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11-17-2012, 03:35 AM
After the monster cup and the mx of the nations looks like Barcia fits well on the 450 I think he will win a few if he can stay healthy. Reed looked looked be faster than he's ever been right before he got hurt I hope to see him up there contending for the championship. Im on the anyone but Villapoto ban wagon! The guy can ride im just not a fan of his.

What's ur guys on the '13 sx season?

11-17-2012, 05:51 AM
Im a Reed fan as a top choice. Dungey fan for his laid back uncocky attitude that lets his ride do the talking and im really taking a liking to Barcia..Obviously he is fast and he give me the impression he has the old school outlook. "Im here to win and I dont care who i make mad or how i look doing it as long as it gets done" haha.....Ive been slacking on keeping track.......Windham riding this year???? Indy SX just wouldnt be the same without a transfer

11-17-2012, 07:18 AM
Im a all out barcia fan, I think he is going to really suprise everyone this year, and hopefully give poto a run for his money.Dungey also looked really good at the monster cup other then his shifting problems. I just wonder if stewart is even gonna make the effort to race this season.....

11-17-2012, 08:21 AM
I'm so excited! Sounds like Wilson was supposed to be on Jeff ward, then switched to factory Honda according to his twitter.

Dungey, I want to win. Just like him. But RV is SOOO fast, I think he might take it. Can't count out anyone really... Except Stewart

11-17-2012, 08:21 AM
I'm so excited! Sounds like Wilson was supposed to be on Jeff ward, then switched to factory Honda according to his twitter.

Dungey, I want to win. Just like him. But RV is SOOO fast, I think he might take it. Can't count out anyone really... Except Stewart

11-17-2012, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by rf928
I'm so excited! Sounds like Wilson was supposed to be on Jeff ward, then switched to factory Honda according to his twitter.

Dungey, I want to win. Just like him. But RV is SOOO fast, I think he might take it. Can't count out anyone really... Except Stewart

I dont think Wilson has signed anywhere yet.

Why can you count Stewart out? Hes off that yamaha and on a bike he actually seems to like. He was killing it at the beginning of outdoors till he injured his hand. What happened to him that counts him out of the championship?

11-17-2012, 11:35 AM
my two cents on why everyone counts Stewart out is he rides over his head...which does mean he is faster than everyone else when luck is on his side and he doesn't wreck. History shows you can't ride over your head all the time and think luck will be on your side...certainly not for a whole season.

A consistent rider like Dungey could ride faster and be on par with Stewart if he were willing to risk more wrecks...which would happen. There is only so fast you can go on a motorcyle and Stewart pushes that to the point of failure.

All that said, I like when Stewart is out there. He is the excitement factor that nobody else brings...win or lose.

11-17-2012, 12:52 PM
I just dont see how people can count someone out who has won so many championships.

11-17-2012, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by 300ex_#387
I just dont see how people can count someone out who has won so many championships.

Stewart? When was the last time he won a championship?

11-17-2012, 03:38 PM
I didn't forget about Stewart just didn't bring his name up. If he can keep it 2 wheels he will no doubt be a threat for the win or podium. Just seems like he has a hard time doin that.

I sure hope Windam rides this season he's probably my favorite other than Reed, I seen an article where Windham had a wreck at the cup and sidelined him for that race but it looks like he will be on a geico honda again. Im ready for Anaheim 1 now it will be interesting to see how everything unfolds.

11-17-2012, 04:36 PM
Ok, I was wrong about Wilson, looks like he has yet to announce who he is officially riding for. Who knows!

Stewart just crashes. He was pretty fast the first races of the year, but after that, how many times did he crash? Not being mean or trying to make people mad, just saying that I'll be VERY surprised for him to make a threat to win.

11-17-2012, 05:45 PM
Stewart is and always will be my favorite rider but I have almost lost all my faith in him being a serious contender. It's just like he doesn't know what to do when he's not putting 3 seconds on everybody every lap. I'll still pull for him but I'll be pulling for Dungey this year too. After seeing how he rode at MEC while shifting with his hand, made me an instant fan. I always pull for Canard too but he can't seem to avoid bad luck.

11-17-2012, 06:41 PM
poto was always my favorite untill this last monster cup when he gave up like a little puss and didnt race cause of a small crash ...

11-17-2012, 08:09 PM
im also on the anyone but rv wagon, dont know why but i just dont get pumped to see him win, guess i just dont care for him

would like to see barcia, reed, dungey, anyone really. i just like good racing. when two or three top guys are switching positions every turns, and side by side through rythym sections, friggin awesome

and i know stewart has his haters, and plenty of reason to. but i would still love to see him get in gear and start winning. would be great to see him beat rv straight up with no crashing

and maybe a round where everything works out to where windham gets a win(if he's racing) that would be sweet

11-17-2012, 11:27 PM
I just hope everyone is still healthy by the Indy round, usually only two top riders left by then. This is going to be the best year ever as far a competition RV, CR, TC, JS,RD, and JB any of those six can win on any given weekend, and that's not even mentioning KW, Wilson, Tomac(450?)

What about RCH racing??? ricky RC4 and Carey Hart they are putting together a fast team, going to be a great year.

Too bad we didn't have this $$$$ in quads we'd have just as many good riders competing, oh well....

11-18-2012, 03:43 AM
Originally posted by skyeryder
I just hope everyone is still healthy by the Indy round, usually only two top riders left by then. This is going to be the best year ever as far a competition RV, CR, TC, JS,RD, and JB any of those six can win on any given weekend, and that's not even mentioning KW, Wilson, Tomac(450?)

What about RCH racing??? ricky RC4 and Carey Hart they are putting together a fast team, going to be a great year.

i think tomac is staying on the 250 for one more year. he may show up to run a few if someone is injured

RCH only has broc tickle from what ive read and will probably have 2 bikes next year. id really like to see them pick up metcalf. it be weird seeing him on something other than suzuki

11-18-2012, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by zyoung04
i think tomac is staying on the 250 for one more year. he may show up to run a few if someone is injured

RCH only has broc tickle from what ive read and will probably have 2 bikes next year. id really like to see them pick up metcalf. it be weird seeing him on something other than suzuki

I thought RCH maybe had Hansen also. Im not postive on that though.

11-18-2012, 06:15 AM
Originally posted by XCRacer236
Stewart? When was the last time he won a championship?

2009. The year before the reverse engine yamaha came out. This will be his first SX season not on that bike since he won his last championship.

11-18-2012, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by 300ex_#387
I thought RCH maybe had Hansen also. Im not postive on that though.

Guess I was a lil off after some reading I found this


11-18-2012, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by 300ex_#387
2009. The year before the reverse engine yamaha came out. This will be his first SX season not on that bike since he won his last championship.

Gotcha. I couldn't remember.

11-18-2012, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by 300ex_#387
I thought RCH maybe had Hansen also. Im not postive on that though.

Josh Hill is the other rider and it sounds like he has his speed back....

11-18-2012, 08:35 PM
Hansen isn't on the team anymore. He doesn't have a ride right now.

11-19-2012, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by 01boneless
poto was always my favorite untill this last monster cup when he gave up like a little puss and didnt race cause of a small crash ... It seemed like he hit his head pretty hard in the interviews afterwards. For a race that doesn't mean anything I don't blame him for not racing.

12-30-2012, 12:23 AM
Next weekend!

I can't wait im ready!

01-02-2013, 05:13 PM
3 more days folks! :D
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BoTha-S1leU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

01-03-2013, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by 01boneless
poto was always my favorite untill this last monster cup when he gave up like a little puss and didnt race cause of a small crash ... agreed ! Some of these boys who starve the rider support are also getting too big for there britches too !
the latest video with Stew in it made me cringe.
what a punk.
alot of talent but its time for him to move on...

I'm a huge Carnard fan. I worry about his health now though.
last I looked short had no team this year ??
I smell drama with RV and Barcia. Lol

I started a thread not knowing this one was already started.lol
stoked for the new season ! I bought my monster cup tickets already. :)

01-03-2013, 02:15 AM
Im pretty sure short will be on the brooks/mcgrath honda again

And I can see barcia stirring it up with a lot guys this year haha. I think we almost need to someone like him out there