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View Full Version : Thoughts on Wild Cat Creek mx.....round 4

Logan #34's Dad
05-13-2013, 02:17 PM
So, what's you all's opinion on round 4?

05-13-2013, 03:22 PM
In my opinion Logan was riding great. I also think the track came around real nice for Sunday.

Logan #34's Dad
05-13-2013, 04:22 PM
I think the facilities were some of the best we've seen in awhile. It was ran good too.
I've only got a couple things to whine about...
1st, I wish the AMA would mandate some track maintenance... take it out of the officials hands and say the whole track HAS to be groomed at say moto #10 and #20..
I know I'll get the argument that this is motocross and its supposed to be bumpy...blah,blah...but when it gets unsafe, its a problem... they've got to remember that we have little 6yo kids riding too. This place had more people carted out by ambulance than I ever remember seeing.
By my count and knowledge, 2 different broken femurs, 1 pelvis, 1 tailbone, 1 collarbone, plus whatever John Natalie's injuries were.. and plenty more hurt bodies..
2nd, this track was too short. I did like the layout though. IMO, one lap for a B rider should be close to 2 minutes. These short tracks don't give much time to catch the rider who gets the holeshot..in just 4 laps.
Just my 2 cents.

05-13-2013, 08:05 PM
Rocky I have to agree that a little track grooming would go a long way. They groom the track at the supercross races. Being this only our second National I couldn't tell you if the track was too short or not. But I did like the track and its a good location for us. I think a track that has been groomed would make for better racing overall because it allows for more lines to be used. Seems when track gets that rough it becomes a one line track through certain parts. But I do have to say the conditions were better than Balance! Lol. Although when we rolled in Thursday night I was like Oh Boy here we go again.

05-14-2013, 06:34 AM
I think the facilities were some of the best we've seen in awhile. It was ran good too.
I've only got a couple things to whine about...
1st, I wish the AMA would mandate some track maintenance... take it out of the officials hands and say the whole track HAS to be groomed at say moto #10 and #20..
I know I'll get the argument that this is motocross and its supposed to be bumpy...blah,blah...but when it gets unsafe, its a problem... they've got to remember that we have little 6yo kids riding too. This place had more people carted out by ambulance than I ever remember seeing.
By my count and knowledge, 2 different broken femurs, 1 pelvis, 1 tailbone, 1 collarbone, plus whatever John Natalie's injuries were.. and plenty more hurt bodies..
2nd, this track was too short. I did like the layout though. IMO, one lap for a B rider should be close to 2 minutes. These short tracks don't give much time to catch the rider who gets the holeshot..in just 4 laps.
Just my 2 cents.

I can hardly believe the stuff I heard that happened.......I hope all the riders that had getoffs get well soon! I hope all the parents that showed there *** are ashamed of themselves today....But I know thats too much to ask!

Ryko racing
05-14-2013, 06:44 AM
I can hardly believe the stuff I heard that happened.......I hope all the riders that had getoffs get well soon! I hope all the parents that showed there *** are ashamed of themselves today....But I know thats too much to ask!

I actually didn't like the track when we first got there. ( and I am one of the people that always want it rough).

The track did come around pretty well though. We ended up doing well but my son still doesn't love the track.

I think it needs to be a few feet wider but other than that it seemed ok. ( its way better than some of the other tracks we go to over the year. ( steel city and pleasure valley are far worse in my opinion. But that's why we go to all different tracks and keep it challenging.)

I think im ok with going back there next year.

05-14-2013, 07:35 AM
"I hope all the parents that showed there *** are ashamed of themselves today"
Ya might as well tell the story. :D

05-14-2013, 08:36 AM
I thought the facility was nice. The track was not very technical, but the dirt was strange. The braking bumps were as hard as concrete. Almost like clay. The most crashes I have seen at a national. I would not have a problem going back. Don't know why they cut the track for the 50s. My daughter really liked the woods section.

Apparently there was alot of race drama over the weekend. ;)

05-14-2013, 08:55 AM
I agree on the track was super rough and got dangerous.We had a really bad weekend fighting bike issues and never really got a get any laps in so my opinion comes from watching others ride.We never finished a moto or practice.My only real big complaint is you should never spray the fields with chicken crap when you know a big event is coming up.It stunk all weekend.

#404's Dad
05-14-2013, 10:09 AM
My opinion is that a few simple changes would have fixed the track, #1 would have been turn one which is obvious to anyone with a pulse, at least groom it every couple motos for Pete's sake!! How many pile ups does it take to see something is wrong?? I have NEVER seen some many wrecks in my life at a MX Race or any other race actually but WCMX thinks all the wrecks were due to riders riding beyond their limits, apparently they all chose WC to do this :rolleyes: .

Anyone notice the spectators that got ran over?? Yeah no retaining Fence, Bails or anything around the area of the Flag Stand which is Spectator Tunnel, not sure how many quads came off there but after the two ladies were ran over they put a few wood stakes and some orange snow fence up.

Anyways the Facility was nice, the Layout of the Track was nice, The Flaggers seemed to be on top of chit and the Paramedics were pretty awesome from our experience with them. All just my opinion.

Bryan, who showed their a-ss, please tell

05-14-2013, 11:00 AM
we liked the place. thought they did a good job towing everyone in, where i was parked i got to watch just about everyone get drug around by the dozer and tractor. i didnt see a single vehicle get damaged. the odor was hard to take at first, but hey, it's farm country, got use to it as the weekend passed.
if the the ATVA goes back, so will we.

05-14-2013, 12:03 PM
We enjoyed the place. For the amount of rain we got Thursday and way into the night, I thought they did a fine job of prepping for it. Program was smooth and organized. Track was rough and claimed my little rider uninjured but broken parts as well, but I can't blame the track. The first segment after the gate drop was a bit sketchy for a pile of quads to get through no doubt. My only complaint and the boy's was cutting the track. We practiced with the 70s on the wood section and of course that was his favorite part. He was a bit bummed when we realized the 50s were skipping that section. Overall we would go back! We met a bunch of nice folks as always and wish we could ride the year long train with you all. One thing about quad events is that we all seem to just get along and have a good time. The bike folks are complete squids where we come from!

05-14-2013, 02:53 PM
Corey, I wasnt there. But there are things that are happening in the kids ranks that are dangerous to the racers......This is something we have all seen the last 3 or 4 years. And there are parents, and team owners encouraging and defending it to the parent of the racer it happened too. That last part is especially sad given that the same certain individual made a big stink when the same thing happened to his kid at Aonia last year......And that time he was right, but to come back and defend his rider for doing the same thing this race????? UNACCEPTABLE!!!! You better be glad that wasnt me you approached acting like that.......The outcome would have been completly different and we both would have left the track early this weekend....

Kids taking corners like they are playing a video game and bouncing off the other rider, blocking and endangering the faster rider trying to make a pass on a slower rider, trying to spin out the rider in front of you......And all the while its encouraged!!!! They are going to keep pulling that crap, and somebody one day is going to get seriously hurt.....There is nothing wrong with racing really hard....there is nothing wrong with a little rubbing.....But coming in a corner on the gas and using the other rider your trying to pass as your (braking system)??? Only one word comes to my mind........SAD.

Ill probably be at Lorretta's......If the ones Im talking about have a problem with what I said, you know where to find me......I'D LOVE TO HAVE A CHAT!!!!!!!!!!

Bryan Kirkland

#404's Dad
05-14-2013, 05:19 PM
Dang I missed a bunch I guess, gonna have to get out of the trailer more so I don't miss so much apparently :D

Logan #34's Dad
05-14-2013, 05:31 PM
I missed it too....

05-15-2013, 06:04 AM
Now i know who you are talking about.

05-15-2013, 08:30 AM
Common, tell us who.
Sounds like the person needs a lil public em-bare-***-ment..LOL

Next thing you know we'll have knifes at staging and hit men show up...Wait, we did that..:devil:

Hetrick Racing
05-15-2013, 11:34 AM
Yea I would like to know who you are talking about as well

05-15-2013, 12:04 PM
Here is a good one to stir the pot Bryan. The guy that brings his quad to the gate,picks his gate and stages.Then when the quad will not start pulls it out of the gate and stages another quad he has and says O i brought the wrong quad to the gate by mistake.LOL Explain that one.

Hetrick Racing
05-15-2013, 12:46 PM
Here is a good one to stir the pot Bryan. The guy that brings his quad to the gate,picks his gate and stages.Then when the quad will not start pulls it out of the gate and stages another quad he has and says O i brought the wrong quad to the gate by mistake.LOL Explain that one.

was there a protest or penalty dont remember either so whats to explain
by the way I will be at the rest of the races
if anyone has a problem with what I said or say I am very very very easy to find come find me we can discuss this like it should be instead of the way Mr Ford was approached at the track
I didnt see what happened in the Moto but I made it clear and will make it clear again,I back my riders with all I have.please come see me with issues about my riders and team
this avoids confrontation
this behind the pc is where 90% of the problems at the track come from

Logan #34's Dad
05-15-2013, 12:49 PM
Here is a good one to stir the pot Bryan. The guy that brings his quad to the gate,picks his gate and stages.Then when the quad will not start pulls it out of the gate and stages another quad he has and says O i brought the wrong quad to the gate by mistake.LOL Explain that one.
I will have to say, that was pretty balzy...but of course no one had the nutz to make an issue of it... I guess it pays to make your quads look all the same....
The question here becomes, how would you prove that the person was lying about which quad was ran in the race on Saturday? The AMA has already stated that they refuse to look at video or pictures because someone may alter the footage....which is a cop out IMO. In just a couple minutes I'm sure there are very few ppl that can alter a video at the track but....

Logan #34's Dad
05-15-2013, 12:58 PM
Sounds like this was a 10%'er here. A track incident that got heated....that's gonna happen. If its big enough to throw down then go away from everyone and have at it.

05-15-2013, 01:33 PM
The officials were notified but did not want to deal with it.If they don't want to except a protest where do you go from there.Every one knows when you drop the bike in the gate is ain't suppose to come out.If you so stupid you can't tell your own bikes apart then you don't need to be racing.Thats a real crappy lesson to teach a kid,Just step on anybody you can to get to the top son.It's okay.

05-15-2013, 04:49 PM
Here is a good one to stir the pot Bryan. The guy that brings his quad to the gate,picks his gate and stages.Then when the quad will not start pulls it out of the gate and stages another quad he has and says O i brought the wrong quad to the gate by mistake.LOL Explain that one.

You know.....I expect cheating.......thats never gonna change. It was brought up but the officials didn't want to hear it...the "put them over the berm" attitude is what needs to change...unfortunately there are a few people at the races that have more clout than others.....that wont change either.....but the rough riding has to stop! Corey bost is lucky he isn't hurt after the muddy creek incident.....there is video of that!

Again I'm fine with hard racing....but looking back and trying to take out the faster rider because he is gonna pass you.....Thats dangerous........

Behind the computer????? LOL You've got a the wrong one here buddy....You are picking the wrong guy to talk to like that......

How about educating riders on better race ethics........or is it "fast dont lie, if were not fast enough take them out"?

05-15-2013, 06:39 PM
The Nationals is full of it... Cheating that is........ sat in your pits last year in Georgia and watched a guy remove the plastic from one machine and put it on another and pushed his son to staging .... My son looked over at me and said Dad there cheating arent they I looked over at him and said yes son they are... I went up to the trailer and tried to tell the ladies there and they told me they where to busy to deal with that go talk to the guy in staging so we went to speak with him and he told me to go tell the people in the trailer.... REALLY...... oh and these nice folks also used that bike in my sons class to finish 3rd in the moto....

Hetrick Racing
05-16-2013, 06:20 AM

You know.....I expect cheating.......thats never gonna change. It was brought up but the officials didn't want to hear it...the "put them over the berm" attitude is what needs to change...unfortunately there are a few people at the races that have more clout than others.....that wont change either.....but the rough riding has to stop! Corey bost is lucky he isn't hurt after the muddy creek incident.....there is video of that!

Again I'm fine with hard racing....but looking back and trying to take out the faster rider because he is gonna pass you.....Thats dangerous........

Behind the computer????? LOL You've got a the wrong one here buddy....You are picking the wrong guy to talk to like that......

How about educating riders on better race ethics........or is it "fast dont lie, if were not fast enough take them out"?

Hetrick Racing
186 Oakwood Rd
Oil City, Pa

9 to 5
remaining national schedule


05-16-2013, 05:05 PM
Fast can lie. If you don't have a strong sanctioning body to enforce rules it hurts the sport in the long run.

05-17-2013, 09:00 AM
"this behind the pc is where 90% of the problems at the track come from"

Dammit Rich, there you go having a opinion again. PLUS you're prolly right...That's 2 strikes right there.
Keep that up and you'll be liked less than me in here. :blah:

FYI:: I want to be the pit referee. :D LETS GET READY TO GRUMBLLLLLLE......

I guess I was lucky. When someone did funky stuff, I just sent my lil girl out to roost them.

2 machines/plastic changes::: Saw it in 1996. Maybe tell them to try something new. LOL

05-17-2013, 11:24 AM
Hetrick Racing
186 Oakwood Rd
Oil City, Pa

9 to 5
remaining national schedule


LMAO.............Your antics are getting a little old, so it wont be long before everybody at the races will figure out how you operate........

Ill be sure to make a note of your schedule in my calendar book!!!!!!!!
Thanks Bryan