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View Full Version : Ebay Cheap Starters ya or na??????????????

04-10-2013, 02:30 PM
I need a starter for my daughters LT80 and ebay has them for 34.99 or 36.90 with free shipping?
Are these worth is or are they garbage?
$35 is not bad for one shipped, but if you go through all the work and time changing it and craps out after a week or 2 it wasnt worth a nickle....
Would much have a pull start anyone have a extra one? ha


04-10-2013, 09:40 PM
I ordered the $69 version. It indeed had trouble. I contacted the seller and I had a starter here the next day. Excellent customer service.
The customer has yet to call back and say it quit. I worked on another quad of his and he said all was well.
I'd order another.

Besides..it's like the walmart theory..I'd like the name brand but at 1/4 the cost, it's a no brainer....LOL :D

04-11-2013, 06:39 PM
i got one off ebay works great
best part it was 2x the size of the stock one ,,, stright crazy i thought it was wrong at first but it was not fit like a glove
i buy anouther if i need it
it was like 30 or 40 bucks and yes it has 1yr warnty
i still got there card
wwwdbelectrical.com 800 753 2242

04-13-2013, 02:49 PM
thanks for the replies guys!
Fortunately I found out what was wrong with mine. After I was convinced it was the starter I bite my teeth and said ok just remove it... I got this quad from a farmer that stored it in his barn. Long story short the entire clutch cover, intake, air filter, and YES the starter was FULL of corn and grain!!!! the corn got wedged and completely packed the starter so tight it wouldnt budge! Luckily it still looks and works perfect after a bench test, and none of the clutch parts got ruin either..

Now I need a good Battery, any suggestions?