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View Full Version : Texas cross country racing?

03-10-2003, 05:49 PM
I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if there is any cross country races in texas. I was interested in getting in on it as a beginner with my quad.

03-10-2003, 06:03 PM
Check out this site: http://www.atvccs.com/

This series is just starting up this year, and it's the first CC racing for quads that I've seen in Texas. There is one in Oklahoma that is pretty big. Their site is http://www.occra.com/

If you think you might be interested in MX, check out www.tqra.com. We had our first series race yesterday and had over 170 racers!

03-10-2003, 11:31 PM
I thought I heard about some XC going on at Athens. Like the TCCRA or soemthing like that. I don't know if quads are allowed to race it though. If I have the right abreviation, the website is www.tccra.org

If thats not right, let me know and I'll find out what it is for sure.

03-11-2003, 06:27 AM
Originally posted by MxDale71
I thought I heard about some XC going on at Athens. Like the TCCRA or soemthing like that. I don't know if quads are allowed to race it though. If I have the right abreviation, the website is www.tccra.org

If thats not right, let me know and I'll find out what it is for sure.

I have some very good friends who race the TCCRA races, and there's no way quads will ever be involved in their races. They have too many bikes to also include quads. I wish they would though, because it's a well organized group, and would be good to get CC quads around here.