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View Full Version : no clutch shifting

03-11-2013, 06:02 PM
I was shifting both bikes the other day without a clutch but just by reving fairly high and letting off the throttle and they both went in gear very smooth. Am I causing damage. Again they both went in very smooth. I did not downshift without a clutch only upshift. Thanks

03-11-2013, 06:05 PM
Been doing it for eons, so long as you dont force it your fine.

03-11-2013, 06:19 PM
How about downshifting? thanks

03-11-2013, 06:24 PM
Down shifting my be a touch harsher on it then uphift, but. So long as it isn't grinding or hanging up during the up or down shift, you should be fine. I have done it a bunch when coming into a tight turn, just drop a gear with out even thinking about the clutch.


03-11-2013, 07:03 PM
Ive never shifted without the clutch, I did once when my cable broke so I could get back home but that was it.

Ive always known it to be bad for the transmission, the main reason why shift forks bend.

But, I know dozens of people that do it and never had a issue.

Air shifters for sport bikes and drag racing use the exact same concept of shifting without the clutch, air shifters require you to install a intermitten kill switch that kills the motor for that milli second that its shifting.

This makes it shift properly without breaking or bending anything in the tranny.

Is it really that bad, probaly not.

I still wouldnt do it and I short shift all the time for drag racing but I still use half clutch.

If I had to explain how to do it, when you clutch you "flick" it instead of pull it, if you time it with your shift its like having a over ride trans.

I even cut my clutch lever short to accomodate this and make it easier.


03-11-2013, 09:11 PM
if it is shifting smoothly you are hurting nothing.I have put a lot of hard hours on my bikes up shifting without the clutch and never had a tranny fail

03-12-2013, 12:38 PM
Ya in long races and I have got tired, tight racing I have skipped the clutch and upshift, just let off the gas when I do it. For drag racing or trying to get the hole shot "powershift" which is by my interpetation, throttle pinned, balls to the wall don't let up on the gas....as soon as you snap the clutch, kick up next gear and let that clutch lever snap off your finger tips, I like my shorty lever, time it all right and your alot faster.

03-14-2013, 09:28 PM
Done it in my yz250f, yz450f, and 400ex. Couldnt in the banshee lol