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View Full Version : springs comin!

03-15-2003, 01:42 PM
almost 4 months of over 2 feet of snow...its finally getting warm out here. the past 2 days its been in the fourtys, and its supposed to be in the high 50's all next week. maybe we can finally get rid of all this stupid snow!:macho i was outside the whole day today in a t-shirt and no gloves...the first time in months

i cant wait til i can get to my track to ride on it. i can't wait to ride in a t-shirt again. i cant wait to get all muddy instead of splattered with slushy muddy crap. i can't wait til i can have a camp-out with my friends...i don't know about you guys but...i just LOVE spring!!!!:D

03-15-2003, 02:40 PM
Ya thats all good, but snowboarding season will be over.

03-15-2003, 02:44 PM
i hate snow it hasnt been nice and green for about 4 or 5 months here

03-15-2003, 02:46 PM
yup spring sure is coming. i was out riding today with only 2 hoodies and a thin jacket. :) and i spent most of the time diggin the quad out of 4' of snow. I found a soft spot and the back end sunk so the quad was sitting on the grab bar. do you souther guys have any idea how much it sucks to dig the quad out of that much snow.

03-15-2003, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by mysticfalcon
yup spring sure is coming. i was out riding today with only 2 hoodies and a thin jacket. :) and i spent most of the time diggin the quad out of 4' of snow. I found a soft spot and the back end sunk so the quad was sitting on the grab bar. do you souther guys have any idea how much it sucks to dig the quad out of that much snow.


sucks big

03-15-2003, 03:02 PM
Where I live I have never seen snow here. the worst was hail and el nino. I barely ever where a jacket. Shirts and shorts for me usually.

03-15-2003, 04:23 PM

It was d@mn near 70 today. First day we got to ride more than just the front yard (like the 4th time on the new bike!!!)

Gotta question about graphics/stickers and power washers...
Had a lot of mud stuck on, so pulled out the washer... low pressure tip, and standing back, and I sprayed off 2 Nac's stickers and a DG. WTF, never had to worry with the AC, but how do yall keep from washing off your graphics? or how do you get em to stick back on. Also, any other words of wisdom on washin quads (like what "not" to do)???

03-15-2003, 04:54 PM
I can't wait to ride at the track:D

03-15-2003, 04:58 PM
i think today was thye first day i seena a patch of the green stuff (grass)

03-15-2003, 05:02 PM
yea talk about a heat wave! 72 today here!!:macho

03-16-2003, 01:29 AM
Had a lot of mud stuck on, so pulled out the washer... low pressure tip, and standing back, and I sprayed off 2 Nac's stickers and a DG. WTF, never had to worry with the AC, but how do yall keep from washing off your graphics? or how do you get em to stick back on. Also, any other words of wisdom on washin quads (like what "not" to do)???

hmmm. ive got some stickers on my swingarm, and i have some Liquid Nails holding them on there. :rolleyes: they havent started to peal yet...then again ive never hit it w\ a pressure washer before. i'm still giving my quads sponge baths with hot water. :confused2 cuz i cant make it to the hose without getting stuck.

03-16-2003, 01:44 AM
Here comes the mosquitoes:D :D

03-16-2003, 02:21 AM
i saw some kinda thingy that looked just like a sketter yesterday.

o well. when youre on the quad, they dont really bother you..the grasshoppers are more of a problem on the quad...ive had a bunch in my helmet last summer.

03-16-2003, 02:39 AM
Originally posted by mysticfalcon
yup spring sure is coming. i was out riding today with only 2 hoodies and a thin jacket. :) and i spent most of the time diggin the quad out of 4' of snow. I found a soft spot and the back end sunk so the quad was sitting on the grab bar. do you souther guys have any idea how much it sucks to dig the quad out of that much snow.

I hate it!! me and my friend went out yesterday because it was soo nice out and we got stuck everywere....It sucked....


03-16-2003, 02:42 AM
we had 2 ft of it damn im glad its melting and it is damn hard to get ur quad out of the snow