View Full Version : opinion on shock covers?

02-01-2013, 09:18 AM
Hey guys i have a brand new set of Axis shocks that id like to protect. I would like to get shocks covers through custom axis, but i dont want the covers to wear the powdercoat off the springs. Will this happen? Anyone that runs shock covers please chime in! Thanks!

02-01-2013, 09:31 AM
Sorry no experience but I'm curious on this too.. apparently, as long as you wash the quad with them off and let them dry before putting them back on you'll be good to go.. Leaving them on with the moisture is what hurts the shocks.

fwiw I will be looking for some after hearing the responses over on the .org..

D Bergstrom
02-01-2013, 10:00 AM
I run covers on my Motowoz shocks when I race, I run them to keep roost off the shafts to avoid seal damage. I only run them on the front shocks. Have never had a problem, but like Chronicsmoke said, I always take them off when I wash the quad, and then wash the covers seperately. I actually only run them when I race, so other then a few times a year, they don't get used.

The covers don't take the powder coat off my springs, but I think that depends more on the quality of the cover and the quality of the powder on the springs.


02-01-2013, 05:23 PM
I don't runnem they seem to trap dirt dust and mud.

02-02-2013, 09:39 AM
You could also look into Quad Tech shock guards. I have them on my PEP's and I'm very happy with them. I got the plastic ones, not the carbon fiber.

02-02-2013, 11:33 AM
I run the neoprene shock covers on my pep's and i dont know what kind of covers you are looking for but with these it doesnt take off my powdercoat, but it makes the outside of my springs get dirty and i take apart the springs and stuff to clean it but no problems with powdercoat for me.

02-04-2013, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Lquad71
I run the neoprene shock covers on my pep's and i dont know what kind of covers you are looking for but with these it doesnt take off my powdercoat, but it makes the outside of my springs get dirty and i take apart the springs and stuff to clean it but no problems with powdercoat for me.

I ran them on my first set of PEP's and they would always get caught in the zps spring and get chewed up. I didn't even bother with them on the 450.