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View Full Version : healing an infection.

10-05-2012, 12:13 AM
I got a wicked *** cigeret burn and damn the luck it got infected. The scab use to be dome shaped but now its curving inward like a hole and oozing brown pus.

Do you think i need to see a doctor or not?

I dont want to be over dramatic about a little scab so im just curious. Picture included for referance.

10-05-2012, 12:14 AM
Btw this was 2 weeks ago.

10-05-2012, 12:25 AM
Yeah you probably better.

If you don't get it taken care of right, you COULD end up having to have surgery.

So might as well get it over with.

10-05-2012, 01:03 PM
Meh, it's a burn, burns are usually always a pita when healing and take time to do so. To get all the pus, infection out soak it in warm water so the scab becomes easy to wipe away. Being a burn it is prob a second or 3rd deg from the looks. That is the hole you are seeing. Once you get the scab off see if any more pus can be removed, then clean it out, neo it, band-aid. No I am not a doctor but i play one on TV LOL. Seriously I don't think that needs a doctors attention.


10-05-2012, 02:56 PM
What a baby :P


Ask around to see if anyone you know has any silvadene.

If not after letting it sit in hot water , wipe it dry & clean it up with some anti bacterial creme.

then quit smoking cigarettes

10-05-2012, 04:23 PM
looks almost like mrsa or a staff

10-05-2012, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by selbygirl
looks almost like mrsa or a staff

HAY NOW!!! No need for them words. Im already worried. I've been pushing the pus out every other hour and its looking a lot better...by that i mean the goo went from brown to green and less of it.

By the way i dont smoke.

10-05-2012, 06:29 PM
Bleach, mix with water 50/50. It will kill the infection and dry it out.

Also irrigation with saline after bleach.

I once had a nasty deep cut from a machete I was using to chop up tree branches. I cleaned it with peroxide like crazy every day at least 2x a day. took FOREVER to heal but went away.

Might wanna try peroxide first before bleach.

10-05-2012, 07:13 PM
yea a daily peroxide cleansing would help but trust me nothing heals burns quicker and with less scars then silvadene.

10-05-2012, 09:42 PM
my wife had mrsa it sounds allmost the same they gave her antibiotics .. and told her to wash with warm water and use antibacteriel soap. or you have somtrhing in there and the puss is trying to push it out .like wen you get a splinter and it festers up and the puss pushes it out.. i had a lot of cuts and burns in my day never had brown or green stuff come out . go see a doc or talk to a pharmacist

10-07-2012, 03:38 PM
You don't want to use peroxide every day. While it kills bacteria and infections, it also kills healthy cells and prolongs healing. Same with rubbing alcohol. If you have an infection, by all means, use peroxide to kill the infection. But don't use it over and over and over.

I would recommend removing the scab (generally by soaking it in hot water) and cleanse the area really good with Peroxide, that should kill most of the infection. Then get bandages that will cover and seal the whole area, and put the bandages on with neosporin. Apply a new bandage and new neosporin once or twice a day, and that will take care of the rest of the infection.

I like to get bandages with adhesive on all four sides to seal in the neosporin and seal out the rest of the dirty world.