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View Full Version : Building a track project...

04-28-2013, 09:19 PM
Hey guys been a while since I posted here but I thought Id share my little project this week. Im building a track for me and my buddy this week to ride on this summer when we cant make it to the track on the weekend or to just practice on when we want without having to pay....lol So below is a makeshift "paint" drawing of what im gonna do. The land looks like below except with no jumps on it right now . The berms are all ready there and so is the ski jump.....Im gonna have 60 ton of dirt hauled in and droped in the spots of the jumps and shape and face them with shovels.The 20ft double is having 10 dropped for the take off and 10 droped for the landing,the 25 footer is having 20 dropped for the takeoff and 10 or 20 dropped for the landing (not sure yet). if I decide to make it a t top ill drop 20 then 10 every 5 foot for 10 foot hopefully get it about 15-18ft (rember just a play track when we cant get to the real ones).Ill add a pic of our 2013 season bikes aswell.......Let me know and advise or questions!

04-29-2013, 12:44 AM
60 tons is ALOT of dirt for those jumps you have planned. You would prolly only need half that, unless you wanted to make them 5' tall or wanted to lay in down on the straights too. Figure 5 tons per jump/landing. 5 tons will make a 2-3' jump that is 4 or 5' long depending on how you pitch it. So you have 5 jumps/landings so you'd need roughly 25 tons, figure 30 to be safe. Don't get me wrong, if you aren't paying for it or you're getting it dirt cheap (no pun intended) then 60 would leave you ALOT to play with afterward. Also I'd consider renting a bobcat for an hour if you can get one. They are very easy to learn how to operate and they make it easy as cake to build, pack and shape a jump. I haven't ever needed to rent one around here but I think it's ~$100-$120 per engine hour.

Just food for thought

04-29-2013, 02:37 AM
keep us updated on the progress. I've always been told if you think you need 10 tons then you need 100 because it never goes as far as you think it will.

04-29-2013, 02:45 AM
60 tons is only 3, 18CY dump truck loads. The average tri-axle dump truck carries about 20 to 22 tons. That's a lot to shovel, but not enough to build one jump, much less multiple jumps.

05-02-2013, 07:34 PM
Nowhere near enough dirt. I have built a motocross empire> www.briarcliffmx.com

Even if you built those jumps narrow, you will probably need at least two loads for the take offs, and more like 4-5 for the landings. Otherwise your jumps will end up super steep. Based on your sketch, and building it all at least 12' wide, your probably looking at least 400-500 tons. Which is just a guess. it really depends on how you build it and what you want. One thing is for certain I have always ran out of dirt and had to find it somewhere. The dirt goes fast!

05-06-2013, 10:25 PM
well 75 ton of dirt and a skid steer with tracks later I got the track done. 3 berms,a 15ft t-top,20ft 4ft double,25ft 3 ft double,few straits and a small singe.17181029071718102908171810290917181029101718 102911