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View Full Version : home invasion brass knuckles

09-23-2012, 06:04 PM
I have to come on here to clear up this whole brass knuckle home invasion mess you guys love to always bring up. I pitty anyone that ever has you guys on the jury panel. You would already have the person guilty before the trial even begins. This whole home invasion mess has been pushed back for over a year and a half now by the other party. It all started with a huge land dispute than fanned off into this mess. If I really would have hit a lady in the face 15 times with brass knuckles then her face would have had more than a bump on her head. This lady rented a storage shed from my father and didn't pay for over 10 months, continued to come onto the property and harass that it is also documented by police. There is video footage and evidence of all this too. That is why it's still going on after a year and a half. That whole mess will be addressed to the public when the time comes. Lawyers are going to have a field day with this lady. I can't give more details right now because it's still in motion. Regardless, that case is not the issue right now. In today's society people with money continue to do the things they do to people because no one stops them. It's about time people start sticking together so these people don't continue doing this to others. Since this issue, you have no idea the messages I have been getting about how many other people out there this guy has done stuff to. The point was to stand up for what was right not to get a damn medal.

You guys state that I didn't get what I wanted. What was that? Your also just assuming because he has a dick that he is automatically right and that the woman had to do something wrong. I don't know what kind of women you are used to but I am not one of them. You also mention that I am not that good looking. What does any of this have to do with the subject that was addressed? if you want to get into the whole looks thing we can go there, did you guys see what this guy looks like and how he talks? Now why the hell would anyone want that? I don't care if your ugly, sexy, rich or poor, who would want that? You also stated why did I give my number out to him. He called me to sponsor ATV's Most Wanted project and then after that I became friends with him. You guys should also learn to go by facts and not he said she said because your also talking about me wanting his dick, again if you knew me you would be laughing right now. Guess I will post the article done in Curve Magazine on the whole dick wanting thing. I can prove everything I say. I have e-mails, texts, documents, photos, several witnesses from individuals and companies. Even after all that because you guys are still living in the world where females are nothing, the dick has to be in the right. The point to addressing this was not for a damn pat on the back but simple to do what is right and to show people that just because someone has money does not mean they can walk all over others. Trust me, I will probably pay for this but I will be damned if I will be walked all over by some pampered silver spooned rich vampire.

Out of all the men in the world, why is he so special that according to you people, I was in love with? Wow that guy must have a love spell or something. I am coming on here to address that just because I don't have a dick that it is not right for him to do what he did period and if I am the bad guy for standing up for what is right so be it then. I will be in touch also with everyone on this whole home invasion brass knuckle bull **** also......any other theories or questions you have I will be more than happy to answer.

09-23-2012, 06:37 PM
I missed something:huh

09-23-2012, 06:52 PM
i seem to have missed something also...

idk about you, but my brass knuckles go bang with a 40 caliber round coming out the end if someone tries to come in my house.


09-23-2012, 07:10 PM
Nope I get it, something to do with that ugly *** Blingstar quad.:chinese:

JAG Motosports
09-23-2012, 07:11 PM
susan parker responding to blingstar thread

09-23-2012, 07:12 PM
LOL after doing a bit of reading, i figured the same.


09-23-2012, 08:04 PM
Whats the point of brass knuckles being made of brass? Is there some *** kicking advantage? Personally I think those "sexy pictures" you included in your article were very unprofessional...Kind of a low blow.

I dont think either of you are right in this situation..

09-23-2012, 09:02 PM
Lets clear one thing up.

I was one of the ones saying "POSSIBLE" love story gone bad.

I will admit it.

It's not because you are female.

I wasn't sticking up for him!

I wasn't sticking up for you!

I just told everyone to quit jumping overboard because we don't know the FULL story.

You among all people should know... I mean, if he came on here and said his side of the story, should we believe it because he got here first?

That is how you are making it sound.

P.S. Wow you must enjoy saying, "dick"

09-23-2012, 09:04 PM
ooooookkkkkkkaaaaayyyyy??? :confused:

I coulda sworn we were saying he was wrong...werent we?