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View Full Version : Want to ride again but nervous of the dangers

02-18-2013, 02:48 PM
Riding is definitely something that is instilled/ in our blood! I've been dying to ride since I last sold my quad 6 years ago. Since then I been putting it off buying another for financial reasons. Now that I got a new job things are looking up and can now afford to put some money away to get a new toy. Problem is, now that I'm older and have much more responsibilities including a 5 year old son....I think twice about things.

I've been concerned about the dangers of riding lately. I'm torn!I want to do what my passion is and ride but at the same time I can't afford any serious injuries...or worse. Not that I'm looking to race, just mainly trail ride and some dunes. I started thinking about another street bike but I know they're even more dangerous.

I know all about riding, been doing it since I was 6 and I'm now 35. Raced MX and have owned a ton of dirtbikes, ATV's and sport bikes. Anyway, has anyone else been going through the same thing...if so, did you decide to ride or not?

Had to vent! lol :eek2:

02-18-2013, 03:02 PM
Im kinda in the same boat, used to do all sorts of crazy jumps, ride crazy and such. Then I got hurt a few times, nothing major but enough I now have shoulder problems (kinda happens when you get thrown off and it rolls on ya or you lift it off you after falling). I also took a handlebar to the gut and still am not right after close to a year (think i tore an abdominal muscle) but I live with it.

I basically learned to ride easier, not to take it as hard as I used to and if Im feeling froggy then Ill do some crazy stuff but not usually.

Id buy a new quad, take it easy until your comfortable and then maybe ride a bit harder. But dont push yourself too much if you arent really ready.

In my case if I get hurt I cant work and i cant work Im SOL. I also dont have health insurance so any real injuries screw me.

Just ride easy..

02-18-2013, 03:07 PM
I constantly battle the "danger" nerves. It really depends on how you decide to ride too. When I sit at home, I realize how dangerous it is and convince myself that I am only going to ride within reason to limit the risk. The problem is that when I am geared up and on my quad or bike, my idea of what is risky versus sitting at home is completely different. I am safer in the woods than an MX track...or at least history shows that almost all my injuries were sustained on a track. In fact, I think I've only been injured on 4X4 quads in the woods. They get weird traction on hillclimbs and will flip back on you faster than you realize. A sport quad just tends to spin tires so I've never had the "flipback" happen on me now that I think about it.

I am done racing. There are too many idiots racing and I have zero to prove. I was never and will never be the fastest at a National level. And, nobody cares if you are the fastest 25+, 30+, or 40+ year old rider (the class I am in now). Truth is most ATV riders knows a pro rider so there is no kidding yourself on how fast you are. I used to ride with Dunk quite a bit when I was at my best here in NC. A great day was not getting lapped on a nearly 2 mile track in a 40 minute moto. I really don't trust many people jumping around me which is why racing is out. Now that I am on a bike, it is crazy how many riders will jump and land 2 feet away from you on an 80' triple. I suck on a crowded track. I am too busy looking around. I've learned to ride the last 20 minutes of a 40 minute open riding session and avoid those first few laps when every rider is out there WOT.

02-18-2013, 05:30 PM
get a utility or sxs? you should be less likely to do wheelies 5th pinned on a rzr or grizzley than a yfzr. you could also take your kid with you if you wanted.

02-18-2013, 05:49 PM
It really is crazy how age and a few big crashes affect you. It's been about 8 months now since I have ridden anything. The biggest reason being most of my friends have sold all their stuff and most tracks have kicked quads out. But the last few times I did ride I was pretty cautious and I never have been. I had a pretty big crash landing straight on my head that scared me. Luckily no serious injuries other than a mild concussion. I think that's where age comes in because I used to could cart wheel and rag doll everywhere and jump right back on like nothing had happened. Lol and I'm talking about age like I'm 40 or something. I'm only 24 and I'm already getting cautious.

02-18-2013, 05:58 PM
Yea, one big crash and it just isnt the same I guess.

I fell and rolled down a coal hill in treverton PA and got a concussion and the quad rolled over me. After that point its just not the same for some reason.

02-18-2013, 06:00 PM
Kinda the same, but now it's more important for my son to race so I slowed down, to save cash for his habit and to keep me at work. BUT...... I bought a RZR and that changed everything, the saying goes with age comes a cage, I feel pretty fearless in that thing XC racing it is a blast!!!!!!!

02-18-2013, 06:16 PM
I rode almost everyday from the time I was 6ish until I was 16, always rode dirtbikes and three wheelers.

From 16-23 I didnt ride anything then I started getting the itch again, Thats when I bought my first 4 wheeler "400ex".

Started riding and racing again and did great!

Got hurt a few times pretty bad but nothing to serious mild concussion...etc. whatever.

Then one day I had a REALLY bad accident at almost WOT, partially amputated my right hand at the wrist, road rash everywhere on my left side....lost alot of blood that day.

Anyway, Im 30 now and my back hurts, my leg hurts, my hair is getting grey, I get tired alot, my hand doesnt work good anymore, baby mama drama, my hand cramps up after 20 mins of riding...etc.

I cant mx race at all, I will never hit another table top again, riding with friends is to dangerous and it hurts worse when I crash now.

I still own 2 dirt bikes and 2, 400ex based atv's and I seem to keep wanting more...lol. I only build big atvs for drag racing now and my dirtbikes are small xr80 and cr80, to be honest the cr80 is almost to dangerous for me to trail ride now, its not that I cant do it or that Im afraid of getting hurt, IM AFRAID OF THE BILLS AFTERWARDS!!!!!!!

Being a grown up is kinda hard :rolleyes:

02-18-2013, 06:30 PM

I swear insurance (even if I had it( only covers so much. Motorcycle/ATV insurance literally only covers me if I hit someone else too.

These days Im worried about getting hurt, whose gonna pay the bills and am I gonna be ok after whatever.

02-18-2013, 06:40 PM
Just ride within your comfort level Everything in this world is dangerous even driving your car to work in the morning. Just take it easy and get back in the swing of riding and you'll be fine.

02-18-2013, 06:49 PM
Glad to see I'm not alone!!! Everything I love is dangerous, which sucks as you get older. Like most of you, I've wrecked many times had injuries and bounced right back, I'm afraid it's not like that anymore and indeed I'm way more cautious mentally when I actually think about it. But when I get on something motorized I throw it all out the window and ride pretty hard and thats what scares me.

buck440, not a bad idea! I've taken him out already on a RZR and he loved it. Definitely safer...an idea. but I know I'd really prefer to ride a dirtbike or quad more.

I may pull the trigger and get another quad and just wear all my safety gear and ride slower and accept that it's in my best interest! You guys aren't kidding about wrecking and not being able to pay the bills, big thing I get scared about too! Maybe I could look into a disability insurance.

Sucks to hear about those wrecks CJM & Johndoe83...they make you think! Treverton is where a couple of my friends still ride, made it there once...cool spot.

So how old are you all and what are you currently riding??

02-18-2013, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by AtvKid4Eva
Just ride within your comfort level Everything in this world is dangerous even driving your car to work in the morning. Just take it easy and get back in the swing of riding and you'll be fine.

This is what I was thinking about today, accidents could happen anytime anywhere....walkng, driving etc. I hate to live life overthinking things like this.

Thanks ATVkid, I think your right!

02-18-2013, 08:59 PM
go for it! im 23 and i think about crashes, had a few decent wrecks but no broken bones or hospital visits, i dont really do much jumping anymore, i think too much about the engine dieing, tires sliding out on the takeoff and getting sideways in the air, coming up short, etc. but the only reason i think of all this is because i havent done jumps in awhile. when im fresh on some jumping i dont run this crap through my mind

just trail ride and have fun:cool: i would almost say get a bike, i recently got a bike to play on, and it's a blast in the woods, and doesnt wear you out as bad

Ruby Soho
02-18-2013, 09:11 PM
just don't play with fire....simple

02-18-2013, 10:31 PM
I was never allowed to own or ride a motorcycle until I turned 18 and could buy one on my own. I rode everything back in the early 80’s, dirt bikes, 3 wheelers and quads.
I stopped riding in 1987 and never rode a bike again until 2007, 20 years later.
I was 27 when I stopped riding and was 47 when I started back again.

I started back with a 2006 duel sport dirt bike, hit some trails and rode around on the street.
One day while riding around I came across a motocross track and rode in to look around.
I saw that they let quads ride so after not finding very many legal trails to ride on and tired of riding on the street; I gave it some thought and bought a new 2007 ex.

I started riding at the track and met a lot of people in there 30’s out there riding on the weekends. One day I was talking to a guy that was running the quad racing organization and he told me all about there organization and said I rode good enough to race.

A lot of the people I had met were also going to race so I started racing in 2007 at 47 years old. Did that for several years and did very well running in the vet class and the over 40, beating most of the younger riders (In there 30’s) on there built 450’s, with my stock ex.

Now I just ride for fun and don’t race anymore. I still ride and practice with everyone and donate my time on race days to help out where ever they need me. Flagger, organizing practice, gate operator, and hole shot reff, or what ever.

The hardest part is holding back and not getting crazy and riding over my head.
I will say it’s a whole lot safer then riding on the street.
Just wear lots of safety gear and ride smart and use your head, (for thinking, lol) and you should be fine.

I'm 52 now and our first race of the season is this weekend. I probably wont race but I will ride!

02-19-2013, 05:04 AM
Being 26 with a mortgage, bills, a wife and a 6 month old I try to keep myself as safe when i ride as i can. Im not gonna crawl because thats not why i ride. I ride for the rush. I still have a blast flying through trails and still run a good pace on the MX track. I used to get stupid and try stuff i should be trying, aaaannnnddddd from time to time i still do but i try to keep it under control. Luckily all my friends understand i had to calm down some with having a little one. But its the 19 yr old cocky a** at the track that dont know my story that makes me want to push my limits. Especially when I know at one time i coulda put it all over him....I guess my pride is still big, along with my belly being the same way now-a-days hahah

02-19-2013, 07:12 AM
i'm afflicted too. just turned 30 this fall, and my first child turns 3 months old next week. in the short 3 years i've been racing i've had some doozie crashes, and it scares my wife half to death. broke both my arms at once in 2010.. that was interesting. fortunately she is a public school teacher, so our health insurance is almost impossible to beat ($0 out of pocket for that little adventure!). i was back to work 2 weeks after surgery; i am a design engineer, so pushing a mouse and using my brain isn't too physically demanding.

now with a little one to think about my mindset feels like it's changing a little. i still have every intention to race this year. kinda funny, the atv mx scene is pretty small here in michigan, but we've made some great friends at the track, and in the last year us and 4 other couples i race with have had our first child, and they'll all be there this year too. (honestly i think thats the only thing i have going for me that my wife puts up with it haha).

i'd say go for it. but if you find you can't get past the fear of hurting yourself while you're riding and it's ALL you think about, it's probably time to stop, cuz THAT'S when you get hurt. this will be a pivitol season for me.

02-19-2013, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
I was never allowed to own or ride a motorcycle until I turned 18 and could buy one on my own. I rode everything back in the early 80’s, dirt bikes, 3 wheelers and quads.
I stopped riding in 1987 and never rode a bike again until 2007, 20 years later.
I was 27 when I stopped riding and was 47 when I started back again.

I started back with a 2006 duel sport dirt bike, hit some trails and rode around on the street.
One day while riding around I came across a motocross track and rode in to look around.
I saw that they let quads ride so after not finding very many legal trails to ride on and tired of riding on the street; I gave it some thought and bought a new 2007 ex.

I started riding at the track and met a lot of people in there 30’s out there riding on the weekends. One day I was talking to a guy that was running the quad racing organization and he told me all about there organization and said I rode good enough to race.

A lot of the people I had met were also going to race so I started racing in 2007 at 47 years old. Did that for several years and did very well running in the vet class and the over 40, beating most of the younger riders (In there 30’s) on there built 450’s, with my stock ex.

Now I just ride for fun and don’t race anymore. I still ride and practice with everyone and donate my time on race days to help out where ever they need me. Flagger, organizing practice, gate operator, and hole shot reff, or what ever.

The hardest part is holding back and not getting crazy and riding over my head.
I will say it’s a whole lot safer then riding on the street.
Just wear lots of safety gear and ride smart and use your head, (for thinking, lol) and you should be fine.

I'm 52 now and our first race of the season is this weekend. I probably wont race but I will ride!

Great story Slightlybent! Great to see guys in their 40's plus still riding hard! I entertained the idea of a dual sport a little while ago but decided against it. They're too heavy and not to nimble for me...and like you said, it's safer on the dirt.

I'm feeling better about pulling the trigger on a quad purchase. Just need to keep it toned down.

02-19-2013, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by muddy400EX
go for it! im 23 and i think about crashes, had a few decent wrecks but no broken bones or hospital visits, i dont really do much jumping anymore, i think too much about the engine dieing, tires sliding out on the takeoff and getting sideways in the air, coming up short, etc. but the only reason i think of all this is because i havent done jumps in awhile. when im fresh on some jumping i dont run this crap through my mind

just trail ride and have fun:cool: i would almost say get a bike, i recently got a bike to play on, and it's a blast in the woods, and doesnt wear you out as bad

Jumping is fun though lol but your putting yourself in line of potential for wrecks...but it is fun!

I'm used to bikes, that's what I rode most of my life but then in my mid 20's I got my first quad, a 400EX. I figured it would be safer than 2 wheels...which is still up for arguing. I like the fact that they're easier to transport but not sure if they are as safe...for me. I feel like I'm more balls to the wall on bikes.

02-19-2013, 08:13 AM
Im in the same boat. I raced for a few years and was decent, but I cant afford to get hurt running my own business. A year or two ago I bought a RZR 4. It puts a bigger smile of my face than a quad ever did. Now dont get me wrong, Im still an idiot while riding. I just have a cage now, so Im not worried. I strap my 5 and 6 year old in the back seats and we fly around at Dtown on the trails and RZR tracks. At our house we have a built motocross track, and we launch that thing off of the huge table top. Best money Ive ever spent on a toy, as long as you get the S model with shocks. After jumping a stock RZR you will want shocks. Bryan

02-19-2013, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by bbender85
i'm afflicted too. just turned 30 this fall, and my first child turns 3 months old next week. in the short 3 years i've been racing i've had some doozie crashes, and it scares my wife half to death. broke both my arms at once in 2010.. that was interesting. fortunately she is a public school teacher, so our health insurance is almost impossible to beat ($0 out of pocket for that little adventure!). i was back to work 2 weeks after surgery; i am a design engineer, so pushing a mouse and using my brain isn't too physically demanding.

now with a little one to think about my mindset feels like it's changing a little. i still have every intention to race this year. kinda funny, the atv mx scene is pretty small here in michigan, but we've made some great friends at the track, and in the last year us and 4 other couples i race with have had our first child, and they'll all be there this year too. (honestly i think thats the only thing i have going for me that my wife puts up with it haha).

i'd say go for it. but if you find you can't get past the fear of hurting yourself while you're riding and it's ALL you think about, it's probably time to stop, cuz THAT'S when you get hurt. this will be a pivitol season for me.

Being afflicted sucks man, doesn't it!! Man, that must have been a pretty bad wreck! How did that happen? Racing is out of the question for me, I did it had a blast and many injuries from it...I know I'll be asking for trouble if I head down that road again lol.

How are your arms feeling? I had an older rider tell me when I was younger that after 30 you'll never heal 100%... luckily you made the cut off date ;)

I don't think I'll be concerned with getting hurt once I actually ride again. It's more this period before I actually buy a bike, where I put all the thought into it. But I do understand what your saying, that would be the time you get hurt when your to cautious or ride timidly.

Also, Congrats on your 1st child & stay safe this race season man!

02-19-2013, 08:27 AM
Thank you all for your input, I really appreciate it! I really miss getting out on the weekend with a couple of the guys and riding...no cell phones going off, just being outdoors & riding! I think I will pursue my itch and get another quad, wear my safety gear and ride smart! One advantage I have now is I don't feel the need to prove myself out there (I hope lol) which will keep me out of trouble. But, like blacknblue#2 said, my pride is big but I'll need to keep it in check!

02-19-2013, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by edwardsp&b
Im in the same boat. I raced for a few years and was decent, but I cant afford to get hurt running my own business. A year or two ago I bought a RZR 4. It puts a bigger smile of my face than a quad ever did. Now dont get me wrong, Im still an idiot while riding. I just have a cage now, so Im not worried. I strap my 5 and 6 year old in the back seats and we fly around at Dtown on the trails and RZR tracks. At our house we have a built motocross track, and we launch that thing off of the huge table top. Best money Ive ever spent on a toy, as long as you get the S model with shocks. After jumping a stock RZR you will want shocks. Bryan

haha no kidding, bigger smile than a quad ever has? I may have to look into one of these things! My life plan is to have a single family house on a decent plot of land and have toys like this...working on it!

02-19-2013, 08:53 AM
This has been an interesting read, and also finding out how old some of you are. I just turned 25 a couple weeks ago. From 18-24, I raced at least every other weekend, and sometimes twice a weekend. (XC Racing) I've had a blast moving up through the ranks and all the people I've met, places I've been etc. That being said, I bought a house early last summer and that has really put a damper on the money I can spend on racing and the time I have for traveling and wrenching. I too have wondered about removing myself from the racing scene. I had a pretty bad accident that sent me to the hospital a couple of years ago, and I tend to remember that day when I'm pushing my limit. No health insurance here either.

I raced this weekend for the first time in months. After a mile in the woods, my hands hurt so bad I had to drop back to the end of the pack. I fell off pace and didn't really pick back my pace til the last lap. I'm in OK shape, but I sure couldn't tell it this weekend. I'm so sore today that it hurts to move. Its definately tough on me when I'm battling someone in the woods that a year ago I would have been long gone. I have picked up bikes again as of late to play on, but really haven't had time to ride them either. I'm not near as ballsy on bikes as I don't have near the confidence on them as I do on four wheels. I think that's what makes it fun to me is that it's something so new. I don't see myself ever not having at least one full race bike in my garage and at least a couple of bikes. I was born to ride.

02-19-2013, 10:35 AM
My story is a little deferent then most of you, in that I have no kids, and even if I did they probably would have been grown by the time I started back riding. But as a single guy and the only source of income, I do need to be carful. I am self employed and a one man operation so if I can’t work, I don’t eat.

I have had my share of crashes at my old age and let me tell you that ground gets harder every time I take a dirt sample.lol
My bounce back factor is not what it used to be. lol
I bent the stock axel, twice and broke a +4” axel in half, and broke the front ball joints and tie rod, in a crash. Plus breaking 3 ribs and a finger and a broozed kidney!
Lots of aches and pains, lot of soure mussels and just being whipped after a ride, I still like to get down in the dirt.

I ride a mostly stock ex with stock suspension, so I don’t know how well I could have done with a pro quality bike at my age.

Here is a video I put together after my first year back racing. Sorry its not a great video and is mostly pictures, but at the time that’s all the footage I had to work with.
There is a clip of me crashing on a big table I was trying to clear, and the bike got sidewase on me and I took a good tumble.

Can you spot the crash? Enjoy!


02-19-2013, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by fastredrider44
This has been an interesting read, and also finding out how old some of you are. I just turned 25 a couple weeks ago. From 18-24, I raced at least every other weekend, and sometimes twice a weekend. (XC Racing) I've had a blast moving up through the ranks and all the people I've met, places I've been etc. That being said, I bought a house early last summer and that has really put a damper on the money I can spend on racing and the time I have for traveling and wrenching. I too have wondered about removing myself from the racing scene. I had a pretty bad accident that sent me to the hospital a couple of years ago, and I tend to remember that day when I'm pushing my limit. No health insurance here either.

I raced this weekend for the first time in months. After a mile in the woods, my hands hurt so bad I had to drop back to the end of the pack. I fell off pace and didn't really pick back my pace til the last lap. I'm in OK shape, but I sure couldn't tell it this weekend. I'm so sore today that it hurts to move. Its definately tough on me when I'm battling someone in the woods that a year ago I would have been long gone. I have picked up bikes again as of late to play on, but really haven't had time to ride them either. I'm not near as ballsy on bikes as I don't have near the confidence on them as I do on four wheels. I think that's what makes it fun to me is that it's something so new. I don't see myself ever not having at least one full race bike in my garage and at least a couple of bikes. I was born to ride.

"I was born to ride." That says it all & that is exactly how I feel too.

What started me on the whole getting injured thing in the 1st place was that I recently hurt my back while ziplining in Mexico. Never had back trouble before and started thinking how easy I could mess my back up (among other things) by wrecking while riding.

02-19-2013, 11:51 AM
Awesome vid slightyBent47 & good song to go with it! That's all it takes to mess up your day is getting sideways in the air and not being able to save it!

I'm surprised your riding the way you are on those shocks! Well, at least my '02 400EX front suspension was HORRIBLE for jumping. I thrw a pair of TRX450R on and it made a nice improvement for not much money.

Anyway, that flat track around the pond is very cool....looks like fun, something different to do at a fast speed!

02-19-2013, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by platinum350
Thank you all for your input, I really appreciate it! I really miss getting out on the weekend with a couple of the guys and riding...no cell phones going off, just being outdoors & riding! I think I will pursue my itch and get another quad, wear my safety gear and ride smart! One advantage I have now is I don't feel the need to prove myself out there (I hope lol) which will keep me out of trouble. But, like blacknblue#2 said, my pride is big but I'll need to keep it in check!

This is exactly how I feel about it. I just miss being out there riding every weekend. I used to feel the same about proving myself but now I just want to ride. I could care less about the racing aspect of it other than watching it. I have just always liked being the first one to hit a jump no one else is doing or has ever done. I was the first quad to hit some of the bigger jumps at local tracks and I used to like being able to say that more than winning a race lol. It was like in my mind I was thinking "so what you won a race I have bigger balls than you".

02-19-2013, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by platinum350
Being afflicted sucks man, doesn't it!! Man, that must have been a pretty bad wreck! How did that happen... How are your arms feeling? I had an older rider tell me when I was younger that after 30 you'll never heal 100%... luckily you made the cut off date ;)

came up short on a double and cased the peaked landing. middle of my frame straight to dirt, no suspension. fortunately i have probably 99% mobility back in both, some scars, and one wrist full of titanium.

Also, Congrats on your 1st child & stay safe this race season man!

thanks!! it's been an adventure thus far. :)

02-19-2013, 12:17 PM
Yep, Im 27 and due to my line of work (mechanic/tow operator) im already in bad shape to begin with.

Dont get me wrong, I used to do some pretty crazy stuff but these days I just take it easy. Rather ride fast trails than hit jumps.

The sand at least somewhat cushions my falls, but regular dirt and the hill at treverton didnt. I was ridingup, go within 3 ft of the top and just bogged down and spun out. Tried to roll back but it kicked sideways and well I already told ya the rest. Amazing the quad survived-it literally cartwheeled down like 4 stories lol


02-19-2013, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by platinum350
Riding is definitely something that is instilled/ in our blood! I've been dying to ride since I last sold my quad 6 years ago. Since then I been putting it off buying another for financial reasons. Now that I got a new job things are looking up and can now afford to put some money away to get a new toy. Problem is, now that I'm older and have much more responsibilities including a 5 year old son....I think twice about things.

I've been concerned about the dangers of riding lately. I'm torn!I want to do what my passion is and ride but at the same time I can't afford any serious injuries...or worse. Not that I'm looking to race, just mainly trail ride and some dunes. I started thinking about another street bike but I know they're even more dangerous.

I know all about riding, been doing it since I was 6 and I'm now 35. Raced MX and have owned a ton of dirtbikes, ATV's and sport bikes. Anyway, has anyone else been going through the same thing...if so, did you decide to ride or not?

Had to vent! lol :eek2:

I was in the same boat. Out of the sport for 8 years after being on two and four wheels since i was 5-6. I bought a gay crotch rocket which is a pure death trap. There is no point to them but to go fast and go down, Sold mine before i ate chit like all the others have.

My sons 3 now, He came home and on his first day he rode on my dirt bike. Hes always happy to see or hear any braaaap. He loves it as much as i did when i was his age.

I understand where you are comming from. Too much to risk, But too much to pass up. You just cant be as aggrssive as you once rode. You know what can happen if you hit a big jump before you had a kid or not and now you will be question it.

Nothing wrong with it, You have to think of your family first. But that dont mean you cant ride with-in your ability or the edge. Just wear a lid etc and play it safe and understand if you cross a line, It could bite hard.

In the end, I bought another quad and started riding again. I ride hard, But only to a point. I dont care if im called a puss for not hitting this or that, Im still having fun and have a son that far exceeds the cool factor of a jump or two.

You wont be able to go out like you used too, But there are alot more fun rides with out the chancing. It will also give you and your son somthing to do and you can get him a quad to ride too and teach him all that you know. Good luck either way bud

02-19-2013, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Yep, Im 27 and due to my line of work (mechanic/tow operator) im already in bad shape to begin with.

Dont get me wrong, I used to do some pretty crazy stuff but these days I just take it easy. Rather ride fast trails than hit jumps.

The sand at least somewhat cushions my falls, but regular dirt and the hill at treverton didnt. I was ridingup, go within 3 ft of the top and just bogged down and spun out. Tried to roll back but it kicked sideways and well I already told ya the rest. Amazing the quad survived-it literally cartwheeled down like 4 stories lol


Well that didn't look like it was much fun! lol Glad you servived.
That looked like some nasty rocks to land on. Ouch!

02-19-2013, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by platinum350
Awesome vid slightyBent47 & good song to go with it! That's all it takes to mess up your day is getting sideways in the air and not being able to save it!

I'm surprised your riding the way you are on those shocks! Well, at least my '02 400EX front suspension was HORRIBLE for jumping. I thrw a pair of TRX450R on and it made a nice improvement for not much money.

Anyway, that flat track around the pond is very cool....looks like fun, something different to do at a fast speed!

Now I’m running stock 450 shocks up front and an elka on the rear.
Motor work consist of a 416 12:5 to 1 compression with stage 2 cam a mild port job, 450 carb with stock head pipe and a slip on pipe.
I’m back on a stock rear axel after breaking my +4 in half clipping the lip of a big step up, during morning practice at a race I was going to run.
With limited power I have to use momentum rather then power to get the job done.
It sucks because I know I could clear some jumps if I just had some more power to work with. Hitting a jump when you’re tapped out is hard to do because you have no power left to save it if I need to.

I would love to have a suspension that would soak up the bumps and keep me from working so hard. That thing beats me to death on some tracks and wears me out.

But its fun and I still love it. Yes there are risks but one could be killed in a number of ways at any time, so what the hell, rite!

02-19-2013, 12:37 PM
I am 48 now and still at it with no intention of giving up riding even with all the injuries (the worst being a fractured C-6, fractured T-6, completely dislocated shoulder which required surgery to fix a torn labrum, and torn MCL which happened within 2 hrs of being back on the quad after an 8 month recovery from the torn labrum). Truth is I was recovering more of the previous 2 of 3 years than riding.

I switched to a bike for mx a year ago but honestly that was driven from not enough quad riders showing up at the track that they finally conceded to the complaining bike riders who were starting to go to other nearby "bike only" tracks instead which was resulting in a significant decrease in income to make the land payment. I now ride the bike for mx and both my bike and quad for trails...depending on how gnarly the trail riding will be. Rocky steep climbs are much easier on a quad!

02-19-2013, 12:43 PM
If I down side a jump properly, even with less then ideal suspension is fine and very smooth. Coming up short is another story all together.
That’s why my sig reads the way it does.

You shouldn’t be concentrating on how fast your bike is.
You should be concentrating on how well you can ride it.
Never ride over your skill level and Never ride over the abilities of your machine.

02-19-2013, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by bbender85

came up short on a double and cased the peaked landing. middle of my frame straight to dirt, no suspension. fortunately i have probably 99% mobility back in both, some scars, and one wrist full of titanium.


There is nothing pleasant about casing a jump! Glad to hear you healed so well!

02-19-2013, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by CJM
Yep, Im 27 and due to my line of work (mechanic/tow operator) im already in bad shape to begin with.

Dont get me wrong, I used to do some pretty crazy stuff but these days I just take it easy. Rather ride fast trails than hit jumps.

The sand at least somewhat cushions my falls, but regular dirt and the hill at treverton didnt. I was ridingup, go within 3 ft of the top and just bogged down and spun out. Tried to roll back but it kicked sideways and well I already told ya the rest. Amazing the quad survived-it literally cartwheeled down like 4 stories lol


Damn, that sucks you weren't able to jump off! You were heading down in reverse pretty fast - had to hurt!

Where do you ride where there is sand, assume somewhere in NJ?

02-19-2013, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by KKiowaTJ
I was in the same boat. Out of the sport for 8 years after being on two and four wheels since i was 5-6. I bought a gay crotch rocket which is a pure death trap. There is no point to them but to go fast and go down, Sold mine before i ate chit like all the others have.

My sons 3 now, He came home and on his first day he rode on my dirt bike. Hes always happy to see or hear any braaaap. He loves it as much as i did when i was his age.

I understand where you are comming from. Too much to risk, But too much to pass up. You just cant be as aggrssive as you once rode. You know what can happen if you hit a big jump before you had a kid or not and now you will be question it.

Nothing wrong with it, You have to think of your family first. But that dont mean you cant ride with-in your ability or the edge. Just wear a lid etc and play it safe and understand if you cross a line, It could bite hard.

In the end, I bought another quad and started riding again. I ride hard, But only to a point. I dont care if im called a puss for not hitting this or that, Im still having fun and have a son that far exceeds the cool factor of a jump or two.

You wont be able to go out like you used too, But there are alot more fun rides with out the chancing. It will also give you and your son somthing to do and you can get him a quad to ride too and teach him all that you know. Good luck either way bud

You obviously understand exactly where I am coming from, as most of you do. I actually thought I may have been flamed for even bringing this topic up on an ATV forum lol.

I had crotch rockets too, 4 of them and your 110% right, they're built for one thing and it's high speed with high probability of getting killed (more so in congested areas).

Exactly man, I used to care if I didn't have the balls to hit the big jumps but definitely have my priorities (well, mostly) in order now that I'm older.
My son also loves quads, bikes and go Karts so I look forward to doing this stuff with him and having that common bond.

Thanks man!

02-19-2013, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
If I down side a jump properly, even with less then ideal suspension is fine and very smooth. Coming up short is another story all together.
That’s why my sig reads the way it does.

You shouldn’t be concentrating on how fast your bike is.
You should be concentrating on how well you can ride it.
Never ride over your skill level and Never ride over the abilities of your machine.

haha your sig says it all...words of wisdom!
You were ripping on less than ideal suspension and making it look very smooth. Imagine if you had a race ready setup quad, you'd be killing it :D

However, sounds like you have that 400 tuned pretty good. How do you like it with the stock 450r suspension? I liked it quite a bit better on my '02.

02-19-2013, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
I am 48 now and still at it with no intention of giving up riding even with all the injuries (the worst being a fractured C-6, fractured T-6, completely dislocated shoulder which required surgery to fix a torn labrum, and torn MCL which happened within 2 hrs of being back on the quad after an 8 month recovery from the torn labrum). Truth is I was recovering more of the previous 2 of 3 years than riding.

That's passion right there bro! All these injuries happen from wreck while racing? Was it two bad accidents?

I broke my tailbone, both wrists, one ankle, 5 ribs (2 one time and 3 another), several stitches, several hair line fractures and many bruises in my riding days....but luckily nothing as severe as you. Hope your healing up nicely.

02-19-2013, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by platinum350
Damn, that sucks you weren't able to jump off! You were heading down in reverse pretty fast - had to hurt!

Where do you ride where there is sand, assume somewhere in NJ?
If you go anywhere near the garden state parkway, forked river/toms river, jackson (other side of town from six flags), etc its pretty much all sandy soil. One local spot I ride is dunes/sand but its an active sand mine. Another spot is sarco/crystal lake but the shear amount of whoops and the fact the site is slightly radioactive I stay away. you ever wanna ride lemme know.

Sadly, the only legal place to ride in NJ is the woodbine pit which they just opened as a park. I wont even go cause its like 50 acres and sucks. Otherwise its local spots you know or go to PA. Cops round here have nothing better to do than bother you and write very hefty tickets or impound your stuff.


yes sir, was not to much fun. That entire hill is all coal shale. basically I nailed it going up in 2nd, decided to hit 3rd and bogged 3ft from the top. My buddy had already made it up and tried to at least pull me up but couldnt get to me fast enough.

I figured Id just roll down the hill, but the problem is its so loose I just slid REALLY fast. Quad kicked to the left and rolled over me and I went down with it. Thank god I didnt ride it the whole way down.

I wound up feeling like I had my teeth knocked out (was rocks/dirt in my mouth) and a concussion-I saw stars and thats never good! As the video states tho-we fixed it and kept riding, which was stupid b/c a concussion is a serious thing.

02-19-2013, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by platinum350
haha your sig says it all...words of wisdom!
You were ripping on less than ideal suspension and making it look very smooth. Imagine if you had a race ready setup quad, you'd be killing it :D

However, sounds like you have that 400 tuned pretty good. How do you like it with the stock 450r suspension? I liked it quite a bit better on my '02.

Thanks, I’m sure with better equipment I could do better, but it’s not all about just going fast that I like. It’s about making the best of what I have.
I’m just thankful for still being able to ride at my age. Sometimes I ride the same track all the time and some days I hit every jump (and clear it) and some days I just don’t feel like I can do it. (So I don’t)
Every day is deferent and every ride is deferent, and I must ride by instinct and feel my way around. I try to only go for it when I have the confidence to do it, and hold back when I have doubts.
Its really on the long straightaway’s that the 450’s get me, there legs are longer and when I’m tapped out in 5th, there still in 4th and pulling away.lol

Its all fun no mater what level you ride at, just do your thing and don’t worry about anyone else.

And no its not a bad thread at all, we all fight fear at some point in our lives.

02-19-2013, 02:28 PM
I started racing about the time I was 40!! I MX, GP and HS....stopped about 4 yrs ago.....at 51 now I think I'm going to race again this yr, their are 3 GP's at local tracks. Its a 45min. race with country and MX track included. We were out last sunday riding and felt pretty good, my job keeps me in shape strength wise....just need to hit the push ups and tread mill for some endurance.....the sad thing back in the day as many as 50 quads would show up, sometimes only about a dozen.....last few yrs seems if 6 quads show up its alot....gas prices killed the sport.

02-19-2013, 03:10 PM
I look at it this way. I’m 52 so my riding days are numbered, and if I don’t ride now, I won’t be able to ride say 10 years from now.
You younger guys still have plenty of time to get back to it.

02-20-2013, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by CJM
If you go anywhere near the garden state parkway, forked river/toms river, jackson (other side of town from six flags), etc its pretty much all sandy soil. One local spot I ride is dunes/sand but its an active sand mine. Another spot is sarco/crystal lake but the shear amount of whoops and the fact the site is slightly radioactive I stay away. you ever wanna ride lemme know.

Sadly, the only legal place to ride in NJ is the woodbine pit which they just opened as a park. I wont even go cause its like 50 acres and sucks. Otherwise its local spots you know or go to PA. Cops round here have nothing better to do than bother you and write very hefty tickets or impound your stuff.

Cool CJM, I may take you up on that offer and ride with you sometime! I used to ride quite a bit in south NJ but as you said, they write hefty fines and impound! I do enjoy the NJ sand riding though, like you said it's more forgiving! Good call on staying away from anything radioactive lol!

02-20-2013, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Thanks, I’m sure with better equipment I could do better, but it’s not all about just going fast that I like. It’s about making the best of what I have.
I’m just thankful for still being able to ride at my age.

True, that's what it really is all about!

Originally posted by slightlybent47
Its all fun no mater what level you ride at, just do your thing and don’t worry about anyone else.

And no its not a bad thread at all, we all fight fear at some point in our lives.

Yes sir I totally agree, thanks man!

Speaking of facing fear in life, as I've been contemplating riding again or not, I keep thinking of a great saying by Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Always do what you are afraid to do."

02-20-2013, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by DragonGunner
I started racing about the time I was 40!! I MX, GP and HS....stopped about 4 yrs ago.....at 51 now I think I'm going to race again this yr, their are 3 GP's at local tracks. Its a 45min. race with country and MX track included. We were out last sunday riding and felt pretty good, my job keeps me in shape strength wise....just need to hit the push ups and tread mill for some endurance.....the sad thing back in the day as many as 50 quads would show up, sometimes only about a dozen.....last few yrs seems if 6 quads show up its alot....gas prices killed the sport.

That is awesome you started racing around 40! Here, I've been wondering if I was too old to start riding again, not even race. I'm finding out it really doesn't matter as long as you fel good, which I do!

A shame the sport has changed so much and people aren't riding/racing like they used too. Wonder if it's because so many young kids are trapping themselves indoors playing video games?!

02-20-2013, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
I look at it this way. I’m 52 so my riding days are numbered, and if I don’t ride now, I won’t be able to ride say 10 years from now.
You younger guys still have plenty of time to get back to it.

You'd be surprised how old some guys that still ride are...I was reading online on another forum and there are a bunch of older guys (60+) out there riding a lot. Way more than I thought!
Don't get me wrong, you probably won't be racing though lol

02-20-2013, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by platinum350
Cool CJM, I may take you up on that offer and ride with you sometime! I used to ride quite a bit in south NJ but as you said, they write hefty fines and impound! I do enjoy the NJ sand riding though, like you said it's more forgiving! Good call on staying away from anything radioactive lol!

Anytime, just gotta let me know.

The spots only slightly radioactive, I mostly stay away cause the cops LOVE it and literally (well used to IDK now) patrol it like crazy. Plus its almost all flat and full of whoops.

02-20-2013, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by CJM
Anytime, just gotta let me know.

The spots only slightly radioactive, I mostly stay away cause the cops LOVE it and literally (well used to IDK now) patrol it like crazy. Plus its almost all flat and full of whoops.

I definitely will! Have to get a quad first though :ermm:

There is a spot like that, but without the annoying excessive whoops, right over the Commodore Barry Bridge. We used to go there often until the cops got us and fined us pretty well! Usually that's all it takes and I'm out!

02-20-2013, 12:40 PM
I hear ya, NJ is horrible b/c the cops have nothing better to do than bother you. Nowhere is safe from them it seems.

02-20-2013, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by CJM
I hear ya, NJ is horrible b/c the cops have nothing better to do than bother you. Nowhere is safe from them it seems.

Nor is it safe from people that would gladly call the cops on you...same as up here in NY...just glad we got a few places to go. OP, get back into it...you get hurt it happens. Better to live life as opposed to waiting for life to happen...besides, your kids will think you are awesome

02-20-2013, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by cloudpump
Nor is it safe from people that would gladly call the cops on you...same as up here in NY...just glad we got a few places to go. OP, get back into it...you get hurt it happens. Better to live life as opposed to waiting for life to happen...besides, your kids will think you are awesome

Thanks for reminding me, your right! I used to live my life to that motto, until lately when I think I started over thinking it. Life goes by too fast to not do the things you enjoy.

haha your not kidding, he'll definitely love it!

02-20-2013, 02:42 PM
Your only as old as you feel....sometimes I feel like I'm 81....LOL.

Anybody heard of Dave Simmons? He is over 50 and races GNCC and not only does he win his class every year....he has beat alot of times all the other classes in the A.M. races, even beating the pro woman....and boys and girls those pro woman are fast. I knew a fast A rider that got in the morning race one yr. and even the slowest pro woman rider kicked his butt.

02-20-2013, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by DragonGunner
Your only as old as you feel....sometimes I feel like I'm 81....LOL.

Anybody heard of Dave Simmons? He is over 50 and races GNCC and not only does he win his class every year....he has beat alot of times all the other classes in the A.M. races, even beating the pro woman....and boys and girls those pro woman are fast. I knew a fast A rider that got in the morning race one yr. and even the slowest pro woman rider kicked his butt.

Haha I hear that, especially during these winter days!

I'll have to check out Dave Simmons, that's impressive!

02-20-2013, 08:05 PM
i also ride in jersey i race mx but do a lot of pit riding hell new jersey you have to be more worried about the cops than anything last year i snapped my arm at raceway park and it didnt change my feelings maybe cause im young and dumb who knows but i know is even the lack of riding this winter has a depressing feeling i side by side would be a great choice if you have a kid you can get him into it just make sure the miss is ok with it because i still remember my mothers face when my father came home with my first quad ps dont by a donor cycle

02-22-2013, 11:38 AM
platinum, these feelings are something most go through and those of us that still ride find the risk is worth the reward.

I really enjoyed reading others stories so thought I would share mine. I had an interest in riding at a young age without ever being exposed to it so I guess maybe it really is "in our blood" My parents would have never bought me a dirtbike but I always dreamed about riding one even though I had never ridden anything. I can still remember on the long bus ride in grade school looking out the window and in my mind pretending I was riding a dirtbike along side the bus. I would imagine what it would be like to hit that hill over there or launch out of that ditch or whatever obstacles there were along the bus path. When I turned 18 I bought my first machine, a brand new 1986 ATC 200X. I rode the piss out of that thing for a year or two and then bought a TRX 250X and started racing MX around 20. During that time frame I owned a few different 250R's and raced MX until about 25. At this time I was like many of you and got married, bought a house, and had a child so I stopped racing and sold everything. I missed riding and a few years later the itch was strong so at 29 yrs old I bought another 250R and built it up (the hybrid in my sig) and started racing MX again.

I raced for 4 years and at 33 I had a bad wreck on a MX track breaking my jaw along with a huge gash on the jawline, broke several ribs which punctured my lung, and separated my shoulder. I was knocked out and rushed by ambulance to have surgery on my jaw and to inflate my lungs. I spent a full week in a hospital 3 hours away from home and missed 3 weeks of work. Even after this I still wanted to race and came back the next summer and ran 5 or 6 races at 34 years old. At that time I felt I had proven to myself that I wasn't "scared" after the bad injury, I had also gotten remarried, and was planning to have more kids so I retired from racing. My new wife and I bought 30 acres so I could have my own trails and since then I have always owned a quad and ridden a little but mostly on my own property. I had 3 more kids and as their activities took more time I didn't ride much for 7 or 8 years and I started missing it again. So at 42 I bought a 400EX and the last 3 years I have went on a few ATV trips and had a BLAST! I ride fast but my age and experience tell me when to back it off. Last year I rode more than I had the previous 8 years and was happy to see that at 44 yrs-old that with me on a mostly stock 400EX I am pushing the pace with 25 yr-olds from work on 450's and dirtbikes.

When I was younger and racing I thought trail riding was somewhat boring. And it can be on my property where I have ridden the trails and track hundreds of times. But the trips I have been on were extremely fun and now at 45 I am planning on 4 or 5 trips this year to Hatfield-McCoy, Wayne Nat'l Forest OH, Wellsville OH, Hillsville PA, and Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI. I am really looking forward to riding this year and almost feel like a woman who's biological clock is ticking LOL because at 45 my riding days are dwindling and I want to take advantage while I am still in good physical shape. As my younger kids get old enough I look forward to taking some ATV mini vacations and bringing the whole family in the next few years.

I have had many hobbies in my life and the most fun thing overall for me has been riding. I played a lot of golf in my mid 20's, I was really into bow hunting, I shot competitive 3D archery all over the eastern half of the country, I have owned street bikes and did the Harley thing for a year, I got into skiing for a while, I took my mountain bike around to different courses for a while, I raced RC cars for a while, and have went boating with friends which is a popular hobby with my co-workers but the one thing keeps calling me back is riding! Now at 45 yrs-old not a day goes by that I am not thinking about one of the trips that I plan to take this year. I told the wife I need to start looking for a bigger trailer for when the kids come along and she suggested I look at getting an enclosed trailer so she is very supportive. She rides my 4 x 4 on our property but she isn't really into it because she is too nervous riding on hills but I hope to get her to eventually come along too.

This has turned into a book but I wanted to show someone who has been into and out of riding a few times during my life but it keeps calling me back. I don't worry about injury because it is one of the most fun things I have ever been involved in and really the only hobby I have stuck with except for coaching my kids in their sporting activities. And not to mention what a great way for a middle-aged man to stay in shape. To each his own, but I have no desire to switch over to a RZR because I want to ride not drive. Right now I still enjoy getting some air and railing turns on my sport quads but I could see one day moving to a utility when I decide to slow down.

02-22-2013, 04:10 PM
Someone say racing a 86' 200X ATC....?

02-22-2013, 06:25 PM
IDK how you guys can ride them things, I can ride a bike ok and a quad great. But them ATC's geez you basically gotta steer the rear or you will flip!

02-22-2013, 08:39 PM
I loved riding three wheelers. Wheelie machines!
They go through mud better then a quad does.
Draw backs are you have to turn them with the throttle and most of them didn’t have much power to work with.lol
The 200x’s 350x’s and the 250r’s were about the only ones that could keep the rear tires broke loose all the way through a turn.
Landing on the front tire is no fun ether.lol
With a quad you have a right and left tire to worry about, but with a 3 wheeler you have the front witch is in the middle. Makes jumping a whole new adventure.lol
Here is a retro picture way back from the mid 80’s.


Ok, one more!


02-22-2013, 08:48 PM
This is me at 45. I could still ride this way today at 48...but switched to a bike. I am planning to race a 90 minute cross country race on the quad this year. I am pretty sure I can finish in the top 5 overall based on times I've recorded and compared to last year's race and riders.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/09fIU2Q1xNs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

02-22-2013, 08:58 PM
Awesome pics slightlybent and dragongunner. Dragon, wow that thing looks mint! Looks great, did you find a gem or did you restore it yourself? By todays standards the 200X is severely under powered but for pure fun factor it was hard to beat for any ATV.

For three wheelers I owned the 200X, a 350X, and a 250R. The ATC 250R was a death trap as whoever ported the head had all the power come on top so the powerband was truly like a light switch. With only 3 wheels it was scary either reving to the moon before letting out the clutch or bogging down and waiting for the burst of power when the RPM's got high enough and then it was a rocket! I still think for sheer burst of acceleration it was maybe the fastest thing I have ever ridden with an incredible power-to-weight ratio. CJM, the 3 wheelers were tough to ride compared to a quad but it did teach you how to use your body. I have not ridden a 3-wheeler for 20 years but I still use more body english on my quads now than all of my riding buddies.

02-22-2013, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
This is me at 45. I could still ride this way today at 48...but switched to a bike. I am planning to race a 90 minute cross country race on the quad this year. I am pretty sure I can finish in the top 5 overall based on times I've recorded and compared to last year's race and riders.

AWESOME! Looked like a great track too with forgiving doubles. I don't have a strong desire to race anymore but I do want to go to a track on a practice day and burn some laps.

02-22-2013, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Blodg
Awesome pics slightlybent and dragongunner.

That was back when you actually had to have film in the camera. lol

02-23-2013, 06:56 AM
I got that 86' 200X in not too bad of shape with a parts bike also and lots of new stuff the guy hadn't put on for 700.00 a few yrs. ago. Tore it all the way down...its in great shape and the motor runs like its brand new. Also have a 85' 200X ATC but the motor on the 86 is totally different and is pretty fast. I got started on a 110 ATC back around 79' and have had a 185 and now have my Dads 84' 200M ATC, its a 84' and have a zillion hours on it, no suspension...it has the 3 ballon tires....except the back has 300EX rear tires....these older ones actually steer better than the 200X ATC's.....they sit lower, tires are harder to get as tippy.....even with 185cc motor the quad riders in the woods can't figure how I can go so fast....every yr. before racing season that was my practice bike to get ready, a real workout and arm strength. I laugh when a quad guy gets on a 3 wheeler......tip over coming....LOL. My wife likes riding the ATC 200M with me, Dad put extra foot pegs on....and in winter or alot of mudd my buddies all get the ATC out, they float when the water gets to deep, hop on the seat in deep water, engine under water up to gas tank, still keeps going, easy to get out of ruts and mudd....goes through tight stuff that no quad could ever go.......and loved them for hill climbs....lol...start a running start in 4th gear and keep shifting down on the way up until you hit first, if you didn't make it, easy to jump off and grab the hand brake and slide down or let it tumble.....nothing hurt, hop back on.....quads will kill ya and who whats a nice looking quad tumble down....or try and hang on.

02-23-2013, 07:13 AM
Originally posted by Blodg
AWESOME! Looked like a great track too with forgiving doubles. I don't have a strong desire to race anymore but I do want to go to a track on a practice day and burn some laps.

Let me know when you go to Silver Lake Dunes....been going there for awhile now.....wife loves going to hang out on the beach and swim.....I ride awhile then go for a swim....been there several times over the yrs.

02-23-2013, 07:27 AM
This is Evert.....he got his first quad, a 4X4 Timberwolf about 13 yrs ago....he is now 62 yrs. old in this picture from last summer, he never gets tired of riding hard, and he is one really fast guy in the woods, a very good rider.....yes...he's 62.!!!

02-23-2013, 08:21 AM
Quad2xtreme, Gret vid. Looks like you took a nap at the gate and the latch woke you lol. By the first couple turns you had it, That was great. That and the only guy that was hitting the jumps was you. Awesome... It also looked like you had another gear for them if they did ste it up, Great ride and vid.

DG, That is one clean machine. I always liked the trikes, I had the yamaha equivelent, Tri-Z 250. Death trap it was too. Not only do you have to steer and man handle a tripod, But when yamaha put the tri-z gas tanks under the seat, Made for a real bad weight bias. Keeping that front down was slim and none while riding.

To me age is just a number to lable. I guy my father worked with for many years handed my *** to me a couple summers ago at a local race. My father is 67yrs old so id say at least 65ish and he still races harescrambles, Trials and GNCC. Unless they make him go to the senior class, He goes to the B/C class so he has compitition.

02-23-2013, 12:08 PM
If your scared its over. Leave your helmet on the wall, if you ride scared you will get hurt. I feel you on I juries, broken back, wrist, both shoulders, right knee. Never cared about anything but when could I ride again. When I had my son I had to hang my helmet, can't get hurt and not be able to work. And with riding I know for a fact it's not when you wreck it's how bad because its gonna happen. Ride without fear or do not ride at all, that is my opinion.

02-23-2013, 04:33 PM
Yea I tried the whole 3 wheeler and it takes ALOT to get used to. Doesnt help the ones I road were so beat they had no suspension left. Takes real skill to ride one good. Friend of mine rode the heck outta 200x for eons, broke the frame too. he rides it so well we couldnt keep up on machines with double the power!

02-24-2013, 12:34 AM
ATC's were by far the best and wildest rides out there.

Even a shaft driven 200cc ATC could make a 400ex look bad.

You have to ride them like a bicycle that will flip over and kill you.

Once youve mastered the lean on a 3wheeler, you can take 90 degree turns at WOT without hesitation.

A stock 350x has a power to weight ratio comparable to a modded 450r.

A single cylinder stock 250r was compareable to a banshee.

ATC's are my favorite of all time, I would love to do a ATC resto but it would be to mount on a wall like in a museum. I just dont have time, money or the place to do it.

Besides, theres only 1 ride spot in all of Florida that allows atc's.

ATC's had quad kits, fat cat kits, all sorts of stuff we are never offered now a days.

Check this out!!!


02-24-2013, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by DragonGunner
Let me know when you go to Silver Lake Dunes....been going there for awhile now.....wife loves going to hang out on the beach and swim.....I ride awhile then go for a swim....been there several times over the yrs.
I am kind of hijackin this thread but -
Dragon, I just read your post out loud to my wife. I have been telling her that maybe the whole family could go and her and the kids (7, 7, & 10) could swim while I ride. If my older son (19) who is in college can't go it would be great to meet up with someone to ride with (or even if he does come). Great pic of you and the KTM hybrid at the dunes, is there any issue with the noise testing? I was worried about meeting the noise limit but if your KTM passes then I shouldn't have a problem. Two years ago I had a trip planned to Silver Lake (trip fell through) and after reading their regulations I was worried about passing the dB limit so I borrowed a meter from work and measured my quads 20" from the pipe as specified. According to their regulations they have a 98 dB limit at "half the rated RPM" Without a tach I used half throttle and my 500RX hybrid measured 117 dB at half throttle! That was an open end cap so I bought some discs and a closed endcap and with 12 discs it was still 111 dB. My stock 400EX with HMF slip-on measured 107 dB at half throttle. Now maybe half throttle is different than half RPM's? At full throttle the 500RX measured 126 dB with open end cap, 122 dB with 12 discs and 400EX full throttle was 112 dB.

I guess we could start another thread to talk about this since it is off topic.

02-24-2013, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by JOHNDOE83

You have to ride them like a bicycle that will flip over and kill you.


02-24-2013, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Blodg

If the mods don't complain....The first yr. they started sound levels was the only time I saw them check for noise....since then they have only checked to see if you have a regulation spark arrester...and even when they checked for sound they never had you rev it up...just idle...I still hear loud stuff.....just have your dics. in and shouldn't be a problem...plus in last few yrs they don't get the crowds like they use too....holidays and such they do though....just get the vouchers and tags for parking and quads when you get there....check out their website for that....swimming is best when its hot like July, August.....


02-25-2013, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Blodg
platinum, these feelings are something most go through and those of us that still ride find the risk is worth the reward.

I really enjoyed reading others stories so thought I would share mine. I had an interest in riding at a young age without ever being exposed to it so I guess maybe it really is "in our blood" My parents would have never bought me a dirtbike but I always dreamed about riding one even though I had never ridden anything. I can still remember on the long bus ride in grade school looking out the window and in my mind pretending I was riding a dirtbike along side the bus. I would imagine what it would be like to hit that hill over there or launch out of that ditch or whatever obstacles there were along the bus path. When I turned 18 I bought my first machine, a brand new 1986 ATC 200X. I rode the piss out of that thing for a year or two and then bought a TRX 250X and started racing MX around 20. During that time frame I owned a few different 250R's and raced MX until about 25. At this time I was like many of you and got married, bought a house, and had a child so I stopped racing and sold everything. I missed riding and a few years later the itch was strong so at 29 yrs old I bought another 250R and built it up (the hybrid in my sig) and started racing MX again.

I raced for 4 years and at 33 I had a bad wreck on a MX track breaking my jaw along with a huge gash on the jawline, broke several ribs which punctured my lung, and separated my shoulder. I was knocked out and rushed by ambulance to have surgery on my jaw and to inflate my lungs. I spent a full week in a hospital 3 hours away from home and missed 3 weeks of work. Even after this I still wanted to race and came back the next summer and ran 5 or 6 races at 34 years old. At that time I felt I had proven to myself that I wasn't "scared" after the bad injury, I had also gotten remarried, and was planning to have more kids so I retired from racing. My new wife and I bought 30 acres so I could have my own trails and since then I have always owned a quad and ridden a little but mostly on my own property. I had 3 more kids and as their activities took more time I didn't ride much for 7 or 8 years and I started missing it again. So at 42 I bought a 400EX and the last 3 years I have went on a few ATV trips and had a BLAST! I ride fast but my age and experience tell me when to back it off. Last year I rode more than I had the previous 8 years and was happy to see that at 44 yrs-old that with me on a mostly stock 400EX I am pushing the pace with 25 yr-olds from work on 450's and dirtbikes.

When I was younger and racing I thought trail riding was somewhat boring. And it can be on my property where I have ridden the trails and track hundreds of times. But the trips I have been on were extremely fun and now at 45 I am planning on 4 or 5 trips this year to Hatfield-McCoy, Wayne Nat'l Forest OH, Wellsville OH, Hillsville PA, and Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI. I am really looking forward to riding this year and almost feel like a woman who's biological clock is ticking LOL because at 45 my riding days are dwindling and I want to take advantage while I am still in good physical shape. As my younger kids get old enough I look forward to taking some ATV mini vacations and bringing the whole family in the next few years.

I have had many hobbies in my life and the most fun thing overall for me has been riding. I played a lot of golf in my mid 20's, I was really into bow hunting, I shot competitive 3D archery all over the eastern half of the country, I have owned street bikes and did the Harley thing for a year, I got into skiing for a while, I took my mountain bike around to different courses for a while, I raced RC cars for a while, and have went boating with friends which is a popular hobby with my co-workers but the one thing keeps calling me back is riding! Now at 45 yrs-old not a day goes by that I am not thinking about one of the trips that I plan to take this year. I told the wife I need to start looking for a bigger trailer for when the kids come along and she suggested I look at getting an enclosed trailer so she is very supportive. She rides my 4 x 4 on our property but she isn't really into it because she is too nervous riding on hills but I hope to get her to eventually come along too.

This has turned into a book but I wanted to show someone who has been into and out of riding a few times during my life but it keeps calling me back. I don't worry about injury because it is one of the most fun things I have ever been involved in and really the only hobby I have stuck with except for coaching my kids in their sporting activities. And not to mention what a great way for a middle-aged man to stay in shape. To each his own, but I have no desire to switch over to a RZR because I want to ride not drive. Right now I still enjoy getting some air and railing turns on my sport quads but I could see one day moving to a utility when I decide to slow down.

Wow Blodg, I have to say I can really relate to you man! I too used to day dream about them on the bus, at night, during school - literally all the time, picturing myself roosting dirt and hitting jumps lol. My parents refused to buy one for me too but I tried all the time. Every Christmas time I used to leave brochures out of the KX80 (my dream machine) everywhere along with magazines. They caved in an bought me a go kart which was fun for a little but then I saved enough money and bought a nice used KDX80...and that was the beginning to it all!

I was laughing when you went over all the hobbies you've done, I honestly tried mostl of those as well. Really it seemed as I was always trying to find something to fill my riding void but nothing ever satisfied it like actual riding. Boating was a lot of fun along with fishing which I did quite a bit of while I lived in Florida. Was planning on getting into archery last summer and may still try it. Did the RC cars (really liked the gas cars, reminded me of something else lol), RC Helicopters, target shooting with firearms & guns in general is another past time I'm fond of but it all comes full circle back to riding off road. I had several sport bikes and a Buell but I was too immature and wreckless and have banned myself from the street.

Sounds like you have a lot of seat time on the 250R's. I've always wanted to ride one but haven't gotten to yet. Interesting story man, especially about that nasty wreck of yours, which would've scared a lot of people out of riding! The 30+ acres of land, that is awesome! That's partly my dream now and think it would be a great way to spend time with the family, I think the kids would love it! That's also very cool about these trips your taking, I just recently heard about the Hatfield McCoy trail systems & hopefully will get to check them out sometime!

I also shared a books length for a comment lol. Anyway, thanks for sharing your story!

02-25-2013, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by DragonGunner
Someone say racing a 86' 200X ATC....?

DragonGunner that ATC is sweet and VERY clean, but like CJM - I don't know how you guys ride them things. I tried one twice and both times weren't good.

02-25-2013, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Here is a retro picture way back from the mid 80’s.


Ok, one more!


These are awesome old school pics slightlybent, makes me want to dig into the archives!

02-25-2013, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
This is me at 45. I could still ride this way today at 48...but switched to a bike. I am planning to race a 90 minute cross country race on the quad this year. I am pretty sure I can finish in the top 5 overall based on times I've recorded and compared to last year's race and riders.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/09fIU2Q1xNs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Very cool man, great ride! BTW what class was this? Looks like a nice track, where is it located?

02-25-2013, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by JOHNDOE83
ATC's were by far the best and wildest rides out there.

Even a shaft driven 200cc ATC could make a 400ex look bad.

You have to ride them like a bicycle that will flip over and kill you.

Once youve mastered the lean on a 3wheeler, you can take 90 degree turns at WOT without hesitation.

A stock 350x has a power to weight ratio comparable to a modded 450r.

A single cylinder stock 250r was compareable to a banshee.

ATC's are my favorite of all time, I would love to do a ATC resto but it would be to mount on a wall like in a museum. I just dont have time, money or the place to do it.

Besides, theres only 1 ride spot in all of Florida that allows atc's.

ATC's had quad kits, fat cat kits, all sorts of stuff we are never offered now a days.

Check this out!!!


That thing is crazy, never seen those kits before. I had an old school fat cat that I used to let my boys ride but nothing like that lol.

02-25-2013, 06:51 PM
I always wanted a fatcat, but damn they are rare!

02-25-2013, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by platinum350
Very cool man, great ride! BTW what class was this? Looks like a nice track, where is it located?

This is 40+ class at North Carolina Motosports Park near Henderson, NC...about an hour south of VA. (www.ncmp.net)

02-26-2013, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by DragonGunner
Let me know when you go to Silver Lake Dunes....been going there for awhile now.....wife loves going to hang out on the beach and swim.....I ride awhile then go for a swim....been there several times over the yrs.

same here, its about an hour and a half pull for me up there. thats actually where i got my start in riding (didn't own a dirt toy until i was 25). place gets small quick, but its a great atmosphere for hardcore guys and families alike. just stay away on the big three holiday weekends... it's a cluster f***.

02-26-2013, 07:31 AM
Another race weekend is under my belt, and I survived!lol
No I didn’t race but I did ride the track and practice Saturday with all my friends.
We got to ride a deferent track then we usually ride and it was a sand trap.lol
Saturday is practice day for the race an Sunday, and its an organized practice.
It was nice the first few practices but we moved a lot of sand and after a few hours the track was toast. It was like riding in a ditch!lol
All the lips on the jumps were terrible and you had no chance to jump and clear many of the jumps.
But it was deferent and a lot of fun, we have another race there this year and I heard we get the front track next time. It looks like a much better track then the one we raced on this weekend.
Next round is in 3 weeks and is going to be a 4,1/2 hour drive to the track. Road trip!
I see you guys up north are still playing in the snow!lol
I’ll try to find some pictures when they get posted.

02-26-2013, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
..I see you guys up north are still playing in the snow!lol.

yeah why don't you rub it in. :mad: :D

another half foot on the way this evening. :ermm:

02-26-2013, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by bbender85
yeah why don't you rub it in. :mad: :D

another half foot on the way this evening. :ermm:

I saw on the news about all the snow.
We had a cool front come through yesterday and it got down to 40 with a high of 68.lol
We'll pay for it in July when its 100+.lol

02-26-2013, 04:02 PM
Im actually pretty scared of having bad accidents now after the few Ive had.

Even though, I been toying with the idea of building a mini hybrid mx ATV so I can actually go somewhere to ride on weekends.

I figure a cr80r motor in a 400ex frame will be light enough to hurt less on impact and be plenty fast for me.

I just cant decide if tearing apart a pefectly good cr80 that I already have is worth it for the build or if Id rather have the cr80.

I think it would be slightly safer anyway:rolleyes:

03-01-2013, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by platinum350
Riding is definitely something that is instilled/ in our blood! I've been dying to ride since I last sold my quad 6 years ago. Since then I been putting it off buying another for financial reasons. Now that I got a new job things are looking up and can now afford to put some money away to get a new toy. Problem is, now that I'm older and have much more responsibilities including a 5 year old son....I think twice about things.

I've been concerned about the dangers of riding lately. I'm torn!I want to do what my passion is and ride but at the same time I can't afford any serious injuries...or worse. Not that I'm looking to race, just mainly trail ride and some dunes. I started thinking about another street bike but I know they're even more dangerous.

I know all about riding, been doing it since I was 6 and I'm now 35. Raced MX and have owned a ton of dirtbikes, ATV's and sport bikes. Anyway, has anyone else been going through the same thing...if so, did you decide to ride or not?

Had to vent! lol :eek2:

I understand and i'll tell ya , get one and enjoy it dont ride above your head and you'll be fine. I used to climb anything, play on a motorcross track and all that and i found out I don't need to do all that stuff to have fun. I trail ride now I have a 700XX and this thing would get you in all kinds of trouble if you want BUT I choose to trail ride ( at a fast pace) and I love it. I don't ever see myself not owning a quad.

03-01-2013, 08:41 PM
Apparently you’re not even safe in your own bed! Sink hole!! Really!!
You never know when your time is up. Get a quad and ride it while you still can.


03-02-2013, 05:18 PM
I completely understand your concerns. Let me tell you about my concerns and why I still ride. In 1986 I was 18 years old and was told I would eventually need a liver transplant from a condiition that Iwas suffering from that damaged my liver. I had Henoch schonlien purpura. It also ruined my entire intestines and colon. In 1998 Ihad all my intestines along with my colon removed and a colostomy bag installed. Then in 1999 Irecieved my new liver. I was told to take one year off work (construction work ) and then find a new line of work. Well Iwent back to work 19 days after the transplant and started motocross racing again in 2001. Every time I get on my quad Ithink about the what ifs. But, I'm not going to spend the rest of my life being a spectator and not participating. I myself have three childen almost all grown now. I live everyday like its my last. I take all the precautions I can and wear all the safety gear I can. I have fun , I just dont ride over my head. I'm 45 now and still going strong on my quads. Get back on a quad and live it up , just be resposnsible about it!!

03-03-2013, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by daveciak
I completely understand your concerns. Let me tell you about my concerns and why I still ride. In 1986 I was 18 years old and was told I would eventually need a liver transplant from a condiition that Iwas suffering from that damaged my liver. I had Henoch schonlien purpura. It also ruined my entire intestines and colon. In 1998 Ihad all my intestines along with my colon removed and a colostomy bag installed. Then in 1999 Irecieved my new liver. I was told to take one year off work (construction work ) and then find a new line of work. Well Iwent back to work 19 days after the transplant and started motocross racing again in 2001. Every time I get on my quad Ithink about the what ifs. But, I'm not going to spend the rest of my life being a spectator and not participating. I myself have three childen almost all grown now. I live everyday like its my last. I take all the precautions I can and wear all the safety gear I can. I have fun , I just dont ride over my head. I'm 45 now and still going strong on my quads. Get back on a quad and live it up , just be resposnsible about it!!

Very inspirational! I too am questioning the risks, but there is no way I can give it up. I'm almost 36. Mentally I feel like I'm in my early 20's, physically age is starting to catch up....but I hope I will be riding for many, many years to come.

03-04-2013, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by hotrodhonda400
I understand and i'll tell ya , get one and enjoy it dont ride above your head and you'll be fine. I used to climb anything, play on a motorcross track and all that and i found out I don't need to do all that stuff to have fun. I trail ride now I have a 700XX and this thing would get you in all kinds of trouble if you want BUT I choose to trail ride ( at a fast pace) and I love it. I don't ever see myself not owning a quad.

Your right hotrodHonda and I decided to go forth with purchasing a quad. I think I'm going to stick with a 400EX too. I'm excited and already looked at one but it was a turd. I'm going to ride with what Im comfortable and just not push my limits to hard.

03-04-2013, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by hotrodhonda400
I understand and i'll tell ya , get one and enjoy it dont ride above your head and you'll be fine. I used to climb anything, play on a motorcross track and all that and i found out I don't need to do all that stuff to have fun. I trail ride now I have a 700XX and this thing would get you in all kinds of trouble if you want BUT I choose to trail ride ( at a fast pace) and I love it. I don't ever see myself not owning a quad.

Your right hotrodHonda and I decided to go forth with purchasing a quad. I think I'm going to stick with a 400EX too. I'm excited and already looked at one but it was a turd. I'm going to ride with what Im comfortable and just not push my limits to hard.

03-04-2013, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Apparently you’re not even safe in your own bed! Sink hole!! Really!!
You never know when your time is up. Get a quad and ride it while you still can.


That's nuts, you really never know what'll get ya at the end!

03-04-2013, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by daveciak
I completely understand your concerns. Let me tell you about my concerns and why I still ride. In 1986 I was 18 years old and was told I would eventually need a liver transplant from a condiition that Iwas suffering from that damaged my liver. I had Henoch schonlien purpura. It also ruined my entire intestines and colon. In 1998 Ihad all my intestines along with my colon removed and a colostomy bag installed. Then in 1999 Irecieved my new liver. I was told to take one year off work (construction work ) and then find a new line of work. Well Iwent back to work 19 days after the transplant and started motocross racing again in 2001. Every time I get on my quad Ithink about the what ifs. But, I'm not going to spend the rest of my life being a spectator and not participating. I myself have three childen almost all grown now. I live everyday like its my last. I take all the precautions I can and wear all the safety gear I can. I have fun , I just dont ride over my head. I'm 45 now and still going strong on my quads. Get back on a quad and live it up , just be resposnsible about it!!

Wow daveciak, very inspirational indeed - thank you for sharing your story!! I have decided to get another quad and I can't wait. I know you really can't worry about the "what if's" especially because 90% of the time, the things you worry about never happen. Great to hear your riding after all that.

03-05-2013, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by platinum350
Your right hotrodHonda and I decided to go forth with purchasing a quad. I think I'm going to stick with a 400EX too. I'm excited and already looked at one but it was a turd. I'm going to ride with what Im comfortable and just not push my limits to hard. Great thats good to hear, the 400ex it a great choice its hard to beat an ol'400. I know where your at with the danger part of it I've got kids and that slowed me down big time;)

03-05-2013, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by hotrodhonda400
Great thats good to hear, the 400ex it a great choice its hard to beat an ol'400. I know where your at with the danger part of it I've got kids and that slowed me down big time;)

I didn't start racing and getting hurt until i was divorced an had my kids.....LOL.....few times my oldest son had to help me around, when I was mending up......kid came in pretty handy.

03-06-2013, 07:37 AM
Originally posted by hotrodhonda400
Great thats good to hear, the 400ex it a great choice its hard to beat an ol'400. I know where your at with the danger part of it I've got kids and that slowed me down big time;)

Yea, I feel good with my choice too! Just trying to decide between the older style or the '05-07 model. Reverse is nice but not sure I care so much for the new plastics. Yea, kids will do that lol!

And yea, a divorce will do that too DragonGunner haha

03-06-2013, 08:50 AM
Reverse is nice, but over rated lol.

03-06-2013, 10:17 AM

03-06-2013, 10:19 AM
Not that I'd ever consider using it if I had it :D

03-06-2013, 10:26 AM
Reverse is nice, when we go trail riding, all my friends on there 450’s have to jump off and turn around. I just hit reverse and I’m done and waiting for them to mount back up.lol

03-06-2013, 11:22 AM
I think we all feel that way. It is part of getting old, actual conscience kicking in. I used to be a nut, blast trails with out ever riding them before. Now I am always like hey guys why are we trying to burn the trails down, we are riding for fun, no trophy or money for the winner, LOL.


03-06-2013, 12:22 PM
Exactly John, that conscious is been very active with me lately lol! That's how I used to ride too,but I think like you I will slow it down a little.

03-06-2013, 01:39 PM
funny, this thread got me thinking about racing again. Ordered new numbers yesterday so I can race March 17th in VA in a cross country race.


I joined this organization last year and my number has to be in the 400-499 range. I took 405 since it was available.

03-07-2013, 03:26 PM
Good Luck in the series Jon, Let me know how you do.

Man theres alot in this post but just for the record

51 & still doing mx at the track on a 450 quad. I quit racing. Nothing to prove. My days are numbered - I should move on to other things. No bike in my future.

Thinking of putting pontoons on my toyhauler so I won't have to sell it & then I'll be a sailer. :rolleyes:

03-07-2013, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by sunco
Good Luck in the series Jon, Let me know how you do.

Thanks Don. I'll let you know. I am planning to do as many of them as I can just for a change of pace in riding areas. Last year Connie and I raced together in the men's 40+ class and I stayed just ahead of her the whole race until I let her pass me about 100 yards before the finish line. This year it will just be me so I can let loose.

03-08-2013, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
funny, this thread got me thinking about racing again. Ordered new numbers yesterday so I can race March 17th in VA in a cross country race.


I joined this organization last year and my number has to be in the 400-499 range. I took 405 since it was available.

Awesome! Good luck with it!

03-08-2013, 07:56 AM
I was looking at some safety gear and saw the EVS R4 Racing Collar, actually tried it on with a helmet and really liked it. I also did some research on it and it got really good reviews. Any of you have this? I think this may be more suitable and more affordable for my type of riding.

03-10-2013, 08:37 PM
Glad to see this subject pop up. I was never good at racing, but always loved riding since i got a moto 4 when i was 8. I sold all of riding gear and my quad a few years ago after getting hurt bad enough to not be able to walk for a few months. I have regretted it ever since. So this winter i bought all new gear and a walsh 450r and completely rebuilt it. Ill probably only go ride at practices, but it would be awesome to just race a national someday. Im almost 30 now and cant afford to get hurt. Im a cell tower technician and it requires a lot of physical activity. So ill be singling all the jumps, but if thats what it takes to be at work on monday morning then so be it.

Also, i just picked up this leatt 3DF chest protector. Anyone tried this out yet?

03-11-2013, 06:37 AM
Originally posted by jasonjonesjj


that a retired nick moser rig?

03-11-2013, 10:22 AM
jasonjonesjj, sounds like your in a similar boat as me too...I definitely can't risk being out of work!

So what are your thoughts so far on that chest protector? I've been looking at a couple and haven't found anything I really like. The one you have tsays it's foam, that worries me a little as I doubt foam would protect as good as a hard plastic.

I tried on the Fox Titan sport coat and really liked that for protection. The downside was that it's meant to be put under a jersey (asuming your Leatt is same way) and after the jersey is on, I looked like a fooball with their pads or Frankenstein lol.

BTW, sweet 450!

03-11-2013, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by CJM
The sand at least somewhat cushions my falls, but regular dirt and the hill at treverton didnt. I was ridingup, go within 3 ft of the top and just bogged down and spun out. Tried to roll back but it kicked sideways and well I already told ya the rest. Amazing the quad survived-it literally cartwheeled down like 4 stories lol


So I went and bought a 2007 400EX on Saturday! Me and 4 other guys went out riding trails that I'm very familiar with and had a great day....until, I had the dreaded accident. It was almost the same deal as CJM had, link posted above.

I was heading up a hill climb (not as big as the one in video) and at the top was a bunch of rocks. My motor bogged down a little at the top where the rocks where so I hit the gas a little which caused my front end to come up. I let off the gas to bring the front down and next thing you know I'm rolling backwards down the hill on the quad, missing every tree. I'm trying to jump off of it but couldn't and knew it was a matter of time till I hit a tree or start rolling. I was dragging the front brake which wasn't enough so I gave a little back brake and whoop, front wheels in the air and the quad came down on me.

Luckily I had my chest protector which helped soften the blow but I'm in pain. Chest and back bruised up a bit, moving is very uncomfortable, let along blowing my nose or coughing. Decided to see the Doc today for x-rays. Wonder if I jinxed myself with this original post lol.

03-11-2013, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by platinum350
So I went and bought a 2007 400EX on Saturday! Me and 4 other guys went out riding trails that I'm very familiar with and had a great day....until, I had the dreaded accident. It was almost the same deal as CJM had, link posted above.

I was heading up a hill climb (not as big as the one in video) and at the top was a bunch of rocks. My motor bogged down a little at the top where the rocks where so I hit the gas a little which caused my front end to come up. I let off the gas to bring the front down and next thing you know I'm rolling backwards down the hill on the quad, missing every tree. I'm trying to jump off of it but couldn't and knew it was a matter of time till I hit a tree or start rolling. I was dragging the front brake which wasn't enough so I gave a little back brake and whoop, front wheels in the air and the quad came down on me.

Luckily I had my chest protector which helped soften the blow but I'm in pain. Chest and back bruised up a bit, moving is very uncomfortable, let along blowing my nose or coughing. Decided to see the Doc today for x-rays. Wonder if I jinxed myself with this original post lol.

Did you really wreck on your first ride, or are you trying to pull a fast one?
If you did wreck, at least you got it out of the way on your first ride.lol
But really I hope it doesn’t discourage you, and you get well soon.
See, wearing protection never hurts; you never know when something can happen.
Even on a short slow ride, you just never know.
Dang dude! that sucks.

03-11-2013, 11:39 AM
I am the bail king for sure. When I climb, I go until I stop. I do what I can to hold the quad with the front and rear brake. I always stall the quad if this happens by never pulling in the clutch. You can't believe how quickly I can jump off the quad to the right hand side and hold onto the front brake lever. Hopefully this holds the quad. If not, I let it go. I am never taking a backward ride with my quad. I've bailed on nearly straight up and down climbs before. I have this maneuver ingrained in me when I go up a questionable climb. My 400ex is worth about $2k at best so it isn't worth saving. Folks behind me better be prepared if it comes down to it.

The only time I get into trouble is trying to climb up rock ledges. I've had it abruptly stop and essentially bounce backwards before I've had a chance to do anything. Needless to say, this is the type of climbing I've stopped doing now.

I just turned my pride and joy 2006 450r mx quad into a trail quad about 6 months ago or so. I haven't been tested yet on it. :) I might not let go! :(

03-11-2013, 12:44 PM
Hope its just hurt pride and nothing more than a couple days of lag. Good to hear your a gear guy, Im still old school, Lid, Gloves and sunglasses/goggles. Everytime i would put a chest protector on it felt like false security.

Dont feel too bad, When i got back on, It was a four stroke and i had no clue how to react to their power. Slammed right into a tree and FUBAR'd my at the time new nerf's and a couple other spots not as bad.

Just take it easy and chalk it up to not being on a quad for X amount of time. Clean and fix it back up for this weekend and kick the hill's ***** that claimed you. Good luck either way, Hope you come out fine.

03-11-2013, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Did you really wreck on your first ride, or are you trying to pull a fast one?
If you did wreck, at least you got it out of the way on your first ride.lol
But really I hope it doesn’t discourage you, and you get well soon.
See, wearing protection never hurts; you never know when something can happen.
Even on a short slow ride, you just never know.
Dang dude! that sucks.

Do you believe it, I sure couldn't!! I was shocked I wrecked my first ride!! You really never know when something will happen...I was taking it easy too! I'm actually writing this from x-ray place, about to get x-rays on my chest. Ugh!
Thanks man, I appreciate it. Lol my friend the same thing, at least you got it out of the way! I have I say it did discourage me a little but not throwing in the towel yet!

03-11-2013, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
I am the bail king for sure. When I climb, I go until I stop. I do what I can to hold the quad with the front and rear brake. I always stall the quad if this happens by never pulling in the clutch. You can't believe how quickly I can jump off the quad to the right hand side and hold onto the front brake lever. Hopefully this holds the quad. If not, I let it go. I am never taking a backward ride with my quad. I've bailed on nearly straight up and down climbs before. I have this maneuver ingrained in me when I go up a questionable climb. My 400ex is worth about $2k at best so it isn't worth saving. Folks behind me better be prepared if it comes down to it.

The only time I get into trouble is trying to climb up rock ledges. I've had it abruptly stop and essentially bounce backwards before I've had a chance to do anything. Needless to say, this is the type of climbing I've stopped doing now.

I just turned my pride and joy 2006 450r mx quad into a trail quad about 6 months ago or so. I haven't been tested yet on it. :) I might not let go! :(

Haha I wish I learned your technique! I tried getting off but I waited to long and was rolling back, fast! I was thinking about it and wondering what I could have done different and what the best way to get out of trouble when that situation arrises. I think the answer is what you do, and bail before it starts backwards hopefully being off the quad and grabbing the front brake.

03-11-2013, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by platinum350
Do you believe it, I sure couldn't!! I was shocked I wrecked my first ride!! You really never know when something will happen...I was taking it easy too! I'm actually writing this from x-ray place, about to get x-rays on my chest. Ugh!
Thanks man, I appreciate it. Lol my friend the same thing, at least you got it out of the way! I have I say it did discourage me a little but not throwing in the towel yet!

I'd be more worried about internal bleeding and blood clots than broken ribs or cracked sternum. They won't do anything for ribs or sternum except to tell you that you can ride again as soon as the pain is bearable.

Glad to hear you will keep riding. Crazy **** happens. I was out for 8 months after shoulder surgery and tore my MCL in a freak get off after I was back on the quad for 1.5 hrs. What really sucked was my engine was with Baldwin so I bought a brand new 2007 engine and put it into my quad so I could make this one trip to BPG for Dream Camp. By the time my MCL healed, I had my engine back. I've had a nearly new engine sitting on my bench for 2+ years. It has 2 hrs max on it.

03-11-2013, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by KKiowaTJ
Hope its just hurt pride and nothing more than a couple days of lag. Good to hear your a gear guy, Im still old school, Lid, Gloves and sunglasses/goggles. Everytime i would put a chest protector on it felt like false security.

Dont feel too bad, When i got back on, It was a four stroke and i had no clue how to react to their power. Slammed right into a tree and FUBAR'd my at the time new nerf's and a couple other spots not as bad.

Just take it easy and chalk it up to not being on a quad for X amount of time. Clean and fix it back up for this weekend and kick the hill's ***** that claimed you. Good luck either way, Hope you come out fine.

haha exactly what Isaid, got to get out there and climb that son of a bit&h! lol sounds like you had a similar 1st time back riding again story, which sucks!

Yea man,m that's what I'm going to do...chalk it up and try not to let it get to me! Thanks man, appreciate it!

03-11-2013, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
I'd be more worried about internal bleeding and blood clots than broken ribs or cracked sternum. They won't do anything for ribs or sternum except to tell you that you can ride again as soon as the pain is bearable.

Glad to hear you will keep riding. Crazy **** happens. I was out for 8 months after shoulder surgery and tore my MCL in a freak get off after I was back on the quad for 1.5 hrs. What really sucked was my engine was with Baldwin so I bought a brand new 2007 engine and put it into my quad so I could make this one trip to BPG for Dream Camp. By the time my MCL healed, I had my engine back. I've had a nearly new engine sitting on my bench for 2+ years. It has 2 hrs max on it.

Honestly, that's what I was more worried about was internal bleeding, didn't really think about blood clots but that I now could see why that would be something to worry about! I knew they couldn't do anything about broken ribs..been there before. I wasn't planning on going to the Dr's but figured I'd let them check me out anyway. Waiting to hear back regarding the x-rays.

Damn, that sucks man about those injuries and buying the second motor! Surprised you haven't sold it or keeping it in case?

03-11-2013, 03:49 PM
BTW, here she is:



03-11-2013, 04:20 PM
Now is that before you flipped it, or after.lol Looks good man.
Next time you take a picture, remember to move your finger.lol

03-11-2013, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by slightlybent47
Now is that before you flipped it, or after.lol Looks good man.
Next time you take a picture, remember to move your finger.lol

haha actually it was after I flipped it! I'll tell you it was very painful but had to be done. By the time I finished I heard/felt a clicking coming from my sternum. Looks like I need to work not only on my hill climbs, but my picture taking process lol. Thanks man

03-11-2013, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by platinum350
Damn, that sucks man about those injuries and buying the second motor! Surprised you haven't sold it or keeping it in case?

For now, just keeping it. So hard to get anything reasonable out of stuff today so it is worth more to me as a spare. I forgot the good part too. My old motor had an HRC setup in it so I bought an HRC setup for this motor too since my carb was already setup. So, it has a brand new HRC cam in it too.

I've thought about going back to electric start since I had my mx quad converted to kickstart. The only thing is I would have to get a new wiring harness. Baldwin completely stripped out all the unnecessary components and added a condensor back.

I once had a utility quad roll down a hill and hit me on the leg behind my knee. I was going up a hillclimb that had never been done accept for once by me about 1 minute earlier. The front end lifted then the quad turned sideways. I tried to get away from the quad but went down the hill head first then the quad came down and just slammed me in that one spot at my knee. I ended up with a 1.5-2 pint hematoma (which caused my vision to go black and white and narrow but I didn't quite pass out). Doctor said if I would have punctured my skin that I would have bled out. Only thing that saved me was I couldn't bleed anymore because there was no where left for the blood to go. You don't luck out like that when the bleeding is in your chest cavity.

03-14-2013, 07:41 AM
Good thread... Im 37 with 4 kids so can't afford to ride hard anymore either.. Got hurt and had back surgery a few years back and sold all my stuff. My oldest son who is 14 wanted to start riding again so just picked up two more quads.. Nothing to prove anymore and just plan on hitting some practice days to ride with him.. Picked up a pair of Leatt's too.. Didnt have them last I rode so sure they will take some getting used to.. Same with this 450 4stroke... Kind of missing the snappiness of my old Honda 250r.. But know if I got another it would get me in too much trouble ;)

03-14-2013, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
For now, just keeping it. So hard to get anything reasonable out of stuff today so it is worth more to me as a spare. I forgot the good part too. My old motor had an HRC setup in it so I bought an HRC setup for this motor too since my carb was already setup. So, it has a brand new HRC cam in it too.

I've thought about going back to electric start since I had my mx quad converted to kickstart. The only thing is I would have to get a new wiring harness. Baldwin completely stripped out all the unnecessary components and added a condensor back.

I once had a utility quad roll down a hill and hit me on the leg behind my knee. I was going up a hillclimb that had never been done accept for once by me about 1 minute earlier. The front end lifted then the quad turned sideways. I tried to get away from the quad but went down the hill head first then the quad came down and just slammed me in that one spot at my knee. I ended up with a 1.5-2 pint hematoma (which caused my vision to go black and white and narrow but I didn't quite pass out). Doctor said if I would have punctured my skin that I would have bled out. Only thing that saved me was I couldn't bleed anymore because there was no where left for the blood to go. You don't luck out like that when the bleeding is in your chest cavity.

Damn man,that sounds nasty! I think I'm going to stay away from any inclines from here on out!! lol

03-14-2013, 10:24 AM
Take up woods, GNCC ETC. no jumps, go fast through trees (youre not going THAT fast).