View Full Version : 8 Plate clutch info and questions

01-19-2013, 08:31 PM
I finally got around to put my 8 plate clutch in. I have a Hinson quick change cover on a XR400 cover. Full hinson basket, inner hub and outer plate and 8 plate kit.

I fit the whole kit behind a stock EX cover and nothing seemed to rub. I also put the quick cover setup on it too. Unsure which i am going to run yet. I need a couple bolts, and a XR cover gasket to use the quick cover. Plus i dont really have a need for the quick cover as i rarely need to change my clutch.

I plan to put the 8 plate kit in the stock EX basket to see if it fit and functions in it too.

I ran into a couple questions. What does everyone use to hold the clutch gear and primary drive gear when removing the clutch hub nut and the primary drive gear? Manual says special tool. I tried the penny trick from the 250r manual but it just got cut it in 2. I was able to get the clutch hub nut off and I dont necessarilly need to remove the primary drive gear to remove the cam chain but i want to know how others have done it.

And last, what does everyone do to clean out the crankcase and right side of the engine? Brake parts cleaner? Any harm in using this? Or carb/choke cleaner? Thanks.

01-19-2013, 08:45 PM
When I got my 8 plate setup from GT Thunder the pressure plate was machined down to fit the extra plate in. Stronger clutch, but downside was when its not in gear even when warm its kinda hard to push.

As for holding it could use a nickel. I have the tusk tool and its worthit. Kinda like a big pair of vise grips really. I used an impact gun to zip off the nut and put it on.

Use brake parts cleaner, make sure its dry when done. Carb cleaner leaves a residue.

01-19-2013, 08:57 PM
Ok, i have the motion pro tool from my 250r, just didnt have it at the shop today. But with the primary gear nut, i cant hold the inner hub with the tool can i? So your saying use the nickel for the primary drive gear and the tool for the clutch nut?

01-19-2013, 09:14 PM
And CJM, when you say hard to push, you mean hard to push the whole bike?

01-19-2013, 11:04 PM
Yea you can use a nickel if I recall. I know a penny should hold it as well. Nickels a bit stronger. The tool may also hold it however.

And yes its harder to push, the clutch doesnt release as easy at all despite adjustingit. I emailed GTT and they said its the nature of the beast.

01-20-2013, 05:42 AM
I never had any issues getting the nut off. I use an impact gun and hold the basket with my other hand. I have done it on at least three different quads with no problem.

01-20-2013, 08:26 AM
If you get a chance can you see if the springs for your 8 plate clutch are the same length as the ones for a seven plate clutch? I bought a Hinson pressure plate off of EBay and it said it was for an 8 plate clutch, but I want to see if I can use it with my 7 plate setup. The fingers that the springs rest in are a little shorter, so I am guessing that the springs are shorter. But I am not for sure. Any help would be great before I slap it in there and mess something up!

01-20-2013, 10:51 AM
Side by Side, the springs appeared the same. Who knows if the material or coil thickness is different. I'll put them in a calipers or micrometer for the length. I have an 8 plate kit that came with the Hinson setup, no springs or bolts and I have a GT 8 plate setup with the springs. Let measure the bolt bosses on both my pressure plates and get back to you.

01-27-2013, 12:06 AM
Have you had a chance to measure your pressure plates yet?