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View Full Version : Leatt neck brace sizes

04-14-2013, 05:48 PM
im looking at buying a neck brace for this up coming season.

for those of you that have leatt neck braces? how tall and heavy are you, and what size of brace did you get?

im 5'9", 180# and i dont know if i should get the s/m or the l/xl

input would be appreciated, thanks.

04-14-2013, 06:30 PM
6' 5" and 198 lbs. Have the l/xl.

04-14-2013, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
6' 5" and 198 lbs. Have the l/xl.

thats probably what im going to go with. my chest circumference is 43-44" (depending on who takes the measurement) so that puts me at the l/xl

04-14-2013, 08:23 PM
I thought they were all one size and just came with different size adjustment things?

04-14-2013, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by dxcody
I thought they were all one size and just came with different size adjustment things?

no, theres two sizes s/m or l/xl

and even though im short and thin ("wirery" in my best irish accent), i have a fairly muscular chest. so my chest circumference, 43.5", according to their chart, puts me at a l/xl

i tried on my friends gpx trail. it was a s/m, and it felt tight and he had it as big as ti would go. hes also 5" taller than me but got his for $150 used

04-14-2013, 11:16 PM
Ohh Ok I got ya now..

I put a buddies together a little over a month ago when he bought one.

I just saw all the different adjustment pieces and figured it was 1 size fits all.

04-15-2013, 05:39 AM
I look at 5' 9" as average height for a guy...and I'm 6' 5". I wish I was shorter. Tall height doesn't work so great on a bike or quad. I am sort of top heavy. Glad I don't have a pair of Double Ds that for damn sure. :D

04-15-2013, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
I look at 5' 9" as average height for a guy...and I'm 6' 5". I wish I was shorter. Tall height doesn't work so great on a bike or quad. I am sort of top heavy. Glad I don't have a pair of Double Ds that for damn sure. :D

ya, i consider myself short, but i guess its all relative. 6'5" your TALL! lol ..id definitely say your top heavy. your center of gravity is definitely a lot higher, which would make it tough on a bike or a quad, especially if your flying through the air.

if i was the size i was two years ago. 170-175# vs 185ish, id be probalby good with s/m. when i broke my leg a year and a half ago, becuase i couldnt run or anythign, i just hit the weights real hard and put on a ton of muscle, and its suprisingly taken me a long time (the winter months didnt help:devil:) to get back down to good weight for running/riding

04-15-2013, 08:39 AM
The Hollywood guys go through incredible transformations but want everyone to think it is all "natural". Anyone who has worked out knows results don't come that quick. You have the guy who played Thor at 235 lbs of solid muscle now weighing a lean and trim 170 for a Nascar movie. Matthew McConaughey is another one. Looks like he is dying of AIDS and suddenly has muscle again...says he never lost the muscle even though he lost all that weight.

These guys are all on drugs...and really on drugs if they think we are buying that they did all this naturally.

04-15-2013, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
The Hollywood guys go through incredible transformations but want everyone to think it is all "natural". Anyone who has worked out knows results don't come that quick. You have the guy who played Thor at 235 lbs of solid muscle now weighing a lean and trim 170 for a Nascar movie. Matthew McConaughey is another one. Looks like he is dying of AIDS and suddenly has muscle again...says he never lost the muscle even though he lost all that weight.

These guys are all on drugs...and really on drugs if they think we are buying that they did all this naturally.

i hear ya on that, christian bale went from 145# for the movie were his a vietnam POW to like 220# for batman...thats a huge weight shift

i jsut found when i was bulkier (all the muscle i put on and was around 10% bf) i was just slower and my cardio was affected. i didnt notice it as bad atv racing, but i like to do 5k's and i went from 19:xx.xx to 22:xx.xx+.....

im trying to get vack to sub 175

04-15-2013, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by ben300

...but i like to do 5k's and i went from 19:xx.xx to 22:xx.xx+.....

My stepson was 6' and 175lbs when he joined Air Force. He was in incredible shape because he was going in for Special Ops. Thankfully for his mom, he didn't go forward with this. Anyhow, he ended up lifting and eating well for ~4 years and went up to a rock solid 225. He almost flunked out of his physical tests when they changed the required fitness level about a year ago or so. He had a hell of a time getting his run times back down. He is now back down to 180 and looks great again. I remember when I had abs. Now, I have padded abs...helps for flying stones lower than the chest protector. :p I'd say if I lost the belly flab, I'd likely weigh 183 instead of 198. I have zero fat on my body except for love handles and stomach. After 2 years of P90X and the gym, I think I am destined to stay as I am or go for lipo. :( Pushing 50 and a wife pushing 50, not much use. If she dies, I will do the lipo and get a young hottie. :)

04-16-2013, 09:41 PM
im 6'0, 175... last time i rode was about 3 years ago and the s/m fit perfect. After 3 years of beers and cheeseburgers the s/m doesnt fit. I found this out after ordering one of the new GPX race models and not trying it on until it was too late to exchange it at motosport. So now i need to get ride of a brand new s/m red GPX race. If anybody needs one, ill sell for 300$... it was 359$ new and i havent rode one time this year to even wear it.