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View Full Version : honda 5 year warranty

12-14-2012, 03:42 AM
I bought my 400ex new in february 08, when i bought it they offered me a 5 year factory warranty for a decent price (dont remember the exact ammount). They said if it went unused, after it expired they would pay back the money to me. It sounded like a good deal and i havent used the warranty. it is coming close to that warranty expiring and am wondering if anybody else ever heard of this or used it and what my chances are of actually getting that money back. I'm betting i dont see it and the salesman was just BSing me, but I guess i will see.

12-14-2012, 07:53 AM
did you sign the contract that said this or was it just words by mouth??? id say if its a contrct you will get it or about have to, but idk never really heard of that....

12-14-2012, 09:13 AM
its like pulling teeth to get honda to cover warranty jobs.....or at least for me it always has been. Id say your fighting a loosing battle gettin cash back but i could very well be wrong

Aarons 01 400EX
12-20-2012, 07:04 AM
I bought my 08' 400ex in March of 2010 and I was offered a similiar warranty. I bought the warranty and have all the paperwork that went along with it.

12-20-2012, 04:54 PM
Just a guess here, but I'd bet that warranty isn't actually offered by Honda. It's probably an outside company.

12-23-2012, 02:04 PM
I had a warranty on a dirtbike I bought in 01, it was 5 years or something. I was a moron and got it. I found out later, that the limitations on it were alot. You had to keep the bike all stock, even down the air filter. That is just to start, all maintenance work has to be done by a honda dealer, no aftermarket accessory parts, jetting has to stay stock, only honda oils/chemicals to be used in it. And even better, when the bike is in for warranty service and the bike is looked at, if it looks neglected or not performed properly. They will reject it. It has happened before, a set of wheel bearings can cause a head gasket to not be honored. Installation of a aftermarket radio can/will cause a defective front wheel hub not to be warrantied, true story, it happened to a old friend of mine.