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View Full Version : Cycle Ranch Quad track

02-01-2013, 04:58 PM
Hey guys,

So Cycle Ranch here in Floresville, TX got a new owner, and after talking to them for a few years, I have finally convinced the new owner.

Basically what he asked was for me to create a Fan Page on FaceBook and reach a goal of 5,000 "Likes". But by doing this we are trying to get everyone together who will make the trip(s) out regularly to ride.

If we can have a good amount of riders regularly it will be enough for them to build a new section or add to the track every week or so, and of course the more income from it the better prep it can have. And of course this is great because you wouldn't necessarily be riding the same thing all the time.

So it is more than just "Get the likes and we start building" but it is a chance to gather our ATV community and have another place to ride down here.

Once we reach about halfway we will start asking what you guys would like to see on the track and if anyone has any recommendations.

Here is the link to the page (http://www.facebook.com/crquadtrack)