and well no more options i do not agree with war i have some issues but that does not mean i would not fight for my future family and friends. go outside and look at a baby and ask yourself would u really take a bullet most of you would lie to yourself and say yes hehe when in reality your only hiding the sad truth i am baby sitting right now. its one of ym moms friends baby and i see her and i know for damn sure i would die right now to make sure she lives to grow up all of you who aren't 18 saying "all for war" or "just blow the F*** out of them" dont even start cuz u know nuthing ur talking about im sick of ppl doing this y dont u lie about ur age and go fight the day u go and do that and have proof you did it with ease then ok u can say that and yeah im only 15 too but at least i know what im talking about:grr

What are you smoking?

You have never seen pictures of someone dying of smallpox?

I have to quit before I get myself banned.


If you dont think so, please go be a human shield.