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03-17-2003, 03:21 AM
today The united Stated, U.K and spain has decided not to push the vote. They have urged the united nations inspectors to leave iraq as long as citizens in iraq kuwait ect. The president will be address us tonight at 8 p.m est tonight. Also there has been evidence that iraq may us chemical weapons.. I think we are going to war , i think Bush is tired of messing around.

03-17-2003, 03:37 AM
I think we are deffinetly goin to war.... :ermm:

03-17-2003, 03:39 AM
Originally posted by CowsBitePeople
I think we are deffinetly goin to war.... :ermm:

Me too

03-17-2003, 03:53 AM
I have gotton heat for saying this b4 but I dont think that with the amount of $$$ invested into this buildup so far that the US would even consider coming home with a diplomatic solution. Its now a matter of economics.

03-17-2003, 04:11 AM
yea we are deifntely going to war... there deadline passed... there done for now

03-17-2003, 04:16 AM
on the news this morning they said that we are like a few hours away from going to war:rolleyes:

03-17-2003, 04:32 AM
it shouldnt last too long. They should be knocked off the face of the earth in about 2-3 weeks. Hoepfully they will be gone once and for all

03-17-2003, 04:47 AM
ON with it!!

03-17-2003, 06:07 AM
Our President will most likely give Saddam an ultimatum to leave the counrty and relenquish power, or face a millitary strike. If Saddam were to leave, (highly doubtful) the US and her Allies would conduct a "peaceful" invasion to create a free Iraq and set up a new leadership that will guarantee peace within the region. We'll wait and see... I am in full support of our President and I am proud that the US and her allies have the ba//s to deal with this issue. France, Germany, and Russia have betrayed us!! Especially France. Don't buy Evian Water, French wine, or anything French!

03-17-2003, 06:35 AM
the US and her Allies would conduct a "peaceful" invasion to create a free Iraq and set up a new leadership that will guarantee peace within the region. I think this is why so many people overseas condem our actions as "colonizing" but wtf do I know .

And what you want us to give up FRENCH FRIES damn :rolleyes: :D :devil

03-17-2003, 06:46 AM
In my school then call french fries freedom fries instead :huh


03-17-2003, 06:48 AM
freedom fries now thats funny, not brainwashing though :rolleyes: :eek:

Looks like its gonna be soon:
AP News Alert

01:39 PM EST March 17, 2003
The Associated Press

Army instructs Israelis to complete preparations for defense against possible Iraqi strike.

03-17-2003, 06:53 AM
my uncle works with the government he says some time this week we will go to war....you might not hear about it right away though ...GO GET EM BOYS :macho

03-17-2003, 07:08 AM
At least we'll have more entertaining things to watch for a while instead of American Idol and all those dumb ***** shows...

All I can say is if we do go in, JR better finish it since his dad didn't... Good luck to the guys over there and get on for the team.....

twisted threads
03-17-2003, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by BornOnFire
Our President will most likely give Saddam an ultimatum to leave the counrty and relenquish power, or face a millitary strike. If Saddam were to leave, (highly doubtful) the US and her Allies would conduct a "peaceful" invasion to create a free Iraq and set up a new leadership that will guarantee peace within the region. We'll wait and see... I am in full support of our President and I am proud that the US and her allies have the ba//s to deal with this issue. France, Germany, and Russia have betrayed us!! Especially France. Don't buy Evian Water, French wine, or anything French!
I agree!!:cool:

03-17-2003, 08:23 AM
How bout French kissing........?:blah :blah :blah

twisted threads
03-17-2003, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by Str8Wicked
How bout French kissing........?:blah :blah :blah
Now its called Freedom Kissing!!:blah :D

03-17-2003, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by twisted threads
Now its called Freedom Kissing!!:blah :D

lmao! war.... i wouldnt mind going to kick some towel head arse! but good luck to everyone out there... especially all exriders. we know they will keep fighting or there quad might end up in the wrong hands!:eek: :p

03-17-2003, 10:30 AM
2 1/2 hours til Bush's speech tonite

03-17-2003, 10:31 AM
I want to thank the EXriders for their support. I know I'm not there to fight the war, but we did our support no longer than 3 months ago in the Persian Gulf. If, you could only know how many strikes we launch against Iraqi you would be amazed. Thanks again.

R. L. Pugh
US Navy

03-17-2003, 10:36 AM
yeah lets hope that if Iraq has chemical weapons, that they dont use them... but even though its hard to see what bush is doing, im with him all the way. GO FREEDOM FRIES!!! muahahaha:devil

03-17-2003, 01:08 PM
we have saved France 3 times so far, WW1, WW2, and Vietnam, now all they can say is, give them more time, blah blah blah, Russia, they got tore up to in WW's, and they are b*tchin now

good luck to you army, navy, airforce, marines, etc, shoot first, dont ask any questions, lol

03-17-2003, 01:13 PM
its final. 48 hours to get out :eek:

03-17-2003, 01:18 PM
how will the war affect us citizens? will gas prices go up even more? :confused:

03-17-2003, 01:19 PM


03-17-2003, 01:26 PM
:rolleyes: :) :) :)

me too. makes me wana watch black hawk down or something, or shoot some paintballs...

gas prices: 1 buck a liter isnt that flucked:rolleyes:

03-17-2003, 01:27 PM
I agree that it is all about the economics now.......You cannot send nearly a quarter of a million people halfway around the world to just sit in the desert then bring them home......

Freedom Fries.......LMAO........That in itself shows how narrow minded most Americans are. (French Fries are not even from France, They originated in Belguim.)

Americans pouring French wine down storm drains......... Wake up morons......the French still benifited from your purchase of the wine.......Why waste it? Drink it then never buy another bottle of French wine.

A word of advise from the words of my Grandfather "Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see!"

03-17-2003, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Leo


So do I :macho ....so how is it goin to affect us??


03-17-2003, 01:32 PM
well you might not be able to pay for gas :eek: GOD HELP US ALL :huh

03-17-2003, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by oldnumberseven

Americans pouring French wine down storm drains......... Wake up morons......the French still benifited from your purchase of the wine.......Why waste it? Drink it then never buy another bottle of French wine.

there doing it to symbolize... they dont actually think that they are ripping the french off:huh or at least i hope not!

03-17-2003, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by flyin#5
there doing it to symbolize... they dont actually think that they are ripping the french off:huh or at least i hope not!

Regardless of it's symbolizism against the French, It is moronic!

If you would like to argue "symbolizism" Just the act of pouring perfectly good wine down the drain is great symbolizism of how wastful Americans are!

03-17-2003, 01:41 PM
i wasnt flaming i was just saying.... there doing the same thing as the boston tea party its not a symbol of how wastfull americans are becuase even though you probably dont know it they were doing the same to us a couple months ago.

03-17-2003, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by flyin#5
i wasnt flaming i was just saying.... there doing the same thing as the boston tea party its not a symbol of how wastfull americans are becuase even though you probably dont know it they were doing the same to us a couple months ago.

I am not flaming either, but......the Boston Tea Party was a few angry white men dressed up as Native Americans. They destroyed the tea because they where angry about being taxed by Great Britain. If anything the Boston Tea Party was the beginning of Americans being wastful. Why throw the tea over board (Tea was very expensive in those days as were spices) why not just dress up like Native Americans and steal the tea?

It just angers me that some Americans are so friggin narrowminded..........If you really want to boycott France......don't be wastful......be smart.......do not buy anything else made in France.......spend your hard-earned money on American products.

03-17-2003, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by tants
how will the war affect us citizens? will gas prices go up even more? :confused:

you know we get 7% of our oil from iraq? Also when the gas prices go up because of the war in a week or so they are just taking advantage of a bad situation because it takes over a month for oil to get from iraq to here. Also if we are ever in a tight jam we got some huge oil reserves in Alaska which i think we bought from france for around 12 million dollars:D :blah. haha suckers.

Glow Plug
03-17-2003, 01:55 PM
well ijust saw it on tv and, desided to post about it, i think he or we i guess should go to war because saddam isn't going to keep building the weopns and $hit because he has a possibllty of war right behind of him are you going to stop riding your quad because some body "might" steal it hell no your going to keep on building that $hit and stuff like that just my take on it that's all :rolleyes:

fat guy
03-17-2003, 02:02 PM
God bless America, President Bush, and all our young men and women defending what we often times ungratefully call 'rights'. Im tired of seeing people bash our chief of staff. The French should be on our side, yet they chose to side with Germany. Correct me if I'm wrong, but was it not the United States who rid the nazi's of occupied France 58 years ago? Interesting. Hopefully this will all be over soon and Iraq will look something like this http://www.sandbros.com/glamis/prezday02/bansheegal.JPG , but until then, IM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN and GOD BLESS THIS GREAT NATION.

03-17-2003, 02:04 PM
im pissed by how many young and even some old farts are acting like this is gonna be cool and entertaining. i am 15 now i understand that this is a last resort and our last option and im ok evern tho i wish we could have avioded war but u know.but we can not act like this thing or war is gonna be like a peice of cake. for all of you who have never been to war and are going for war plz dont u have no idea what ur talking about picture you being a soldier and there is a 50 percent chance your not gonna be coming back picture your families and think about it. and if u dont get killed by being shot and are tortures think about those soldiers over there that might have to go through that. now here are some tourture exserciszes Suddam uses.
1)Rape with broken glass.
2)Acid Baths.
3)limb removement.
now switch ur yourself with those soldiers that will be fighting and ask yourself would u want ppl going for this stuff to happen to you. i aint no wuss im not tryin to get into a life story but i have been shot at cuz i have lived in a hood and varrio or ghetto what ever u wanna call it. so dont be actin like "oh yeah finally we're going to war thank god less go kill some ppl. now i do have forgivness and i do know that even some of those ppl in iraq were happy that 9/11 but thats how they were raise but if we can save them and not kill n e of the civialians maybe we can change how they think. and if we free them that mgiht also do it too cuz even tho some ppl are against us some of them are going for us to over take suddam and free there ppl. i didn't mean this to be that long but just wanted to add my 2 cents......... ok maybe 20 cents welll i got to go bye

03-17-2003, 02:06 PM
I think france wants oil, I can't beleive the loss we suffered for them during Normandy(spel?). The truth is though that we probably wouldn't be as powerful as we are now without france helping us fight Great Britain and then being sold tons of land for cheap during napoleans rule.

03-17-2003, 02:06 PM
and yes i do agree i am pissed at the freedom friers A.K.A the French are punks for no siding with us:mad: :grr :scary:

03-17-2003, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by fat guy
Hopefully this will all be over soon and Iraq will look something like this http://www.sandbros.com/glamis/prezday02/bansheegal.JPG

:eek2: OMG i need to go change my pants:eek2:

03-17-2003, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Nausty
I think france wants oil,

Nah, they already have it taxed somewhere near the $7/gallon mark anway.

Want to know what I think the French and Germans are really afraid off? All the pieces parts that Saddam's using to make his "toys" are going to be stamped "FRANCE" or "GERMANY"..

I think if we actually manage to setup a DEMOCRACY in Iraq.. by that I mean a true "by the people, for the people" democracy..

Not some crappy "run by the tribal chiefs BS thing"..

Then it'll spread like wildfire through the whole of the middle east. Freedom is a basic human desire. Give 'em a taste and they'll want it. They've NEVER known freedom, or anything even remotely close to it.


03-17-2003, 02:24 PM
i heard that some of the countries not wanting to join were getting oil cheap from sadam

all i have to say is im glad theres people with nut enough to go over there and fight cuz there is no way i ever would

03-17-2003, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
all i have to say is im glad theres people with nut enough to go over there and fight cuz there is no way i ever would

id go over ther in a heart beat if i was asked too

03-17-2003, 03:26 PM
You know what makes me mad, How we lost so many people in normandy, To help push hittler and rommel (leader of the panzer tank divison) an some of mosolines remaining men. We lost so many of american and british lives not to count the french resistance.We freed the frence from hitlers Dictatorship.They owe us one.And now that we need them they back out!!!!!..With out us france along with all of europe (and britten) would be gone.We sent the supplys for the british and french to stay alive during that war long before we where even envolved. I think they forgot what happend that day on the coast of france. We lost so many but gained so much. landing 326,000 men 50,000 vehicles and 100,000 tons of supplys to help free paris then on to the rhineland.If not for US AMERICANS Europe would not exist today. They where sooooooo close to giving up, france owes america and the british.british housed the french during the merical at dunkirk coast where they pulled 30,000 remaining french troops out of the water and housed them while hitler lauched his blitzgrigs over england. The french must have forgotten about the day paris was liberated.The day eisenhower pushed into the city and forced the panzer tank to submit.They owe US!!!!!!!!

Chickens they are, or they have serious short term memory


03-18-2003, 02:05 AM

Runnin Dumb
03-18-2003, 03:17 AM
Originally posted by Leo

Thanks Leo! Maybe I'll be able to get on line in the big sandbox:D NOT!!!!! But, ya just never know.....

03-18-2003, 04:19 AM
good luck over there RD, that sux there aint no beer there tho

03-18-2003, 04:30 AM
Originally posted by Runnin Dumb
Thanks Leo! Maybe I'll be able to get on line in the big sandbox:D NOT!!!!! But, ya just never know.....

Don't worry dad,,i'll be sendin ya pics from the races and from hatfield trips along with long letters...:) Just go break a foot off in somebodies *** for me..:macho

03-18-2003, 04:45 AM
well pops....you take it easy over there. and i wanna see some pics when ya come back.....you know...pics of you at the px...at the motor pool...at the illegal gamma hoochie bar:devil

rico and i are having a bet that within 2 weeks of you being over there with no beer...you will singlehandely place yer boot in saddam's arse:eek:

keep yer head down and yer chin up...and we will deffinately have a drink for ya at hatfield:(

03-18-2003, 05:43 AM
"Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see!"

Good advise but you grandpa must have stole that saying from mine :) or maybe were related :D :eek:

Surjical, you got a good take on this stuff. Somehow there are allways those who feel the need to jump on the bandwagon and be part of the popular opinion etc. so its good to hear a fresh opinion.

War is no joke, and this one is more about religion than de arming any sand flea.

When I saw and read the story of Isreal murdering an american citizen by mowing her down with a dozer it proved to me that there will never be any peace in this world. How can we pretend that there will be any changes when a country finds the need to demolish existing communities and colonize an area more important than the life of an American citizen?

I will admit my stomach had turned in disgust.

Seems like something you would have thought would happen in Iraq


03-18-2003, 05:49 AM
Before the flames start I want to be clear that I support our men and women in the ME 100% and wish for a quick and casualty free campaign. And yes it appears that this is going to begin very soon so be prepared.

Bush is doing his best and the speach last night was stellar but if you listened carefully we have many issues going on all over the world and many loose ends that need to be tightened up etc.

I just hope that all this goes as quickly as we anticipate without any unforseen complications.

03-18-2003, 06:00 AM
Well the world seems to think that we are all wrong.I think if we get into deep an this might turn out like another nam we are gonna be SOL...noones gonna help

HOWEVER on the other hand if saddam launchs nuclear or chemical wepons......well he will fall right into Bushs trap...You want your proof world there you go I told you he had them....Then we will get sapport of the UN.....But right now we are getting looked at like land oil power hungry hitlers by the world just so ya all know.

03-18-2003, 06:05 AM
Rookie your right there.

Here is a little somthing to lighten things up a bit...

When does a boy

become a man in Iraq?

When his diaper moves from

His arse to his head.

03-18-2003, 06:22 AM
the only thing the French are good at is loosing wars look at thier history..

The French dont want us to go to war because they do alot of trade with Iraq they are only looking out for thier money thats all the same with Russia.

I got an idea after the war lets award the oil contracts to some of the smaller countries in the middle east and give them a chance to get out of the 3rd world status. leave the French and Germany and Russia out and not award them any of the contracts.

03-18-2003, 06:58 AM
War is the last soultion to this problem, but some country do not see it this way. I served in Marines for 4 years just got out shorlty after 9-11. And I hate it when people come jump on the bandwagon after we decied to take matters in our own hands. Those people are the ones that follow other people and don't make choices for the themselves.
This one is going to be alot longer the PG one. But it will be well worth it for the people over there that are getting wacked or god know what else.
I got a couple of buddies that have been over there a while since 9-11 and got some pictures of the terroiest beeen round up and put aboard a C-130 and trust me they deserved every bit of it, It's the things that Cnn don't get there hands on.

But dam those people that support no war, dam hollywood for there no war speech and the things that they do. There a bunch of communist and does not know what the meaning of FREEDOM is and what it takes to preserve that FREEDOM.

People take it for granted and some othere don't even think about it and go about there lives not given a dam of this Country.
The price of FREEDOM is very high and sometimes men and women die to preserve that, but some people just dont understand it.


03-18-2003, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by 300exTJjeeper
But dam those people that support no war, dam hollywood for there no war speech and the things that they do. There a bunch of communist and does not know what the meaning of FREEDOM is and what it takes to preserve that FREEDOM.


I AM ANTI-WAR..........Does that make me a communist?:huh

03-18-2003, 07:21 AM
Originally posted by oldnumberseven
I AM ANTI-WAR..........Does that make me a communist?:huh

NO, how else would u get the job done though? Through sanctions or inspections, lmfao.

03-18-2003, 07:23 AM
i say we send Micheal Jackson over there...

i guarantee once they see him they will know what biological weapons are capable of...and theyll get rid of em:D

03-18-2003, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by knighttime
NO, how else would u get the job done though? Through sanctions or inspections, lmfao.

I surely would not invade an entire country to remove a few men from power. :confused:

03-18-2003, 07:26 AM
we invaded europe to get rid of a "few" men....same with the south pacific:p

03-18-2003, 07:28 AM
Iraq is a impoverished country(Don't get me wrong there are many rich people in Iraq, all of which are tied either to oil or government) under the tyrainical rule of a mad man. Personally I see absolutely no need to bully them into war. If the Americans truly intended to liberate the people of Iraq from the rule of Saddam Hussien they could easily take steps to eliminating one man.......instead they plan to obliterate the lives and homes of innocent people. This war is merely a game among a few very wealthy and power men. It is unfortunate that man people will lose their lives being pawns in a game. Saddam with weapons of mass distruction or bio-weapons.......Bull***** ! That is merely an excuse to go to war.

03-18-2003, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by Castor-426ex
i say we send Micheal Jackson over there...

i guarantee once they see him they will know what biological weapons are capable of...and theyll get rid of em:D

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh haha

03-18-2003, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by oldnumberseven
I surely would not invade an entire country to remove a few men from power. :confused:

I guess President Bush wasnt thinkin, he could of asked u to knock on saddams door and ask him to leave Iraq, lmfao.

03-18-2003, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by knighttime
I guess President Bush wasnt thinkin, he could of asked u to knock on saddams door and ask him to leave Iraq, lmfao.

Why are you flaming?

03-18-2003, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by oldnumberseven
Why are you flaming?

I didnt think i was? I was just using that as an example that this isnt a simple matter, but war is the only answer in this case if we want to live in a free world without fear of terror.

03-18-2003, 07:36 AM
ill be glad come about 10 pm tomarrow night...gonna be a heck of a fireworks show on cnn:D

03-18-2003, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by oldnumberseven
I surely would not invade an entire country to remove a few men from power. :confused:

This is the only option. Geneva conventions (laws of war) say we can not perform "hits" to remove people from power. So your scheme to send in a couple of CIA hitmen to take him out is wrong. There for we must invade and remove him according to the laws of war.

03-18-2003, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by oldnumberseven
Personally I see absolutely no need to bully them into war.

We are not Bullying them into war. They had 12 years, plus an extra 4 months after propostion 1441 was passed to come clean. They didn't. They been offered everything, and returned nothing. They still don't have to go to war...Saddam, and his Boys still 28 hours to stop this.

If the Americans truly intended to liberate the people of Iraq from the rule of Saddam Hussien they could easily take steps to eliminating one man

See my previous post on this....It's called Geneva Conventions.

.......instead they plan to obliterate the lives and homes of innocent people.

We do not kill innocent civilians on purpose (I know it may sound funny since we can't tell if the innoent are in the building we just Blew up) But the fact remains we do not and will not purposely kill innoncent civilians. If they pick up a weapon they are no longer innocent how ever. You make it seem as if we are just out to make this a parking lot, as If GI's have no thought between right or wrong?

Saddam with weapons of mass distruction or bio-weapons.......Bull***** ! That is merely an excuse to go to war.

.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..Hopefully he doesn't. But that's exactly why we are going. To stop him before he DOES have them, because he certainly has the capability to produce them. And once he has them he'll hold the world hostage with them.

You don't just build a bomb to look at it. Just like you don't put on a condom to see if it fits.

03-18-2003, 09:34 AM
it seems like most people against the war dont understand whats goin on. They dont know about the Global Jihad goin on and they obviously dont know how IRAQ is mixed up in it. And anyone critical of the war should know if they were an IRAQI doin the same thing in IRAQ they would be without a tongue, AT BEST. Also this so-called diplomacy that FRANCE GERMANY and RUSSIA preach, is in the name of one thing MONEY.

Good luck US military ~ seek n destroy

03-18-2003, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by BornOnFire
France, Germany, and Russia have betrayed us!! Especially France. Don't buy Evian Water, French wine, or anything French!

Hehe, I actually work for the company that owns Evian. No Im not French.

They are an international company employing thousands of Americans nation wide.

I dont dabble in politics, but for cryin out loud dont stop drinking water, I want to buy another quad :)

03-18-2003, 12:23 PM
Geneva Convention! "giggle:huh " It has been public knowledge for sometime now that the CIA attempted to assasinate Fidel Castro several times during the 1960's. Since when has the US government followed "protocal"? During the Kuwait situation we had the right to be there to defend an allied nation. There has been ZERO evidence shown to the American people that Saddam has weapons of bio/nuclear capacities. All we have found so far are relatively antiquated (technologically speaking) short range missles, that at best have a limited capacity to deliver large enough quantities of bio/nuc materials to cause any serious damage and these will hit relatively close to Iraq. Iraq does not have the means to develop long range high powered bio/nuc weapons. There has also been no hard evidence to even link Saddam to Osama......Just because an administration tells you something does not mean it is true. The entire region of the middle east is a hornets nest! If the US could depend on domestic oil reserves we would not be there. Don't fool yourselves by believing this is a war against terroism.......this is a war about the driving force of the world "OIL" aka "MONEY"

We are ABSOLUTLEY bullying them into war! Why in the He\\ would we wait 12 years and 4 months to invade a country? Why would we give an enemy a chance to regroup and rebuild. After we liberated Kuwait, we pulled out and put Iraq on the back burner? Why?

Global Jihad!!!!!! It is also no secret that people ALL OVER THE WORLD HATE AMERICA! Not Americans mind you, the American Government. Our government has stuck it's nose into so many other countries business it is not even funny. If the U.S. Government were not so intent on being the worlds police, We would not be targets for attack and harrasment. These people are not jealous of the American lifestyle, they are pissed because we cannot mind our own GD business.

Why are we so concerned with Saddam and his very limited abilities when we have a very powerful advisary called North Korea ranting and raving against the United States? They do have Nucs and they have the means to deliver the goods. Yet, the Bush administration chooses to ignore them.

When all is said and done, I hope these "weapons" are found? I would love to be wrong. If no weapons are found the U.S. is going to have a real mess on it's hands..........

03-18-2003, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Surjical
for all of you who have never been to war and are going for war plz dont u have no idea what ur talking about picture you being a soldier and there is a 50 percent chance your not gonna be coming back picture your families and think about it. and if u dont get killed by being shot and are tortures think about those soldiers over there that might have to go through that. now here are some tourture exserciszes Suddam uses.
1)Rape with broken glass.
2)Acid Baths.
3)limb removement.

i think 50% is a bit rediculous, get some hard facts before you start running your mouth little boy, the weapons that saddams uses are so outdated and innacurate its a joke. his soldiers don't even want to fight and the first sign that saddam will be overthrown they will surrender, heck they surrendered to the brittish army last week when they were running drills byt the iraqi border, what a joke...this war is gonna be fast...desert storm was a joke and this war will be the same, realize that our troops are a confident superbly trained force that is up against remnants of saddams conscript army....:macho

03-18-2003, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by oldnumberseven
Don't fool yourselves by believing this is a war against terroism.......this is a war about the driving force of the world "OIL" aka "MONEY"

i love absurd cry of NO BLOOD FOR OIL...if anything a war would damage iraqi oil feilds which are already boobytrapped by saddam. which would reduce production and raise prices. if the us had really coveted iraqi oil it could have broken the UN's 13 year old oil embargo as many other countries have..if you don't like this counry then get the F*** OUT !!! :macho

Originally posted by oldnumberseven
Why are we so concerned with Saddam and his very limited abilities when we have a very powerful advisary called North Korea ranting and raving against the United States? They do have Nucs and they have the means to deliver the goods. Yet, the Bush administration chooses to ignore them.

When all is said and done, I hope these "weapons" are found? I would love to be wrong. If no weapons are found the U.S. is going to have a real mess on it's hands..........

Very limited power :huh what are you talking about, pick up a newspaper man. we have found weapons that are ready to carry chemical substances and weapons that are capable of ranges that exceed his agreement from desert storm. and we have satalite servallience of them moving large missles. saddam is a power hungry maniac, all these people who cry no war we want peace are a unch of pansys who will find peace in there own graves if we do not remove saddam from power immediatly!!! so sit back and mock the president but he is doinng what needs to be done and trust me he doesn't care about winning any popularity contests...he has one mission to preserve the freedom of american people and to protect us from evil...

Originally posted by Nausty
I think france wants oil

NO france doesn't want oil, they signed a deal with saddam for cheaper oil and broke the agreement that the UN had... they have given saddam a lot of money and if we taske him out of power they will no longer be getting there "Discount" i say kick em out of the UN there usless and are not a super power at all

03-18-2003, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by QuadTrix6
i love absurd cry of NO BLOOD FOR OIL...if anything a war would damage iraqi oil feilds which are already boobytrapped by saddam. which would reduce production and raise prices. if the us had really coveted iraqi oil it could have broken the UN's 13 year old oil embargo as many other countries have..if you don't like this counry then get the F*** OUT !!! :macho

Who the fu-k are you to even suggest that I do not love my country? I simply see no need to have US soldiers and civilians (mark my words....this war is going to spawn more attacks on US soil) killed for no reason.

The simple fact is that the U.S. should keeps it's nose out of other people *****. Let the middle-east fight out it's own wars. The entire area has been in conflict for centuries (Longer than the US has been a nation) Leave them to ther own fate. This war is not about the mere 7% (of out total annual oil consumption) which we receive from Iraq. It is about a long term goal of controlling the region.

I am PROUD to be an American! I am just ashamed of George W's rush/push to war!

03-18-2003, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by oldnumberseven
Who the fu-k are you to even suggest that I do not love my country? I simply see no need to have US soldiers and civilians (mark my words....this war is going to spawn more attacks on US soil) killed for no reason.

The simple fact is that the U.S. should keeps it's nose out of other people *****. Let the middle-east fight out it's own wars. The entire area has been in conflict for centuries (Longer than the US has been a nation) Leave them to ther own fate. This war is not about the mere 7% (of out total annual oil consumption) which we receive from Iraq. It is about a long term goal of controlling the region.

I am PROUD to be an American! I am just ashamed of George W's rush/push to war!

please spew out more ignorant comments....this war is our business, when we get ATTACKED ON OUR OWN SOIL it is our bussiness. terrorists have killed thousands of american already and thirst for more, fighting back is a neccesity uless people want the peace of the grave!!! what about the iraqi civilians !! we are there for them as well another reason we are going over there is to LIBERATE the iraqi people from saddams barbaric and cruel regime, do you know what he does to those people !!! torturing is one of the nicer things he does. Since WW1 only one nation has been guilty of using poison gas: IRAQ. He has never met a weapon he thought too barbaric to wield. to the US and its intrests he is a direct threat and an indirect one. through his avid support of terror and his designs on his neighbors.. just ask the people of kuwait...HE CANNOT BE CONTAINED. with saddam in power there can be no peace..instead of blaming bush do some research and look into the clinton administration :rolleyes: :macho

03-18-2003, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by QuadTrix6
please spew out more ignorant comments....this war is our business, when we get ATTACKED ON OUR OWN SOIL it is our bussiness. terrorists have killed thousands of american already and thirst for more, fighting back is a neccesity uless people want the peace of the grave!!! what about the iraqi civilians !! we are there for them as well another reason we are going over there is to LIBERATE the iraqi people from saddams barbaric and cruel regime, do you know what he does to those people !!! torturing is one of the nicer things he does. Since WW1 only one nation has been guilty of using poison gas: IRAQ. He has never met a weapon he thought too barbaric to wield. to the US and its intrests he is a direct threat and an indirect one. through his avid support of terror and his designs on his neighbors.. just ask the people of kuwait...HE CANNOT BE CONTAINED. with saddam in power there can be no peace..instead of blaming bush do some research and look into the clinton administration :rolleyes: :macho

HAHAHAHAHA "Ignorant comments?" I promise you I have twice the education you have. I have done my research. I voted for Bush (I agree with much of his policies), he was the better man over Gore. Clinton disgusted me also.....he was owned by the Environazis.

I am well aware of what Saddam has done to his own people. I have seen the images of the large missles that can surpass the Desert Storm directive (They are only going to hit another Arab nation so why should we care about them?)

I am simply saying this.....the US has gone around the Geneva Convention and attempted assasinations before.....if you're gonna bypass the UN why not just bypass the Gen. Con. and take out the problem directly? Why bomb the oppressed people of Iraq? When you have an abcest tooth.....do you have all your teeth removed?

03-18-2003, 01:27 PM
haha CLinton, that guy is real joke and a big in fact.

Freakin draft dodger if you ask me. I had some a family member killed in 9-11 plus the PG. I never had the oppurity to go to war, but served my time in Marines. And have meet those people that have been to War. It's no joke fight and people die for a cause that many have done throughtout the years of this nation.

So your saying old number seven to keep our nose out of other countrys business. But it becomes our business when they messed up with 9-11. Saddam is just like the rest of them bad guys. And if you feel like we should not do anything, that is crazy.

I bet your one of those people that if you saw someone stealing another riders quad you would not give a damn and only care for yourself. That is what I am getting at after reading all your post.

Got some real close friends and family memebers over ready to kick some a** and bring out the truth. And trust me they will find those weapons and much of them after it's over. It's gonna be long one when it is all compelted

03-18-2003, 01:27 PM
clinton lifted the ban on the usa conducting assinations in 1998 i believe.

and for educated people you fellas dont debate very well:devil :blah

03-18-2003, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by 300exTJjeeper

So your saying old number seven to keep our nose out of other countrys business. But it becomes our business when they messed up with 9-11. Saddam is just like the rest of them bad guys. And if you feel like we should not do anything, that is crazy.

I bet your one of those people that if you saw someone stealing another riders quad you would not give a damn and only care for yourself. That is what I am getting at after reading all your post.

What kinda ***** is this? You think that because I am against war that I would let someone get away with stealing? LMAO Trust me I am no bleeding heart liberal!

I will say this one more time! Why waste billions of dollars with a full military assault when you can send in one team of very specialzed combat soldiers to eliminate the few bad seeds? We had a right to bomb the ***** out of Afganistan....but what did we really gain? Did we catch Osama? I doubt we will get Saddam this time either.

9-11 WAS A TRAGEDY. But it was a tragedy that could have been avoided. The US put it's nose intot the hornets nest by aiding the very group that attacked us. We did it with Saddam and Osama. If we would have never tied to play games with these psyho people we most likely would have never been attacked.

I would love to see the US take the same steps that Switzerland has taken.

03-18-2003, 01:42 PM

03-18-2003, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
clinton lifted the ban on the usa conducting assinations in 1998 i believe.

and for educated people you fellas dont debate very well:devil :blah

What is your source for that information? I did a search for it and came up empty handed. All I found was that he attempted to have it lifted

03-18-2003, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by QuadTrix6
i think 50% is a bit rediculous, get some hard facts before you start running your mouth little boy

A 50% chance of being dead is a good estimate for alot of the guys over there. A guy that used to work for us was a door gunner in vietnam, you know the guy who hangs out of the helicopter door and shoots people. Very soon before the war, they took like 2500 men? (Any of you guys who were there might know the for sure number) Out onto an air strip or something, and gave them numbers. They kept splitting them into groups, blah blah blah. By the end of the deal, him and like 4 or 5 other guys were left in the middle. The Sgt. or whatever it was said to the rest of the guys "Take a good look at this group of guys, because they may be the only ones left" (Or something like that, you get my drift.) Well, to make a long story longer, He is the only one in that group of guys still alive.

03-18-2003, 01:47 PM
check for executive orders...it may have been bush (old man bush)the restrictions were lifted.

03-18-2003, 01:51 PM
I see your point, ok

You can just thing we can send a couple of special teams in there too just get 1 shot 1 killed. Bileve it or not but I have personally meet some on the specail teams that went in during the persian gulg to do just that and 1 of them is my brother in law. CNN don't tell you everything as with the government.
He has under house is very hard to reach with walls that 7 ft thick. they tried but could not succed. The have even tired to just blow him up with a M-203 and my brother in las almost go hie head taken off in the process. He is a very hard man to reach and to get too.
It will be the same this time, but no way is the President going to take no as a answer this time like his old man did.

Like I said bileve it not. it's up to you. If you think a couple of specail team could do just that, I don't think so. There are more trained military personal from other countrys beside us and there more deadly than other specail teams. He has a nickname in the military world and that is the man that can not be killed. But I do hope this time, we can get him.

03-18-2003, 01:57 PM
I would love to see the US take the same steps that Switzerland has taken.

Finally OLD#7 said something i agree with. In swiz every able bodied male is considered military. They are all issued fully automatic rifles and keep them in their homes. Guess what? Swiz has virutually no crime.


03-18-2003, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by mrusk
Finally OLD#7 said something i agree with. In swiz every able bodied male is considered military. They are all issued fully automatic rifles and keep them in their homes. Guess what? Swiz has virutually no crime.


Exactly! And it is a plus that they keep their noses out of other people *****!

03-18-2003, 02:02 PM
i dont believe it has been lifted, but what they do is the CIA puts forth a intent of purpose form to conduct some kind of a necessary attack, and then it is written off through that, that if a target is "accidentally" killed they are not liable....

thats how the CIA was able to use a predator drone to kill an al Qaeda group with a hellfire missle..

saddamn needs to die, diplomacy hasnt worked...

oldnumber7, your essentially saying 9-11 was our fault for having a heart or the balls to take care of things no one else will, and that it is what we get or deserve for doing this.

and while they hate us now for taking action, if we do nothing, and saddamn kills local arabs with his weapons, dont you realise they WILL BE FURIOUS that we the U.S did not come RUSHING to theyre aid.
and then what are we left with? still an arab world that hates us, and a a sick-evil man ruling over a country with intent, and who has demonstrated he doesnt give a ***** about his country, and only worries about his own survival....

people that criticize our government in times such as these piss me off, you all need to give up the bishing, no matter how "right" you "think" you are and support our country because we must not show weakness now.

that is partly why we were attacked 9-11, because we allowed democrats, or even just the government to forget the true role of our military, and the need to take action, and that freaking terrorists do not respond to any sort of diplomacy! there is no reasoning with a mad man, all they understand is killing, and i say we treat them equally with death to those who dare attack and kill our country

d*nm, thats a long one hehe

03-18-2003, 02:02 PM
Let me make myself clear! I am not against removing Saddam. I am against the path Bush has hastily traveled down to accomplish it!

03-18-2003, 02:07 PM
the thing with the switz,

yeah right, in America with all these youbg gangsters on teh streets already. What they should do is put the those national gaurds to work and put them on the street corners, I am not saying Martial Law, But if you put to use the National Gaurds to good use, there will be less crime out there on the streets.

Besides being called upon when we need them, sort of like those reservists that do there weekened warrior deal, Don't get me wrong they are being put to good use now. Majority of those reservists get retrained before they hit the battle field because they loose it all throught the months. That is more money there too Old 7.

But as far as everybody that has a gun, I don't think so, but we should have a tougher law system though. you kill someone, you yourself should be wip out for you crime, I bet that will make a huge impact on those people that wish to comment crime. Will it ever happen, No because you got mothers against America that will do there protest thingy and it will never pass.

But it's free country, right.

03-18-2003, 02:12 PM
The U.S. government had full knowledge that 9-11 was coming......so yes in a sense it was partly our fault. If we had NEVER (From the inseption of the U.S.) gotten involved with the Middle east or anyone else we would be better off today. Unfortunelty we did get involved and now our hands are tied. So you are correct 310r WE ARE DA_NED IF WE DO AND DA_DED IF WE DON'T.

03-18-2003, 02:12 PM
Yea our country does not need more laws. We need better enforcement of those laws. In my mind the worse crimes anyone could commit are: Murder, Rape, and Kiddnapping. If you commit any of those crimes you should be killed excution style, no questions asked. None of thise 34 years on death row.


03-18-2003, 02:15 PM
Our Country has plenty laws.....we just suck at enforcing them and punishing them. Our judical system is a joke, with more loop-holes than a lasso competion.:p

03-18-2003, 02:32 PM
it's a been good talking to everyone with the showdown on ExRiders. But hey I'll beon later on tonight,


03-18-2003, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by oldnumberseven
Our Country has plenty laws.....we just suck at enforcing them and punishing them. Our judical system is a joke, with more loop-holes than a lasso competion.:p

i dont think saddam will agree with that tomorrow.

03-18-2003, 03:37 PM

03-18-2003, 04:15 PM
knighttime,Merriman,QuadTrix6 (especially), 310Rduner and anyone else that has received all their info from the major US news sources and our political figures please understand that you are only receiving partial info.

There is a major political or propaganda war going on here and most of our leaders dont want us to think beyond the recent past (the tragedies of 9-11 etc) but most of the problems leading to our current circumstances occured from 50 to 3000 years ago (give or take a few thou) and are deeply religious.

You owe it to yourself to do some research if you want to understand this better and not in the normal papers and news files. Take a look at the BBC or if you speak a foreign language look on the net for news in a country that speaks it etc, I assure you will most deffenity learn a lot about how others view this potential war and see and hear things we have not b4.

Please trust in yourself to find your own opinion and not just borrow or copy the popular opinion as it is shoved down your throat, many thousands of men have died so that you can have your own personal opinion and please dont waste it.

I believe that when old#7 said that we are in this situation because our country doesnt keep there nose where it belongs he was talking about long b4 9-11. The US has had some interesting foreign relations in this ME region and has funded most of the countries (and smaller groups as well) there as they saw fit for our intents at that time. When two foreign countries are fueding or fighting and someone sends arms or cash to one of them the other is going to become angry and this has happened time and again.

Geneva conv (cough cough) it seems more than one country plays this game when it suits them. It appears that the UN gets about the same respect.

Can anyone say incinderary bombs over a certain highly civi populated city in ww2????? :rolleyes: War is truely not played to any certain rules untill there is a loosing side and the war crime trials begin. Funny how things are so one sided :rolleyes:

BTW you guys flaming #7 for having a diff view than what you have seen on tv are not seeing the big picture.

03-18-2003, 04:20 PM
For those of you that seem to believe that this is all about a mad man having the ability to arm terorists and deliver WOD etc then how do you explain flying around and over so many others with just the same profile???????????????????????

As I stated b4 I know Bush is doing his best and am behind the cause but there are still so many missing pieces and potential repurcussions that I am concerned.

SO we are going to war like it or not I believe like pappy said theres gonna be some fireworks and real soon by the way it looks. Just hope we get the job done and everyone comes home in one piece.

03-18-2003, 04:23 PM
some people on here suprize me, what should bush do, ship a bunch of bibles to osama, and saddam, and make them say they are sorry, and read storys in the bible?

we gave saddam a chance once already in desert storm, and we shipped him his bibles, and he probably cooked hotdogs, now its time to leave, or die, and he has choose to get into a war, his problem

if you where president, you all would do the same thing, your treehugging save the arab crap wont work, if he does something, hippys will hate him, if he stalls and beggs saddam to disarm, he will kill his own people, and possibly more, and then the hippys will be mad

and for them operation human shields, i really hope you feel stupid, Bush was the governer of TEXAS, he executed thousands of people, he will blow you human shields up!

Yea our country does not need more laws. We need better enforcement of those laws. In my mind the worse crimes anyone could commit are: Murder, Rape, and Kiddnapping. If you commit any of those crimes you should be killed excution style, no questions asked. None of thise 34 years on death row.


Bush isnt giving saddam 34,000 years to think about it, he gave him 3 days or whatever, he choose to stay, and now he will die, JMO

03-18-2003, 04:32 PM
we gave saddam a chance once already in desert storm, and we shipped him his bibles, and he probably cooked hotdogs, now its time to leave, or die, and he has choose to get into a war, his problem

I been hearing this a lot today and one of my customers had a diff take on the leave or we will bomb you theory.

In a voice like bruce lee this guys says he is the leader of n. korea and that if bush isnt out of the US by sundown he will nuke em.

A little crazy (only cause its close to truth cause that guy is a little nuts by my standards) but allmost pssed myself laughing he was so funny.

03-18-2003, 04:33 PM
i say take all those korans, and if it makes the middle easterners happy, the bibles and toss em in a fire, cause they just use religion as an excuse, i say lets call there bluff, and i think Pres. Bush is doin that.

I personally dont give a crap about how they didnt like it a thousand years ago, if u live in the past u die in the past. Come on middle easterners, chill out, this aint the medievel times any more.

As far as Iraqi citizens being killed in collateral damage, well to be harsh, they had there chance to oust Saddam. The reality is that there life will be better to an extreme that few will probably be able to comprehend.

03-18-2003, 04:34 PM
As far as Iraqi citizens being killed in collateral damage, well to be harsh, they had there chance to oust Saddam. The reality is that there life will be better to an extreme that few will probably be able to comprehend.

I agree with your post but think of trying out the last paragraph in your state :) :rolleyes:

03-18-2003, 05:09 PM
I'm back,
Got a email from my brother in law and just wish to share it with you since I've been posting up on here. Just a take awhile and read it and tell me what you guys think. I personally do not know this Marine but I would like to hear what you guys think of it.

By A Marine !!!!!
I sat in a movie theater watching "Schindler's List," asked myself,
"Why didn't the Jews fight back?"

Now I know why.

I sat in a movie theater, watching "Pearl Harbor" and asked myself,
"Why weren't we prepared?"

Now I know why.

Civilized people cannot fathom, much less predict, the actions of evil people.

On September 11,
dozens of capable airplane passengers allowed themselves to be overpowered
by a handful of poorly armed terrorists because they did not comprehend the
depth of hatred that motivated their captors.

On September 11,
thousands of innocent people were murdered because too many Americans
naively reject the reality that some nations are dedicated to the dominance of others.
Many political pundits, pacifists and media personnel want us to forget the carnage.
They say we must focus on the bravery of the rescuers and ignore the cowardice of the killers.
They implore us to understand the motivation of the perpetrators.
Major television stations have announced they will assist the healing process by not replaying
devastating footage of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers.

I will not be manipulated.

I will not pretend to understand.

I will not forget.

I will not forget the liberal media who abused freedom of the press to kick
our country when it was vulnerable and hurting.

I will not forget that CBS anchor Dan Rather preceded President Bush's
address to the nation with the snide remark,
"No matter how you feel about him, he is still our president."

I will not forget that ABC TV anchor Peter Jennings questioned President
Bush's motives for not returning immediately to Washington, DC and commented,
"We're all pretty skeptical and cynical about Washington."

And I will not forget that ABC's Mark Halperin warned if reporters weren't
informed of every little detail of this war, they aren't
"likely -- nor should they be expected -- to show deference."

I will not isolate myself from my fellow Americans by pretending an attack
on the USS Cole in Yemen was not an attack on the United States of America.

I will not forget the Clinton administration equipped Islamic terrorists and
their supporters with the world's most sophisticated telecommunications
equipment and encryption technology, thereby compromising America's ability
to trace terrorist radio, cell phone, land lines, faxes and modem communications.

I will not be appeased with pointless, quick retaliatory strikes like those
perfected by the previous administration.

I will not be comforted by
"feel-good, do nothing" regulations like the silly,
"Have your bags been under your control?" question at the airport.

I will not be influenced by so called,
"antiwar demonstrators" who exploit the right of expression to chant
anti-American obscenities.

I will not forget the moral victory handed the North Vietnamese by American
war protesters who reviled and spat upon the returning soldiers, airmen,
sailors and marines.

I will not be softened by the wishful thinking of pacifists who chose
reassurance over reality.

I will embrace the wise words of Prime Minister Tony Blair who told the
Labor Party conference,
"They have no moral inhibition on the slaughter of the innocent.
If they could have murdered not 7,000 but 70,000, does anyone
doubt they would have done so and rejoiced in it?

There is no compromise possible with such people,
no meeting of minds, no point of understanding with such terror! .
Just a choice: defeat it or be defeated by it. And defeat it we must!"

I will force myself to:

-hear the weeping
-feel the helplessness
-imagine the terror
-sense the panic
-smell the burning flesh
- experience the loss
- remember the hatred.

I sat in a movie theater, watching "Private Ryan" and asked myself,
"Wheredid they find the courage?"

Now I know.

We have no choice.
Living without liberty is not living.

-- Ed Evans, MGySgt., USMC (Ret.)
Not as lean, Not as mean, But still a Marine.

Keep this going until every living American has read it and memorized it
so we don't make the same mistake again!

It's pretty crazy and striaght to the point. THat there is what you call a Lifer in the Marines. But well worth it.


03-18-2003, 05:31 PM
I'm sorry to let you know but Radical Muslums hate us for or way of life not just our government. They the fundamintalists want a return to year one as the call it. Where Imam's and Iyatollahs rule in radical fundimintalism. We are considered infidels not worthy the life of a dog btw they don't treat dogs kindly over there. I have spent a lot of time in the ME and have personal exprience with a lot of the players. The us has made mistakes there but so have the locals. Militant Islam is our main enemy now Saddam helps support them like it or not. That is why he must be taken out of play. He has the resources and structure to develop wmd's which he can use himself or supply to third parties to use against us and he has shown a willingness to do so. As far as assasinating him Iraq is a police state it is hard to infiltrate. Saddam rarely is seen in public (less than a dozen times in the past decade) so it is nearly impossible for "real time" intel to set up an op. Saddam is a ruthless dictator and not the only on in the me but he is the one who screwed with us. Inaction is not an option it just looks like weakness to them and encourges them to try bolder actions. I'm sorry if I take this a little too personally but I have lost friends over there and all thats left is a ridge or valley with their name on it. Maybe I want a little payback too. Kick *** and take names! hooyah!

03-18-2003, 06:29 PM
some people on here suprize me, what should bush do, ship a bunch of bibles to osama, and saddam, and make them say they are sorry, and read storys in the bible?

So, What does the Bible (Ya know that Christian book) say?

God Bless America
The U.S. - a Christian Nation
George Bush - a Born Again Christian President
The Declared Compassionate Conservative
Following in the footsteps of the Prince of Peace?
Tenents of Their Faith:

Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Matthew 26:52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword

Mark 9:50 Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.

Luke 1:79 To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Acts 10:36 The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)

Romans 2:10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:

Romans 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

Romans 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

1Corinthians 7:15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.

1Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

Galations 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith...

2Thessalonions 3:16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

Hebrews 7:2 To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace

Hebrews 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

James 3:18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

1Peter 3:4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

1Peter 3:11 Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.

2Peter 3:14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.

Revelations 6:4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

What is it that George Dubya
does not understand above?
Perhaps he can't READ!

03-18-2003, 06:40 PM
i completely agree with 300exTJjeeper and oldsandman!support our troops!

03-18-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Chef
A 50% chance of being dead is a good estimate for alot of the guys over there. A guy that used to work for us was a door gunner in vietnam, you know the guy who hangs out of the helicopter door and shoots people. Very soon before the war, they took like 2500 men? (Any of you guys who were there might know the for sure number) Out onto an air strip or something, and gave them numbers. They kept splitting them into groups, blah blah blah. By the end of the deal, him and like 4 or 5 other guys were left in the middle. The Sgt. or whatever it was said to the rest of the guys "Take a good look at this group of guys, because they may be the only ones left" (Or something like that, you get my drift.) Well, to make a long story longer, He is the only one in that group of guys still alive.

this isn't vietnam :rolleyes:

03-18-2003, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by 440EX4me
BTW you guys flaming #7 for having a diff view than what you have seen on tv are not seeing the big picture.

i didn't mean to flame but i have strong opinions on this and don't take kindly to thows who don't support my president..i have two final statements and im done posting in this thread

1. have more faith in the president i think you will see once this is over that hes doing the right thing and..
2. i think all of the above including myself need to stay outta politics and talk more about quading, no one is gonna sway anyone else and we all think were right so im done arguing, i feel we all made mostly valid statements :p jk....lets all pray for the troops to come home safe thats what really matter now !:macho

im out

03-19-2003, 02:20 AM
Trust me I know my news, and don't just get it from a paper, or TV. This is what I do. We are not going over there for their 3000 year old religous confrontations. We are going over there because he has the capability to produce those weapons (he may or may not have them) and when he does do you think that he will come out and say "heeeeeeey boys, looky what I got over here....." then boom comes the rocket over to the US? Seriously it's been proven that he supports terrorism, and that he will supply them to whomever will 1.) pay for it. 2.) Use it against someone he doesn't really like( And I believe we are on that list somewhere) So we are simply putting an end to one supplier(major supplier) of terrorism. It would be nice if we could just send in a hit squad to take him out, but it just can't happen. Trust me. There is nothing I would like more than for Saddam and his kiddy's to come out and show the world every nook and cranny of their country, if they truely had nothing to hide and wanted to avoid war I believe they would? don't you. I am behind the President and everything he does.......aslong as he doesn't take away more public land that I ride my quad on.......

bottom line is Saddam has to be dealt with and were doing the job.

03-19-2003, 02:43 AM
Originally posted by oldnumberseven

If the U.S. Government were not so intent on being the worlds police, We would not be targets for attack and harrasment. These people are not jealous of the American lifestyle, they are pissed because we cannot mind our own GD business.

That right there my friends is the main issue here....countries are tired of us coming onto their soil and telling them what's right and wrong.. and what name to call God, etc, etc, etc. If we left them countries to deal among themselves and had nothing to do with them..there is a 90% chance 9/11 never would have happened. I too agree that Saddam should not be in charge of things over there..but there's plenty of countries that dont' agree Bush should be our leader..but are they coming over here and starting a war...NO

WE keep sticking our nose in the business of other countries and all it's doing is bringing terror to ours...screw them countries..let them terrorize their own country not ours.... so many of you talk about how you hate the cops around you..well then you must hate our country because we are the worlds police as oldnumber7 stated.. The cops tell you,,you can't ride your quad on the road or on the nieghbors land..well Bush is doing the same thing to other countries except this is a little more intense..

And there's also mention of saddam or other countries making mass destruction weapons..well I find it a little retarded to get him pissed off and give him a reason to use them...that's like taunting the nieghbors dog on the other side of the fence...poke at it enough and before long it's gonna jump the fence...

03-19-2003, 03:03 AM
Please can you list some countries and the reason why we stuck are nose's in their business. I am sort of confused on which countries you are reffering too. Thank you.

03-19-2003, 03:34 AM
Don't ask me,,i'm not the government..ask someone that's in the military how many troops we have stationed all over the world in other countries...if we have military troops in other countries..is that not sticking our nose in their business. How many counties have military bases setup in the US????????????????

03-19-2003, 03:59 AM
I know where troops are deployed, and why. I just wanted some opinions first on what you, John Q. Public think. Personally it depends on what you consider "other peoples business" We mostly go to stop famine, genocide, tyranny, amongst other reasons. Also we don't go it alone. There are many other countries involved. Take Bosnia for example. There are over 60 countries that have there hand in that U.N. Mission, not just the US. The reason you only hear about the U.S. is because 1.) This is where we live. 2.) We carry about 80% of the work load of the UN, yet all countries claim victory. I spent 13 straight months there doing country/culture/govt/military analysis. We stopped alot of killing, we are helping them setup churches, schools, towns, government, and a whole lot more. I've been there handing out food, and clothes to refugees who had nothing, and they were very very very thankful that we were there stopping the Oppressors(but wait wouldn't that be us?...No). We are over there De-mining their country so they can farm, and ranch, so they can be self supported. I've also done many other missions which I can not say. For the most part we as a country have done far more good than evil. It's the ones that we stopped from doing evil that are mad at the US, not all the citizens of the country. It is just hard for those that love us to get there voices heard since they are still affraid. The reason why they don't have bases here is because we can take care of ourselves, in the ways that those countries lack. We do host the UN, and have many soveriegn officials here daily conducting business, to include the German military, the French, and the English. We also host many many countries army's to train them on fighting technic's and the do's and don't's of war. Are they sticking they're nose in our business? Or is this just neighbors helping neighbors?

Further more if you don't know what you are talking about with "Other people's business" then why are you trying to prove a point with it? I just wondering why? I'm not intended to "flame" anyone.

03-19-2003, 04:10 AM
YOu shoulda been here handing out clothes and feeding your fellow americans instead of someone that doesnt' understand the english dictionary..that's my point. We are so worried about other countries to see the problems in our own..:( My dad is in the military right now and possibly goin to the big sand box anyday...his father was in the military and also served our country...i'm sorry but I don't see the logic in our governments decisions.. Lets kick the homeless we have here in the US out of the way..so that we can get the boxes loaded on the plane to feed the hungry 3000 miles away..WTF:huh

What you did was a great thing...helping other human's in a bad situation is a great thing..props to you and your comrades..but why does the US ignore OUR problems????????????? Is it because they make no profit off helping themselves like they can helping another country I"m guessin....it's all about the almighty $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...I agree with what oldnumber7 has said so much it's like we are the same person..

Do you feed your family first or the neighbors family??????

03-19-2003, 04:11 AM
Originally posted by Merriman
I know where troops are deployed, and why. I just wanted some opinions first on what you, John Q. Public think. Personally it depends on what you consider "other peoples business" We mostly go to stop famine, genocide, tyranny, amongst other reasons. Also we don't go it alone. There are many other countries involved. Take Bosnia for example. There are over 60 countries that have there hand in that U.N. Mission, not just the US. The reason you only hear about the U.S. is because 1.) This is where we live. 2.) We carry about 80% of the work load of the UN, yet all countries claim victory. I spent 13 straight months there doing country/culture/govt/military analysis. We stopped alot of killing, we are helping them setup churches, schools, towns, government, and a whole lot more. I've been there handing out food, and clothes to refugees who had nothing, and they were very very very thankful that we were there stopping the Oppressors(but wait wouldn't that be us?...No). We are over there De-mining their country so they can farm, and ranch, so they can be self supported. I've also done many other missions which I can not say. For the most part we as a country have done far more good than evil. It's the ones that we stopped from doing evil that are mad at the US, not all the citizens of the country. It is just hard for those that love us to get there voices heard since they are still affraid. The reason why they don't have bases here is because we can take care of ourselves, in the ways that those countries lack. We do host the UN, and have many soveriegn officials here daily conducting business, to include the German military, the French, and the English. We also host many many countries army's to train them on fighting technic's and the do's and don't's of war. Are they sticking they're nose in our business? Or is this just neighbors helping neighbors?

Further more if you don't know what you are talking about with "Other people's business" then why are you trying to prove a point with it? I just wondering why? I'm not intended to "flame" anyone.

^IM WITH THIS GUY ^ :macho

03-19-2003, 04:17 AM
1. have more faith in the president i think you will see once this is over that hes doing the right thing and..2. i think all of the above including myself need to stay outta politics and talk more about quading, no one is gonna sway anyone else and we all think were right so im done arguing, i feel we all made mostly valid statements jk....lets all pray for the troops to come home safe thats what really matter now !

John, would you believe I cant argue with you there? :)

Funny or bad thing about politics is that each side only gives up the info that supports their beliefs and the average person is left to try and decifer what the "real deal" is. Guess they prefer to keep things confusing so that we are also confused.

We are not going over there for their 3000 year old religous confrontations. Your correct its not for it but rather all the events leading up to the cause of it are from those confrontations.

We are going over there because he has the capability to produce those weapons (he may or may not have them) and when he does do you think that he will come out and say "heeeeeeey boys, looky what I got over here....." then boom comes the rocket over to the US? Seriously it's been proven that he supports terrorism, and that he will supply them to whomever will 1.) pay for it. 2.) Use it against someone he doesn't really like( And I believe we are on that list somewhere) So we are simply putting an end to one supplier(major supplier) of terrorism. I dont think many would disagree with this but where I become concerned is the fact that there are many other nations in that reagion of the world that also fit your description and whats in the future for these countries? Should the US just level the entire ME (like we should have eastern europe and the USSR in the past) or will Iraq just be a example to the countries that mirror our reasons for attacking Iraq? If this is going to be an example then I am personally expecting to see this scenario replay again in the future with a new country etc. I seriously doubt with the amount of hatred and resentment to the US in this region that there wont be another attack on our interests in the future.

Please can you list some countries and the reason why we stuck are nose's in their business. I am sort of confused on which countries you are reffering too. Thank you. You are weakening your previous statement that you dont get your info only from the local evening news.

The previous policies of the US to just fund and arm the groups or countries that were shown to be to our benefit have left very few countries that could claim we have had zero influence or effect on them. Remember that this style of "limited involvement" has only angered these people more because they seem to resent the fact that the US was altering the end result with out getting its hands dirty.

Maybe it would be easier if you listed different nations and eveyone could bring you up to speed.

03-19-2003, 04:26 AM
Originally posted by 440EX4me
John, would you believe I cant argue with you there? :)

Funny or bad thing about politics is that each side only gives up the info that supports their beliefs and the average person is left to try and decifer what the "real deal" is. Guess they prefer to keep things confusing so that we are also confused.

:eek2: :D

03-19-2003, 04:29 AM
Further more if you don't know what you are talking about with "Other people's business" then why are you trying to prove a point with it? I just wondering why? I'm not intended to "flame" anyone. Didnt want to copy your entire post and just picke up the last part.

I have to agree with a lot of that but I also see where Rico is coming from and it is this conflict that angers a lot of americans.

Our unemployment , bankruptcy and other numbers are rising and our leaders continue to send unimaginable amounts of our tax dollars overseas. These dollars would be very beneficial staying at home right now and now the numbers are increasing everyday for supporting the potential war.

Not tryin to turn this into a financial discussion but the issue does exist.

I believe that we have to all admit that the US has had its nose in places that many of us dont realize or want to accept. Look at the Iran Contra scandals and the funding of the rebels in Afganistan to fight the USSR etc. and I wont even get into the issue of Palistine.

03-19-2003, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by 440EX4me
Didnt want to copy your entire post and just picke up the last part.

I have to agree with a lot of that but I also see where Rico is coming from and it is this conflict that angers a lot of americans.

Our unemployment , bankruptcy and other numbers are rising and our leaders continue to send unimaginable amounts of our tax dollars overseas. These dollars would be very beneficial staying at home right now and now the numbers are increasing everyday for supporting the potential war.

Not tryin to turn this into a financial discussion but the issue does exist.

I believe that we have to all admit that the US has had its nose in places that many of us dont realize or want to accept. Look at the Iran Contra scandals and the funding of the rebels in Afganistan to fight the USSR etc. and I wont even get into the issue of Palistine.

Hey I totally agree with you guys that we should take care of our own first, but I don't make those decisions, and have/will support the decisions made. I know of alot of countries that we have a hand in(triple digits), I'm not going to list them off. This is why I'd rather listen to what you guys have to say, then provide feed back. The only reasons I can imagine are that other countries problems make our problems look like a joke, and it looks really good to the up-itty ups that control most of this world if were out there like some mass savior. Other than that I am not sure.

03-19-2003, 09:14 AM
Ol # 7 ......I agree with alot of stuff you say...I hate war....we have all seen war an seen what it does.

I agree there are other ways around this conflict then war.

But billions of dollars have been spent on sendin our Military over to the gulf.

He is'nt going to pull out.

And jus what if....he did lauch a nuclear attack on us in the future...

An I know your all thinkin... Yea but thats ''what if''

2 years ago we would have been askin our selfs (what if somone flew big plane into the WTC)

An then the next question what if we could have stopped him.

just like the french an britished asked after hitler had takin poland they had plenty of time after he took Checklesaovkia (bad spellin tore that one up)......They just kept apeaseing hitler (yea sure take a lil more its ok) then the next thing you know his tanks are pourin into poland an france.

Now what if they would have done somthing before this all happend?

Thats what we will be askin our selfs in a few years if we don't take out the wackos in the world now.

However on the other hand if we did'nt do anything an it turned out for the best........

We will never know.....till this war is all over.

03-19-2003, 11:56 AM

03-19-2003, 12:09 PM
THat' s a good one there.

03-19-2003, 12:45 PM
Hey Bro i thought i give my 2 cents ..

i believe Bush is a bully just like Saddom but we have more money and power...

i believe other countries see us a threat just like saddam see us a threat ...

i do believe that saddam should be dealt with before he bombs us ... we all know he will not leave his country he will not step down .. some of his soldiers already surrender already ... i am sorta like rico all my family besides my dad has been in the army and that was becasue they wouldnt let him join. for some odd reason but i know he was tore up about it cause he had to see his brothers go without him.

but anyhow back to my statement i think we should put a stop to this but i believe are priesdent is pissing off many countries than he is realizing... we cant take the whole world on and expect to still be here ..

Can we?

03-19-2003, 12:51 PM
I fight with my kids all the time..

03-19-2003, 01:51 PM
The decision has been made and with all the serveys about 70% of Americans approve and agree with the President. If you agree with the decision to go to war or disagree, the decision has been made so it is time to stand behind our troups and give them our full support. They are thier fighting for us. Its time to stand united

03-19-2003, 02:36 PM
goooooooooooodbye iraq :huh

03-19-2003, 02:46 PM

Priesdent is supposed to speak aat 10 15

03-19-2003, 02:57 PM
there goes decent working hours:o

03-19-2003, 03:07 PM

look there goes iraq

03-19-2003, 03:54 PM
Just like the kid on the Mazda commercials says, Boom Boom Boom, yeah boom boom boom.

Hello, Mr. Hussein? It's time for your 5 AM wake up call, compliments of the USA.

03-19-2003, 10:04 PM
hey yellowrider

if ya don't like what The United States are doing move to France.

03-19-2003, 11:04 PM
yah our main alli is *****in out on us naw

cheeze eating *******s

03-20-2003, 12:29 AM
Quadracer screw you buddy ... i am for united states but i wish they would do it better than just being the bigger bully... after this war there is going to be a lot of question unanswered...

03-20-2003, 12:46 AM
Yeah, like "Where'd Baghdad go?"

03-20-2003, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by yellowrider
Quadracer screw you buddy ... i am for united states but i wish they would do it better than just being the bigger bully... after this war there is going to be a lot of question unanswered...

From what you have posted, you have shown that you know very little of what is going on in this world. You are a product of the anti-war/anti bush crowd. You make me sick when you refer to OUR President as the same as Saddam. This statement alone is SO incorrect its disgusting. Please post your facts that you base this information and I'll shut you down with my facts. :mad:

Oh, please post your so called "unanswered questions"

03-20-2003, 02:33 AM
Originally posted by VWVR6
From what you have posted, you have shown that you know very little of what is going on in this world. You are a product of the anti-war/anti bush crowd. You make me sick when you refer to OUR President as the same as Saddam. This statement alone is SO incorrect its disgusting. Please post your facts that you base this information and I'll shut you down with my facts. :mad:

Oh, please post your so called "unanswered questions"

Wow...were'd did this violent member jump out from??:confused: It's a bird, it's a plane, It's ERIC the heineken drinkin PA fool...:eek: :D

03-20-2003, 02:35 AM
Originally posted by Scott
Yeah, like "Where'd Baghdad go?"


03-20-2003, 11:55 AM
You make me sick i am just posting my opinion and yes they are alot of unanswer question you jerk...

1 how many soldiers are going to come back home to their families...
2 how many of them are going to have a to fill guilty for killing someone... you make it seem its ok to kill the bad as long as you dont kill the good... which THEY are!!!!
3probably somebody that would fit your character how much money is it going to cost ?
i dont care what you think of me but when you put me in the anti bush group it pissed me off...

i have done nothing to you ..

i just stated my opinion .. but my statement still stand bush did things the wrong way through the get go !!!

BUT i do agree with him ...

03-20-2003, 02:25 PM
:eek2: stop arguing !!! lol kidding dude ,

03-20-2003, 04:20 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That is one funny ***** photo!!!!!!!!!:D

03-20-2003, 05:43 PM
there r some bad-*** mofo's wearin the red white n blue kickin *** for u, show some respect, cause they r givin their life to make yours better.


03-20-2003, 06:07 PM
I dont know what it is but I keep getting back into this thread, maybe I just like all the controversy lmao. naf not me :D

Why is it that everytime someone posts something even slightly questioning things some of you guys go and show your lack of proper thought process and jump all over the guy or girl etc.

I have seen some very simple minded opinions and if I "went off" on every one of them I would not only be blistered on every friggin finger but also entirely wrong.

Everyone is allowed their opinion and if that happens to be they arent in favor of or are totaly for this freaking war let then have their opinion, sure you should give up some info so everyone has a chance to learn what you know but the flaming is getting silly.

SO if you think someone is wrong in their thoughts give some facts why and please dont quote every single pretty boy looser newsguy OK.

03-20-2003, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by knighttime
there r some bad-*** mofo's wearin the red white n blue kickin *** for u, show some respect, cause they r givin their life to make yours better.


Man you hillbillies have no sense of humor! :p

That photo that I think is hilarious has absolutely nothing to do with the troops "defending" America! It is a reference to how retarded arguing on the internet is!

Another thing.........."aint" is not a word.:p

03-20-2003, 06:51 PM
I think we can all agree on one thing. War has never accomplished anything.... except ending slavery and defeating fascism & communism.

03-20-2003, 07:02 PM
Not meaning to fan the flames... but how do you that oppose the war feel about the destructive, becoming more violent, anti-war protest that are taking place in the US?

03-20-2003, 07:27 PM


Help Im drowning bs and cant find my boots :D

For those who are pro or anti war lets hear why you believe there is a war, and was a attack on the trade center and pentagon in the first place?

Maybe if we all look at the "why" first, and then the "how" we could be better able to fix or stop future attacks on our soil etc.

We all need to start seeing the "big picture" and not just convienently pick and choose who we want to take out our anger on and just paste their picture over the desried description.

C'mon guys ask yourself WHY to every thought you think you have and share the answers here.

03-20-2003, 08:00 PM
* Why are you talking about globalization when at the same time the decisions you are making are about pleasing only your own citizens, this military, or that economic alliance, instead of the whole world?

* Why, when there are procedures in place according to UN charter to bring specific terrorists to justice, have you allowed massive military campaigns that wipe out innocent populations and destroy nations? Why are you allowing atrocities and crimes against humanity in the name of peace?

* Why have you not visited the museums of Hiroshima and Nagasaki while in office, or had your military officers hear the stories of the nuclear victims, or offered your own citizens the chance to read the Russel-Einstein manifesto?

* Why have you not weighed properly what is at stake when you threaten other nations, when humanity and the civilization of thousands of years is 30 minutes away from extinction at any given moment?

* Why is it okay in some places when international law is broken, but in others it is not?

* Why do you still keep weapons of mass murder around when you know that you cannot guarantee that they will never be used against billions of innocent civilians, your sons and daughters included, or that they will not be triggered by human error or computer accident? * Why do all of you, almost exclusively, still support such a war policy around the world that threatens to annihilate the whole of humanity?


Dear Sirs / Madams,

I am writing to you as a temporary citizen of the earth. Destiny has entrusted you for a short time with the future of your countries, and you work diligently to please the citizens of your own countries. Many people like you had similar titles and responsibilities in the span of thousands of years all over the world. They did their duty and history has recorded it. Some of them are remembered with peace and joy in humanity's soul, and some others are remembered with sadness and horror. They had a choice to make and they did.

Should the decisions you are making today be about pleasing only your own citizens, this military, that economic alliance, or the whole world? It is not a secret that we have been at the point of extinction for about 50 years now. Does anyone doubt that the world has recently entered a new extraordinary chapter? Only a dozen years ago there was a dynamic equilibrium between the deadly forces of the East and the deadly forces of the West, and the people of the world thought that they were in trouble. They were willing to pay taxes to strengthen the forces to keep a balance. We now know that was a horrific mistake. Now that this balance is no more, the people are in despair and fear that the worse is about to come. What should the people of the world expect to see in the near future?

It is therefore your responsibility, which is infinitely greater than that of any other people like you in the recorded history of human kind, to come together and finally abolish the weapons of mass murder. The people of the world deserve that you humble yourselves into immediate negotiations, no matter the cost. Later they will demand it. We cannot and we should not think anymore of the future of our countries alone, but of the future of humanity as a whole. Under these extremely dangerous conditions in order to combat terrorism, your governments are justifying any means, no matter how brutal. Why do all of you almost exclusively still support such a policy around the world that threatens to annihilate the whole of humanity? And why when there are procedures in place, according to UN charter, to bring specific terrorists to justice have you allowed massive military campaigns that wipe out innocent populations and destroy nations? Why are you allowing atrocities and crimes against humanity in the name of peace?

Over six billion people are asking every one of you personally. Have you ever read the Russel-Einstein manifesto? Have you offered your own citizens the chance to read it? Have you ever visited the museums of Hiroshima and Nagasaki while in office? Have your military officers heard the stories of the nuclear victims? How is it possible for the whole of humanity and the civilization of thousands of years to be 30 minutes away from extinction at any given moment, gone forever, and you have not weighed properly what is at stake? How can you continue discharging your duties as usual when global death is minutes away?

Military bases around the world trying to control the military, political, economic, and even social life of the people of the earth are devoid of meaning today. All fear dies when a nation does not threaten anyone. Doesn't everyone like to live among nations that no one needs to be afraid of? We do. Then why threaten? Almost all of the people of the earth if allowed to know the dreadful facts would never pay taxes to support the building of the graveyard of humanity by their governments. They would revolt. They need no world government while there are weapons in storage. As long as these weapons exist, humanity will be oppressed. They need no empires and national interests when Damocles' nuclear sword hangs over their head.

Why is it okay in some places when international law is broken, but in others it is not? The citizens of the world demand an answer from you. They sense that their future and their children's is at stake because of the lack of your will or ability to resolve such issues. Will you be able to resolve a nuclear scenario tomorrow? Your predecessors proved that they did not have the capacity to avoid two global massacres. If you have the slightest doubt that you also do not have the ability, why then do you still keep weapons of mass murder around?

The desire for world domination is not new or a secret (http://www.dtic.mil/jv2020/). And let us be truthful, if it were not the USA today, it would be one of the rest of you. The question is what will each one of you do about it? Are you going to use your nuclear weapons to destroy our beautiful world and every one of us forever? Good, loving people who want to love and support their families and their nations are waiting to hear what your answer is.

When we know what the results of colonialism were in the past, why have you invented a new kind of colonialism, one that is less conspicuous than the colonialism of old Europe? People see that your strong governments achieve domination of other weaker countries by investing capital abroad, which makes those countries firmly dependent on you, and anyone who opposes this policy or its implications is treated as an enemy of your states. The result is a growing discontent pervading the people of the world because of this unhealthy kind of globalization. More and more, as years go by, the feeling of unrest is growing in the world. The most recent example is Argentina. As economic interests are intermingled around the world, agitation spreads beyond borders and takes the form of definite demands in the form of terrorism. This state of affairs is unsustainable.

The anti-globalization movement and so many other similar movements are growing at an alarming rate; that is a fact. You claim that you act for people's interests, but the people are not convinced. Brussels on December 13th, 2001 saw possibly the largest ever demonstration across Europe. Well over 100,000 people took five hours (on a working day) to march through the capital with the slogan "people not profit." Your mission should be to help eliminate the mistrust between nations, and as a consequence, eliminate militarism and everything else that goes with it. We live in an age in which you have to make the great decision, to abolish or perish, soon, very soon. We have the capacity in the blink of an eye to destroy everything that we have put together in the span of thousands of years.

While the leadership of some of you seems unable to do anything but raise fear in people's hearts, the conscience of humanity will always hope. As fear sweeps the globe more often today than yesterday, let us not forget that "he who wrongs no one, fears no one. He has nothing to hide and so is fearless. He looks everyone in the face. His step is firm, his body upright, and his words are direct and straight" as S. Radhakrishnan, president of India once said.

The times are pressing for an immediate, serious consideration of what we want to see for the future of our children. Weapons of mass destruction do not provide any protection for our children, future generations, and us. Can you honestly look at your sons' and daughters' eyes and say to them that you work for world peace when some of you support with your words and actions the research and maintenance of an unthinkable number of weapons of mass murder? You are very well aware that instead of the abolition of weapons of mass destruction, our world is headed for proliferation and nuclear anarchy.

Today your governments are developing, maintaining, and threatening to use weapons of mass destruction against nations that do not have them. Also you are demanding that these nations not be allowed to acquire them, or otherwise they will be bombed. Moreover, some of your governments are using bribery towards the governments of the rest of the nations that already have weapons of mass destruction to make them destroy their weapons. What has made some of you think that you are better than others, that you can hold on to your weapons of mass murder but others cannot have any of their own?

to be cont......

03-20-2003, 08:01 PM
Governments embracing weapons of mass destruction need to understand that there is something much higher at stake than your private vested and national interests are. You derive the right to take the chance of a global catastrophe from nowhere. What you are doing is simply wrestling with the infinitely great. It will be a lost game for all. More power demands more responsibility, wisdom, and concern for others. Let us abandon all means of war that bring about murder and destruction in the name of national security and self-defense.

Having contemplated on these facts, I have decided to dedicate the rest of my life to bringing awareness to the world's people about our predicament. I would rather use my skills for world peace than for the annihilation of my fellow beings. Can lovers of life count on your help? It is our most sacred duty.

Sincerely, Andreas Toupadakis, Ph.D.

Andreas Toupadakis, Ph.D. is a Former Research Scientist of Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories.

03-21-2003, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by Rico
Wow...were'd did this violent member jump out from??:confused: It's a bird, it's a plane, It's ERIC the heineken drinkin PA fool...:eek: :D

LOL! Yep, I poked my head back in here.... found something that triggered me. When anyone compares our President to a low life such has Saddam really P's me off because obviously they dont understand anything.

Anyways, I should be back from my EXRiders break, rais'in h*ll!!! LOL! :devil :D


03-21-2003, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by yellowrider
You make me sick i am just posting my opinion and yes they are alot of unanswer question you jerk...

1 how many soldiers are going to come back home to their families...
2 how many of them are going to have a to fill guilty for killing someone... you make it seem its ok to kill the bad as long as you dont kill the good... which THEY are!!!!
3probably somebody that would fit your character how much money is it going to cost ?
i dont care what you think of me but when you put me in the anti bush group it pissed me off...

i have done nothing to you ..

i just stated my opinion .. but my statement still stand bush did things the wrong way through the get go !!!

BUT i do agree with him ...

03-21-2003, 02:17 AM

dennis miller....lmao

03-21-2003, 04:46 AM
We need to send those protesters to Iraq and have them solve everything they act like they know it all. We probably lose more people in drunk driving accidents each day than we will in the war. They need to use all of that energy on something like drunk driving or child abuse or animal cruelty or something like that. Also we need to take over the dunes in Iraq

03-21-2003, 05:59 AM
Originally posted by Pappy


That saying was named after me....... at least the "stupid" part!