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View Full Version : getting into shape for high school football

09-26-2012, 07:18 PM
Alright guys. Im in my 8th grade year of school and would like to play football. I played inn little league, but tore a muscle riding bulls at the rodeo in 6th, which kept me from playing. That leg gave me trouble so long, imissed out on 6th and 7th grade middle school ball. I broke my leg riding bulls again, and missed out on 8th. The parents said no more bulls after the second injury :( so, healed up and legs are in good shape now. I want to play high school ball next year when i go to highschool. Im 5'11, 225 pounds. Im a farm kid, so i aint in to bad shape, but im far from good shape. Im definitly overwieght. I think id be good on the line though. Just looking for some advice on stuff i can do to get in better shape, lose weight, and build some muscle for high school ball because i know its hard work. Sorry forrambling on, but just need some advice. Some eating or diet tips would be helpful too. I preciateit guys

09-26-2012, 07:38 PM
I understand some people take football really serious, but dude I didn't do any type of training or nothing.

I started going to a new school my freshman year, so I didn't have to do 2 a days or nothing... Like 3 or 4 weeks into the season, I started playing.

Well my first day of practice was "running" day.

We had to run 25, two hundred yard sprints.

I kept up no problem, and I didn't do any type of training before hand.

Hope you like High School football more than I did.

Got way to serious for me. I don't take anything serious really though.. Makes a lot of people mad.

09-26-2012, 07:44 PM
Lots of cardio, you will be running ALOT. Practice, games, etc.

Also mix it up with some endurance and strength training and you will be fine.

I was a track guy tho, all we had to do was run lol.

09-26-2012, 08:12 PM
See thats a problem for me. Im slow! Never played any sports since i was little. I just needa do alot of cardio i think. And cody, i think i got winded just by reading about your 25 200 yard sprints haha

09-26-2012, 11:07 PM
Id run bleachers all day long if I were you. Mix it up, endurance and sprinting, walking too.

09-27-2012, 06:00 AM
squats, dead lifts, bench, military press, pull ups

HIIT (High intensity interval training).....look it up online cause theres a million ways to do it

09-27-2012, 02:22 PM
ive played sports and soccer is by far the toughest. ive been playing since i was 3. training for soccer is crazy and way worse than football

09-27-2012, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by HondaRacing83
ive played sports and soccer is by far the toughest. ive been playing since i was 3. training for soccer is crazy and way worse than football

Oh boy, people are going to get pissed over that one..

I have played both.. I didn't really think one was worse than the other.

Anyways back to the topic...

The training program I used to get into shape for riding, was very simple.

The running part anyways.. Every other day, for 1 hour, run 1 minute walk 1 minute... for an HOUR.

Then the next week, run 2 minutes walk 1 minute... keep doing that until you can run for a long *** time.

It works, but it is a longer process than some like to do.

I forget where I read that at.

09-27-2012, 05:30 PM
Soccer's tough but i remember lacrosse sucking, swimming sucks, running isnt tooo great. Only physical exertion i enjoy is some swimming/running, and anything that gives me a rush!

I'd reccomend a well rounded diet, LOTS OF WATER, and cardio. High heartrate and cardio is what will shed weight. Judging that you're a farm boy you prob do a decent amount of physical labor so i would worry specifically on building muscle right now, little might not be bad though.

09-27-2012, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by dxcody
Oh boy, people are going to get pissed over that one..

I have played both.. I didn't really think one was worse than the other.

Anyways back to the topic...

The training program I used to get into shape for riding, was very simple.

The running part anyways.. Every other day, for 1 hour, run 1 minute walk 1 minute... for an HOUR.

Then the next week, run 2 minutes walk 1 minute... keep doing that until you can run for a long *** time.

It works, but it is a longer process than some like to do.

I forget where I read that at.

Man ill have to give that a shot. I like that. Thanks for all the advice guys. Yawl are like a second family haha

09-27-2012, 07:28 PM
FWIW Im not sure how you guys get wore out while riding. Imean I ride the woods like a GNCC and feel fine lol. Maybe im just tough lol.

09-27-2012, 07:51 PM
You also ride the same places consistently right?

If I rode at my buddies house, where I grew up riding, I wouldn't get tired either.

09-27-2012, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by dxcody
You also ride the same places consistently right?

If I rode at my buddies house, where I grew up riding, I wouldn't get tired either.

This is true. I also wouldnt say Im all that in great a shape either.

09-27-2012, 07:58 PM
It all just depends too.. I mean Chris Borich.. He rides for like 5 hours a day, everyday. Pounding laps.

So a 2 hour GNCC is not all that much to him.

You ride every single weekend. You are used to taking the abuse! lol

09-27-2012, 08:01 PM
Riding doesn't take much out of me except when I ride like 12 hours a day for 4 days straight...that's tiring...And crashes are VERY tiring haha

09-27-2012, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by dxcody
It all just depends too.. I mean Chris Borich.. He rides for like 5 hours a day, everyday. Pounding laps.

So a 2 hour GNCC is not all that much to him.

You ride every single weekend. You are used to taking the abuse! lol

Every weekend pretty much for at least 4-6 hours on avg, maybe more it depends.

Area consists of:Sand, which is very hard to ride imho even with good tires. Hills, where b/c of the sand landscape can be hard to see if they drop off or slope down, jump/step ups, sandy trails, ALOT of whoops, some roads. Its like a giant GNCC course lol.