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View Full Version : Stolen 05 Trx450r Reward For Help Finding It

01-15-2013, 12:05 PM
my cousin recently sold his 05 450r to a guy named
Richard Johnson in Jonesboro, GA
an he payed with a fake cashiers check. Guy wont answer his phone if its even really his cause number is a
Clevelannd, Ohio number
NEED any help to locate this quad or anything will give REWARD if its found... ill add best pics i have ... this is a big deal for me to help my cousin cause he has not had a easy life with losing his mom when he was very young an dad being in prison for all of his life so hes had to take care of himself an this was his dream to race this year....

My name is Justin Vaughn if ya wanna contact me or text me at 606-682-8969 for any info or anything if ya can find it or what.. thanks

if anyone can please post this anywhere you can an the pics... craigslist an other forums or local for sale forums anything we really wanna get this back for him its bout all of his hard earned money he is only 17 an really will appreciate anyones help

the 450r is not hard to miss its very bright an one thing that stands out is the axle carrier has big gouges in it cause of chain popping off.. ill try to get more details on it but the pics will help an thanks in advance..


01-15-2013, 12:07 PM
or email me with the subject stolen...
i will answer or text anytime of the day or night .. thanks again

Logan #34's Dad
01-15-2013, 02:29 PM
Well, that's gotta be the ugliest trx out there... just kidding. Where was the quad delivered to? I assume the guy communicated via that phone number? Maybe take the check to his local police department and see if they could fingerprint it by using the "superglue" method.... i'd guess this is not the guys first go around.
It will probably be parted out but those colors should stand out for a Honda....
He needs to report it so the vin number can be put into the stolen vehicle file for the computer that the police use....

01-16-2013, 06:22 PM
That is actually my old quad, I know it piece by piece, frontwards and backwards, still has my graphics, name, number and all on there...I'm from Ohio and ill be sure to be on the look out for it or any of the parts and let you know if i see any.

01-16-2013, 06:46 PM
Hey I am posting a link to this on my FB and on our Georgia/ alabama race website georgia quad racing is a tight group and we dont have many places to ride so maybe it will pop up

01-16-2013, 07:21 PM
I'm posting it as well

01-16-2013, 08:46 PM
This is awful.

Hopefully the police can help on this one?

01-16-2013, 09:10 PM
Good for you on linking pics...

I just quoted you and reposted on a couple other forums for you which posted pics and all!

01-16-2013, 09:42 PM
Thanks everyone I really appreciate it an hope somehow it will pop up ...

01-17-2013, 09:17 PM
Im about 30 min from Cleveland and to all the local races and know a lot of the guys out here ill keep a close eye out for u if its around here im sure it will.pop up. I will also keep a look out for any of the parts just im.case of a part out. Sorry about the bad luck

01-17-2013, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Flyracer219
That is actually my old quad, I know it piece by piece, frontwards and backwards, still has my graphics, name, number and all on there...I'm from Ohio and ill be sure to be on the look out for it or any of the parts and let you know if i see any. if you don't mind me askin what color powder coat is that?

01-19-2013, 06:49 AM
I actually just had it painted after I spent about $300 and a couple months worth of time finding someone that would and could sandblast the two layers of powdercoat off that were already on it, but its sherwin williams paint the blue is call surfs up and the green i dont remember the name exactly but it is one of the barrett jackson collection colors.

02-06-2013, 03:01 PM
Any news? so did he mail a money order and had someone pick it up?

if thats the case then i imagine its overseas by now. guy tried to scam me like that on a YFZ450 motor awhile back. i ran the numbers on the cashiers check and routing number matched but account number didnt. thats why it takes 2 weeks to come back bad.

ill keep searching allofcraigs.com for anything similar. maybe we can find it.