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03-17-2003, 06:27 AM
Well this being my first race in 2 years and the first race of the year, my goal was just to finish. Here comes the long long story of the day. I had never been to this track before so i went early and walked it and it seemed really easy track. Go up for the practice heat and they ask to check tethers and i pull mine and my quad still is running!!:eek: I ride back to the trailer find the problem, connector had corrodid and fell apart, i put it back together and we were in business, went out and practice had mucho fun. Moto 1, i line up and get a terrible holeshot like 10th into the first turn out of 15. All is going good i pass two people, then my teamate and a another are stuck so i'm sitting in 5th or 6th, i round the next turn and the quad dies, i push it out of the way and start wiggling wires after about 2 mines it starts and i take off, i'm a half lap down by the end i catch 3 people in my class and end with a 10th. Moto 2 I told myself i would get the holeshot, i ended up in 4 in the first turn got passed and after the first lap was 7th and held that possesion to the end. I brought home a 9th overall while my friend took brought a 5th overall and a trophey home. I felt i could have done better but i had lots of fun and will defintintly be back for the next race!! Heres on pic, that basically describes the whole day. For the rest of the pics http://www.geocities.com/revolutionracingconcepts/LR1.html

03-17-2003, 12:15 PM
sounds awesome , is it an ama track? whats the biggest jump there

03-17-2003, 02:40 PM
Where is log road MX at anyway? I wouldnt mind showing up at a coupple races this season.

03-18-2003, 12:12 PM
Yes its an ama sanctioned track. There are a couple doubles that u could probably jump 30-40ft but one of them i could hit fast enough and the other i would hit in 4th pinned and almost make it, but they both have table top like landings. There is also a sweet down hill triple, i could do the double easily but next time i go back i'd like to try the triple. The track is located 10 miles west of I-69 in coldwater. Its actually closer to Mendon about 5-10 minutes, theres a race this weekend but i don't think i'm going becuz its supposed to be cold and muddy so screw that. I beleive the next time is an open ride on the 28 or 29 of this month not sure though.


03-18-2003, 12:22 PM
I have to get my quad together fast. i wanted to do the entire series but i guess that won't be happening. I won't be able to go to the open riding either. dang it. Well, hopefully i'll have my bike all together in the next couple of weeks and maybe i'll see you there.

03-18-2003, 12:35 PM
Yeah i'll probably see you at most of the races, i'll be racing most of them this year. Except for May i'm going to do as many this summer as i can. And hopefully my bad luck is done for the year

d-14 rider 27
03-19-2003, 03:42 PM
i thought that was you man, i was there too on the old raggedy ex, i want my 450 done!!!, log road sucks for me, sweet track, but ill never go back. every time i go i either break down, or get hurt. i flipped over in practice, then first moto, i was dead last in holeshot i think, and moved into 4th thru the first corner, then my caliper kept stickin, and to top it off i fried my clutch when i was hung up on a berm. chitty day.

03-19-2003, 04:26 PM
nice pics, sounds like you had a rough day!!!

03-20-2003, 09:54 AM
d-14 rider 27, you must have been the one with the houser long travel a-arms and PEP limited mass shocks?? You were parked behind me before lining up for the first moto i think. I thought it might be you but i thought u had your CrF running so i didn't think it was you. What did you end up getting overall??? I'll probably be back on sat. you should come down, and do sum racing! Next time say hey you on the POS EX you from exriders! I need to get sum stickers then we would know. Where were you parked?? Hope to see you at the next race!!


d-14 rider 27
03-20-2003, 03:53 PM
yup, that was me. i think you looked at me when i was digging the dirt from around my kill switch with my key haha. i ended up with 13th i think, how ever many was in the b class. log road is cursed, i broke my hip there, blew head gasket, broke throttle cable, broke clutch cable, chain guide fell off on 450:rolleyes: , now this crap. its no good for me, ill prolly go to redbud on the 29th and let that whooped out track beat my arse for a few laps, that is if i get my shocks, ill be on my 450 most likeley with white plastic, carbon hood, prolly number 563, havent decided if i wanna run my atva number, or 27, ill prolly have bad luck if i change it, but ill be there tho if i got shocks and the weather is good, gonna try to nut up and hit the double double there too if the conditions are right and i feel good.

03-21-2003, 12:37 AM
The race on the 29th is for bikes only i think, spring fling or something. I won't be at Log road on sat. but i'm going to red bud on the 23rd for open ride. I can't afford to do both since i'm heading for silver lake on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of April!

04-08-2003, 07:53 AM
Well a month later i finally got more pics up http://www.geocities.com/revolutionracingconcepts/LR2.html

better late then never.........