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View Full Version : I this place dead?

09-23-2012, 02:39 PM
Why is this place dead? come here 3-4 days week to check things out n find no goings on. feels dead to me. is every one on the other forum. concerned this place is going down the drain. what do you peeps think?

atv fan 28
09-23-2012, 05:28 PM
I spend the majority of my time on the other site. It seems to be getting slower and slower on here.

09-23-2012, 07:33 PM
Yea I would have to agree this place has slowed down. A lot more, in my opinion, seemed to be going on here earlier in the year from Jan-April and then things really slowed here over the course of the summer and now into the fall a little. Its slow in other forums on this site as well. Hopefully things start to pick up.:ermm:

09-24-2012, 01:00 PM
Lets see, why are people not on here.

Warm weather & people with quads or dirt bikes are spending time out riding them.

Some have race events to attend & spend several days & nights in traveling time to & from those events.

Older men or women married spend time with their familys some times, so that keeps them away from the computer.

Then you have the small percentage, that some times WILL NOT come on the computer for a while, because of all the bs they have to end up reading from some that complain all the time or keep going over the same subject over & over again like a scratched record. They just get tired of it & lay out a while, need a break from it all so that keeps them away from the key board.

09-24-2012, 01:15 PM
Neil..... :D

09-24-2012, 06:35 PM
Neil is spot on as always.

I prefer this site, tends to be a lot less BS over here.

09-24-2012, 08:33 PM
Unfortunately, it's not just the 250r section. While it's still one of the most popular tech sections with (in my opinion) the most diverse and knowledgeable set of regulars, the problem isn't just "here". The entire site just doesn't have the life it used to. The Open Forum use to average 20+ new threads per day and all the replies to keep it lively, now it averages about 3-4 new threads per day.

09-25-2012, 08:47 AM
I remembered something else might be keeping some off here, since Wilkins brought it up.

Internet service is not free, it has to be paid for to stay on line, & it might be some dont have the money to pay for internet service anymore, because of the high cost difference from owning a 4 poke from a 2 stroke.
Blow a 2 stroke ( well, if you can blow it up) & how much you got to spend to fix it.

Blow a 4 poke up :eek: its yours not mine & will be 4 times the cost involved to fix it.

Them 4 pokers doing just what the OEM factorys intended them to do, make you spend gobs of money keeping them running & filling OEM & engine builders pockets full.

09-25-2012, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Unfortunately, it's not just the 250r section. While it's still one of the most popular tech sections with (in my opinion) the most diverse and knowledgeable set of regulars, the problem isn't just "here". The entire site just doesn't have the life it used to. The Open Forum use to average 20+ new threads per day and all the replies to keep it lively, now it averages about 3-4 new threads per day.

The Open Forum is 99% kids posting useless threads and how they feel today and their newest video game.

09-25-2012, 10:29 AM
For me its just been a super hectic summer. I hope to get back on here more this winter. I built a new house sold our old house and I'm sitting in labor/delivery right now waiting for our second... I hope to get back on a couple builds and finish elsinore soon......

I still like this site better, less drama...

09-25-2012, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by troybilt
I'm sitting in labor/delivery right now waiting for our second...

A HUGE CONGRATS troybilt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-25-2012, 03:33 PM
Im here almost everyday... for most of the time I've been a member here. I just don't post much anymore. I usually hop on here around the same time everyday and everyday there are at least 6 to 8 topics that have new replies. The other site has a member that I don't get along with, so I don't go there.

09-25-2012, 05:35 PM
Yea dead here. the other place is hoping. just read 502 members on line on 09/23 on the other site. 6-7 people on here. how do we turn this place around?

09-26-2012, 04:43 PM
This site is better in my opinion. Way too much drama on the other site.

atv fan 28
09-28-2012, 10:30 PM
if the traffic were as heavy as the other site, there would be drama here to. Its just the nature of the beast. JMO

09-29-2012, 05:07 AM
I'm on here once a day, but usually don't have anything to say or comment on. The older you get.....the less you have to say I guess?

10-07-2012, 08:13 AM
Both sites have different personalities. Wilkin250r has more moderator power here than Neil does on the other site. ATV riders seems policed. Our good friend Carlos helps out on the other side.

Less drama here and were not discussing how good the 450 or Banshee runs. Even though I have always liked the smell of bean oil

10-07-2012, 11:38 AM
If someone is new to the 250R and they type that in google, the other site is the second search result that shows up. So that being said, .net will surely increase in new members faster then this site.

The other site is a 250R specific site right from the start, with it's different catagories and sub-catagories all devoted to the 250R. The forum itself is not a sub-catagory of a larger site, as is the case here.

As Pumashine also mentioned, Carlos is a very big asset on the other site. As infomative as anyone when it comes to the most complex stuff, but continues to help out the newbies with basic questions he's probably answered 10,000 times in the past. This is absolutely not to say others aren't as willing or as knowledgable, both here and the other site, but Carlos is the most vocal by far.

However, keep an eye on the other site. We have all seen good forums go down hill quickly anytime they become popular in a short time. It takes moderators to keep things in check, moderators that acutally care about the site who are on there daily and are given the power to do what needs to be done. Not to be "police" so to say, but just to move questions into proper forums, point newbies to popular "stickies", clean up foul language(Sorry. Yes we are all adults, but leave the profanities at the bar. We all know when you are mad, excited, super happy, etc. You do not need "sentence enhancers" on public forums.), and when a thread no longer is offering any useful info to anyone but entertainment for everyone else, close it. Because if you don't have moderators to keep stuff in check, it will get overrun with people that title posts like

"OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think my motor is shot what shud i do!!!!!!!!?????????!!!!!!!!!i have no money!You gotta read this.this suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then the regulars that made and continue to make the site great will eventually get tired of it and split. We have all seen it happen.

It takes work to run a good forum and help from good memebers. This is a great site and probably one of the first that had a 250R specific forum, but the other site is an entire site devoted to the 250R. Tough to compare the two.

10-08-2012, 08:16 AM
Good post Gapper, now if we could just get every member thinking the same, both sites would progress.

10-08-2012, 01:53 PM
Nope,censorship blows. We're all adults here, I'd like to be able to talk like an adult. I can't believe I can't write the word asss without an extra S on the end.

And there is nothing wrong with asking repeat questions. Because the search feature sucks. And frankly every question has already been answered, so in theory we could tell everyone to "go search". The people who complain about people asking "dumb" question are the real problem. If you don't want to help someone because you think the question has been asked too many times, or their question is dumb.... don't reply with "search for it". Everyone is a newbie at some point.

"OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think my motor is shot what shud i do!!!!!!!!?????????!!!!!!!!!i have no money!You gotta read this.this suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
There is nothing wrong with that thread topic. If you don't like it, don't reply to it. If you don't like how its written, then when you start a thread, dont' write like that. Simple as that.

IMO, the ONLY job a moderator should have is to move topics into the correct forum. We don't need baby sitters. Give the moderators power and just like everyone ever in the history of mankind who has gotten a little bit of power, they will abuse it.

The mods here are cool because they don't mess around with people here, they seem to be under control here.

10-08-2012, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by JackBrown1988
Yea dead here. the other place is hoping. just read 502 members on line on 09/23 on the other site. 6-7 people on here. how do we turn this place around?

502 members on line at once ? That sounds fishy to me. Anyone else agree ?

10-08-2012, 02:11 PM
right now there is 86 members and 329 guests online. So yea its fishy....

10-08-2012, 08:32 PM
Good post Gapper, now if we could just get every member thinking the same, both sites would progress.

Thanks Neil. I'm sure I speak for many(or anyone who has ever read a question answered by you) when I say you have helped the 250R community more then words can say.

just read 502 members on line on 09/23 on the other site

The 502 was actually memebers and guests. And I believe the statistics are kept track by vBulletin®. They are always at the bottom of the page.

10-09-2012, 06:49 AM
Well, my thing is, I want to keep the 2 strokes alive, what ever it takes to do that be it simple questions answered to doing stuff for folks to going somewhere & helping a friend out.

The plain truth is, you look at the racing world today, its not half the people racing that youst to be.
Economy has played a big part to do with that, but people will skimp some how or another on a bunch of things to get to a race. Theses 4 pokes though, it cant keep going on like its going, people just dont have enough free money to keep throwing in them to keep them running.

I've said this before & I'll say it again, everybody needs to remember Dec 7th 1941.
What happened on that day, because them ol boys across the big pond came over here & kicked our tails & the same thing is going on today in a round about way but nobodys paying it any attention.

We better get a heads up before its to late, start paying attention to what is going on around the world, instead of bickering with each other on here.


06-27-2013, 12:39 PM
Place dead. Yea dead here. the other place trx250r forum is hoping. just read 416 users on line on the other site. 84 membs, 332 guests. hahahah 5 people on here includs my arz. note to self. not fresh air, dead is dead.

06-27-2013, 01:57 PM
This site is better in my opinion. Way too much drama on the other site. Thats is correct. Consider the source