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01-15-2013, 03:45 PM
He was an icon, now it seems he's almost hated.

What's ur guys opinion on this?

01-15-2013, 05:39 PM
i mean all im sayin is where did he get those i wanna truck load.

01-15-2013, 07:06 PM
It's hard to say, I have always been a fan, but nobody likes a cheater. So there are definitely mixed feelings about it. However, he has done a lot for the sport, such as getting it recognized. So I think the sport is better overall than it was before he started winning and they can't take that away.

01-15-2013, 10:33 PM
Lance past the test when they issued them. My understanding is what Lance took was not against the rules when he tested, so how can he be called a cheater? The substances was banned after the fact, so what he was on PEDs that where not banned yet.

My body has all but quit producing testosterone, so I get a shot every other week. This helps me build muscle and stamina, am I cheating the guys I race against because my body quit producing and I need a shot?

01-16-2013, 06:33 AM
Originally posted by KingpinsEx
It's hard to say, I have always been a fan, but nobody likes a cheater. So there are definitely mixed feelings about it. However, he has done a lot for the sport, such as getting it recognized. So I think the sport is better overall than it was before he started winning and they can't take that away.

he is essentially, the best "cheater" out of a sport of "cheaters"......professional cycling, espeically in the pro ranks, has been well documented as the most corrupt sport when it comes to, as i guess people call cheating, using PED's to gain an edge. every single TDF that lance won, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, etc place guys all tested positive for PED's or got caught blood dopping or doing something.

The one tour he won, you had to go back to as far as 8th place to find a clean winner, adn that guy got caught cheating the next. and in another, you had to go back as far as 16th to find a clean competitor. its just a corrupt sport

so, if everyone your competing against is doing the same drugs and dopping as you are, then doesnt that essentially level the playing field? i honestly think that if every single person competing in the tour was using PED's, or if they all werent, including lance, lance still would have won. i think he has a super ability and a talent that no one else has. he's kind of like tiger woods, or RC, or Usane Bolt, or Jon Jones, or Michael Phelps, or Lindsey Vonn....or any other super gifted freak athlete...he just has what no one else has currently in their repsective era..

now with that said, its hard to fathom what kind of moral and social demons you have to poses to lie that much and for that long and be so sure of it. it has to take some sort of sociapathic thinking, but watching him beat all those cheating frenchmen, italian dude, and english and german douche bags was pretty ganster as a mo fugger!

01-16-2013, 06:41 AM
also i read somewhere that he is only comming foroward with the confession, not to clear his name or conscious, not to really put the public at ease, but he is SOOOOO addicted to competing and competing in cycling and triathalons that the only way the UCI would agree to lift his lifetime ban was if he came forward with the truth

people forget, or just dont know, that he was a champion triathlete before his "Tour" days, and he has been a super competitve triathlete since

01-16-2013, 05:18 PM
After working in the cycling industry and being a competitor myself in the off road segment as training for MX, I can say that yes pro cycling has been this way for a long time. The sad portion of this is that he has done so much for not only the sport but many people who looked up to him as inspiration to start cycling. I have sold countless bikes in the hopes that the new riders could compete in the same spirit he did. I don't care in the least about his choices. He passed the tests and so did the others. Let's face it, every sport is like this to a degree (football and injections) and no matter how doped up any of us are, we may never be able to accomplish this much for a sport let alone cycling. I celebrate his 7 wins just as anybody else would had he not been trialed. I hope that I can someday make as big of an impact to those with problems like he has and no I never used him as an idol but I have come to the conclusion, why is there even mixed feelings. Poor guy-another victim of media and political correctness.

01-16-2013, 07:32 PM
Everyone else cheated so why does it matter?

01-17-2013, 02:40 AM
I dont have problem with what he has admitted, like stated above everyone else was on the same junk so what makes the difference? The other day when I posted this I was watching espn and it almost like he done something that was terrible. Kinda upsetting in a way really all the stuff he's done with getting over the cancer and still even being able to compete still makes him a hero in my eyes. Most people that deal with that are lucky to live or even have a normal life again.

Im kinda anxious to see what all is said in the taping.

01-17-2013, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by zyoung04
I dont have problem with what he has admitted, like stated above everyone else was on the same junk so what makes the difference? The other day when I posted this I was watching espn and it almost like he done something that was terrible. Kinda upsetting in a way really all the stuff he's done with getting over the cancer and still even being able to compete still makes him a hero in my eyes. Most people that deal with that are lucky to live or even have a normal life again.

Im kinda anxious to see what all is said in the taping.

pfffff...forget lance, i wanna know what the deal is with manti te'o?!

i hate ND, and i dont like mormons...i think when it's all said and done, and it comes out, that he was in on it, orchestrated the whole gf thing, and he was covering up that he was gay:devil:

01-17-2013, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by ben300
pfffff...forget lance, i wanna know what the deal is with manti te'o?!

i hate ND, and i dont like mormons...i think when it's all said and done, and it comes out, that he was in on it, orchestrated the whole gf thing, and he was covering up that he was gay:devil:

Either he's one weird cat or like u said he's trying to cover something up. We all know a thing or two about this stuff, u wouldn't think a guy of his starure would have to resort to a online relationship I mean come on he's a d1 star bound for the nfl.

Like I seen this morning he supposably said all this stuff that he cared so much for her she was sick he never went to visit the girl and when she died he never attended the funeral. Sounds fishy to me.

01-17-2013, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by zyoung04
Either he's one weird cat or like u said he's trying to cover something up. We all know a thing or two about this stuff, u wouldn't think a guy of his starure would have to resort to a online relationship I mean come on he's a d1 star bound for the nfl.

Like I seen this morning he supposably said all this stuff that he cared so much for her she was sick he never went to visit the girl and when she died he never attended the funeral. Sounds fishy to me.

it sounds waaaayyy fishy

its hard to say what really is going on here. i for one think he's totally in on it and perpetrated these lies with his one buddy. innitially i kinda figured it was to give him some kind of remarkable story to help his heisman chances since he is a pure defensive player, and no pure defensive player has ever won the heisman.

but now theres all these people that are speculating that he is gay and put on this elaborate hoaks to cover it up.

who knows....all i know is that i really dislike notre dame, and all i believe is he's totally overated and got exposed in teh BCS game.

i work with a couple of mormons. directly. really nice dudes. super friendly, very helpful, but man are they some strange cats when it comes down to it.

01-22-2013, 10:08 AM
A cheater, is a cheater , is a cheater. The only difference between and other cheats, he did it very well. He didn't test positive because he was having blood transfusions and having more oxygen pumped into his blood in the weeks prior to the competition. Everyone has a guilty conscience and I think his finally got to him. A person can only deny deny deny for so long before the web of lies because too much.

01-22-2013, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
A cheater, is a cheater , is a cheater. The only difference between and other cheats, he did it very well. He didn't test positive because he was having blood transfusions and having more oxygen pumped into his blood in the weeks prior to the competition. Everyone has a guilty conscience and I think his finally got to him. A person can only deny deny deny for so long before the web of lies because too much.

rumor was he is addicted to competing in those races and he was competely banned by the UCI and reportedly the only way they'd lift the ban is if he admitted to it.

dude is a grade A+, 110% narcacist, just like any other elite level athlete. No conscious envolved there. He's just like ol' eldrick woods. if he'd of never gotten caught, he'd still be doing it...