View Full Version : handle bars

03-01-2013, 10:12 AM
beginner here, this is my first year owning my very own quad. only riden one here or there at a friends house.. hoping your advice could help me become a better rider. my cousin got me into riding an has helped me alot along with other friends, i ride a 05 honda 450r an i ride xc. my question is this, im dead set on getting flexx bars, i just dont know what kind to get. ive gotten many ideas from other ppl, but one still sticks out. someone mentioned because i dont have a wide should base i should run 12 degree flexx moto dirt bike bars on my quad.. any insite on this? another thing he mentioned was because the bars are smaller, my arms would be closer an i wouldnt get fatigued or arm pump nearly as fast.. just wondering what your thoughts were. thx to anyone who can help.