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06-19-2013, 04:33 PM
Hey guys, i'm gonna start working on getting my sleeves done here in the next few months and I have been wondering how tattoo's handle being stretched by gaining muscle mass. I work out pretty heavily now and still look like a pencil most days, but plan to change that over the summer. I already have my tattoo's drawn up and everything just re-searching the topic on what your experiences where with getting tattoo's and them either shrinking or stretching? Did they distort? Lose color? Just give me your .02. :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:

06-19-2013, 06:33 PM

06-20-2013, 06:44 AM
Hey guys, i'm gonna start working on getting my sleeves done here in the next few months and I have been wondering how tattoo's handle being stretched by gaining muscle mass. I work out pretty heavily now and still look like a pencil most days, but plan to change that over the summer. I already have my tattoo's drawn up and everything just re-searching the topic on what your experiences where with getting tattoo's and them either shrinking or stretching? Did they distort? Lose color? Just give me your .02. :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:

there are definitely waaaaaaaaaayyy better forums to reasearch this topic. (*cough* http://forum.bodybuilding.com/ *cough*)

as from my experience. skin can natuarally strech only so much before it gets ****ed up. when i packed on 15 pounds of muscle last year and stayed lean, i used cocoa butter lotion constantly and it really mimimized any stretch marks that i would have gotten. now that ive really leaned out and gone back down in size for racing, i dont have any residual marks at all.

i would say your best bet is to actually go and talk to the artist that you plan on having do the tatts. if theyve been doing it awhile, and are a good artist, they are going to best be able to discuss with you what affects lifting and weight gain are going to have on distortion of tattoos.

a good rule of thumb, if you are doing it naturally, it takes ten pounds of solid muslce gain to increase your biceps circumfrence by 1". you have to factor in fat on top of that (which will increae the size more), unless your trying to gain lean, which will absolutley take for ever. the average person, 5'10" at about 170-180# only has about 20-25# of natual muscle that they can put on their body, and to hit an increae of 20# of solid, lean muslce mass, it takes a long damn time.

so depending on how much fat your carry ontop of the muscle you put on, will play a HUGE factor in how much your skin will stretch and distort. if you try and stay lean, 12-15% bf, you more than likely be ok. if you eat out a mcdonalds, a milk truck, and a couch ever meal and stay over 18% bf, your skin will probalby stretch like a pair of VS "PINK" brand yoga pants stretching over a 240# fat girls *** before an 8am history 101 class that she's 10 minutes late for.......

06-20-2013, 07:08 AM
if you eat out a mcdonalds, a milk truck, and a couch ever meal and stay over 18% bf, your skin will probalby stretch like a pair of VS "PINK" brand yoga pants stretching over a 240# fat girls *** before an 8am history 101 class that she's 10 minutes late for.......

Best. Analogy. Ever.


06-20-2013, 08:25 AM
Best. Analogy. Ever.


HAHAHAH lol....i speak from visual experience :devil:

06-20-2013, 10:12 AM
I like that ben hahahahaha

06-20-2013, 12:33 PM
I only have one little cross on my left arm with my name on it. I only came to regret it when I was working out heavy and starting to build up the guns. I hated seeing it on my arm, the only tat the looks good imho would be barbed wire above the bicep. You will regret a sleeve later in life regardless of skin stretching. But then again I'm an old fart. ;)

06-20-2013, 01:16 PM
I only have one little cross on my left arm with my name on it. I only came to regret it when I was working out heavy and starting to build up the guns. I hated seeing it on my arm, the only tat the looks good imho would be barbed wire above the bicep. You will regret a sleeve later in life regardless of skin stretching. But then again I'm an old fart. ;)

who says he would regret it? maybe thats the way he wants to look? everyone has a different mental vision of themselves, and only that person can be happy with the way they look.

tattoos are the new norm.

06-20-2013, 01:25 PM
A tattoo can stretch 3 times its normal size, or more depending on person and tattoo, before distorting. Building muscle mass will not ruin a tattoo as easy as one may think.

ESP on your arms. Arms do not stretch the skin the way other parts of your body do.

06-20-2013, 02:13 PM
A tattoo can stretch 3 times its normal size, or more depending on person and tattoo, before distorting. Building muscle mass will not ruin a tattoo as easy as one may think.

ESP on your arms. Arms do not stretch the skin the way other parts of your body do.

arms are the single most hard place to put on actual size....id be more worried about a chest or shoulder tattoo than anything

06-20-2013, 04:25 PM
tattoos are the new norm.

Used to you would get tattoos to stand out from the crowd. Want to stand out now? Don't get a tattoo.

06-20-2013, 05:31 PM
arms are the single most hard place to put on actual size....id be more worried about a chest or shoulder tattoo than anything

This. Not only that but you're not gonna be gaining enough weight or muscle mass in a summer to stretch anything anyway. Honestly unless you plan on going the roid route, you probably wouldn't even do that in a year unless you just eat like an absolute fatass the whole time.

06-20-2013, 08:59 PM
So... I work weird shifts with my work and I guess I had one to many and thought it would be a good idea to start posting all over my favorite forums at 5:30pm on a weeknight since I was drunk... So yeah... not really sure what I was trying to get at with this post. But I do want more work done, not a full sleeve though.. not really sure where that came from. Lesson to be learned... don't troll while drunk.

06-21-2013, 12:28 AM
So... I work weird shifts with my work and I guess I had one to many and thought it would be a good idea to start posting all over my favorite forums at 5:30pm on a weeknight since I was drunk... So yeah... not really sure what I was trying to get at with this post. But I do want more work done, not a full sleeve though.. not really sure where that came from. Lesson to be learned... don't troll while drunk.

Hahaha nice. You live and you learn.

06-21-2013, 08:11 AM
So... I work weird shifts with my work and I guess I had one to many and thought it would be a good idea to start posting all over my favorite forums at 5:30pm on a weeknight since I was drunk... So yeah... not really sure what I was trying to get at with this post. But I do want more work done, not a full sleeve though.. not really sure where that came from. Lesson to be learned... don't troll while drunk.
lmao! :p

06-21-2013, 08:16 AM
Used to you would get tattoos to stand out from the crowd. Want to stand out now? Don't get a tattoo.

you got that right. There is no question that at one point or another, when people grow older they do tend to regret tattoos, especially the sleeve guys. I'm not saying everybody does, but I know several guys that wish they didn't have them, or they just alter them and try to change them up. It's hard to make a life decision when you're 20-30 years old....sure it looks great at the time, but when you're 60, do you still like it the same?

i'm virgin skin, no tats, and I know someday i'll get one, but right now i can't commit to such a permanent thing. The new thing around here is the girls getting tattoos all over their upper arms and back....gross!

06-21-2013, 10:11 AM
I had a bumble bee tattoo and swole me once:D

06-21-2013, 05:00 PM
who says he would regret it? maybe thats the way he wants to look? everyone has a different mental vision of themselves, and only that person can be happy with the way they look.

tattoos are the new norm.

You're 100% right Ben, I just hope I'm around long enough to see some of those wrinkled up sleeves. ;) :)

06-22-2013, 11:21 PM
id like to get my first tattoo on my 16th birthday here soon. i want a sprocket around my elbow and praying hands on my upper arm/shoulderish area

07-05-2013, 07:21 PM
or just get something overly offensive like Satan killing St. Michael. It's an attention grabber lol.


07-07-2013, 02:28 AM
Woahhhh been awhile since i seen you around here

07-09-2013, 06:04 AM
yah the military regulates your fun. they see you happy BAM!!! no more lol. I only ride on leave whice is like 2 weeks a year...anywho, I had a tattoo on my tricept before joining the army. I am infantry so you get ****** up a lot. over a period of a year I noticed my tricept aka pushup muscle get pretty damn huge and the tattoo warp some. it does happen. it's hardly even minor so its nothing to worry about.

let be realistic now...how swole do you think you will be lol.