View Full Version : ouch :/

01-31-2013, 07:23 PM
was riding my 400 today. got saddle bagged on a log. picked up the front up to get it off the log and when i dropped it the handle bar came through my helmet and cracked me in my jaw..... broke the clutch lever, busted my lip, and chipped 5 teeth

def didnt expect that to happen

01-31-2013, 09:26 PM
That sucks man.

I had 2 bad ex crash's, one I drove off a 12ft high berm on a mx track and left with a concussion and a softball sized giant welt on my thigh. It took 5 minutes for them to realize I wasnt on the track before they found me and woke me up :blah:

Another time I had got run off the road at WOT by another person I was racing, the only injury I had was a partially amputated hand. The front brake resevoir went almost completely through my wrist while the atv was fipping end over end down the road next to me...lol.

Anyway I cant MX for that reason anymore.

Thank god for helmets or I might not be telling this story!

ALWAYS WERE A HELMET!!!!! even if your only going out the driveway!!!

02-01-2013, 06:07 AM
Wow those both are really bad crashes i haven't crashed that hard yet. I hate watching YouTube videos and seeing people not wearing helmets it's so stupid

02-01-2013, 07:11 AM
Wow those both are really bad crashes i haven't crashed that hard yet. I hate watching YouTube videos and seeing people not wearing helmets it's so stupid

02-01-2013, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by JOHNDOE83
That sucks man.

I had 2 bad ex crash's, one I drove off a 12ft high berm on a mx track and left with a concussion and a softball sized giant welt on my thigh. It took 5 minutes for them to realize I wasnt on the track before they found me and woke me up :blah:

Another time I had got run off the road at WOT by another person I was racing, the only injury I had was a partially amputated hand. The front brake resevoir went almost completely through my wrist while the atv was fipping end over end down the road next to me...lol.

Anyway I cant MX for that reason anymore.

Thank god for helmets or I might not be telling this story!

ALWAYS WERE A HELMET!!!!! even if your only going out the driveway!!!

Amen on the helmet!!!!!

Night time, lost my bearings and went off 8' ridge headfirst in a creek, helmet face down in water and EX on top of me, got it off me and stood up...friends found me and asked what the heck I was doing!!! It was march and very cold, broke my ankle.

Badlands...going fast in 4th gear through woops an 6 dirtbikes side by side drag racing,,, missed 5 of them, head on colision with 6th, almost knocked me out, broke a arm and spun be around, somehow I was still sitting on the EX and dirtbike guy flew about 20yds through the air unhurt....I was banged up pretty bad, nephew took me to local hospital, ripped all the lingaments out of my shoulder....took 3 weeks before I could lift my arm past 6" to get a fork up to my mouth......those are my worse crashes....but not all of them!!!!

02-01-2013, 08:31 AM
Ive had a couple messups aswell lol At a local race 4 of us quads were fighting for the holeshot and I got the ruff end of the deal lol flipped 5 times grab bar went in my back and knocked me out, quad was unhurt lol I left with a concussion, broken wrist, broken forearm, sprained legs and sore lol

02-01-2013, 10:54 AM
I've broken alot of bones in quad and three wheeler crashes(around the 15 or 20 mark) but all of them were just stupid little crashes where I landed wrong or did something stupid at slow speed and ended up breaking 2 or 3 bones. All my major crashes (hitting a friend head on at about 30 mph and a 4th gear wheelie that I pulled up too hard and hit the grab bar on the ground, among others) I walked away with nothing more than a few scraps and bruises. Most of them I was wearing a helmet (I couldn't afford one when I was younger, parents got me one for christmas after my first couple crashes) and I know that it would have been worse if I hadn't. After every crash my helmet would have 2 or 3 more gouges or deep scratches in it that would have cracked my skull and gave me a concussion for sure if I hadn't of had it on.