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03-31-2013, 03:15 AM
I got a 05' 450r kicker...it didn't have a fan when we got the quad. Yesterday it over heated at the line in the second moto at Dublin Gap.....what wire from the stator do I use to power the fan.....thanks the harrness is stripped of any unused wires

Mike Kozura




03-31-2013, 07:29 AM
you don't want to use the wire from the stator , preferably you want to use the black regulated wire, but im assuming since the harness is full race, the reg/rec and capacitor have been removed and you probably don't even have a black wire

if just using the black/red from stator before the cdi, and its not regulated or a cap in line, the motor on the fan will be very erratic and run hot and eventually have a short life. the stator puts out very uneven voltage depending on rpms

and most importantly is that this wire is what supplies the voltage for your high voltage side of the cdi and coil to your plug (do you really want to risk taking any spark from your plug)...
by using any voltage before the cdi you could in theory be taking away thousands of volts at the plug

you would be better off installing a regulator and capacitor..

check the sticky for frequently asked question, http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=461586

there are a few different ways to do what your looking to do...any questions let me know

but before going crazy on you harness.... you have to wonder why!!!

most fans never even come on during 110 degree days...

are you running a overflow bottle? if not you might want to add a heavier rated radiator cap to make up for the difference from lack of the pressure a properly filled overflow creates in the system
along with the actual loss of fluid from expansion that now cant be recovered.. if running no overflow bottle you have to always maintain the level yourself

if the the overflow is normal you might want to check your water pump and flush and clean out your fins..

these things seldom overheat unless there is an issue

perform a leak down test to make sure head gasket and cylinder is in proper working condition..
most overheating issues I've seen have been the result of 3 things.. first mud in the fins not allowing cooling, and next one is head gasket, and then not enough water flow
almost always one of these is the culprit

if you don't have a leak down tester...with quad still cold not running, open radiator cap start quad and look into radiator to make sure its not getting any bubbles from the compession

03-31-2013, 10:13 AM
Thanks alot....the motors fresh from Rage you got me thinking the water pump quit......it has idled that long before with out doing that. and there is no over flow bottle... and we didnt check it before going up for that moto......when we run it at home it does drip a few drops from the hose. Can I use the fan wires from the cdi to run a fan...or do I need to run a reg/capacitor.

Mike Kozura

03-31-2013, 10:34 AM
after running to the trailer and getting about two inchs of engine ice burning the **** out of my fingers and getting the cap off I put in what I had and he went out when he got back to the pits it was fine....?? I'm thinking we didn't check it and it was low...I hope that's all it is and a bottle will fix it.

Mike Kozura

03-31-2013, 12:27 PM
My guess is you were letting it idle forever at the line. If your not riding keeping some airflow across the radiator then shut it off.

03-31-2013, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by etondaddy
Thanks alot....the motors fresh from Rage you got me thinking the water pump quit......it has idled that long before with out doing that. and there is no over flow bottle... and we didnt check it before going up for that moto......when we run it at home it does drip a few drops from the hose. Can I use the fan wires from the cdi to run a fan...or do I need to run a reg/capacitor.

Mike Kozura the fan is ran from the low voltage windings on the stator not the cdi or high voltage windings on the stator... the cdi only does the switching by completing the ground circuit if a t-state is being used ...you should reinstall the regulator and capacitor to run the fan,

but defiantly don't cut into the high voltage side (the coil side) the stator has 2 complete different sides one low voltage for auxiliary circuits and one for high voltage spark

there are 3 yellow wires in the stock stator connector just plug a oem regulator into that and get your auxiliary circuits back
then splice a capacitor on the hot side of the reg and other side to ground,

and use the hot for one side of the fan and ground or switch the ground to run the fan

if not running a recovery bottle bump up the cap a couple psi and you should be all set

03-31-2013, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by DnB_racing
the fan is ran from the low voltage windings on the stator not the cdi or high voltage windings on the stator... the cdi only does the switching by completing the ground circuit if a t-state is being used ...you should reinstall the regulator and capacitor to run the fan,

but defiantly don't cut into the high voltage side (the coil side) the stator has 2 complete different sides one low voltage for auxiliary circuits and one for high voltage spark

there are 3 yellow wires in the stock stator connector just plug a oem regulator into that and get your auxiliary circuits back
then splice a capacitor on the hot side of the reg and other side to ground,

and use the hot for one side of the fan and ground or switch the ground to run the fan

if not running a recovery bottle bump up the cap a couple psi and you should be all set
Ok cool I have a spare oem harrness I need a regulator and a capacitor....I think the light bulb just went on...lol. thank you if I need anything I'll let you know.....thank you so much. I think I get it now, the cdi is just being the switch....that's were I was getting screwed up in the wiring diagrams..... I need a fan, reg, and cap....I have a spare harrness for oem plugs....and I don't touch the ignition side at all....I never cut the three yellow wire plug off....thanks

03-31-2013, 03:25 PM
ok I think I got it I need bottle, cap., reg., fan, pulled the sticky a** harness apart...got what I needed...should be a plug for con. in the rest of it and for the fan...thanks. let me know what you think.










03-31-2013, 05:34 PM
yep you got it!!!
one little correction ground the green to the harness green, so they are all common

its hard to tell on my pic in the sticky,, but all the greens are tied together someplace or another

03-31-2013, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by DnB_racing
yep you got it!!!
one little correction ground the green to the harness green, so they are all common

its hard to tell on my pic in the sticky,, but all the greens are tied together someplace or another
That's what I thought...10-4 on all green grounds common. Man thank you so much you don't know how much I appreciate this....you the man, lol. I don't think there's anything wrong with the motor...first year on the 450 we're learning..lol. he's 17 and has been racing since he was 6 we've built a lot of quads...lol.

Mike Kozura

03-31-2013, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by etondaddy
That's what I thought...10-4 on all green grounds common. Man thank you so much you don't know how much I appreciate this....you the man, lol. I don't think there's anything wrong with the motor...first year on the 450 we're learning..lol. he's 17 and has been racing since he was 6 we've built a lot of quads...lol.

Mike Kozura not a problem glad I could help, we have to stick together and keep our costs down to keep this sport alive