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View Full Version : Are Banshees alot of work?

03-12-2003, 07:39 AM
I was wondering if Banshees require alot of work? I have heard they require alot of attention, and you constanly have to work on them. Im either going to get me a Banshee or a CR125.

03-12-2003, 08:43 AM
Yes they are alot of work. There is two of everything on a banshee. 2 pistons, two carbs, two pipes. Lots of things can go wrong. I really don't reccomend them because of the "lightswitch powerband" meaning there is no in between "on and off the pipe"

A lot of the guys I race with also have problems with the throttle sticking WOT That's not good. I personally reccomend you stick with a 4 stroke motor as the 2 strokes are on their way out.

03-12-2003, 09:00 AM
If you keep up on maintinance like rebuilding every 2-3 years depending how hard you ride it, and you, lube the gussets every now and then, and change bearing like every 1-2 years(depends) they really arnt that bad for maintinance. I learned to ride manual on a modded banshee and I learned in a couple months, they really dont have a "light switch" powerband like everyone says, true the powerband is higher than most but if you give it some gas in low end it wont bog down(well adleast mine dosnt) and when you hit the higher r's, man!:eek2: .well thats my 2 cents-darren

03-12-2003, 09:03 AM
They can be just as reliable as any other machine out there. Just take care of it and it will take care of you!;)

03-12-2003, 09:48 AM
if you kow about engines or don't mind learning then get one, they require a bit of knowlegde cause you will definetly run into some problems with them. there good machines if you know what your doing though..just my .02

03-12-2003, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by speedy400
If you keep up on maintinance like rebuilding every 2-3 years depending how hard you ride it, and you, lube the gussets every now and then, and change bearing like every 1-2 years(depends) they really arnt that bad for maintinance. I learned to ride manual on a modded banshee and I learned in a couple months, they really dont have a "light switch" powerband like everyone says, true the powerband is higher than most but if you give it some gas in low end it wont bog down(well adleast mine dosnt) and when you hit the higher r's, man!:eek2: .well thats my 2 cents-darren

wow! change bearings every 1-2 YEARS?? i change mine every month and a half! lol.. im guessin i ride to hard..?

03-12-2003, 11:38 AM
all the guys I go riding with ride banshees. there isnt a week that goes by that one of their bikes doesn't break. some of the bike are just a few months old and they even have problems. there great if u wanna go fast but be prepared to come off your loot$ to fix them all the time.

03-12-2003, 11:40 AM
day POS's...:macho

03-12-2003, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by honda_250x_87
wow! change bearings every 1-2 YEARS?? i change mine every month and a half! lol.. im guessin i ride to hard..?
I havnt rode mine for 6-7 months, sorry I forget the number-darren

03-12-2003, 02:30 PM
There is a big difference between stock Banshees and piped Banshees when it comes to the "off, on " powerband. When you pipe that Banshee get ready to rev it and feather that clutch. The maintence problem, with all two-strokes, just gets worse when you pipe and port them. There is a price with performance. A riding buddy had trouble like the 5th trip out on his brand new, STOCK Banshee, there goes his weekend, sticking throttle. Next trip "what was wrong?" Dealer told him carbs. were dirty. Same trip a Raptor had some down time and a Blaster was down for the weekend. Does that tell you something? All the Hondas in the group were fine all weekend. Actually they are always fine.

lex luger
03-12-2003, 03:24 PM
i got one. i think its reliable.....like some guy said, all you gotta do its maintain it and its all good...

03-12-2003, 08:20 PM
my bro has one and i think that even though they require more care than 4 strokes and there are 2 of everything, they are well worth it. they are so much fun to ride. i would defineatly get one.

03-12-2003, 08:25 PM
Since these banshees are a lot of work, maybe you should just buy my 98 Cr125 thats for sale!! ;) :blah

03-12-2003, 08:28 PM
The only problems my Banshee have had are things that I created. Like solid mounting the Billet tail light and blowing bulbs, or leaving some old gasket on the clutch cover and making it leak. I think all of you say they are unreliable because you are used the 400 motor, and its low tech state. It is reliable because its low tech, and low horsepower. Yea, you have to mix your gas and change the tranny oil often in the banshee, who cares? Yea, a Banshee with Toomeys has a helluva powerband hit, but that is what makes them different from the rest. Mine has a gap of like 100 RPM's where it is between on the pipe and off. You can be rollin along in 3rd at about 5500 RPM's, then give it just a little more throttle, and your front tires are instantly in the air...while your leaning forward. You show me a 400, with the same front to rear weight balance as a Banshee that will do that...

03-14-2003, 06:00 AM
Banshees sound so kick @$$, I want one bad. I can deal with changing oil and mixing gas. But how much does it cost to rebuild the engine and stuff?? I was also thinking of a Cr 125, they seem sweet, but I like fourhwheelrs alot more. I would say that a Banshee is by far the baddest atv around.
Anyone seen Biker Boyz? What is the atv on the show, BANSHEE!! So they must be kick @$$.

03-14-2003, 09:16 AM
well I got mine bored at a local shop for like 20$ a peice, and pistons-64 a peice out of rocky mountain. Gaskets are 21$ and I'd recommend getting a manual(I have one) and doing th work yourself. so it'd end up being about 191$ to do it plus a few hours of work, it realy dosn't take too long to rebuild it, I got mine doen in about 2 1/2 days but it helped a lot that the guy that bored it likes atvers so he did mine 1st.:D -darren