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03-16-2003, 07:38 AM
hey guys i know just about everyone here runs from cops (i'm one of them) but i want to know how many people really do run from cops.

03-16-2003, 07:47 AM
for me it depends on how close i am 2 the woods but if i am in the woods im gone

03-16-2003, 08:08 AM
same here

03-16-2003, 08:12 AM
depnds where i am.. if im along the hwy or somthing in a place i dont know very well i would stop and take the heat but if im near some trails or a woods i know good i would take off in there and be gone

03-16-2003, 08:35 AM
today coming hme from njorvp this retard kid on a blaster crossed the parkway and almost got hit by 3 diff cars...:rolleyes:

03-16-2003, 08:40 AM
It all depends on location bro. Your not gunna run if your on a open stretch with no where to go. But if you kno the area and your on something that really goes then i go.

03-16-2003, 08:59 AM
depends where i am, how close i am to a safe spot, or if i did anything wrong :p

03-16-2003, 09:20 AM
People who run give the rest of us ATVers a bad name. If you are doing something illegal, be a man and accept responsibility. If you stop and be polite, you may get a warning. If you run you may just get an arse whoppin and get the book thrown at you. Of course it is your choice. You will have to deal with the consequences. Dang I sound like a stuffy grown-up......:rolleyes:

Glow Plug
03-16-2003, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by BornOnFire
People who run give the rest of us ATVers a bad name. If you are doing something illegal, be a man and accept responsibility. If you stop and be polite, you may get a warning. If you run you may just get an arse whoppin and get the book thrown at you. Of course it is your choice. You will have to deal with the consequences. Dang I sound like a stuffy grown-up......:rolleyes:

well said born, if you just do it for fun then just trhink of our sports reputation and no i don't run from the cops because i have never been pulled over by one

03-16-2003, 10:32 AM
I dont think cops should be chasing us if we are on the side of the road, going slowly, to a trail. its a waste of our time.

and, if they give us a ticket for going slowly on the side of the road to a trail (dirt road even), then they should be EXPECTING us to run the next time :rolleyes: i use this too much :rolleyes: makes me look gay :rolleyes: :(

no, im not gay, sorry to dissappoint you:o

03-16-2003, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by bansheerider_13
for me it depends on how close i am 2 the woods but if i am in the woods im gone Ha, wont matter where you are, they aint catching a BANSHEE!!!!

03-16-2003, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by own2424
Ha, wont matter where you are, they aint catching a BANSHEE!!!!

if you can keep it running long enough to get away from them:rolleyes: lol j/k

03-16-2003, 11:17 AM
For me it depends on if they are the local cops then I dont run but if its the state boys by by Im going to run:)

Glow Plug
03-16-2003, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by kicken250x
if you can keep it running long enough to get away from them:rolleyes: lol j/k

haha :D

03-16-2003, 11:36 AM
they can catch a shee if its on the road, obviously, it can only go 80ish...

Iv passed 2 stopped cops at krispy kream doughnuts on my dirtbike!!!! and i was haulin.. they didnt mind... i started laughing real hard...

krispy kreme doughnuts are actually friggin good :ermm:

03-16-2003, 12:55 PM
I run , I don't care where I'm at.
I don't have my quad liscensed or insured so I will get it impounded even if they stop me for a minor check up.
They don't bother me much though, I ride up and down the roads all the time.

Narly R
03-16-2003, 01:03 PM
If Im on the road and get caught the cop would prolly just tell me to try and not do it agin, because its not that big of a deal around here, unless Im draggin on the Free-way!!!:devil But they wouldnt pull me over for ridden anywhere else besides the road, and if they did, and I knew I could get away (pettily easy) I prolly would!!!

03-16-2003, 01:30 PM
i never stop just hold it wide open and shoot off the road and theyll never know what hit 'em:cool: i dont worry about gettin caught because what are they gonna do ram a 14 year old kid on a dirtbike for riding on the road :rolleyes:

03-16-2003, 01:34 PM
i havent been chased yet, but im not letting them take me down.. i run

03-16-2003, 01:36 PM
One of my friends a few months ago was riding with his girlfriend in the mountain, they came out on my road and hauled down it for atleast 100 yards until they came into the trail across my street. I guess a cop saw him and started chasing him, he said he didnt see the cop but i dunno, he hauled *** down the trail back to his house. Meanwhiel the cop must have like raido'd atleast 8 other cops from different towns. The cops came to my house where the kdis brother was at, and the idiot told him it was his brother cuz the cop was actign liek a badass and said he can take his bike away. So the cops went to the kids house and he explains how he didnt see him, lucky his mom worked for one of the cops as a side job and the kid got off with nothing. Oh and the kid was riding a bear tracker.. lol..

yeah the cops up here r *******s, not a good idea to run..

03-16-2003, 01:46 PM
I learned the hard way. I ran one time from the chief or leutenant or whoever he was. i got away but the cops know me well around here and he was waiting for me at my house when i got home. Took me down to the station,gave me a court date. Ended up being put on probation for 6 months, 30 hrs of community service, about $500 in fees and fines. So i havent ran since. And if it wasnt a undercover police car, he would have impounded the bike he said.

03-16-2003, 02:04 PM
I would run if I knew I could get away but I usually ride legally anyways.

03-16-2003, 02:05 PM
Yeah i run!

03-16-2003, 02:07 PM
Yet another thread from a 15 year old kid about running from cops.....:rolleyes:

03-16-2003, 03:02 PM
I never stop for them i dont care where i am....

03-16-2003, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by BornOnFire
People who run give the rest of us ATVers a bad name. If you are doing something illegal, be a man and accept responsibility. If you stop and be polite, you may get a warning. If you run you may just get an arse whoppin and get the book thrown at you. Of course it is your choice. You will have to deal with the consequences. Dang I sound like a stuffy grown-up......:rolleyes:

To hell with that, run like crazy!:D

03-16-2003, 03:41 PM
i have never ran from the cops......one time my friend and i were ridding on the wrong side of the road, under 10mph, through some grass, the cop stopped us(my friends mom was following behind us and parked at the next road) and the cop just talked to us and said to walk our bikes home.....i was like "WTF thats like a mile!"...and i did that while breaking in my TB-4's:mad: and the only other time i have been stopped is when ben and i were at the top of the dam, we were about to start our quads when the sheriff rolled up.......the only place to run was in the open ice(no hiding spots) or on the road.....the guy let us off easy since we didnt run and were co-operative...so, i dont run, cuz they usually let you off a little easier........i have passed the conservation cop while racing my friend on the road, and he just kept driving :confused2

03-16-2003, 03:46 PM
Easier to run with cruisers and suburbans chasing you. Around here the helicopters chase you and its about 2 to 3 grand in fines so if your gonna run you better be fast and get somewhere safe. Thats one reason I dont ride by my house anymore.

03-16-2003, 03:48 PM
O yeah and if the people who call the cops on you know you they have the cops go to your house and try to pull a citizens arrest on you.

racin 400
03-16-2003, 03:54 PM
accually i was running from em today.My friend and me were riding me on my 400 he on a stock rap.We were goin down the road he cam behind use stoped us he pulled our keys but we always smart bring 2 keys.Hewas talkin to me my firend pops in his other key hauls *** 1 way the cops fowllows him i put my other key in and i am haulin ***** the other way 25mins later my firend comes by quote"That cop is slower than a rock on wheels'Yes i run.

03-16-2003, 04:00 PM
When in doubt, hit the gas!!

03-17-2003, 09:59 AM

03-17-2003, 10:05 AM
run if ya can... im sure the cops like a little excitement around here anyways. but like close to a big city the cops have more important things to do. see my way with them trying to chase me i am doing them a favor becuase if they didnt have to chase me they would be at the pizzaria (restraunt) eating and drinking coffe.:D :blah

03-17-2003, 10:24 AM
if you can keep it running long enough to get away from them lol j/

there where these kids riding on the beaches rite by my, and where just sitting having a good time climbing this bluff (illegal to ride on beaches by me) and a DEC walked right down and stopped them, well they where stopped to begin with. they mostly had passengers and no helmets. The DEC was apparently sitting at the top and just walked down once he thought they didnt notice, but if it where an electric start, they would have got the hell out of there. Im not sure how big of fines they got, i think like 2 gs:eek2: ... but newayz i run...

A few friends and I went to a deli like normally do, got lunch and then came back. To get there, you take this private road, go through this grass strip, and then go through a nursery. As we where cutting through this row of trees to get to the grass part, I saw this cop about ten feet behind me. I book around the corner and stop, because my friend was behind me, and i thought he might have stopped. I think i was the only one at that point who knew there was a cop (there was 3 other quads that went b4 me) so i waited until i saw my friend book also so we both took off through this winery. we thought we had lost him cause we where going ****ing fast! but the cop was right berhind us (this was really bumpy for a car). At that point, I took off with this kid with another 400, went up to a bluff, went down on the beach and went down the beach for about two miles and came to a place where i normally ride. When i got out of there, through the farm field, i noticed a cop car sitting by the road, about a mile up. we took off to my house and saw a cop car sitting in my driveway, at that point, we thought we where screwed. Apparently, the cop was waiting in my drivway hoping to cut my off across my farm field, but i guess i got there before him.

As we later found out, apperently some punks broke into this barn and damaged about $3,000 worth of stuff. We later found out as well, that there was a total of 5 cop cars chasing us altogether (they called in more cops). Moral of the story, if you see a cop, RUN!:devil

03-17-2003, 03:06 PM
just a word of advice...MAKE SURE you have enough GAS to get away!!:huh one of my buddies did that lol i smacked him upside the head and called hima dumbass and walked off lmao

03-17-2003, 03:15 PM
I was talkin to this guy I was riding with yestersay when we were taking a break from riding at a legal place. Well he said that about 1 year ago he was ridng and two guys came up to him on yz's. They needed gas so he gave them some. Well after they filled up he was like why do you need gas ( he thought they needed to get back to camp to refill) ??? The guy gettting gas was like the rangers are chasing us. He was in a hurry and he took off and forgot to put the gas cap back on and went over a berm then all the gas flew up and got him in his "sensitive area". That would have been so funny to see. Kinda would suck for the guy because it stings bad when gas gets on you. Wish I could have been there.

03-17-2003, 03:16 PM
most of the places i ride the cops give 2 ****s and a ****...

they will actually request a wheelie or donut....

and im not talkin cop food :D

03-17-2003, 03:16 PM
y just wate for a ticket they will never cach you:cool:

03-17-2003, 03:32 PM
well i have heard from amny people who have stoped cops are really jerks out here. and the ones that stoped some get tickets but have heard of 2 quads getting taken away and impounded. that would suck

03-18-2003, 02:37 AM
i run every time but they now know what quad i have and where i live so next time they try to get me i wont let them see we with all the dust i kick up