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View Full Version : GasGas 450

03-10-2003, 08:23 AM
Well I just wanted to let you all know that I got some things squared away and someone is interesed in the 463. So I went quad shopping over the weekend and came home with the GasGas 450! :D I should have pics online sometime today.

03-10-2003, 08:45 AM
Huh? So you made us believe you were selling your quad for some personel reason, why it was just to go by a different quad? I don't believe your deception:eek: Then you deciede to go with some silly thing called Gas Gas.

03-10-2003, 12:33 PM
please keep up updated on power/handling.... stuff like that

03-10-2003, 01:09 PM
I still have not got my dale dang it :mad:

03-10-2003, 02:29 PM
I can't wait for this. I wanna see a real pic not the ones in the mags...

03-10-2003, 02:46 PM
AWESOME! i wish i had one of them bad boys

03-10-2003, 02:59 PM
Gotta let us know how the gas gas performs....never seen one except in pics but it does look awesome....

03-10-2003, 05:44 PM
Sweet, those gas gas's are nice.... only single header....?

03-10-2003, 05:53 PM
which would win in a drag, the Gas Gas 300 or the Gas Gas 450 and top speed, the 300 is a 2-stroke and the 450 is a 4-stroke right?

03-10-2003, 09:40 PM
For some reason I am having trouble downloading the pics I will keep trying. Now to answer some questions. :D
My buddy has the 300 2 stroke, we ran them down the street to see which was faster. Even though I am not quite use to it yet he was a little faster, but we were very close. I think once I get on to it and it is broke in. It will be very interesting.
Yes it has only one header, dohc, and efi.
It handles like a dream! :devil It wants to go straight so the steering is a little heavy. Which it can be adjusted to help with that. It handles way better than my 463, then again it is 52" wide in the front! :eek2:
The power is hard hitting, it has a huge mid-range. Don't get me wrong it has plenty of bottom end but once it hits mid it pull even harder all the way to the top.
It is balanced, when you take off with the hammer down. It does not want to flip over backwards. The front end comes up slightly and it lanches. Now when doing this I was not on the best of surfaces, we have snow cover and frozen ground so I did get alot of wheel spin. On good dirt it may be different.
Now for the bad news. :(
It is very cold blooded. If it is below freezing it WILL NOT START! The dealer said that it can have the mapping changed to help that, like the C-dales. But would like me to wait until warmer weather to see if it gets better.
The handle bars suck big time. The bend is awkward (sp?) and are weak, they are already tweaked. The twist throttle has to go. They are already looking to a cable to replace it with, and different bars are on order.
I will see if I can get some pics up. :D

03-10-2003, 09:46 PM
Try again....

03-10-2003, 10:24 PM
Nice quad but i dont really like the muffler.

03-10-2003, 11:31 PM
wow....:eek2: how much?!?! :eek:

03-11-2003, 05:15 AM
sweet ride...:devil

03-11-2003, 09:54 AM
Very cool ride! :D Please keep us updated on your thoughts about it :)


03-11-2003, 10:43 AM
OMG!!! If there was ANY quad that I could afford to buy..It would be a Gas,Gas,:blah ...I may be trading my ride for a new quad today also...:cool:

03-11-2003, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by oynot400
The power is hard hitting, it has a huge mid-range. Don't get me wrong it has plenty of bottom end but once it hits mid it pull even harder all the way to the top.
It is balanced, when you take off with the hammer down. It does not want to flip over backwards. The front end comes up slightly and it lanches. Now when doing this I was not on the best of surfaces, we have snow cover and frozen ground so I did get alot of wheel spin. On good dirt it may be different.

sounds like a zilla, but you get wheel spin almost all the time :devil

03-11-2003, 02:18 PM
I found a pic of a 450 to!

03-11-2003, 02:21 PM
I hope it works!

03-11-2003, 02:30 PM
the 300 must go like stink same with the 450.

03-11-2003, 06:48 PM
Well I just got back from a ride around the neighborhood. I put a few more miles (or should I say kilometers :D ) I opened it up a little more tonight and got it up to 120 kph. Yes there is more there, I just did not want to hit wot just yet.
I tried a few starts tonight. The gravel roads was getting good traction tonight. 2nd gear, dropped the hammer and clutch. No wheelie, just wheel spin and accelation! :devil
It is running better each day. It got up over 40 today and it started right up. So the cold weather is an issue with the starting.
I will try a couple more pics.....

03-11-2003, 07:00 PM
Here is me on the trailer ready to go riding. :D

03-11-2003, 07:25 PM
how does it compare to your 463?

03-12-2003, 08:06 AM
The 463 is more responsive. But I think that the 450 has more power and speed. Handling, the 450 hands down is better. I have not ran them side by side yet, may be this weekend if the weather holds out. The neighbor bought a KFX400 and we were running them side by side on the gravel road. I would just run away from him. :eek:
I was talking with the dealer and he was not 100% sure but, he thought it was the 450 sold in the USA. :eek2:

300 gasgas
03-12-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by oynot400
The 463 is more responsive. But I think that the 450 has more power and speed. Handling, the 450 hands down is better. I have not ran them side by side yet, may be this weekend if the weather holds out. The neighbor bought a KFX400 and we were running them side by side on the gravel road. I would just run away from him. :eek:
I was talking with the dealer and he was not 100% sure but, he thought it was the 450 sold in the USA. :eek2: :( I am not sure where you went to school must have been south of 80.because your last sentence makes no sense.maybe you should find some on with a dale and compare the power and ride and let us know which on is beter ride for the money.

03-13-2003, 05:58 AM
Ok 300, I typed it that way so you people in West Liberty could understand it. By the way we did go to the same high school. :eek2: I can't wait to run it against your brothers C-dale. It sounds like a trip to Black River to me.
Now for the rest of the intelligent members on this site. What I was trying to type was. We think it was the FIRST 450 Gas Gas sold in the USA.

03-13-2003, 02:27 PM
Thats very cool. I don't wanna upset you but I have heard a few bad things about the Gas Gas. Go to ******** (http://www.********.com) , log onto the fourms in the GNC section and go to a thread called "Gas Gas a Joke Joke." Jorge Courtis wrote a few words on this quad.
Go over there and take a look. Maybe it will help you in the future :cool: .

03-13-2003, 06:15 PM
I expected someone to bad mouth them, they are new. I did not just jump right on the band wagon, I looked it over pretty close. I thought the frame was very well put together and I was impressed with the welds on mine. 52 inches wide may be too wide for GNC but it will work fine for me. If that is a problem then off set rims can be installed to bring it in.
With something new there will be things that come up. It is true in the ATV industry and every other product that comes out. Believe me I see it at Deere. Look at the Raptor and the tranny trouble for the '01. In '02 they fixed it, Honda had a few problems in '99 on the 400ex also.
I am not worried, if something happens. Then that is what warranty is for. :)

03-13-2003, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by oynot400
I expected someone to bad mouth them, they are new. I did not just jump right on the band wagon, I looked it over pretty close. I thought the frame was very well put together and I was impressed with the welds on mine. 52 inches wide may be too wide for GNC but it will work fine for me. If that is a problem then off set rims can be installed to bring it in.
With something new there will be things that come up. It is true in the ATV industry and every other product that comes out. Believe me I see it at Deere. Look at the Raptor and the tranny trouble for the '01. In '02 they fixed it, Honda had a few problems in '99 on the 400ex also.
I am not worried, if something happens. Then that is what warranty is for. :) True ..Any new model is going to have a few bad points even the best of machines do,and thats why I always buy a warrenty;)

03-15-2003, 03:39 AM
The gasgas 300 smoked the local TT competition! I was impressed. I would have thought that the modified R's would have held up better to a stock gasgas.

03-17-2003, 11:00 AM
What does one of those bad boys go for? It is really nice looking and ive read alot of good things about them. Just not a big fan of the pipe thats on there but thats a real nice quad. Good Luck

03-17-2003, 02:26 PM
Well they are not cheap. List on it was $8900! :eek2: I did a little better than that. The 300 goes for $1000 less. I figured it a couple different ways. One was I have over $13,000 invested in my 463, both have good points but the Gas Gas is more machine and more value for the money. The other way was I could of bought a Moto 440 for $12,000, roughly. I think that is what it compairs to the most. It just seems to be the best quad out there for the money.
I think as soon as the race season starts these Gas Gas's will start to shine. I think that they will go over quite well. :D

03-18-2003, 02:46 PM
I got the 300hp, i would take the kickstart bolts out and put loctite on them, mine vibrated out, you might not have that problem being a 4 stroke with less vibration, even tho the 300 dosent vibrate too bad at all. anyway hope you like yours i love mine :)

03-18-2003, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by oynot400
In '02 they fixed it, Honda had a few problems in '99 on the 400ex also.
I am not worried, if something happens. Then that is what warranty is for. :)

What were the problems on the 400? Maybe I was a lucky dude...

03-19-2003, 01:00 AM
My kick starter bolt lasted about an hour. I am going to locktite it in the new one. Did you keep the twist throttle on yours or did you put a thumb on it?
I was told on the early 99's there was an oil pump problem. I am not sure what it was. Then there was the recall for the front brakes. It didn't sound like anything major.

03-19-2003, 11:50 AM
Pic pics pics let see some pics..:D

03-19-2003, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by oynot400
My kick starter bolt lasted about an hour. I am going to locktite it in the new one. Did you keep the twist throttle on yours or did you put a thumb on it?
I was told on the early 99's there was an oil pump problem. I am not sure what it was. Then there was the recall for the front brakes. It didn't sound like anything major.

Hmm...hope my oil pump is in good working order! :eek2:

03-19-2003, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Chef
Hmm...hope my oil pump is in good working order! :eek2:

Yeah mine too. I had heard the brake thing before I bought mine. I researched the He!! out of it since it was the first year - I actually found a couple of people saying that 2000's were a problem year because they changed manufacturing locations overseas for the 2000 model year, no idea if it's true or not, but I found it two different places? For all I know the first guy could have made it up - then the second guy just repeated it like I guess I just did :ermm:

03-19-2003, 03:09 PM
A friend of mine bought 2 of the 2 stroke models. He races XC and is narrowing one to Honda width. He's waiting on a arms and shocks at this time but you can see pics and read about it on his website : www.racingquads.com

03-21-2003, 02:20 PM
so did u get ur 463 n the gas gas side by side and how was it like lets see some action pics please lol....

Glow Plug
03-22-2003, 03:20 AM
awsome hope you like it, get some more pic's soon :)

03-24-2003, 01:17 AM
Well things have happened beyond my control. I took my 450 in for some warranty work, nothing big just some little things. They boxed it up and sent it back to Gas Gas! :( They would not give me much for details but they are having some problems with the motor. The dealer told me he was not comfortable selling it. Basiclly he told me that they released it too soon. It needs some more testing time. He did not want me to be unhappy with it. So he traded me out of it. Now I have the 300 2-stroke. It is the first 2-stroke I have ever owned. It is a little different to get use to, it got better when I put on my Honda thumb throttle! :D
I will try to get some more pics up later. :)

03-24-2003, 03:28 AM
so u had a problem with the 450... and when you brought it in they took it from you, and gave u the 2 stroke? what about ur money...? ur 1000 dollar diffrance between the machines.. are u getting the 450 back?

03-24-2003, 04:56 AM
man oynot if i was you i would be so mad. that 450 is way more trick than the 300!! at least you still have an awesome quad tho..i hope you'll let me take a spin on it at byron sometime this year lol

03-24-2003, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by Chanman420q
so u had a problem with the 450... and when you brought it in they took it from you, and gave u the 2 stroke? what about ur money...? ur 1000 dollar diffrance between the machines.. are u getting the 450 back? I am curoius about the same...:confused: Man, thats too bas that 450 was awesome:( or at least suppose to be..

03-24-2003, 05:04 AM
I was pretty upset, the 450 is way more machine then the 300 is. In my opinion anyway. That and I am more of a 4-stroke guy anyway. I will just have to get use to this 2-stroke power. It sounded like Gas Gas is going to recall all the 450's.
I liked the suspension better on the 450 also. It seemed a little more plush, I assume it has to do with the longer travel shocks in the front.
I will get to Byron some time this season. I just don't know when.

03-24-2003, 05:08 AM
I forgot to mention that I did get my money back, the difference anyway. The dealer was pretty cool about it. He seemed to be upset about the whole deal. He gave me several choices, I took the 300 for now. I told him when they get the 450's dialed in I want to trade up.

03-24-2003, 06:34 AM
Originally posted by oynot400
I forgot to mention that I did get my money back, the difference anyway. The dealer was pretty cool about it. He seemed to be upset about the whole deal. He gave me several choices, I took the 300 for now. I told him when they get the 450's dialed in I want to trade up. Well I you got your self a good dealerwho cared anough to make you a happy customer...thats good to hear you didnt get taken for a ride.;) keep us up to date on the putcome and if and when you get that 450 back... I wish I had to dough I would love one when they got all the kinks out..

03-24-2003, 07:02 AM
why did u have to bring it back in the first place

03-24-2003, 07:53 AM
It has a hydraulic clutch lever, it would fade to nothing as engine rpms would raise. Oil pressure would build against the slave cylinder of the clutch lever, making it feel like no clutch. They took apart the motor and found debrie blocking an oil passage. They would not tell me what but they did not like what they saw. They were not even going to put it back together.
I really hope they get it figured out, I really liked it. :(

03-24-2003, 08:35 AM
Very Cool. Get some More pics and more seat time on it and let us know how it works for ya..

Anyone have ideas on what Hp of these bad boys...?

Glow Plug
03-24-2003, 10:50 AM
really sucks that you don't have the 450 anymore :( but at least you got something that would smoke over 1/2 the quads on this site lol

03-24-2003, 11:06 AM
a late 02' gasgas hp made 42hp bone stock on gt thunders dyno. It suck you had to send the 450 back, i guess i am one of the few that would rather have the 2 stroke, you see alot more late 80's 2 strokes than late 80's 4 strokes :) mainly cause their cheap to maintain over the long haul i guess. anyway i used to work for John Deere to Oynot400, i remember you saying something about deere, and had the logo next to your name, unfortunately they closed our plan in jeffersonville, In. and moved operations to Turf Care in NC. bastids

03-24-2003, 11:07 AM
Well that sucks. Atleast your dealer was good about it. I would have to think twice if they wanted to do that to me though... what if they 450 does get put back out... Just a thought.