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View Full Version : Pine Grove Pa "the Flying Dutchmen" Harescramble

03-12-2003, 12:28 PM
this weekend, 3/16/03 rd. 3 of the D6 harescrambles.

4-5 mile wide open harescrambles course, no hills, lot of jumps, 1 hour 15 minutes long. lot of mud!!!!! expert classes pay cash. and there are B and C classes.

the thumpers are flooding the race scene, the 4stroke A class had 18 riders Feb 2nd. the 2 stroke class had its usuall 5 or 6.

COME ON OUT WITH THOSE R's AND BANSHEE'S...... give a run at Borich, Hertz,Smiley, Lucas and all the other fast D6 racers.

We have had 4 strokes win the overall the last 2 races!!!!!!!

thanks for the time,


03-13-2003, 07:08 AM
Cmon it'll be in the 50's this weekend

03-13-2003, 07:10 AM
i may pop in....our Z is havin the tranny rebuilt so no racin for us:grr

03-13-2003, 07:30 AM
REBUILT OR REPAIRED???? What happened???

03-13-2003, 07:32 AM
we are pretty sure he tore up the reverse gear right after the first turn pile up. he nailed reverse and cleared the jam up . after the race we heard that mofo makin some evil noises:(

the national quad is almost done...he should have it ready by this weekend but we will need some breakin time before NC

ex kid
03-13-2003, 02:09 PM
is it all on the track or woods cause all the pics i've seen have been on a track

03-13-2003, 05:42 PM
its more like a track in the woods in places, its all wide. no slow turns through tight woods, an mx set up would be fine. the reason non of the top guys there run mx setup is cause the all run the GNCC also and for that u need to be stk width.


ex kid
03-16-2003, 11:10 AM
who else went to the dutchman race today. i saw hertz and borich there, they both had problems and got dnf's so this other dude won but i forget his name. i pretty sure i saw rick and traci cecco. j hughes was that you next to hertz's trailer with the stock ex with the carbon fiber hood? i was there just watchin. next week i hope to tak emy bike up there and race the 0- 230 class

03-16-2003, 12:01 PM
So a mx setup with some XC tires will be ok on this track?
I think i will keep my razr 6ply tires i got and run some hairscambles on this track later in the year.


ex kid
03-16-2003, 12:08 PM
yea razars would be good be if you got cut plastic that is gonna suck,cause of all the water and mud, otherwise a mx setup would be cool

03-16-2003, 02:12 PM
Hmm i checked the dmans site and they don't run that many hairscrambles. WHat other D6 hairscrambles will i be alright running with my mx R with +2 aarms with +4+1rims with 22in razr 6ply and 20in rears, stock rear witdth, and full skids of course?


03-16-2003, 03:03 PM
How'd everyone do? We never made it there, Mike went out testing his 460 & the crank blew. What luck :( Oh well, better off happening while testing rather than on the GNCC track!


03-16-2003, 03:05 PM
i heard rick cecco crashed hard...i hope he is ok:(

traci was said to have taken 2nd overall:eek: you go girl:macho

borich dnf'd....and john bowers won...but i didnt catch what class he won

hey that sucks about the crank:mad:

03-16-2003, 05:03 PM
anyone hear if Rick is ok yet?

03-16-2003, 11:07 PM
I'm ok. Crashed pretty hard trying to pass on the outside line which was all 5" thick mud. I did this pass successfully with identical lines several times before, but this time I left off midway thru the turn and the rear locked up putting the quad and myself into a sideways barrel roll. So far the steering stem is trashed and motor will not turn over as we speak... I just dropped the quad off at ATV Addiction to have them go over it ASAP since I definately do not have the time to fix to motor by this weekend.

Traci did in fact take the overall at the Dutchman. Starting in the 4th row (4 Stroke B) and over 3 minutes back from the unoffical overall 4 Stroke A Class winner John Bowers! I do not have the numbers in front of me right now, but acording to our video tape of the starts and finish Traci captured the overall by 16 seconds. Several people had problems with the wet conditions - but Traci's quad never skipped a beat and she looked increadible fast out there with many people wondering who was the little guy on the Z400 tearing it up???

03-16-2003, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by 465Stroker
I'm ok. Crashed pretty hard trying to pass on the outside line which was all 5" thick mud. I did this pass successfully with identical lines several times before, but this time I left off midway thru the turn and the rear locked up putting the quad and myself into a sideways barrel roll. So far the steering stem is trashed and motor will not turn over as we speak... I just dropped the quad off at ATV Addiction to have them go over it ASAP since I definately do not have the time to fix to motor by this weekend.

Traci did in fact take the overall at the Dutchman. Starting in the 4th row (4 Stroke B) and over 3 minutes back from the unoffical overall 4 Stroke A Class winner John Bowers! I do not have the numbers in front of me right now, but acording to our video tape of the starts and finish Traci captured the overall by 16 seconds. Several people had problems with the wet conditions - but Traci's quad never skipped a beat and she looked increadible fast out there with many people wondering who was the little guy on the Z400 tearing it up???

glad your ok, sux about your bike though.

congrats to tracci:D

03-17-2003, 01:17 AM
Hey Rick,

Glad you're ok. Great news about Traci, that's really impressive! Give us a call if we can help you guys out with anything.



03-17-2003, 01:43 AM
Here's a picture of the beast!

03-17-2003, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by 465Stroker
Here's a picture of the beast!

sorry for the stupidity but is that a suzuki or kawi????i saw u guys at the first d man race and i thought tracci was on a green kawi.
also are those pep shocks on there?what model, and how does she like them, i know pep is more popular with the mx'ers


03-17-2003, 04:19 AM
Here's a picture of the beast!

Glad to hear your a survivor of the barrell roll, but the way you said bad news had me thinking otherwise.

Now lets put the green plastics back on that quad so we dont have to look real close to see its not a Honda :rolleyes:

03-17-2003, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by quad041
sorry for the stupidity but is that a suzuki or kawi????i saw u guys at the first d man race and i thought tracci was on a green kawi.
also are those pep shocks on there?what model, and how does she like them, i know pep is more popular with the mx'ers

Traci has 2 identical quads - 1 Kawasaki and 1 Suzuki. Everything is identical on both.
The quad she ran at the Dutchman was her Kawasaki that we have had for a while now to use for districts and practice - Same quad as pictured above. You would have been confused though because we put the Kawi green plastic on it for that race since we knew it was goin to be ugly out.
PEP's are working awesome as usual. We have run PEP's for 4 years now with absolutly no complaints. Wayne has some very trick items comming out for the Z including a 5mm and 8mm extended link to take out the initial dampening spike that the stock link has.

03-17-2003, 05:24 AM
Rick sounds like we had identical weekends..i crashed about 4 times..hairline fracture in my thumb..puking blood from a ulcer that decided to show itself for the first time during the race and after...very long ride home with an upset stomach like that..and I spent 4 hours in the ER this mornging..woo hoo :ermm:

Ohh yeah..i trashed my steering stem too...I hit a tree so hard I bent the bracket at the bottom of the stem that the A-arm tierods end connect too..:eek: i don't know what other damage there is to the quad but i look like i got drug behind a pickup truck on a gravel road from all the abrassions on my body..:ermm:

03-17-2003, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by 465Stroker
Traci has 2 identical quads - 1 Kawasaki and 1 Suzuki. Everything is identical on both.
The quad she ran at the Dutchman was her Kawasaki that we have had for a while now to use for districts and practice - Same quad as pictured above. You would have been confused though because we put the Kawi green plastic on it for that race since we knew it was goin to be ugly out.
PEP's are working awesome as usual. We have run PEP's for 4 years now with absolutly no complaints. Wayne has some very trick items comming out for the Z including a 5mm and 8mm extended link to take out the initial dampening spike that the stock link has.

what model pep's are they?zps, limited mass, or just race?do they have comp, rebound, and ride height adjust??

03-17-2003, 06:13 AM
PEP ZPS with Compression, Rebound, and Ride Height adjustments front and rear.

03-17-2003, 06:18 AM
Originally posted by 465Stroker
PEP ZPS with Compression, Rebound, and Ride Height adjustments front and rear.

thanks for the info,
i have pep zps on my mx bike and wouldnt trade em for anything,my xc bike has l/t elka's on it and im very happy with them but its nice to know that pep makes a good xc shock too, just in case, :D
look foward to seein you guys at the rausch national.

heres my xc bike now(the yellow one), i was at the first d man race but it had black cut front plastic on it, big mistake, lol

03-17-2003, 06:30 AM
Originally posted by Rico
Rick sounds like we had identical weekends..i crashed about 4 times..hairline fracture in my thumb..puking blood from a ulcer that decided to show itself for the first time during the race and after...very long ride home with an upset stomach like that..and I spent 4 hours in the ER this mornging..woo hoo :ermm:

Ohh yeah..i trashed my steering stem too...I hit a tree so hard I bent the bracket at the bottom of the stem that the A-arm tierods end connect too..:eek: i don't know what other damage there is to the quad but i look like i got drug behind a pickup truck on a gravel road from all the abrassions on my body..:ermm:

Sorry to hear that, seems like you've had some bad luck this year.
Hope you got some good pills from the ER.

Rick, hope everything is okay with your quad, and Traci is a beast, must be the lighter people can just glide over the mud or something.

03-17-2003, 06:43 AM
good to hear your ok, wrecking sux :grr , get em next race, way to go traci

03-17-2003, 06:49 AM
puking blood from a ulcer that decided to show itself for the first time during the race and after...

Better switch to light beer :D :rolleyes:

ex kid
03-17-2003, 08:17 AM
yea traci was flat out haulin she was faster than most of the guys there. i didn't see rick crash. where was it? i was talkin to hertz after and he said over twoards the gate it was all ice and borich hit a tree. i saw alot more breakdowns then crashes up there

Ex'r Marlin
03-17-2003, 10:11 AM
WOW... sounds like the Flying Dutchman race was very eventful!

Sorry to hear about your crash Rick. I assume you are ok? Hopefully you will be back in the saddle shortly!:)

Big congrats to Traci! BTW... I too thought she had a Kawi at the first race.:) I am soo glad I don't race the B class!... I will stick with the C class. I have too big of an ego to tell people at work that a "girl" beat me!

Sorry to hear about the blown crank Trish! Wow.... What a bummer!:(

Hey Rico... Sorry to hear about your mishap. Feeling any better? Hopefully you too will be "back in the saddle" soon. Bleeding ulcer, huh? That too is something I can relate to.:(

03-18-2003, 02:10 PM
Hey guys! Thanks for all the support. I have been racing at the Flying "D" for a couple of years and it is a great feeling to accomplish another one of my racing goals.

Thanks again,

03-19-2003, 05:12 AM
great job tlc! you and rick ever come up to new york to race?

03-19-2003, 02:46 PM
New York- We never went to a race there. Would like to:) .

03-20-2003, 04:05 AM
our first race is 4/27/03 at fasset, pa. its just south of elmira, ny. i know zracer was up to one last year with chris borish. check us out at www.wnyoa.net. it shouldn't be to far for you guys if you live in north east, pa.